What is the best method to extract relevant info from Email? - text

My friend has a small business where customers order services using email. He receives several emails a day and sorting thru it is becoming cumbersome.
There are about 10 different kind of tasks the customer can request, and for each there are one or two words that specify it. The other info present in the emails is the place where the service is to be delivered, the time, and the involved people's names. The email also contains an ID, a long number with a fairly standard format.
The emails are very unstructured, but all contain the key info above. My question is: what is the best method to sweep thru these emails and extract the key info (such as type of service, place, people's names, the ID etc)?
I thought about some kind of pre-processing, then pass it thru AlchemyAPI and then test the Alchemy output using Neural Networks for each feature (key info). This can be supervised learning as I can do a feedback loop all the time, as once the info is inputted, I can have someone to validate.
Any ideas? Thanks

I guess some parts (ID, task, time) can be captured by a regular expression and dictionary matching. Have a look at GATE's JAPE tool.
It should be fairly easy to assemble a dictionary and then use the lookups for the "task", also you can reuse the available jape rules for date/time and write a new one for the ID (also, a simple regex could be fine).
For matching the location and people's names you should be careful, openCalais and alchemyAPI can give you good results if names and places are used in well defined sentences and will probably make more mistakes with some tabular or weird format. Also you can never be sure you captured the place and person correctly so don't rely on that for processing orders directly.
If you have more information about mails' structure or expected names and places (i.e. you have a "clients" table with all possible names), you would probably want to do your own tagging, otherwise I'd stick to openCalais or alchemyAPI + some regular expressions.
P.S. I assume all mails are in English.


Internal Search optimization for relevance

My team is using Solr and I have a question regarding it.
There are some search terms which doesn't gives relevant results or results which should have been displayed. For example:
Searching for Macy's without the apostrophe like "Macys" doesnt give back any result for Macy's.
Searching for JPMorgan vs JP Morgan gives different result
Searching for IBM doesn't show results which contains its full name i.e International business machine.
How can we improve and optimize such cases so that it gets applied to all, even to the one we didn't catch apart from these 3 above?
Any suggestions?
All these issues are related to how you process the incoming text for those fields. You'll have to create a filter chain for the field - and possibly use multiple fields for different use cases and prioritize those using qf - that processes the input values to do what you want.
Your first case can be solved by using a PatternReplaceFilter to remove any apostrophes - depending on your use case and tokenizer you might want to use the CharFilter version, as it processes the text before it's split into multiple tokens.
Your second case is a straight forward synonym filter or a WordDelimiterFilter, where you expand JPMorgan to "JP Morgan", or use the WordDelimiterFilter to expand case changes into separate tokens. That'll also allow you to search for JP and get JPMorgan related entries. These might have different effects on score, use debugQuery=true to see exactly how each term in your query contributes to the score.
The third case is in general the same as the second case. You'll have to create a decent synonym word list for the terms used, and this is usually something you build as you get feedback from your users, from existing dictionaries and from domain knowledge. There's also the option of preprocessing text using NLP, or in this case, something as primitive as indexing the initials of any capitalized words after each other could help.

Smart search for acronyms in Salesforce

In Salesforce's Service Cloud one can enable the out of the box search function where the user enters a term and the system searches all parts of the database for a match. I would like to enable smart searching of acronyms so that if I spell an organizations name the search functionality will also search for associated acronyms in the database. For example, if I search type in American Automobile Association, I would also get results that contain both "American Automobile Association" and "AAA".
I imagine such a script would involve declaring that if the term being searched contains one or more spaces or periods, take the first letter of the first word and concatenate it with the letters that follow subsequent spaces or periods.
I have unsuccessfully tried to find scripts for this or articles on enabling this functionality in Salesforce. Any guidance would be appreciated.
Interesting question! I don't think there's a straightforward answer but as it's standard search functionality, not 100% programming related - you might want to cross-post it to salesforce.stackexchange.com
Let's start with searchable fields list: https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=search_fields_business_accounts.htm&type=0
In Setup there's standard functionality for Synonyms, quite easy to use. It's not a silver bullet though, applies only to certain objects like Knowledge Base (if you use it). Still - it claims to work on Cases too so if there's "AAA" in Case description it should still be good enough?
You could also check out the trick with marking a text field as indexed and/or external ID and adding there all your variations / acronyms: https://success.salesforce.com/ideaView?id=08730000000H6m2 This is more work, to prepare / sanitize your data upfront but it's not a bad idea.
Similar idea would be to use Tags although that could explode in size very quickly. It's ridiculous to create a tag for every single company.
You can do some really smart things in data deduplication rules. Too much to write it all here, check out the trailhead: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/en/modules/sales_admin_duplicate_management/units/sales_admin_duplicate_management_unit_2 No idea if it impacts search though.
If you suffer from bad address data there are State & Country picklists, no more mess with CA / California / SoCal... https://resources.docs.salesforce.com/204/latest/en-us/sfdc/pdf/state_country_picklists_impl_guide.pdf Might not help with Name problem...
Data.com cleanup might help. Paid service I think, no idea if it affects search too. But if enabling it can bring these common abbreviations into your org - might be better than reinventing the wheel.

