Windows Phone get the Phone Number of an incoming call - c#-4.0

Is it possible to get the phone number of a incoming call and record it using Windows Mobile 7.0 or later versions. I have tried OpenNETCF.IoC(1.0.12221) but i could not find a way to do it.Wasted about 2 days searching for this.If somebody can help me out it would be a great help . Simply the app must be able to detect the phone number of the incoming call

No, it is not. There are no Windows Phone APIs for handling calls. Microsoft have supplied a deliberately restrictive set of APIs so that developers cannot interfere with the core phone functions.

Write it for Android and run it on Windows in a couple months. That's what most of the WP developers I know plan on doing. Android "intents" handle this scenario very well.


ExpanderView port for Windows Phone 8.1

I've started the process of porting over the toolkit version myself today and want to see if anybody has done this previously. I haven't been able to find resource off of the microsoft forums. I noticed one person has done this here or at least is part way into porting.
I'll update with specific technical difficulties as I go along.
Seems like something a lot of people would need to use in their universal phone apps since its a part of the design practices for wp development.

How to access silent/vibrate mode for windows phone using C#?

I want to identify the current profile of windows phone.Is it is silent/ring.How can I check it.Please give suggestion.
This is not possible with the current Windows Phone SDK.
You can vote for this API to be added to a future version of the SDK here: Extend the API to query phone volume and vibration settings, maybe even set them.
As of wp SDK 8 you can't, nor can you adjust the volume or view/change current profile.
see this link
You can do these sort of things with windows store apps so perhaps it will come with the blue.
Humm seems I took to long to post but as olivier stated its high on the wanted list
user1021583 have you thought about running back over your questions and marking answers? you seem to have a lot of questions and none are marked as answers

Switching off services in iOS

I'm using monotouch to develop an application and part of it requires me to be able to switch off the likes of the internet and texting. I've searched through the documents and can't seem to find how to do it without the user being asked (that part is important).
I can do it simply enough with Android, but not with iOS.
Is there a way?
No. Apple does not expose APIs to do this without prompting the user.

Windows 8/RT + Phone 8 app - sync data

Hi im developing a todo/reminder app for both Windows 8 (RT) and Windows Phone 8.
I want to enable the user to sync their todo-items between these two.
I know there is a roaming application data storage for Windows 8, but is it possible to access it from the phone?
Another idea i had was creating an xml file and uploading it to skydrive, but then i would have no push functionality :(
And there is also Azure which seems to be the most complicated solution..
What way is the best to choose?
Thanks for your help
You can use Live SDK (SkyDrive) and Windows Azure Mobile Services to accomplish this. The Live SDK will allow you to upload and retrieve items from SkyDrive and you can use mobile services for push notifications. Here is an example of what you want to do.
I know that the thread is a bit old, but it still pops up in search results. So, here's the answer.
I had exactly the same problem. So, I have developed a small library which does exactly that - synchronizing the data between Windows Phone and Windows Azure. Code is on GitHub and here is a nicely packed NuGet package. You could easily port it to WinRT and use SQLite as local data storage.
API is very simple. You just call methods to do CRUD operations and when you are done, you call SynchronizeAsync to synchronize data with WAMS. The synchronization goes both ways. In case of conflict, the latest copy gets the preference.
In the meantime Windows Phone 8.1 is released and it changes the answer to your question - today there are universal apps and they share the same roaming storage on both Phone and regular Windows.
You're going to want to use Mobile Services ( for this scenario. After you login at, grab the WinStore C# SDK and WP8 SDK. You're going to need to point both to the same SQL db and Mobile Service. Of course, if you need blob or table storage as well, that's supported. You'd just access those through scripts under the DATA tab.
To check out a production app that's already doing this, I'd point your to Slot Machine by the SeeSharpGuys.
Win Store:

How to access NFC Secure Element in upcoming BB10 handsets and platform?

Since straight Java development isn't going to be supported on BB10 (Am I right?), at least not without using the Android Java Runtime (which I don't want to use), I'd like to know if there will be official support and an official API from RIM for accessing and writing on the Secure Element of the upcoming BB10 handsets. I'm a developer who's considering the BB10 platform for developing an application which will need read/write operations on the Secure Element. Would that be possible? Would I be needing special permissions and/or keys from RIM?
Apparently there's not much documentation on the subject so far.
They have removed the SE on BB10 and left only the UICC...And we feel it's a good thing, as there were loads of issues with accessing the SE of a SIM
After some posting on other forums, I learned that there is indeed an API for accessing the SE in the upcoming BB10 platform. It was included in the BlackBerry 10 Native SDK (Beta 2). So far, it seems it serves my purposes.
Your best bet would be to go to the RIM issue tracker site, you can get access if you make an account at the BlackBerry Jam Zone. Submit an issue under the BlackBerry 10 project making the business case for what you want to do. They may be able to tell you what their plans are, but there is still some mutability in the road map if you can make a strong enough case.
