table view sharepoint list - sharepoint

Need your inputs on below query-
after opening share point linked table in table view, fields section is grayed out for me..As mentioned in the below post, I want to set index on columns of sharepoint linked list ..How i can activate this section?
appreciate your inputs..
This is related to below post
Index on Sharepoint Linked table

Well, everything going to be greyed out if your cursor in the ID column since there nothing you can change in the required auto number ID column. If you move your cursor into other columns, then the options on the ribbon should un-grey and become enabled.
I suppose the above is a long shot and I assume you moved the cursor out of the ID column or at least clicked on the column you want to make changes to. So your picture as you show is correct since your cursor is placed in the ID column of which as noted you cannot change anything about that ID column anyway.


Unable to view details of modified by on Custom List

As mentioned in the title above, I've added Created by and Modified by column field in my custom list.
But however, when i added a new item into the list, I was not able to see my name or the person's name, that creates the item.
Would like to know what are the possible reasons to this issue.
Here is the issue i'm facing.
First of all you dont need to add CreatedBy, CreatedDate, ModifiedBy, ModifiedDate columns to lists these are added by default.
All you have to do is to edit the default view and add the columns to the default view, if you have a custom view edit it and add the columns.
When you add a column you get the option to add it to default view.
Doing the above will show the columns in the view.
How to change the view
Goto List Settings (Gear icon on right if O365 or Top Ribbon Menu)
On the bottom you will find the "Views" section
Click the "All Items" now you can see all the available columns the Created and CreatedBy will be there just tick it and remove your columns.
Press ok your columns will be displayed in the view with correct values.

SSRS - Merge Cells of Same Data Vertically

Please see attached screenshot as I think this will help show better. I have an SSRS report, in that one column can have the same value across many rows. For this report, you can see Site column has a value of "JAC-FL". How can I "merge" this so it only appears once (See screen shot of "Excel Layout" as I know how to do this in Excel). For the life of me, I cannot seem to get this.
I already have a rowgroup defined for the data (see Row Group screenshot) (Please note, there is data for Username, but I removed it so it wouldn't appear in the screen shot).
Site = lvl_2_value, UMFullName = User Name, stream_3_Stream = Stream
I cannot seem to get my Site (I plan on doing this to the other columns as well, but thought if I get the first to work, I can do it to the others) to appear like the Excel layout. Would anyone be able to help?
You'll want to split out the rows into child groups, instead of grouping on all of them at once. Take a look at the bottom left of your first screenshot, you can see the "row groups" section there.
If all you see in that box is a line that says "(Details)", then you will need to start by right-clicking that and adding a parent group. Then you can add a child to that parent, and so on, going from most inclusive to least inclusive. So for example, if we were working with locations, we could do something like Country > State/Province > City).
It may be easiest to start a new tablix (keep your old tablix until you're done though so you can copy and paste expressions and get the formatting right again!), as things tend to get shifted around when you add groups to an existing tablix.

Displaying Lotus Notes documents in a specific order on a web Page

We have a web site in which it is built using Lotus Notes. This site allows users to submit their applications for employment. On the initial screen the user selects the location and/or area of interest they are interested in. From their selection, a listing of the various positions available are displayed.
The issue that we are having is trying to get the listing to display the various positions in some type of order. The listing is displayed using a view.
Within this view, there are 4 columns. In the first column, the job title is displayed. In the second column, is the shift, the third column is the area of interest and the last column is the reference number. In the first column of the view, this is the value for the column title - "Job Title"
Below is the formula for the column value:
ThisDB := #ReplaceSubstring(#ReplaceSubstring(#Subset(#DbName; -1);" ";"+");"\";"/");
Temp := "" ;
"" + temp + jobTitle + ""
When this is displayed, it is displayed in order by the document ID, is there a way of getting this to be displayed by the area of interest? The area of interest would appear as "Purchasing", "Accounting", "Sales", etc.
Any help with this is greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
You need to open the view in Notes Designer and double-click on one of the column headers to open the properties. You can set a sort order in the properties dialog for the area of interest column, and make sure no other columns are sorted.
Alternatively, you can add a hidden column just for sorting as the first column from the left. That column can be the same value as area of interest (or anything else you need to sort by) but it won't display when the view is rendered.
I found the issue - within the formula we were using "searchview" and with the sort order for this defaults to "relevance". By adding the "searchorder=4" option users the designated column we have set as the sort order for the listing. Thank you for your comments and hope this helps someone else.

