How to delete a paragraph as quickly as possible - linux

I want to delete the following codes in my config file:
server {
listen 80;
server_name xxx;
location / {
try_files xx;
I know I can use 7dd, but this is not handy enough- if the section is too long, counting the rows would be inconvenient.
Is there a better way to do this?
Sometimes, I have to delete a whole function, any ideas for that?

As in common in Vim, there are a bunch of ways!
Note that the first two solutions depend on an absence of blank lines within the block.
If your cursor is on the server line, try d}. It will delete everything to the next block.
Within the entry itself, dap will delete the 'paragraph'.
You can delete a curly brack block with da}. (If you like this syntax, I recommend Tim Pope's fantastic surround.vim, which adds more features with a similar feel).
You could also try using regular expressions to delete until the next far left-indented closing curly brace: d/^}Enter
]] and [[ move to the next/previous first-column curly brace (equivalent to using / and ? with that regex I mentioned above. Combine with the d motion, and you acheive the same effect.
If you're below a block, you can also make use of the handy 'offset' feature of a Vim search. d?^{?-1 will delete backwards to one line before the first occurrence of a first-column opening curly brace. This command's a bit tricky to type. Maybe you could make a <leader> shortcut out of it.
Note that much of this answer is taken from previous answer I gave on a similar topic.

If there is a blank line immediately after these lines, Vim will identify it as a paragraph, so you can simply use d} to delete it (assuming the cursor is on the first line).

Try using visual mode with %.
For example, say your cursor is at the beginning of the "server" line.
Press v to go into visual mode. Press % to highlight to the end of the block. Press d to delete it.

As David said their are many ways. Here are a few that I like:
Vf{%d This assumes you are on the line w/ server and you do a visual line selection, find the { and then find the matching } via the % command.
set relativenumber or set rnu for short. This turns on line numbering relative to your cursor. So you do not have to count the lines just look and 7dd away to deleting your block.
Use VaB to visually select a block i.e. { to }, line-wise. While still in visual mode continue doing aB until the proper block is selected then execute d. This means you can select a block from inside the block instead of at the start or end.
d} will delete a paragraph. This works in your current scenario because there is no blank line inside the block. If there is one then all bets are off. Although you can continue pressing . until the block is properly deleted.
If inside a block you can jump to the current block via [{ then continue executing [{ until you are at the correct block then V%d or d%dd to delete the block
Using the techniques above you can delete a function as well, but you can also use the [M and friends ([m, ]m, ]M) to jump to the start and endings of methods but they commonly work for functions as well.
For more information
:h %
:h 'rnu'
:h aB
:h }
:h .
:h [{
:h [m

Given matching parens, or braces, you can use % with d to delete, spanning lines.
So, assuming that you're on the server { line, you can do d%. This is generally useful for all code blocks, e.g. function blocks, loop blocks, try blocks.
Similarly, dip works, but d} is shorter. However, both will only delete to the next empty line.


VIM Select Entire Line

How do you select a single line in VIM, when your cursor as at some random point along that line?
I know you can do (v, $) to get to the end of the line, or (v, ^) to get to the start, but when you do (v,$,^) it logically doesn't select the whole line, it selects from cursor, until end, then switches it to cursor until beginning... So this approach fails of course.
Capital V selects the current line in one key stroke; two, if you include the "shift" in shift+v.
V would be direct answer. However, I rarely need to do this because "selecting the current line" is generally part of a larger task. Example of such tasks includes copying the line and deleting the line. There's generally a better way to accomplish the task as a whole. The following are some of the tasks I can think of:
copy the line: yy
delete the line: dd
indent the line: >> or <<
select the current paragraph: vap or vip
delete from the current line to the end of the file 0dG
highlight the current line to see where my cursor is: use :set cursorline in .vimrc file
One case in which I do use V is to select multiple lines that are not a paragraph or some other text object. In this case, there's a tip that might be useful for you: once in the selection mode, you can use o to jump the cursor between the start and the end of the selection.
While this might be more keystrokes.
If you are already in visual mode you can use o to go to the other end of the visual selection.
So you can type
To select the whole line. Take a look at :h visual-change
However from the comments it seems you just want to copy the whole line.
Which would just be yy
Just change your order of operations. You almost have it.
Or as suggested by #Kent: because ^ goes to the first non-empty char, if the line has leading spaces:
I know this thread is super old, but I just had the same question. This thread came up first, but I found a different answer than any found here. Use 'V' to select whole lines. That easy. One character to select the whole current line.

How to delete, including the current character?

