Nesting data using D3.js (heatmap) - svg

So I am new to working with Javascript (especially the D3 library) and I am trying to do something not unlike the following example: In my case though each cell is the same thing a 4 x 4 grid with exactly the same scale.
So in my case the top level element is a plate. Each plate has rows and columns at the intersection of a row and column a value (a heatmap if you will). I able to create the proper plate elements; however, the data for ALL plates is present under each element rather than properly nested. I tried to attach an image so you can see that each "plate" is the same, if you look at the underlying document structure it is the same and essentially each rectangle is two overlaid data points.
In looking more closely at Mike's example (link above), it looks like he uses a cross function to help out with the nesting of data, I am wondering if that is where my code falls down. Thank you for any help you all can provide.
I have posted my code below
d3.csv("plateData.csv", function(data) {
var m = 20,
w = 400,
h = 300,
x_extent = d3.extent(data, function(d){return d.Rows}),
y_extent = d3.extent(data, function(d){return d.Columns}),
z_extent = d3.extent(data, function(d){return d.Values});
var x_scale = d3.scale.linear()
.range([m, w-m])
var y_scale = d3.scale.linear()
var ramp=d3.scale.linear()
// Nest data by Plates
var plates = d3.nest()
.key(function(d) { return d.Plate; })
// Insert an svg element (with margin) for each plate in our dataset.
var svg ="body").selectAll("svg")
.attr("width", w)
.attr("height", h)
//add grouping and rect
.attr('x', function(d){return x_scale(d.Rows)})
.attr('y', function(d){return y_scale(d.Columns)})
.attr('width', 10)
.attr('height', 10)
.style('fill', function(d){return ramp(d.Values)});
AND example Data:

You problem has two sources:
You are inserting one svg element for each nested group, but you don't have defined a position for each element (all the elements are in the body).
You are selecting all the svg elements in the body, and appending one rectangle for each data element, without considering the nested structure.
One solution is to create one svg element inside the body, one group for each plate, define a position for each plate, translate the group to its position (in the svg element) and then create the rectangles for the heatmap.


d3 create SVG path from array

Following this example
I was able to render the points coordinates stored in one array using D3 as follow
var vis ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", 30)
.attr("height", 30);
var regioni = [{regione:'Abruzzo',polygon:{points:'25.171,18.844 25.094,18.582 24.567,17.714 24.015,17.714 23.226,16.899 22.805,16.268 21.911,14.558 21.043,14.427 20.753,15.163 20.043,15.084 19.938,15.741 19.386,16.268 19.386,17.056 18.439,16.899 18.202,17.345 18.334,17.924 18.281,18.582 19.57,19.423 18.939,20.055 18.176,19.581 17.756,20.16 17.808,20.844 18.703,21.08 19.517,21.396 19.491,22.079 20.517,22.185 20.596,22.605 21.122,22.133 21.832,22.658 22.568,22.737 23.094,23.473 23.646,22.553 23.751,21.738 24.646,21.212 25.094,21.738 25.409,22.29 26.25,21.238 26.409,20.475 26.776,19.923 26.303,19.634 26.145,19.292'}},{regione:'Basilicata',polygon:{points:'24.607,15.268 23.476,14.716 23.818,14.4 23.161,13.848 22.556,14.111 22.135,14.005 21.529,14.452 20.53,14.716 19.294,14.111 18.952,13.742 18.426,14.242 18.479,14.926 17.637,14.321 17.295,14.531 17.479,15.426 16.611,16.083 17.216,16.451 17.637,17.556 18.321,18.214 18.453,18.792 19.189,18.871 19.61,18.424 20.662,19.186 20.662,19.581 20.109,19.844 19.978,20.344 20.662,20.081 21.188,20.318 21.372,20.002 21.951,19.713 22.424,19.713 22.949,20.265 23.423,20.896 23.555,21.448 23.187,22.053 23.213,22.658 23.844,23.027 24.475,23.105 25.159,23.605 25.08,23.894 25.58,24.157 26.158,24.157 26.5,23.552 27.105,23.552 27.631,22.816 27.92,22.238 27.579,21.291 26.658,20.475 26.132,19.844 26.053,19.239 25.238,18.45 25.238,17.766 26.001,17.74 26.264,17.398 26.21,16.609 25.764,16.32 24.712,16.136'}}];
.data(regioni) .enter().append("polygon")
.attr("points",function(d) {return d.polygon.points})
Now I was trying to do the same with the same svg shape, this time stored as d coordinates
var regionico =[{Regione:'Abruzzo',polygon:{points:'m 127.945,84.9805 -0.781,2.6172 -5.273,8.6835 -5.508,0 -7.891,8.1528 -4.219,6.308 -8.9292,17.09 -8.6836,1.32 -2.8985,-7.363 -7.1015,0.789 -1.0547,-6.57 -5.5157,-5.266 0,-7.89 -9.4648,1.582 -2.3711,-4.4731 1.3164,-5.7812 -0.5273,-6.582 12.8906,-8.4063 -6.3086,-6.3203 -7.6367,4.7383 -4.1992,-5.793 0.5273,-6.8359 8.9453,-2.3633 8.1445,-3.1641 -0.2617,-6.8242 10.2617,-1.0664 0.7813,-4.1992 5.2656,4.7265 7.0977,-5.2539 7.3632,-0.7812 5.25,-7.3633 5.527,9.1992 1.055,8.1446 8.945,5.2656 4.473,-5.2656 3.164,-5.5157 8.399,10.5157 1.601,7.6367 3.652,5.5195 -4.726,2.8906 -1.582,3.418 -9.727,4.4805'}},{Regione:'Basilicata',polygon:{points:'m 123.746,104.57 -7.637,-4.7458 -9.453,3.4178 -3.961,8.692 -12.3512,2.089 2.1093,9.739 -7.6289,4.734 -5,-5.516 -6.0547,3.418 -7.3633,-7.109 0.5274,-7.891 -2.6172,-3.41 -7.6367,-0.527 0,-6.57 8.1445,-7.9027 0.8008,-6.0352 5.2539,-6.3281 9.4727,-8.1445 3.4101,-9.4727 -3.1562,-6.0547 -5,-7.0898 5.2617,-5.2617 2.1094,-5.2539 2.8906,6.8242 8.9375,0.8008 3.4375,-7.625 16.8128,4.207 3.945,14.9805 12.109,-1.0547 9.981,23.4101 -9.727,5.7891 0,14.4723 -7.617,3.418'}}
but if I use the same code with d as attr.
.attr("d",function(d) { return d.polygon.points})
it doesn't work.
Any suggestion?
The problem is simply that your SVG isn't big enough to make the path visible -- note in particular how you're first moving more than 100 pixels to the right before starting the path. It works fine if you make the SVG bigger, e.g. 300x300 here.

