Command Line Tool to Disable PDF Printing - security

Does anyone know of a "FREE" command line tool that can lock a pdf from a user being able to print it. I need to be able to put this in a batch to loop through a folder and disable printing from adobe standard and reader. Is this possible to do it from command line with any tool?

First, pdftk:
You can use pdftk for (available for Linux, Unix, Mac OS X and Windows) to set an "owner password":
pdftk \
input.pdf \
output semi-protected.pdf \
owner_pw "supersecret"
Result is this, for example:
pdfinfo semi-protected.pdf | grep Encrypted:
Encrypted: yes (print:no copy:no change:no addNotes:no)
You can modify the command to additionally require a user password to open the PDF:
pdftk \
input.pdf \
output semi-semi-protected.pdf \
owner_pw "supers3cr3t" \
user_pw "s3cr3t"
You can modify the command to (selectively) "allow" other user actions:
pdftk \
input.pdf \
output semi-semi-protected.pdf \
owner_pw "supers3cr3t" \
allow ModifyContents \
allow CopyContents \
allow ScreenReaders \
allow ModifyAnnotations
Result may be this, for example:
pdfinfo semi-semi-protected.pdf | grep Encrypted:
Encrypted: yes (print:no copy:yes change:yes addNotes:yes)
Second, podofoencrypt:
Commandline example:
podofoencrypt \
--rc4v2 \
-o "supers3cr3t" \
-u "s3cr3t" \
--edit \
--copy \
--editnotes \
--fillandsign \
--accessible \
--assemble \
input.pdf \
Big, fat caveat:
You should be aware, that this way of 'protecting' PDF files is by no means super-secure. There are quite a lot of PDF cracker software utilities out there which easily un-protect your PDF files. This method is only a very basic means to prevent most noobie computer users to mess with your files.
In addition, see also
Third, qpdf:
in Martin Schröder's answer!

qpdf can do this:
qpdf \
--encrypt \
"user-password" \
"owner-password" \
40 \
--print=n \
-- \
infilename \
or even
qpdf \
--encrypt \
"user-password" \
"owner-password" \
128 \
--print=non \
--accessiblity=y \
--force-V4 \
--modify=form \
-- \
infilename \


Exclude directories from wget to create sitemap

Im trying to use a shell script to scrape a website to get a list of all pages. I found the shell script "Written by Elmar Hanlhofer" and it works well. However, I need to exclude directories and the documentation isn't working for me.
# Example, exclude files from /print and /slide:
# files=$(find | grep -i html | grep -v "$SITE/print" | grep -v "$SITE/slide")
I need to exclude a forum install located at /support (and all children directories) so I modify the code to be:
files=$(find | grep -i html | grep -v "$SITE/support")
However it is still scanning /support/directory/directory/ etc. How do I modify the grep command to exclude /support AND ALL CHILD DIRECTORIES?
I am very new to linux / unix commands, so I may not be expressing this correctly. Thank you.
The original script will download whole site, run find to filter out content you don't want.
The section related to wget is copied below,
wget \
--recursive \
--no-clobber \
--page-requisites \
--convert-links \
--restrict-file-names=windows \
--no-parent \
--directory-prefix="$TMP" \
--domains $DOMAIN \
--user-agent="$AGENT" \
To exclude support directory, add --exclude-directories option,
wget \
--recursive \
--no-clobber \
--page-requisites \
--convert-links \
--restrict-file-names=windows \
--no-parent \
--directory-prefix="$TMP" \
--domains $DOMAIN \
--user-agent="$AGENT" \
--exclude-directories=/support \
Read this answer if you want to have more control on directories.

How to convert curl into python

I am reading the instagram api , there is command of curl , I have been trying to read through what curl -F means, but somehow I am getting nowhere...
Appreciate if anyone can provide any insight on this topic.
curl -F 'client_id=CLIENT_ID' \
-F 'client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET' \
-F 'grant_type=authorization_code' \
-F 'code=CODE' \
-F is for --form, but for most curl tasks I will often enter the curl into a web converter.
Check out
Looks like there is a library that does it too, but I've not used it:

How to know how many arguments can be used for compiling vim totally?