Let's say I've typed "abcdefg", with the cursor at the end. I want to delete back to the c, so that I only have "abc" left.
Is there a command like d that includes the current character? I know I could do dTcx, but the x feels like a work-around and I suppose there's a better solution.
No. Backward motions always start on the left of the current character for c, y and d which is somehow logical but also unnerving.
The only "clean" solutions I could think of either imply moving to the char after c first and then do a forward delete:
or using visual mode:
But, given your sample and assuming you are entering normal mode just for that correction, the whole thing sounds extremely wasteful to me.
What about staying in insert mode and simply doing ←←←←?
try this:
this will leave abc for your example... well if the abcdefg is the last word of the line.
if it is not the last word in that line, you may do:
or golfing, do it within 3 key-stroke:
3Xx or l4X
See this answer to a similar question : there is a setting to be allowed to go beyond the end of the line
From the doc :
Virtual editing means that the cursor can be positioned where there is
no actual character. This can be halfway into a tab or beyond the end
of the line. Useful for selecting a rectangle in Visual mode and
editing a table.
"onemore" is not the same, it will only allow moving the cursor just
after the last character of the line. This makes some commands more
consistent. Previously the cursor was always past the end of the line
if the line was empty. But it is far from Vi compatible. It may also
break some plugins or Vim scripts. For example because |l| can move
the cursor after the last character. Use with care!
Using the $ command will move to the last character in the line, not
past it. This may actually move the cursor to the left!
The g$ command will move to the end of the screen line.
It doesn't make sense to combine "all" with "onemore", but you will
not get a warning for it.
In short, you could try :set virtualedit=onemore, and see if your environment is stable or not with it.
Use d?c
That will start d mode, search back to 'c' and then delete up to your cursor position.
Edit: nope, that does not include current position...
I may be misunderstanding your request, but does 3hd$ do it?
I would use vFdd in this example. I think it's nicer than the other solutions since the command explicitly shows what to delete. It includes the current character and the specified character when deleting.
v: enter visual mode (mark text)
F: find/goto character backwards
d: the character "d" that will be included for removal.
d: delete command
Since it is visual mode, the cursor can also be moved before executing the actual removal d. This makes the command powerful even for deleting up to a non unique character by first marking a special character close to the character and then adjusting the position.

vim: replace block

Let's say I have this text:
something "something else"
something here "just another quoted block"
I want to substitute "something else" with "just another quoted block", so I do:
/quot<enter> (to jump to second quoted block searching for the string "quot")
yi" (to yank inner text for current quoted block)
?else<enter> (to jump back to the first quoted block wich contains "else")
vi" (to visually select the quoted block)
p (to paste yanked text)
This works, but I would like to know if the two last steps can be replaced by a single one, to avoid visual mode. I know it's not a huge gain keystroke-wise, but I think that the Vim philosophy would encourage what I'm trying to do, and every time I do this my mind keeps asking for this command. :-P
What I tried so far:
r (replace) replaces just one character
c (change) throws me into Insert mode and does not let me paste the text.
Delete inside quotes to the blackhole register; paste last yanked before cursor.
Change inside quotes to retrieve last yank; leave insert mode.
With my ReplaceWithRegister plugin, the last two steps would be gri". It also offers grr (replace current / [count] lines); though it only saves a little typing, I find this indispensable.
Key stroke wise, j$yi"k then vi"p is actually probably the fastest. However, if you absolutely must go into insert mode you can j$yi"k then "_ci"<C-r>" or ci"<C-r>0. The :help i_CTRL-R operator allows you to put the contents of a register into insert mode.
I usually try to keep it simple, using what I feel is more intuitive with every day commands:

Remove command with matching braces

I'm using (mac)vim with tex-suite and would like to have a single regex command (or any other way) to do the following thing:
\textcolor{green}{some random text}
some random text
This should be done for all occurrences of \textcolor{green}{} in my tex file...
Any idea?
EDIT: I need it to recognize matching braces. Here an example :
with $v_\text{F}\sim10^6$m.s$^{-1}$ the massless Dirac fermions
velocity in pristine graphene}.
In my experience, things like this most often crop up during editing, and you might have the search for \textcolor{green}{ already highlighted.
In such a scenario, :global is usually my weapon of choice:
:g//norm d%diBvaBp
diBvaBp: diB (delete inner block), vaB (select block), p (put)
If you have surround.vim installed (recommend it!) you could remove the pair of braces simply doing dsB (delete surrounding {})
:g//norm d%dsB
Of course, you can combine it like
:g/\\textcolor{green}{/norm d%dsB
I just noted a potential issue when the target patterns don't start at the beginning of a line. The simplest way to get around that is
:g//norm nNd%diBvaBp
A more involved way (possibly less efficient) would be using a macro:
Followed by something like 100#q to repeat the macro
Updated as per your updated question:
:g/\\textcolor{green}/normal 0f\df}lvi{xhP$xx
Quick explanation of how it works:
Put all \textcolor{green} lines onto a line of their own, with 'special' marker -HUUHAA-
Use visual selection vi{ to select everything in between the {}, paste it outside and delete the now empty {}.
Delete leftover stuff including the marker.

Is there an easy built-in way to delete the first and last line of a block in vim?

Quite a common task in programming is to remove the condition on the current block.
In vim, is there an easy way to delete the first line (the 'if' statement) and last line (the closing curly brace) of the current block and perhaps reindent accordingly. If there is no simple key combination for this built in, what is a straightforward way to script it?
Thinking about this a bit further, of course the condition on the if statement may span multiple lines so presumably a script is required to capture this completely. However, for my code just deleting the first and last lines would capture 95% of cases.
Possible solution
yiB yanks the inner block
vaBV viaually select a block, then select it linewise
p paste over visually selected text
gv< reselect text and de-indent
Surround like mappings aka delete surrounding block:
nnoremap dsB yiBvaBVpgv<
ib provided a shorter solution. This solution will not mutate the visual marks: '<, '>
diB deletes the current inner block
]p paste the newly deleted text below the end of the block but adjust the indent.
kdk move up a line and then delete 2 lines up thereby deleting the start and end of the block.
How about something like di{ dk k "2p? Or a little more elegant, <i{ di{ dk k "2p. Note that you have to be inside the block for this to work — if you're on the opening or closing lines of the block, you'll affect the surrounding block instead.
command! -range=% Delete1$ <line1>delete _|<line2>delete _