Why labels on chart are not shown when drawn after axes

I'm making a simple line chart with in-chart labels using d3.js.
When I draw the axes before the labels, the latter do not get added to the svg element, but they do if I draw them first:
In the second chart, the labels are not just hidden. They are not being appended to the DOM at all.
Here's the bl.ock. The only difference between both scripts is that before.js writes labels before axes, while after.js does it afterwards.
Why does this happen?
The problem is this line when adding the labels:
If you have drawn the axes at this point. There will be text elements and the selection above will not be empty. Calling .data() on it causes D3 to match data elements to DOM elements in the selection. In this case, everything is matched and therefore the .enter() selection is empty and no new labels are added.
It works if you run this code first because there are no text elements, the selection is empty and no data is matched. To prevent this, you can for example identify the label text elements explicitly with a class:
.attr("class", "label")
.attr('class', 'data-label')
.attr('x', function (d, i) { return x(i); })
.attr('y', function (d, i) { return y(d + 1); });
With this code, it doesn't matter whether you run it before or after adding the axes.

Using sprites with dynamically generated SVG?

I am trying to take some existing javascript which generates SVG elements and use a sprite sheet instead of individual pngs.
Right now this is the general format for generating the images, where "path" points to the file for a single image:
var hsOwnerDocument = $$(this).getDocument();
var element = hsOwnerDocument.createElementNS("", "image"); = id;
element.setAttributeNS(null, "x", left);
element.setAttributeNS(null, "y", top);
element.setAttributeNS(null, "width", width);
element.setAttributeNS(null, "height", height);
element.setAttributeNS("", "href", path);
I have no experience with SVG or sprites, but from my limited research there seem to be two approaches. Display the background-image to point to the sprite sheet and get the piece you need with CSS, or use a clip-path attribute on the image. I'm not sure which is appropriate given my problem, but unfortunately neither seems to be working as I expect. The clip-path doesn't seem to be applying to the image element and if I use a background image instead it actually isn't displaying at all.
With the clip-path I just created an arbitrary rectangle smaller than my image and applied it to my image above to see if this would filter a region as I needed.
var hsOwnerDocument = $$(this).getDocument();
var element = hsOwnerDocument.createElementNS("", "clip-path"); = "testClip";
element.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "testClip");
var rect = hsOwnerDocument.createElementNS("", "rect");
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "x", 4);
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "y", 4);
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "width", 20);
rect.setAttributeNS(null, "height", 20);
I applied the clip-path as an attribute by adding another line to the earlier code:
element.setAttributeNS(null,"style", "clip-path:url(#testClip)");
The clip-path element and child rectangle are both present in the resulting markup, and I see the attribute on my image element... but the full image still displays.
This line is incorrect.
var element = hsOwnerDocument.createElementNS("",
You need to create a clipPath element.
var element = hsOwnerDocument.createElementNS("",
The property is clip-path, the element is clipPath.