My vim was compiled with the following configure.
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ \
--with-features=huge \
--enable-multibyte \
--enable-cscope=yes \
--enable-perlinterp=yes \
--enable-rubyinterp=yes \
--with-ruby-command=/usr/bin/ruby \
--enable-luainterp=yes \
--enable-pythoninterp=yes \
--enable-python3interp=yes \
--enable-tclinterp=yes \
--enable-gui=gtk3 \
--enable-cscope \
--enable-xim \
--enable-fontset \
--with-x --with-compiledby=$USER
How to know how many arguments can be used for compiling vim totally?
And almost same puzzle,how to know how many arguments can be used for compiling ffmpeg totally?
By what method?
Is there a sentence describing that there are xxxx arguements for compling vim such as ..... in some manul?
You can find the list of all arguments simply with the help command :
:help feature-list

Cropping a PDF with Ghostscript v7.07

I'm trying to crop a PDF that is purposely being output over sized since the program outputting it doesn't know the size of it's contents. On the FreeBSD system in question there is Ghostscript v7.07 installed. Based on the existing answer on another question (Cropping a PDF using Ghostscript 9.01) and adapting it to v7.07 documentation ( I've tried the below replacing the -o with -sOutputFile= since it doens't recognize the -o.
gs \
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite \
-c "[/CropBox [0 6785 433 7128]" \
-c " /PAGES pdfmark" \
-sOutputFile=testout.pdf \
testin.pdf \
and i've also tried
gs \
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite \
-c "0 6785 translate" \
-c "0 0 433 343 rectclip" \
-sOutputFile=testout.pdf \
testin.pdf \
My problem is that in both cases i just get the below message
**** Unable to open the initial device, quitting.
When searching for that error it mostly seemed to be due to the output file location not having write privileges or something similar to that, but that doesn't appear to be the case because I've chmod my folder to 777. The thing that drove me here is that if i remove the postscript command lines (-c) like below it outputs the testout.pdf file just fine (but obviously not cropped or translated to the correct position).
gs \
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite \
-sOutputFile=testout.pdf \
testin.pdf \
gs \
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite \
-sOutputFile=testout.pdf \
testin.pdf \
I thought maybe 7.07 simply didn't support those commands since it doesn't seem to matter what i put within the -c it always ends up giving that error if the -c is there at all, but it is present in the 7.07 documentation ( and it's not like it's giving me a -c is unknown error, so i'm at a loss. I figure I'm either doing something wrong, or there is something wrong with the ghostsciprt installation or it's dependencies. Any help anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated.
OK first off UPGRADE you are using a 13+ year old version of software.
Secondly, your command line is incorrect, you are using -c but you have not supplied the matching -f This means that everything after -c including the input and output filenames is being treated as PostScript.
Now a more recent version of Ghostscript would tell you that it needed an output filename, your incredibly ancient crufty version can only tell you that the device didn't open (because there was no output filename) which is why you get the misleading message.
Don't use -c twice, everything after -c (until -f) is treated as PostScript so you don't need to specify it twice.
I would expect this to work but since you are using so old a version I cannot be certain:
gs \
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite \
-c "0 6785 translate \
0 0 433 343 rectclip" -f \
-sOutputFile=testout.pdf \

Mailgun API cURL Using HTML, Does it accept head and body tags?

I am trying to send an email using Mailgun API through curl, I have an html email so all I did was change text to html from the sample given. I added my template but for some reason I notice it doesn't accept head and body tags, right?
I have the url with the newsletter please help me
Here on the documentation the sample code for sending with api:
I learned I had to use --form-string not just replace text with html. The example below is directly from mailgun, before they only listed the text version for sending mail.
curl -s --user 'api:key-3ax6xnjp29jd6fds4gc373sgvjxteol0' \ \
-F from='Excited User <>' \
-F to='' \
-F cc='' \
-F bcc='' \
-F subject='Hello' \
-F text='Testing some Mailgun awesomness!' \
--form-string html='<html>HTML version of the body</html>' \
-F attachment=#files/cartman.jpg \
-F attachment=#files/cartman.png
You need to specify the HTML payload to pass HTML, otherwise it will assume it is plain text.
curl -s --user 'api:key-3ax6xnjp29jd6fds4gc373sgvjxteol0' \ \
-F from='Excited User <>' \
-F \
-F \
-F subject='Hello' \
-F text='Plain text version of my awesome newsletter' \
-F html='<body>My awesome newsletter</body>'
Thank you for asking the question - it might not seem as obvious!
