What area of machine learning should I look into to automatically extract certain info from messages - nlp

I have an app that extracts information from incoming messages. The messages all contain the same information, but they have different forms depending on the source that sent them.
Message from source A :
A: You spent $50.00 at Macy's on 2/20/12
Message from source B :
Purchase, $50.00, Macy's, 2Feb2012, Balance $5000.00
Every message from a single source has the same form though. So at the moment, I'm doing it by writing a set of regular expressions to first identify which message I'm trying to decode (i.e. what source it came from so I know what the form of the message is), and then extracting the necessary information from the message (in the above example, I want to know the transaction amount, the store where the transaction happened, and the date). If I discover a new source for a message, or a source changes the format of their message (doesn't happen very often, but could happen), I need to manually write the regular expressions for that message. I'm sure however that I could automate this using some kind of machine learning technique. I just don't know much about machine learning, and I don't know where to even start looking for a technique that would apply to my problem. I would like someone to just point me in the right direction on where to start reading.

In order to detect and label amounts, dates, person names and similar information you can use a technique called Named Entity Recognition. The Stanford Named Entity Recognizer comes with pretrained, ready to use models.
You also use whatever labeled data you have generated so far to learn a custom model for your application. The standard techniques used for this purpose are Conditional Random Fields or Sequence Perceptron. There are many toolkits implementing these models, including:
Wapiti - A simple and fast discriminative sequence labelling toolkit.
Sequor - sequence labeler based on Collins's (2002) perceptron.


Inferring the user intention from the event stream in an event store. Is this even a correct thing to do?

We are using an event store that stores a single aggregate - a user's order (imagine an Amazon order than can be updated at any moment by both a client or someone in the e-commerce company before it actually gets dispatched).
For the first time we're going to allow our company's employees to see the order's history, as until now they could only see its current state.
We are now realizing that the events that form up the aggregate root don't really show the intent or what the user actually did. They only serve to build the current state of the order when applied sequencially to an empty order. The question is: should they?
Imagine a user that initially had one copy of book X and then removed it and added 2 again. Should we consider this as an event "User added 1 book" or events "User removed 1 book" + "User added 2 books" (we seem to have followed this approach)?
In some cases we have one initial event that then is followed by other events. I, developer, know for sure that all these events were triggered by a single command, but it seems incredibly brittle for me to make that kind of assumptions when generating on the fly this "order history" functionality for the user to see. But if I don't treat them, at least in the order history feature as a single action, it will seem like there were lots of order amendments when in fact there was just one, big one.
Should I have "macro" events that contain "micro events" inside? Should I just attach the command's id to the event so I can then easily inferr what event happened at the same and which ones not (an alternative would be relying on timestamps.. but that's disgusting).
What's the standard approch to deal with this kind of situations? I would like to be able to look at any time to the aggregate's history and generate this report (I don't want to build the report incrementally every time the order is updated).
Command names should ideally be descriptive of intent. Which should mean it's possible to create event names which make the original intent clear. As a rule of thumb, the events in the event stream should be understandable to the relevant members of the business. It's a good rule of thumb. It should contain stuff like 'cartUpdated' etc.
Given the above, I would have expected that the showing the event stream should be fine. But I totally get why it may not be ideal in some circumstances. I.e. it may be too detailed. In which case maybe create a 'summeriser' read model fed the events.
It is common to include the command’s ID in the resulting events’ metadata, along with an optional correlation ID (useful for long running processes). This then makes it easier to build the order history projection. Alternatively, you could just use the event time stamps to correlate batches in whatever way you want (perhaps you might only want one entry even for multiple commands, if they happened in a short window).
Events (past tense) do not always capture human - or system - user intent. Commands (imperative mood) do. As all command data cannot always be easily retraced from the events it generated, keeping a structured log of commands looks like a good option here.

