Is it possible to create an orchard autoroute using contents of a custom type property? - c#-4.0

I have an Orchard cms module with some additional Content types set up and have added an AutoRoute component via code.
Everything works perfectly, however I am not happy with the default permalink pattern.
What I am trying to do is add a custom pattern and use one of the public properties in my content type. In my case the custom type has a public property called ClubName and I would like that to be used (It makes more sense from a routing perspective).
The Orchard part class name is called TrackPart.
I have tried {Content.TrackPart.ClubName}, {Content.Track.ClubName}, {ContentItem.TrackPart.ClubName},{Content.TrackPart.ClubName} and various other variations but nothing seems to be working.
I am really new to Orchard so there is a high chance I am missing something simple.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
In response to feedback from #Bertrand-le-roy I created my own token by copying an example token. I can now get see the token in the drop down menu and select it. However the route pattern is still not working.
I can only assume that I have misunderstood the Evaluate() function's context.For usage. It looks like I am not getting the data I need
Here is what I have so far.
public class TrackPartTokens : ITokenProvider {
private readonly IContentManager _contentManager;
public TrackPartTokens(IContentManager contentManager) {
_contentManager = contentManager;
public Localizer T { get; set; }
public void Describe(dynamic context) {
context.For("Track", T("Track"), T("Tokens for Track"))
.Token("ClubName", T("ClubName"), T("The name of the club."))
public void Evaluate(dynamic context) {
.Token("ClubName", (Func<TrackPart, object>)(field => field.ClubName))
.Chain("ClubName", "ClubName", (Func<TrackPart, object>)(field =>field.ClubName))
The above code was based on the DateTimeField token inside the Orchard.Fields module.
.Token("Date", (Func)(field => field.DateTime))
.Chain("Date", "Date", (Func)(field => field.DateTime));

I had the same issue.
After some troubleshooting I managed to get the autoroute working by changing my implementaion to the following (adapted to your example, note that your setup might require some changes to the linq-function):
In your tokens-class:
First add a using System.Linq statement.
Then change your Evaluate implementation to the following:
.Token("ClubName", (Func<IContent>, object>)(content =>
Make sure your AutoroutePart settings in Migrations.cs uses the Content-prefix. Like:
.WithPart("AutoroutePart", partBuilder =>
.WithSetting("AutorouteSettings.AllowCustomPattern", "true")
.WithSetting("AutorouteSettings.AutomaticAdjustmentOnEdit", "false")
#"[{Name:'Track', Pattern:'{Content.ClubName}',
Description:'Your description'}]")
.WithSetting("AutorouteSettings.DefaultPatternIndex", "0"))
There seems to be some problems with the TokenManager-class in Orchard source that only allows the target-parameter to equal "Content" in order for the call: _data.TryGetValue(target, out value) to work (TokenManager.cs, line 67). I have tried a number of different setups but the _data-dictionary always only contain the "Content" key.

You'll have to make your own token. It's really easy. Copy a working example.


How to decorate the final class DocumentGenerator

I am having problems to decorate the final class "DocumentGenerator" (in vendor/shopware/core/Checkout/Document/Service/DocumentGenerator.php) and overwrite the "generate" function inside of it.
I tried to decorate it the usual way, but an error is thrown because the "DocumentController" class excepts the original class and not my decorated one?
Argument 2 passed to Shopware\Core\Checkout\Document\DocumentGeneratorController::__construct() must be an instance of Shopware\Core\Checkout\Document\Service\DocumentGenerator
Its also not possible to extend from the class in my decorated class, because the "DocumentGenerator" is a final class.
My goal is to execute additional code, after an order document is generated. Previously I successfully used to decorate the "DocumentService" Class, but its marked as deprecated and shouldnt be used anymore. Also the "DocumentGenerator" class is used for the new "bulkedit" function for documents as of Version
I'm grateful for every tip.
As #j_elfering already wrote it's by design that you should not extend that class and therefore also shouldn't decorate it.
To offer a potential alternative:
Depending on what you want to do after a document has been generated it might be enough to add a subscriber to listen to document.written, check if it was a new document created and then work with the data from the payload for fetching/persisting data depending on that.
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
'document.written' => 'onDocumentWritten',
public function onDocumentWritten(EntityWrittenEvent $event): void
foreach ($event->getWriteResults() as $result) {
if ($result->getOperation() !== EntityWriteResult::OPERATION_INSERT) {
// skip if the it's not a new document created
$payload = $result->getPayload();
// do something with the payload
Probably not what you want to hear but: The service is final in purpose as it is not intended to be decorated.
So the simple answer is you can't. Depending on your use case there may be other ways that don't rely on decoration.

Association is in database, but can't be retrieved via DAL. Will retrieve empty array of associations

I am following the advanced developer tutorial (
Currently I'm at step 7, and according to the tutorial what I've made so far should work.
But it doesn't.
In the database it shows the association, but I can't retrieve them from the repository.
You have to add the association to the Criteria.
Without it, the associations come as null.
Okay, turns out I switched up two parameters by accident. When I set them correctly it worked as it should.
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace Swag\BundleExample\Core\Content\Product;
use Shopware\Core\Content\Product\ProductDefinition;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\EntityExtension;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Field\Flag\Inherited;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Field\ManyToManyAssociationField;
use Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\FieldCollection;
use Swag\BundleExample\Core\Content\Bundle\Aggregate\BundleProduct\BundleProductDefinition;
use Swag\BundleExample\Core\Content\Bundle\BundleDefinition;
class ProductExtension extends EntityExtension
public function extendFields(FieldCollection $collection): void
(new ManyToManyAssociationField(
))->addFlags(new Inherited())
public function getDefinitionClass(): string
return ProductDefinition::class;
I'm talking about the 'product_id' and 'bundle_id'. In my case I had the 'product_id' as the last parameter.