Named Entity Recognition - Do we need an external list to match results?

I am not an expert in Machine Learning, so I will try to be as accurate as possible...
I am currently analyzing financial documents that are giving information on a specific fund. What I would like to do is to be able to extract the fund name.
For this, I am using Named Entity Recognition (NER) in Azure Machine Learning platform. After analyzing approx. 100 documents, I get results classified as Organizations. In most cases, they are really organizations. This is great, but my problem is that the fund name is also categorized as an organization. I am not able to distinguish between a company name and a fund name.
From some readings on Internet, I could discover that Gazette system could help so that we can match the recognized organizations against a list of funds, and therefore make sure that we have a fund name.
Do you think this would be a good approach? Or is there any other algorithm that I should try to improve the results?
Thanks for any suggestion!
NER has its origins in identifying text identifying broad semantic categories, like the names of people or organizations (companies) in your case. Reading the description of question, I don't think this is the problem you really want to solve. Specifically you mention:
that Gazette system could help so that we can match the recognized organizations against a list of funds
I suspect the problem you really want to solve is one of semantic interoperability - you want text from your NLP program to match a list you have that is part of another system. In that case, the only accepted way you are going to solve your problem is to map all of the input text to a list/common standard - ie) use the gazetteer. So you are on the right path.
The only caveat is that if you only need to distinguish between funds and other types of organizations - without the need to match the results against a list. If that is the case, you write a classifier to distinguish funds from everything else and you can avoid mapping to your list entirely. Otherwise use a gazetteer.

Methods for extracting locations from text?

What are the recommended methods for extracting locations from free text?
What I can think of is to use regex rules like "words ... in location". But are there better approaches than this?
Also I can think of having a lookup hash table table with names for countries and cities and then compare every extracted token from the text to that of the hash table.
Does anybody know of better approaches?
Edit: I'm trying to extract locations from tweets text. So the issue of high number of tweets might also affect my choice for a method.
All rule-based approaches will fail (if your text is really "free"). That includes regex, context-free grammars, any kind of lookup... Believe me, I've been there before :-)
This problem is called Named Entity Recognition. Location is one of the 3 most studied classes (with Person and Organization). Stanford NLP has an open source Java implementation that is extremely powerful: http://nlp.stanford.edu/software/CRF-NER.shtml
You can easily find implementations in other programming languages.
Put all of your valid locations into a sorted list. If you are planning on comparing case-insensitive, make sure the case of your list already is normalized.
Then all you have to do is loop over individual "words" in your input text and at the start of each new word, start a new binary search in your location list. As soon as you find a no-match, you can skip the entire word and proceed with the next.
Possible problem: multi-word locations such as "New York", "3rd Street", "People's Republic of China". Perhaps all it takes, though, is to save the position of the first new word, if you find your bsearch leads you to a (possible!) multi-word result. Then, if the full comparison fails -- possibly several words later -- all you have to do is revert to this 'next' word, in relation to the previous one where you started.
As to what a "word" is: while you are preparing your location list, make a list of all characters that may appear inside locations. Only phrases that contain characters from this list can be considered a valid 'word'.
How fast are the tweets coming in? As in is it the full twitter fire hose or some filtering queries?
A bit more sophisticated approach, that is similar to what you described is using an NLP tool that is integrated to a gazetteer.
Very few NLP tools will keep up to twitter rates, and very few do very well with twitter because of all of the leet speak. The NLP can be tuned for precision or recall depending on your needs, to limit down performing lockups in the gazetteer.
I recommend looking at Rosoka(also Rosoka Cloud through Amazon AWS) and GeoGravy

What area of machine learning should I look into to automatically extract certain info from messages

I have an app that extracts information from incoming messages. The messages all contain the same information, but they have different forms depending on the source that sent them.
Message from source A :
A: You spent $50.00 at Macy's on 2/20/12
Message from source B :
Purchase, $50.00, Macy's, 2Feb2012, Balance $5000.00
Every message from a single source has the same form though. So at the moment, I'm doing it by writing a set of regular expressions to first identify which message I'm trying to decode (i.e. what source it came from so I know what the form of the message is), and then extracting the necessary information from the message (in the above example, I want to know the transaction amount, the store where the transaction happened, and the date). If I discover a new source for a message, or a source changes the format of their message (doesn't happen very often, but could happen), I need to manually write the regular expressions for that message. I'm sure however that I could automate this using some kind of machine learning technique. I just don't know much about machine learning, and I don't know where to even start looking for a technique that would apply to my problem. I would like someone to just point me in the right direction on where to start reading.
In order to detect and label amounts, dates, person names and similar information you can use a technique called Named Entity Recognition. The Stanford Named Entity Recognizer comes with pretrained, ready to use models.
You also use whatever labeled data you have generated so far to learn a custom model for your application. The standard techniques used for this purpose are Conditional Random Fields or Sequence Perceptron. There are many toolkits implementing these models, including:
Wapiti - A simple and fast discriminative sequence labelling toolkit.
Sequor - sequence labeler based on Collins's (2002) perceptron.