suggest list of how-to articles based on text content

I have 20,000 messages (combination of email and live chat) between my customer and my support staff. I also have a knowledge base for my product.
Often times, the questions customers ask are quite simple and my support staff simply point them to the right knowledge base article.
What I would like to do, in order to save my support staff time, is to show my staff a list of articles that may likely be relevant based on the initial user's support request. This way they can just copy and paste the link to the help article instead of loading up the knowledge base and searching for the article manually.
I'm wondering what solutions I should investigate.
My current line of thinking is to run analysis on existing data and use a text classification approach:
For each message, see if there is a response with a link to a how-to article
If Yes, extract key phrases (microsoft cognitive services)
Treat each how-to as a 'classification' that belongs to sets of key phrases
Use some supervised machine learning, support vector machines maybe to predict which 'classification, aka how-to article' belongs to key phrase determined from a new support ticket.
Feed new responses back into the set to make the system smarter.
Not sure if I'm over complicating things. Any advice on how this is done would be appreciated.
PS: naive approach of just dumping 'key phrases' into search query of our knowledge base yielded poor results since the content of the help article is often different than how a person phrases their question in an email or live chat.
A simple classifier along the lines of a "spam" classifier might work, except that each FAQ would be a feature as opposed to a single feature classifier of spam, not-spam.
Most spam-classifiers start-off with a dictionary of words/phrases. You already have a start on this with your naive approach. However, unlike your approach a spam classifier does much more than a text search. Essentially, in a spam classifier, each word in the customer's email is given a weight and the sum of weights indicates if the message is spam or not-spam. Now, extend this to as many features as FAQs. That is, features like: FAQ1 or not-FAQ1, FAQ2 or not-FAQ2, etc.
Since your support people can easily identify which of the FAQs an e-mail requires then using a supervised learning algorithm would be appropriate. To reduce the impact of any miss-classification errors, then consider the application presenting a support person with the customer's email followed by the computer generated response and all the support person would have to-do is approve the response or modify it. Modifying a response should result in a new entry in the training set.
Support Vector Machines are one method to implement machine learning. However, you are probably suggesting this solution way too early in the process of first identifying the problem and then getting a simple method to work, as well as possible, before using more sophisticated methods. After all, if a multi-feature spam classifier works why invest more time and money in something else that also works?
Finally, depending on your system this is something I would like to work-on.

What is the best method to extract relevant info from Email?

My friend has a small business where customers order services using email. He receives several emails a day and sorting thru it is becoming cumbersome.
There are about 10 different kind of tasks the customer can request, and for each there are one or two words that specify it. The other info present in the emails is the place where the service is to be delivered, the time, and the involved people's names. The email also contains an ID, a long number with a fairly standard format.
The emails are very unstructured, but all contain the key info above. My question is: what is the best method to sweep thru these emails and extract the key info (such as type of service, place, people's names, the ID etc)?
I thought about some kind of pre-processing, then pass it thru AlchemyAPI and then test the Alchemy output using Neural Networks for each feature (key info). This can be supervised learning as I can do a feedback loop all the time, as once the info is inputted, I can have someone to validate.
Any ideas? Thanks
I guess some parts (ID, task, time) can be captured by a regular expression and dictionary matching. Have a look at GATE's JAPE tool.
It should be fairly easy to assemble a dictionary and then use the lookups for the "task", also you can reuse the available jape rules for date/time and write a new one for the ID (also, a simple regex could be fine).
For matching the location and people's names you should be careful, openCalais and alchemyAPI can give you good results if names and places are used in well defined sentences and will probably make more mistakes with some tabular or weird format. Also you can never be sure you captured the place and person correctly so don't rely on that for processing orders directly.
If you have more information about mails' structure or expected names and places (i.e. you have a "clients" table with all possible names), you would probably want to do your own tagging, otherwise I'd stick to openCalais or alchemyAPI + some regular expressions.
P.S. I assume all mails are in English.

Open source projects for email scrubbing generating structured data from unstructured source?

