Find ampersend & in a string (bash) - string

I had this
string="dontcare noone &11111-&1111-&C00 noone"
and I had to extract the substring &11111-&1111-&C00
from the first & to the first blank
I've tried some index and some sed without any luck.
Someone has some great advice?

You can use bash's string manipulation capabilities:
string="dontcare noone &11111-&1111-&C00 noone"
# remove everything up to the first "&"
# remove everything from the end to the earliest blank
string="${string%% *}"
# ta da!
echo $string

$ echo "dontcare noone &11111-&1111-&C00 noone" | grep -o '&[^ ]*'

Bash regular expressions will work as well:
[[ $string =~ (&[[:alnum:]]+-?)+ ]]; echo ${BASH_REMATCH[0]}
The regex matches one or more groups, where a group is an ampersand followed by one or more letters/numbers and an optional final hyphen. If the match is successful (i.e., the [[ ]] command has exist status 0), then the first element of the array BASH_REMATCH contains the text from string that matched the regex.

Use grep.
echo "dontcare noone &11111-&1111-&C00 noone" > somefile.txt
grep somefile.txt -e "&" | cut -d " " > someotherfile.txt
grep will basically "cat" the output and search for the pattern, instantiated with -e , and pull the string with &
The > will push the output into a file that you already have, or simply name there, and it'll create it.
You can then overwrite the somefile.txt anytime you want, or append strings.
To be honest, there's a multitude of ways to do this; grep is one of the better options when searching for specific strings, but even that being said, you can already tell in this question there's many, many ways to grep things.
Pipes, | ; and's, && , and many other options, will provide you with ways to combine grep with other commands to get the exact output you are searching for.
I also see you want it to the first "blank space", which I have just added to the top code. Using "cut" and a delimeter of " ", you can extract only data after spaces. Using cut's field settings, it's possible to switch what's being pulled.


Extract path from a entire string in bash shell script

I need to extract path from a string. I found examples in another post, but missing additional steps.
I have a string as below:
title="test test good dskgkdh hdfyr /rlsmodules/svnrepo/SOURCE/CBL/MQ/BASELINE/MQO000.CBL kdlkfg nsfgf trhrnrt"
cobsrc=$(awk '{match($0,/\/[^"]*/,a);print a[0]}' <<< $title)
echo $cobsrc
Output is
/rlsmodules/svnrepo/SOURCE/CBL/MQ/BASELINE/MQO000.CBL kdlkfg nsfgf trhrnrt
I need only
What modification is required?
An existing post on similar query:
how to extract path from string in shell script
Four solutions, in order of my own preference.
First option would be simple parameter expansion, in two steps:
$ title="/${title#*/}"
$ title="${title%% *}"
$ echo "$title"
The first line removes everything up to the first slash (while prepending a slash to replace the one that's stripped", the second line removes everything from the first bit of whitespace that remains.
Or, if you prefer, use a regex:
$ [[ $title =~ ^[^/]*(/[^ ]+)\ ]]
$ echo ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
The regex translates as:
null at the beginning of the line,
a run of zero or more non-slashes,
an atom:
a slash followed by non-space characters
a space, to end the previous atom.
The $BASH_REMATCH array contains the content of the bracketed atom.
Next option might be grep -o:
$ grep -o '/[^ ]*' <<<"$title"
(Result redacted -- you know what it'll be.)
You could of course assign this output to a variable using command substitution, which you already know about.
Last option is another external tool...
$ sed 's:^[^/]*::;s/ .*//' <<<"$title"
This is the same functionality as is handled by the parameter expansion (at the top of the answer) only in a sed script, which requires a call to an external program. Included only for pedantry. :)
Could you please try following.
echo "$title" | awk 'match($0,/\/.*\/[^ ]*/){print substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH)}'
Output will be as follows.
Solution 2nd: Considering that your variable don't have space in between its value then following may help you too.
echo "$title" | awk '{sub(/[^/]* /,"");sub(/ .*/,"")} 1'

Need to place string in file in specific place

Goal is to take string from one file and replace the specific string in another file.
Almost done, but need to know the marked line, or maybe there is more relevant solution.
if grep -q "edem_pl" /sdcard/DiseqTree.ini ; then
grep edem_pl /sdcard/DiseqTree.ini > /sdcard/temp.txt
echo "no edemtv user"
after making some actions
if [ -e "/sdcard/temp.txt" ]; then
**copy string from /sdcard/temp.txt and replace with it string that contains edemtv in /sdcard/DiseqTree.ini**
echo "no edemtv user"
The command:
sed s/edem_pl/edemtv/g
will act as a filter that replaces (substitutes) all lines (globally) containing edem_pl that are passed through it with equivalent lines containing edemtv instead. You can insert this into your command like so:
grep edem_pl /sdcard/DiseqTree.ini | sed s/edem_pl/edemtv/g > /sdcard/temp.txt
and /sdcard/temp.txt will contain only the lines originally containing edem_pl, with edemtv substituted for them.
Keep in mind that edem_pl and edemtv are being treated as regular expressions here. In this case, no special escaping needs to be done, but if they contain regex special characters like [ and ^ those characters will need to be escaped with \.
the best solution
sed -i "s!.*edemtv.*!$(cat /sdcard/temp.txt)!g" /sdcard/DiseqTree.ini
replace=`grep edem_pl /sdcard/temp.txt`
sed -i "s/.*edemtv.*/$replace/g" /sdcard/DiseqTree.ini
one more
busybox sed -i '/.*edemtv.*/{
r /sdcard/temp.txt
}' /sdcard/DiseqTree.ini
thanks to 4pda community

