ElmahR doesnt load properly on IIS - iis

I've been fiddeling around with ElmahR for the last two days and was planning to push it to our dev-playground for testing.
However, it doesnt load properly when running on IIS 7.5
I've fired up the deployed solution on 3 different machines with IIS Express without problems.
On IIS 7.5 it gets stuck at "Loading..." or "Sending Command", depending if it is set up as a sub application under default website or as a standalone webapplication.
The used system is Windows Server 2008 r2 sp1, IIS 7.5 .NET 4 application pool integrated mode. (all 3 machines)
I can't find the problem at hand; hope you can help.
Kind regards.

This is not an answer yet, it should be a comment but I cannot comment here :) I'm the author of ElmahR, I was not aware of the issue, last time I tested it on IIS 7.5 was a while ago and I did not have any problem, I'll have to recheck. Right now I'm not at home but I'll have a look at it when back, possibly before next weekend. And thanks for using it :)
UPDATE: I think I solved the problem, I blogged about it here. Basically, there were a couple of javascript bugs:
in one point I was not correctly setting the root of the application
under IE7/8 a better check about the plugins object was needed (the same code was running fine on IE9/Chrome/Firefox/Safari...)
The online repo is up to date, and the sample setup zipped file too.


Problems regarding White Screen Of Death (WSOD) at my site

I have a problem regarding White Screen Of Death (WSOD) at my site.
I will try to explain what I have tried until now.
I know it is not a triviel error to debug, but maybe some of you have tried something similar.
Here is the setup: One Windows Server 2019 v1809 with one IIS: 10.0.17763.1.
Multiple websites with associated application pools.
It's a MVC solution, and we are using .net 4.7.2.
What I have tried:
Recycled application pools every night
Restarted the server every night
Issued a IISReset every night
Deleted temporary files in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\
Looked at the IIS logs
Looked at the application log, our own log
Looked at the Windows log
Searched the Internet for similar problems
Made sure there always were some traffic at the website
Made sure no errors were shown when pressing F12 in the browser, the site always returs code 200
The WSOD comes at varies times, and not all the sites are affected at the same time.
A manuel recycle of the website always helps.
My question is, have any of you encounted similar problems?
And how did you solve it?
If you need more information please ask, and I will try to provide it.
/Regards Søren
This kind of problem is very unusual in IIS, because there is almost no record and useful information in the log file.
You can try to use this plan to repair IIS.
Unregister all the versions of ASP.NET with command "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis –ua". and the framework 64 also versions. 3.0 and 3.5... etc
Delete ASPNET account from "Local Users and Group – Users".
reregister ASP.NET with IIS using "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis –i". and framework64... net 3, 3.5 etc
Give permissions to the ASPNET account using "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis –ga machinename\ASPNET". for framework 32 and 64 and versions.
Reset IIS .

iis 10 .net core 2.1 website configuration error

Good Day,
I am running into an error that I have never run into before. I have a brand new server (Windows 2016) and I have added IIS 10 to it. I have also installed .net Core 2.1 and 2.2 runtime and SDKs onto the server. When I set up a .net Core 2.1 website, it appears to set up fine, but when I try to click on any of the features in the features view, I get a really generic error message (it happens for any .net Core website I set up). The error is an alert that states: There was an error while performing this operation. Details: [empty] Filename: \\?\D:\Apps\Test\web.config Error: [empty]
I found one place where this question was asked before, but I have IIS Rewrite 2.1, .net Core 2.1 and 2.2 and I have this site set up on another server (test env) and it works perfectly fine there! I have also made sure that IUSR and IIS_User both have read/write capabilities to the folder and every file in it.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thank you,
In my experience, this sort of error normally means there is either something it doesn't like in the web.config (XML element it doesn't recognize) or the web.config is missing.
Normally (for me anyway) this is because I've forgotten to install URL Rewrite as that's pretty much the only "extra" thing I use - but you've got that covered already.
It might be worth checking that the App Pool for the site is configured correctly and running (should be same as your other machine, check the basic settings and the advanced).
The only other thing I can think of, is that you've installed some of the features for IIS through the Windows Features, but not all of them. I sometimes have to go back through the lists and make sure all the right things are definitely checked.
Last step would be to create a real simple little mini site, with just a default page, use the IIS GUI to change some site level settings so it creates its own web.config, make sure it runs, then have a look at the differences between the files.
Hope any of that helps

The DefaultHttpHandler.BeginProcessRequest method is not supported by IIS integrated pipeline mode

We are having issues in hosting Webforms apps in one of the windows 2012 servers and IIS8.5. The server causes "DefaultHttpHandler.BeginProcessRequest method is not supported by IIS integrated pipeline mode" exception.
Attaching a screen shot for your reference
However when I tested in another server it works all fine. To isolate issues I have even tried to deploy a sample webforms app and try out.
I need integrated mode pipe line as I have a requirement around it.
I have verified the servers and there is no difference in iis configurations. What could be the possible reasons for this? Any guidance to narrow down the issue will really help.
Attaching the server comparison report. The image shows the differences in two servers. in the right side server the application does not work and in the left side server it works. If you see the diff there is not a lot of changes and btw the changes are because I added them as part of trouble shooting.
We compared every possible stuff on the servers and finally decided to take up the server in which it is working. The server in which it didnot work might have some issues with they way IIS was deployed.
So in a way there was no way out for this problem for me.

Configuring IIS7.5 with Coldfusion 9.0.1

I am trying for the past couple of days to configure IIS 7.5 and coldfusion to run on my local machine but I hit a wall.
I have two sites that I am trying to create a run locally but 1 of them is working and the other one does not.
My coldfusion admin is working and I was able to set up my settings (db connections and stuff).
Under IIS management I am creating a site, assign it to the correct folder on my machine set the path as "local.site1.com" and everything runs as it should.
When I am trying to do the same thing for Site2, I'm getting a message from Chrome saying "Oops! Google Chrome could not find local.site2.com"
Any recommendations will be greatly appreciated.
add local.site2.com to your hostfile
Are both sites pointing to the same codebase if so that is difficult to achieve with IIS7 and 7.5?

IIS 7.5 Does Not Reset

Setup: Windows Server 2008 R2, IIS 7.5
We currently have multiple ASP.NET applications hooked up to the "Default Web Site" site in IIS on a server.
Default Web Site
I have recompiled the binary for the site, and copied over the files for "Site_v1", then done an IISRESET command.
My issue is that the web app does not actually reset. Our app logs initialization of certain core objects, and the logs do not show that the app is restarting.
Our current theory is that some user has a browser open to one of the default web sites, and that's preventing me from correctly resetting IIS.
Anyone seen anything like this?
Thanks in advance.
Note: I'm posting this to Stack Overflow and not Super User because this is a problem on a development server. I'd like to solve this as a developer correctly compiling an application, rather than as a sys admin changing server settings. Hope that makes sense.
From Werner's suggestion in the comments, I deleted the temporary files for Site_v2, but could not delete them for Site_v1. Some process was locking the files. After resetting IIS, Site_v1 was working properly, but not Site_v2.
MS have stopped support for the IISReset command, which means that your approach is OK, but will not work any more. It works for IIS6.0, but not 7.0 or 7.5.
Ref: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-au/library/dd364308%28v=ws.10%29.aspx
It can be done "by hand" using the GUI, but that is not scripted. I have the same issue, working on an alternative.
