I have created a workflow that allows for staff to fill in an empty field in a list item through a Workflow initiation form.
There's a good chance that multiple staff may try and enter information in the same list item at the same time, so I'd like to use my workflow to try and catch that, so people aren't overwriting each other. However, I'm not sure how to do the last portion....
If field is blank, do the workflow and continue to the SourceURL (a thank you page); [got it]
Else (if field isn't blank), advise that this item has already been filled out, and to choose another.
Any advice?
SharePoint automatically does concurrency checking and will prevent someone from updating a list item if it has since been updated by someone else. This has nothing to do with workflows.
I created in SharePoint a list. It has several columns, one of these columns is called assined to. It contains one or more person.
What i want, is that an email is send to the new person/s, if a new person is added to this column.
Now i searched a little bit, and found out that I should use Workflows to solve this problem. But the problem is the Workflow is started only automaticly if any changes are made in an element or when an element is created.
So my question is, is theire a possibility to trigger an email by content changes in a specified column.
By the way im working with a list in SharePoint 2013.
One way to accomplish this is to use an additional column on the list to track the previous assignment. Whenever an item is modified, the workflow can run and check the Assigned To field against the new Previous Assignment field. If they are different, the workflow can send the email and then update the Previous Assignment field to be equal to the current Assigned To value.
You can make the Previous Assignment field hidden from forms in the content type settings so that it won't be visible (and confusing) to users.
Yes, this would work. You would need to create a condition which checks on every change which is made to the item if the field "assigned to" is filled.
Here is nearly the same requirement at the MSDN Forums:
I have a simple calculated column in my SharePoint 2010 list. It takes the list item ID, adds 100 to it.
When my users are creating items in the list, the calculated column does not get updated unless I go in, edit the column (do nothing) and save it. It, in fact, gives all items a value of 101 unless I manually edit the column.
Is this typical or is there a work around for this issue?
Thank you!
It is not possible to create calculated column based on ID value. The Id of the item is created after the item is added to the list.
You should use workflow instead.
The problem with using a workflow to do this (as per the accepted answer) is that workflow can take an appreciable time to execute. So you cannot create the ID until AFTER the new item is saved and there is always the danger that simultaneous users can create ID clashes that you also have to handle. If the workflow (as on a busy system) takes several minutes to work, you can also get the problem of someone else editing the item before the workflow has finished which may cause the workflow to fail leaving the item without any ID.
As an alternative, you might consider using JavaScript in the NewItem.aspx page to lookup and increment a counter from a separate list. Note that you have to update the counter as you read it if you are doing this so as to ensure that other users don't accidentally get the same ID if creating entries at the same time. This means that you must not mind the counter incrementing even if a user subsequently cancels the new item without saving.
As you noticed in opening/saving an item, The Calculated Column is updated on every item change.
Does it work to have a Workflow read the Title and write (the same) Title?
The [ID] reference in the Calculated Column should be set.
No need for an extra LookupID column then.
I have a document library that has a set of douments in it and I'd like them to be ordered in the library/view in a user definable way. So ideally I'd like to add a DisplayOrder or Priority column and have this set by the users. Each number in this column MUST be unique and should update other items in the list when a user "inserts" a document in the middle of the order or changes the order in anyway.
The only way I can figure doing this is to run a workflow that does the grunt work, but was hopeing that there might be an easier way.
This is all on MOSS 2007.
Thanks for any suggestions.
Other than workflow, you can have a event handler too. I don't think there is no way to force uniqueness in MOSS 2007 other than custom code.
We've created a pretty standard issue tracking system based off of SharePoint's template with just a few extra columns. On the list view (AllItems.aspx), the first column is called "Issue ID" and has a number. Our developers and QC use that number in discussions. However, that number doesn't seem to want to show up on the detail form (DispForm.aspx) nor in the alert email.
Can this field be included in at least one of these communication methods? If so, how?
Thank you.
We did something similar and used workflow via SharePoint Designer to copy the ID field into a field called "Issue Number". The workflow gets triggered automatically on Create / Edit (we included edit because the field can be modified by the user on the edit form and if that happens we want the number refreshed with the actual ID).
Before you create the workflow in SharePoint Designer, you need to add a column called "Issue Number" to the list you want to tweak.
List item
Open Sharepoint Designer
List item
Click File New -> Workflow
Give a name for the workflow
a. select the list from the dropdown
b. Uncheck Allow this workflow to be manually started and check automatically start on new and change then press Next
Give the step a name like "Assign Issue Number"
Create a Condition
If Compare a field -> If Issue Number not equals Current_Item:ID
Create an Action
Update List Item -> Set Issue Number to Current_Item:ID
Press Finished and test out by creating a new issue.
*The Issue Number will appear on the form and if you have emails setup to notify on assignment it will appear in the reassigned template.
*It will not appear in the created email confirmation because the workflow gets triggered after that email was executed.
I just added the issue ID using a total of 4 characters. Create a new column, set it to a Calculated column, in the formula type [ID]. Voila! The ID is now in your detail view.
The ID link returned the for me, however, the work around which sufficed for me was to enter 'Created' in the Calculated Column formula and ensure it is set at date and time. That then creates a unique idenity (unless you receive more than 1 list update per minute) than can be viewed in the email alert message
Good Morning,
I have a Form Library on my SharePoint site. On my form I have a calculated string field that does basic math (field1 x 3). I'm looking to have some way for the form to recognize that the field was changed (when saved) and somehow set off a SharePoint alert.
I'm completely baffled as how to go about this, if anyone could help that would be awesome! Thanks!
Couple ways of doing this.
If you don't have programming access.
Create a new column, hidden if you want. In SPD create a workflow to run when a change is made. In that workflow compare the current value to the the that new column and if different then sent out email and copy the current value to this new column.
Or do the same thing in Infopath, if you have programming access, where when the form is opened you store the current value and when they save the form compare values and send out email as needed or set another column to sent out email and have a workflow do the mailing out.
If you have programming access to Sharepoint you could write your own handler to duplicate it, little more control.