Bash: How to extract numbers preceded by _ and followed by

I have the following format for filenames: filename_1234.svg
How can I retrieve the numbers preceded by an underscore and followed by a dot. There can be between one to four numbers before the .svg
I have tried:
but if the fileName contains a number as well, it will return all numbers in the filename, e.g.
I found solutions for two underscores (and splitting it into an array), but I am looking for a way to check for the underscore as well as the dot.
You can use simple parameter expansion with substring removal to simply trim from the right up to, and including, the '.', then trim from the left up to, and including, the '_', leaving the number you desire, e.g.
$ width=filename_1234.svg; val="${width%.*}"; val="${val##*_}"; echo $val
note: # trims from left to first-occurrence while ## trims to last-occurrence. % and %% work the same way from the right.
width=filename_1234.svg - width holds your filename
val="${width%.*}" - val holds filename_1234
val="${val##*_}" - finally val holds 1234
Of course, there is no need to use a temporary value like val if your intent is that width should hold the width. I just used a temp to protect against changing the original contents of width. If you want the resulting number in width, just replace val with width everywhere above and operate directly on width.
note 2: using shell capabilities like parameter expansion prevents creating a separate subshell and spawning a separate process that occurs when using a utility like sed, grep or awk (or anything that isn't part of the shell for that matter).
Try the following code :
if [[ "$filename" =~ ^(.*)_([^.]*)\..*$ ]];
echo "${BASH_REMATCH[0]}" #will display 'filename_6_1234.svg'
echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" #will display 'filename_6'
echo "${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" #will display '1234'
Explanation :
=~ : bash operator for regex comparison
^(.*)_([^.])\..*$ : we look for any character, followed by an underscore, followed by any character, followed by a dot and an extension. We create 2 capture groups, one for before the last underscore, one for after
BASH_REMATCH : array containing the captured groups
Some more way
[akshay#localhost tmp]$ filename=file1b2aname_1234.svg
[akshay#localhost tmp]$ after=${filename##*_}
[akshay#localhost tmp]$ echo ${after//[^0-9]}
Using awk
[akshay#localhost tmp]$ awk -F'[_.]' '{print $2}' <<< "$filename"
I would use
sed 's!_! !g' | awk '{print "_" $NF}'
to get from filename_1234.svg to _1234.svg then
sed 's!svg!!g'
to get rid of the extension.
If you set IFS, you can use Bash's build-in read.
This splits the filename by underscores and dots and stores the result in the array a.
IFS='_.' read -a a <<<'file1b2aname_1234.svg'
And this takes the second last element from the array.
echo ${a[-2]}
There's a solution using cut:
num=$(echo "$name" | cut -d '_' -f 2 | cut -d '.' -f 1)
echo "$num"
-d is for specifying a delimiter.
-f refers to the desired field.
I don't know anything about performance but it's simple to understand and simple to maintain.

how to replace a special characters by character using shell

I have a string variable x=tmp/variable/custom-sqr-sample/test/example
in the script, what I want to do is to replace all the “-” with the /,
after that,I should get the following string
Can anyone help me?
I tried the following syntax
it didnot work
exa=$(echo $exa|sed 's/-///g')
sed basically supports any delimiter, which comes in handy when one tries to match a /, most common are |, # and #, pick one that's not in the string you need to work on.
$ echo $x
$ sed 's#-#/#g' <<< $x
In the commend you tried above, all you need is to escape the slash, i.e.
echo $exa | sed 's/-/\//g'
but choosing a different delimiter is nicer.
The tr tool may be a better choice than sed in this case:
echo "$x" | tr -- - /
(The -- isn't strictly necessary, but keeps tr (and humans) from mistaking - for an option.)
In bash, you can use parameter substitution:
$ exa=tmp/variable/custom-sqr-sample/test/example
$ exa=${exa//-/\/}
$ echo $exa

Linux command line: split a string

I have long file with the following list:
It contains all the functions in the kernel code. The notation is file//function.
I want to copy some 100 files from the kernel directory to another directory, so I want to strip every line from the function name, leaving just the filename.
It's super-easy in python, any idea how to write a 1-liner in the bash prompt that does the trick?
cat "func_list" | sed "s#//.*##" > "file_list"
Didn't run it :)
You can use pure Bash:
while read -r line; do echo "${line%//*}"; done < funclist.txt
The syntax of the echo command is doing the same thing as the sed command in Eugene's answer: deleting the "//" and everything that comes after.
Broken down:
"echo ${line}" is the same as "echo $line"
the "%" deletes the pattern that follows it if it matches the trailing portion of the parameter
"%" makes the shortest possible match, "%%" makes the longest possible
"//*" is the pattern to match, "*" is similar to sed's ".*"
See the Parameter Expansion section of the Bash man page for more information, including:
using ${parameter#word} for matching the beginning of a parameter
${parameter/pattern/string} to do sed-style replacements
${parameter:offset:length} to retrieve substrings
here's a one liner in (g)awk
awk -F"//" '{print $1}' file
Here's one using cut and rev
cat file | rev | cut -d'/' -f2-| rev