Infopath Newbie - Populate field from lookup value

There are explanations for this all over the web, but none I have followed a) seem to work, b) explain how to achieve this in simple noob terms, c) show any sort of diagram, or d) make assumptions that you want to start jumping right into code...
I have a form for users to log training they have completed. I have a sharepoint list with the course name and the duration in hours.
When the user opens the infopath form, it populates a read-only field with their username, and populates a dropdown with the list of available training courses from my sharepoint list.
All I want to do is to populate another read-only field with the duration of the course... But I just cant find the right filter settings to do it.
Currently I have the default value of the duration field in my form set to the formula:
Duration(from SP list)[Course Title (from SP list) = Training Course (from form lookup field)]
But this is not returning any values...
This is using both SP 2010 and IP 2010
Ok, you use rules, not the default value, as pretty much every website I have looked for answer tells you...
Make sure the default value for the field you want to populate is blank, and then set a rule that when your lookup field value changes, it updates the value in your other field...
That was easier than I thought!
This is soemthing called a cascated drop down there are various examples of this on the web.
To do this you need to click on the drop down box that you want to filter.
This will be the duration. (The user would then select the course they went on)
In the duration drop down below you would ensure that you have connected it the correct data source.
Right click on the duraction drop down.
Drop down list properties
get choices from external data source
on the entries you would select the button to the right hand side
You would select 'course title now as this is what you want it to be filtered by' (drop down above)
When selected you would click filter data - (button on bottom right hand side)
You would then filter it so the formula is 'CourseTitle(above drop down) 'is equal to' CourseTitle(data source from the list)'
This then should only allow them to match select the time that matches that course.
If this doesnt work let me know.

Sharepoint re-order item order in the list

In the list, I set-up "ID" column and "Title" column.
I added 10 items in the list, and I'm trying to put the 10th item between 1 and 2.
After my research, many people said I can't manually change ID number...
Is there a way to re-order the item?
deleting every items is the only answer?
Please help!
The ID column is an internal identity-like column. You cannot change the value. If you need a column that you can order by (and change), just create a new column called SortOrder or something. Then sort by that column.
I know this is an old post, but I thought this might help someone who might be looking for an OOB answer.
Go into your links list so that you see your List Tools, Items and List at the top.
Select Items.
There is a Change Item Order Icon in the Ribbon. This will allow you to renumber the Links in your list and change the order.
You can manually change the items order if you create your list based on a link list definition. This kind of list allows you to re-order items as you require through a ribbon button. I use this workaround often.
The ID Column is SharePoint inbuilt and you can not change the value of it.
for your solution either you need to delete all item and insert it again or as #Nigel Whatling say you have to add SortColumn
Column Setting will only change the order in the SharePoint List. To change the view order Use the Modify View Selector to adjust the way the fields are sorted. Modify View is found on the ... next to Find and Item Box or If your in the site setting it is under View on the lower 3rd of the page
I also got stuck with this and couldn't use the previous answers as I couldn't see the buttons they spoke of in the ribbon.
I went to List > List Settings in the ribbon. At the bottom of the list settings page I click on a View to edit it (or create new view). Unser the heading Sort you can change the column you wish to sort by and change from descending to ascending etc.
Actually, if I understand the question, it was just what I was trying to accomplish and spent most of my morning working on.
Select the List.
From toolbar, select List under List Tools.
Click List Settings.
Below the listed columns, see Column Ordering
Modify "Position from Top" number and click OK at bottom.
Updated steps:
Select the List.
From toolbar, select List under List Tools.
Click List Settings.
Above the Column list click on the "Item" link
At the bottom of the page select "Column Ordering"
Modify "Position from Top" number and click OK at bottom.
