Liferay migration from local to live site - liferay

I downloaded Liferay files from a livesite to setup a local environment for some local development. After downloading the files, I run the the catalina file (./ start) But unfortunately I got a 404 error.
I'm not sure where to start in setting up Liferay locally.
I think there are some initial settings that I should be doing as I had moved from live server to a local machine.
I think I need to also connect my database. I now have a local copy of the database and is already imported on MySQL. I just need to connect them (im guessing entering my user and password for the database).
Other than downloading the files and starting up the server, I really haven't done anything else yet as I am not sure what setting and configuration I should be doing.
I'm new to Liferay, I apologize for my silliness.
my settings:

See or someelse *.properties file in the root folder of portal.
For error details, see the log file at liferay/tomcat/logs/catalina.out


Can I migrate the installed OpenAM to another machine?

Thank you everyone in advance... ^^;
My manager asked me to migrate the installed OpenAM (already used) to another machine (newly obtained).
I tried to migrate it by file level.
(.openamcfg folder, openam folder, tomcat whole folder, ...)
But, after file migration... first access to /openam, it showed initial page(wizard) again. (no using installed configurations)
So, I should do first step. (amadmin password setting, and so on...)
Hmm... Is there any solution for pre-installed OpenAm instance migration?
If No, I can tell her there's no migration way.
Migrating the files should be enough, however you must make sure that :
The .openamcfg folder is in Tomcat's home folder
The file inside the .openamcfg folder contains a valid path to the openam folder
The .openamcfg and openam folders can be read/write by the user who runs the Tomcat service
The webapp context (the part of the URL after the server's IP address, typically /openam) stays the same
Also, when you copy the files, you must first properly stop the Tomcat service, especially if you use OpenAM's embedded datastore.

Cannot edit files in IIS localhost server

I have to edit a website on local server. I use Windows Server 2012 and IIS. When I try to save a modified file I only get "access denied" error. Do I need to shut down the server before making changes and then restarting it or am I missing permissions for example in the wwwroot folder for IIS_IUSRS?
I have never used WS2012 or IIS before.
You cannot edit files directly in the wwwroot. You need to copy the file/folder out of inetpub to make your edits then paste it back into the wwwroot. This is by design I am afraid.
I was able to do edits directly in the wwwroot files by creating a local user account for myself on the server and giving it FULL access (I am also in the Administrators group - but that was not enough to make it work), then setting the user full access on the SHARE I use to get to the server (via UNC path). Allows edits directly to my live site.

file creation in linux

I have created an application in which the android mobile takes picture and uploads it to a server. The server accepts the image, stores in local directory and updates the path to the database. Everything works fine on my localhost (Windows) but when i deploy the war file it is not creating the file. The problem is my localhost is on windows but the main server(ISP) is on Linux. Both my localhost and main server (ISP) are using glassfish. On the main server (ISP) I am logging through admin and then deploying the war file.
This might be your problem.
Where do you store your file in the server. In windows you might be giving the path as
In linux this path is not valid. It should look something like
Please post the code where you mention the location of the directory in which you store the images.

How to copy Drupal website to localhost from Server

I have to update, add and fix a drupal website.
The website is on a live working server and i have full access to everything.
Drupal version is: Drupal 6.22, 2011-05-25
I want to make a copy on my machine (win7+iis+(any php needed)) to be able to change and test my updates without touching the server.
I already copied the project folder and i found the database file.
The Database is odb file.
Download whole database. You can use drush or Backup_migrate. Then setup a fresh drupal system and inject the whole database there.
As I fortunately never used Windows, unfortunately I can't give you OS specific details. But xampp or similar solutions are there.
Get the backup of your project files folder and databse from c panel or from the server folders and SQL command prompt
Then install wamp or xampp in your local system place project folder in c:/wamp/www folder and create a database in phpMyAdmin and import database with db backup file.
Then run your project as localhost/YouProjectFolder in browser
config the default.ini the site folder and you all set

apex 4.0.1 not working

I recently upgraded to apex 4.0.1
but when I access and login it the page doesn't respong
and another thing ... the page is supposed to have some photos but it doesn't appear
so when I view the source code of the page and open any of the JS files / photos directories / css files
I get this
404 Not found
Not found
The requested URL /i/css/apex_4_0.css was not found on this server
I have ubuntu 11.04
There's two steps to the upgrade. The first is (mostly) installing the APEX_040000 objects. The second uploads a bunch of files into the database.
Make sure you carried out the second step correctly as documented
It is two steps because, if you are using the Oracle Apex Listener or HTTP Server then you'd put those files on a file system somewhere, rather than in the database.
It sounds like your config file is messed up in some way. Check the configuration to verify that it is directing traffic on port 8080 to the correct directory. Here is a link to how to find the Apache config file and how to read it:
The only other thing I can think of is that the directory does not exist. Maybe it got deleted or moved.