Don't know where to start on this one so hopefully you guys can clear up my question. I have project where email will be searched for specific words/patterns and stored in a structured manner. Something that is done with Trip it.
The article states that they developed a DataMapper
The DataMapper is responsible for taking inbound email messages
addressed to plans [at] tripit.com and transforming them from the
semi-structured format you see in your mail reader into a highly
structured XML document.
There is a comment that also states
If you're looking to build this yourself, reading a little bit about
Wrappers and Wrapper Induction might be helpful
I Googled and read about wrapper induction but it was just too broad of a definition and didn't help me understand how one would go about solving such problem.
Is there some open source project out there that does similar things?
There are a couple of different ways and things you can do to accomplish this.
The first part, which involves getting access to the email content I'll not answer here. Basically, I'll assume that you have access to the text of emails, and if you don't there are some libraries that allow you to connect java to an email box like camel (http://camel.apache.org/mail.html).
So now you've got the email so then what?
A handy thing that could help is that lingpipe (http://alias-i.com/lingpipe/) has an entity recognizer that you can populate with your own terms. Specifically, look at some of their extraction tutorials and their dictionary extractor (http://alias-i.com/lingpipe/demos/tutorial/ne/read-me.html) So inside of the lingpipe dictionary extractor (http://alias-i.com/lingpipe/docs/api/com/aliasi/dict/ExactDictionaryChunker.html) you'd simply import the terms you're interested in and use that to associate labels with an email.
You might also find the following question helpful: Dictionary-Based Named Entity Recognition with zero edit distance: LingPipe, Lucene or what?
Really a very broad question, but I can try to give you some general ideas, which might be enough to get started. Basically, it sounds like you're talking about an elaborate parsing problem - scanning through the text and looking to apply meaning to specific chunks. Depending on what exactly you're looking for, you might get some good mileage out of a few regular expressions to start - things like phone numbers, email addresses, and dates have fairly standard structures that should be matchable. Other data points might benefit from some indicator words - the phrase "departing from" might indicate that what follows is an address. The natural language processing community also has a large tool set available for text processing - check out things like parts of speech taggers and semantic analyzers if they're appropriate to what you're trying to do.
Armed with those techniques, you can follow a basic iterative development process: For each data point in your expected output structure, define some simple rules for how to capture it. Then, run the application over a batch of test data and see which samples didn't capture that datum. Look at the samples and revise your rules to catch those samples. Repeat until the extractor reaches an acceptable level of accuracy.
Depending on the specifics of your problem, there may be machine learning techniques that can automate much of that process for you.