trouble with d3.js - scaling a path shape

I'm trying to scale this speech bubble into existence. I'm not really sure how to do it because the default d3 scale is changing the area where it starts drawing.
var svgHeight = 1000
var svgWidth = 1000
var floatycircleRadius = 30
var textColor = "#FFFFFF"
var svg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", svgHeight)
.attr("height", svgWidth)
var floatycontainer = svg.append("g");
var floatygroup = floatycontainer.append("g")
var floatypath = floatygroup.append("path")
.attr("d", "m125.512,0h-66C26.645,0,0,26.482,0,59.35c0,28.574,20.142,52.312,47,58.029V145l26.283-26.283, l52.229,0.064c32.868,0,59.512-26.563,59.512-59.431S158.38,0,125.512,0z")
.style("fill", "#90C4E4")
floatygroup.attr("transform", "translate(500, 500)")
floatycontainer.attr("transform", "scale(1)");
floatycontainer.transition().duration(2000).attr("transform", "0")
Use transition.attrTween(name, tween) on the <g> or <path> element.
.attrTween("transform", function(d, i, a) {
return d3.interpolateString(a, 'scale(1)');
So the problem wasn't that I couldn't get the item to scale. It's that when the item was scaling the "M" attribute was also shifting and the svg element was flying across the page due to mixed relative and absolute points on the path.
After changing the line manually to all relative so I could finish my project I found a javascript script to change all paths to relative. Then I could manually change the "M" attribute to 0 so the scale would work correctly source (Convert SVG Path to Relative Commands).
I modified the script to better suit my needs and build this simple page using and so it's a simple site to get the all relative path. It fits my long term use case and I thought I'd share it for those interested. Thanks for your help. (live page to convert)

d3.js selectAll().each on svg path.. undefined?

I'm importing a svg (served as static content from the server) in this way
d3.xml("http://localhost:3000/mysvg.svg", "image/svg+xml", function(xml) {
var importedNode = document.importNode(xml.documentElement, true);
var mySvg ="#somediv").node().appendChild(importedNode);
then I'm trying to iterate through all svg paths and do something with them
d3.selectAll("#somediv svg path").each(function(d, i) {
console.log(this, d, i);
what I'm getting is this problem
i is from 1 to number of path, which is correct.
d is undefined instead of being the right svg path element.
this is the svg path element, like this one
<path id="m021" fill="#00AAFF" d="M225.438,312.609c-0.665-1.084-1.062-1.691-2.368-1.963c-0.582-0.121-1.686-0.271-2.265-0.069 c-0.507,0.174-0.637,0.649-1.431,0.368c-0.934-0.33-0.665-1.272-0.71-2.104c-0.597-0.021-1.18,0-1.733,0.262 ...etc" ></path>
I expected d to be the real svg path, why is it not?
A little insight on what I want to do could maybe help.
I have a svg with one path for each district of my town. I want to make some piecharts in the center of each path. I don't have the data now, it will be used for the piecharts. I want to make a mouseover function on the path, and add a little red circle (that in a future step will become the pie chart) on each path.
What is the best way to do this?
Simplifying your original request, let's suppose you want to add a circle in the center of each district. Let's assume that the districts are relatively square. Note that this would be much more simpler if you have geographical data instead of paths.
var svg ="#somediv svg");
var districts = svg.selectAll("path");
var district_centers = districts[0].map(function(d, i) {
var bbox = this.getBBox();
return [bbox.left + bbox.width/2, + bbox.height/2];
.attr("class", "district_circle")
.attr("cx", function(d){ return d[0]})
.attr("cy", function(d){ return d[1]})
.attr("r", 10)
.attr("fill", "red");
According to the API doc for selection.each, d should be the datum, which you will not have if you have not previously called .data() to bind data to the nodes. All you have is pure SVG with no data bound to it.
I notice that your paths do have IDs, so if you have a dataset matching those ID's you can probably bind to it using the keys parameter of the .data function
