MFC Ribbon CEdit Textbox Allignment in Panel - layout

I am trying to align two text boxes with two buttons in a panel, and I am unable to find anything about how to force positioning inside the MFC Ribbon Panels.
Here is a picture of what I have currently. (Sorry wont let me post images yet, have to link.)
The Change View Date box has the box associated with it sitting below it and the change system date box is up in the top right in the second "column" of controls. I would like to fix this so the Box with the spin controls sits next to the CHange View Date and the box without the controls sits next to Change System Date.
Thoughts? Thanks!

I think yow cannot do it.
What you can do is to put a Ribbon Separator after the Box with the spin controls and then set the property 'Center Column Vertically' on the Panel.
Hope it can help.


Excel VBA hide the form control buttons

I have created an "Expandable/Collapsible" structure using VBA. I have added some form controls, like a dropdown or option buttons in each of the section, but the issue is that, when the whole thing is collapsed, the form controls are visible in the button. please check the screenshot and advise a solution.
Yes that is because you have not selected Move and Size with cells.
That option is greyed out when you right click on the control and then click on Format Controls | Properties | Move and Size with cells for Option Button and Combo Box as shown below.
You need to use a different way to activate it.
Click the control and then click as shown below
And then from there you can set those properties.
Now those controls will hide when you collapse the rows.

Group radio buttons on Excel

I have two groups of radio buttons on the same Excel worksheet that I want them to work exclusively from each other.
I tried to search online for answers, and got to know there was GroupName Property which can be used to group the radio buttons, however, I haven't been able to locate this property.
Can anyone tell me how to find it?
There is only object positioning under the property tab of the format control window.
You need to add a group box control and then insert the radio buttons into that group box.
See here for more info: Add a group box or frame control to a worksheet
Use ActiveX controls
and in developer mode right click on RadioButton
and in properties box

Excel/VBA - Set Focus and Scroll to Control

I'm looping through the ActiveX controls on my spreadsheet to implement tab control. I have around 100 controls in my spreadsheet, so not everything fits on a single "page" (it's all in the same tab, you just have to scroll down.)
I can use Activate to set the focus to the next control. However, when I tab through the controls and pass the bottom of the viewable window, the window doesn't automatically scroll to show the control with focus.
Is there a way to get the spreadsheet to scroll so that the control that has focus is actually on the screen?
Sorceri nailed it right on the head. I used Window.ScrollRow to scroll down the page after I set the focus. The only issue is that this sets the bottom of the row to the top of the window, so it's just off screen. I was able to resolve this by specifying:
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = row-3

Display `ControlTipText` in front of the form

I am trying to insert a tooltip for a textbox on a form.
I am using the ControlTipText property of the textbox to do it.
The tooltip text is shown behind the form. How can I move the tooltip text forward and keep it in front of the form?
I can only offer a workaround in Excel 2013. My Userform contained problematic RefEdit controls. Whenever a RefEdit control had focus all control tips appeared behind the UserForm. Switching the another control put the control tips back on top.
Have a look at PeltierTech's RefEdit Page. There may be similar problems with other controls.

datagridview layout behaviour

I have c#/2008/winform application.
I have a form with a picture banner, and a datagridview below it
I want the picture banner to remain fixed in size, and the datagridview to rezise
and fill the rest of the form.
I have set the picturebox to dock=top
(Also pos=0,0, sizemode=centerimage - but these setting are not the problem)
My datagridview misbehaves no matter what i do
If i do dock=fill, it starts from the top of form, and is obstructed by the picture
If i try to set dock=bottom it does not resize with the container
I am aware of the concept of layoutmanagers but this is just a quick app
so i hope i dont need one here.
Any ideas ?
thank you
There may be a better workaround but the first thing I found that worked was to introduce a panel control.
Make you picture box Dock=Top, then place the panel below it with Dock=Fill, then your DataGridView goes inside the panel with Dock = Fill.