Integrating with 500+ applications

Our customers use 500+ applications and we would like to integrate these applications with our. What is the best way to do that? These applications are time registration applications and common for most of them is that they can export to csv or similar, some of them are actually home-brewed excel sheets where time is registered.
The best idea so far is to create our own excel sheet, which can be used to integrate with all these applications. The integrations could be in the form of cells containing something like ='[c:\export.csv]rawdata'!$A$3 Where export.csv is the csv file exported from the time registration applications. Can you see a better way to integrate against all these applications? It should be mentioned that almost all our customers have Microsoft Office.
Edit: Answers to the excellent questions from Pontus Gagge:
How similar are the data in the different applications?
I assume that since they time registration applications, they will have some similarities, but I assume that some will register the how long time one has worked in total for a whole month, while others will spesify for each day. If Excel is chosen, I believe that many of the differences could be ironed out using basic formulas.
What quality is the data?
The quality of the data can vary so basic validation must be undertaken, a good way is also to make it transparent for the customers, how our application understands their input, so they are responsible.
How large amounts of data are you talking about?
There will be information about the time worked for up to 50 employees.
Is the integration one-way only?
With what frequency should information be transferred?
Once per month (when they need to pay salaries).
How often do the applications themselves change, and how often does your product change?
If their application is a home-brewed Excel sheet, then I assume it will change once a year (due for example a mistake someone). If it is a standard proper time registration application, then I do not believe they are updated more often than every fifth year or so, as it is a very stabile concept.
Should the integration be fully automatic or can your end users trigger a data transfer?
They can surely trigger data transfer. The users are often dedicated to the process so they can be trained at doing it, which means that they could make up to, say 30, mouse clicks in order to integrate each month.
Will the customers have somebody to monitor the integrations?
As we have many customers, many of them should be able to undertake the integration themselves. We will though be able to assist them over the telephone. We cannot, though undertake the integration ourselves because we would then be responsible for any errors due to user mistakes, etc.
Does the phrase 'integration spaghetti' mean anything to you...?
I am looking for ideas from the best chefs to cook a nice large portion of that.
You need to come up with a common data format, and a way to translate the individual data formats to the common format. There's really no way around this - any solution you come up with will have to do this in one way or the other. It's the essential complexity of what you're doing.
The bigger issue is actually variances within the source data, in terms of how things like dates are stored, missing columns, etc. Doing a generic conversion for CSV to move columns around is comparatively easy.
I would also look at CSV and then use an OLEDB connection against the CSV file for importing.
If you try to make something that can interface to any data structure in the universe (and 500 is plenty close enough), it is guaranteed to be a maintenance nightmare. Instead I would approach this from multiple angles:
Devise an interface into which a human can enter this data already in the proper format. With 500+ clients, I'd make this a small, raw but functional browser based site that users can use to enter this information manally. This is the fall-back. At the end of the day, a human can re-key the information into the site and solve the import issue. Ideally, everyone would use this instead of their own format. Data entry people are cheap.
Similar to above, but expanded, I would develop a standard application or standardize on an off-the-shelf application that can be used to replace their existing format. This might take more time than #1. The goal would be to only do one-time imports of these varying data schemas into the application and be done with them for good.
The nice thing about spreadsheets is that you can do anything anywhere. The bad thing about spreadsheets is that you can do anything anywhere. With CSV or a spreadsheet there is simply no way to enforce data integrity and thus consistency (which is the primary goal) on the data. If the source data is already in a database, then that is obviously simpler.
I would be inclined to use database format into which each of these files need to be converted rather than a spreadsheet (e.g. use something like Jet (MDB)). If you have non-Windows users then that will make it harder and you might have to use a spreadsheet. The problem is that it is too easy for the user to change their source structure, break their upload and come crying to you. If a given end user has a resident expert, they can find a way of importing the data into that database format . If you are that expert, then I would on a case-by-case basis, write something that would import into that database format. XML would be the other choice, but that will likely take more coding than an import/export into a database format.
Standardization of the apps (even having all the sources in a database format instead of a spreadsheet would help) and control over the data schema is the ultimate goal rather than permitting a gazillion formats. There really is no nice answer other than standardization. Otherwise, you are having to write a converter for every Tom-Dick-and-Harry format and again when someone changes the source format.
With a multitude of data sources mapping each one correctly to an intermediate format is not trivial. Regular expressions are good with a finite set of known data formats. Multipass can help when data is ambiguous without context (month,day fields and have several days of data), and also help defeat data entry errors. But it seems as this data is connected to salaries there needs a good reliable transfer.
An import configuring trick
Get the customer to make a set of training data in the application. It should have a "predefined unique date" and each subsequent data field have a number corresponding to the target data field in your application. On importing your application needs to recognise the predefined date, determine the unique translation required and effect the displaying/saving of this "mapping key", and stop the import. eg If you expect "Duration hours" in field two then get the user to enter 2 in the relevant field which might be "Attendance hours".
On subsequent runs, and with the mapping definition key, import becomes a fairly easy process of translation.
Note on terms
"predefined date" - must be historical, say founding date of your company?, might need to be in PC clock settable range.
"mapping key" - could be string of hex digits and nybble based so tractable to workout
The entered code can be extended to signify required conversions ie customer's application has durations in days and your application expects it in hours.
Interfacing with windows programs (in order if increasing fragility)
Ye Olde saving as CSV file
Print to operating system printer that is setup as a text file/pdf, then scavenge the data out of that
Extract data via the application interface control, typically ActiveX for several windows programs ie like Matlab's Spreadsheet Link
Read native file format xls format ie like Matlab's xlsread
Add an additional intermediate spreadsheet sheet that has extended cell references ie ='[filename]rawdata'!$A$3
Have a look at Teiid by JBoss: http://jboss.org/teiid
Also consider using SOA - e.g., if you're on Java, try JBoss SOA platform: http://www.jboss.com/resources/soa/?intcmp=1004
Use a simple XML format. A non-technical person can easily understand a simple XML format (and could even identify basic problems with XML documents that are not well-formed).
Maybe use a DTD (or even better an XML schema) to do very basic validation, and then supplement this with an XSL stylesheet to do more validation with better error reporting. (An XSL stylesheet simply converts from XML to something else and so can be generate readable error messages.)
The advantage of this approach is that web browsers such as Internet Explorer can apply the XSL stylesheets. A customer need only spend at most a day enhancing their applications or writing excel macros to generate the XML data in the format that you specify.
Recent versions of Excel have support for converting spreadsheet data to XML, and can even validate against schemas.
Once the data passes the XSL validation checks, you have validated XML data.
If you have heaps of data and heaps of money, you could look at existing data management and cleansing tools:
But even then, you'll likely need to follow kyoryu's suggestion assuming you have 500+ data formats. The problem isn't your side. You need them to standardize their output formats if you have no control over their apps. CSV is likely the easiest. You could even send them a excel template to help them along.