How can I keep custom data annotations/fluent api when I scaffold -force in ef core 2.0?

I'm using EF core 2 with existing database.
Used Scaffold-DbContext command to reverse engineer classes. This worked fine.
Even Fluent API has pulled through correct database field constraints etc. e.g.
. . . .
modelBuilder.Entity<FsReport>(entity =>
entity.Property(e => e.Bcclist)
entity.Property(e => e.Cclist)
. . . .
Problem is for 1 field I need to add a custom data annotation. If I add this, then as soon as I rerun Scaffold-DbContext -force command (e.g. if database schema change) then the annotation will be overwritten and removed.
Is there anything I can do to avoid this? I tried putting it in a different partial class of the same name but got a 'The type already contains a definition for.... error'
Many thanks for any help.
I have a similiar situation where I wanted to re-generate the scaffold based on "outside-my-control" DB changes and maintain my custom DbContext edits. I solved this by sub-classing the generated DbContext (referring to it here as ScaffoldDbContext). In the subclass (called ScaffoldNavigationDbContext) I call the base.OnModelCreating before making my custom edits on the modelBuilder.
The scaffolding code generates the entity classes as partial so I take advantage and introduce those navigation properties in my classes....separate from the scaffold generated classes. For example, below is my code that will 'survive' a new scaffold generation. There may be caveat's to this but I'm unaware of them and for my simple use-case, it works.
public partial class ScaffoldNavigationDbContext : ScaffoldDbContext {
public ScaffoldNavigationDbContext (DbContextOptions options) : base(options) { }
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder) {
modelBuilder.Entity<CertMaster>(entity => {
entity.HasMany(x => x.CertTrans).WithOne(x => x.CertMaster).HasPrincipalKey(x => x.CertId);
public partial class CertMaster {
public List<CertTrans> CertTrans{ get; set; }
public partial class CertTrans {
public CertMaster CertMaster { get; set; }
No. If you insist on sticking with running Scaffold-DbContext (Database first) you will need to add your change back in afterwards. The best way to go forward is to read up on and implement Entity Framework Core Migrations (Code first).

change label value using value stored at session

i have two jsf pages (home.jsf and employees.jsf) ,
home page has a button that navigates to employees page,
while navigating i store value in session scope
at (Managed bean)
public void putSessionAL(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
public String navigate() {
return "employees";
i want to change Label at employees viewObject from UIHints tab depending on value stored at session using the following groovy expression
and changed trustMode to trusted but it fires the following exception
oracle.jbo.script.ExprScriptException: JBO-29114 ADFContext is not setup to process messages for this exception. Use the exception stack trace and error code to investigate the root cause of this exception. Root cause error code is JBO-25188. Error message parameters are {0=Employees.FirstName, 1=, 2=oracle.jbo.script.ExprSecurityException}
at oracle.jbo.script.ExprScriptException.throwException(
at oracle.jbo.script.ExprScriptException.throwExceptionWithExprDef(
at oracle.jbo.ExprEval.processScriptException(
at oracle.jbo.ExprEval.doEvaluate(
at oracle.jbo.ExprEval.evaluate(
at oracle.jbo.ExprEval.evaluate(
at oracle.jbo.common.NamedObjectImpl.resolvePropertyRaw(
at oracle.jbo.server.DefObject.resolvePropertyRaw(
One way to do it at the VO UIHint attribute label level will be programmaticaly by doing as follow :
In your VO go to the java tab and add the RowImpl java class
In the VORowImpl Add the following function
public String getMySessionLabel() {
return (String)FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSessionMap().get("key");
In the Label add the following EL expression :
This technique allow you more control than pure EL, if you want to do more than getting from session for example. In your case pure EL, as you did, should work as well. (Would need to check what is wrong with yours, maybe just missing the
If you attempt to get your label from a method in viewRowImpl. So this will be executed at least once for each row. I think this solution isn't fit for your case.
anyway ADF as a framework added strong policy and validations in EL in general and especially in version 12.2.x.
The solution for you case as following:
Create new class in model layer which extends oracle.jbo.script.ExprSecurityPolicy class
Override checkProperty method.
public boolean checkProperty(Object object, String string, Boolean b) {
if (object.getClass().getName().equals("oracle.adf.share.http.ServletADFContext") && string.equals("sessionScope")) {
return true;
return super.checkProperty(object, string, b);
Open adf-config.xml source and in startup tag set your class ExprSecurityPolicy property.
<startup ExprSecurityPolicy="model.CustomExprSecurityPolicy">

Breeze & EFContextProvider - How to properly return $type when using expand()?

I am using Breeze with much success in my SPA, but seem to be stuck when trying to return parent->child data in a single query by using expand().
When doing a single table query, the $type in the JSON return is correct:
$type: MySPA.Models.Challenge, MySPA
However if I use expand() in my query I get the relational data, but the $type is this:
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary 2[[System.String, mscorlib],[System.Object, mscorlib]]
Because of the $type is not the proper table + namespace, the client side code can't tell that this is an entity and exposes it as JSON and not a Breeze object (with observables, entityAspect, etc.).
At first I was using my own ContextProvider so that I could override the Before/After saving methods. When I had these problems, I reverted back to the stock EFContextProvider<>.
I am using EF5 in a database first mode.
Here's my controller code:
public class DataController : ApiController
// readonly ModelProvider _contextProvider = new ModelProvider();
readonly EFContextProvider<TestEntities> _contextProvider = new EFContextProvider<TestEntities>();
public string Metadata()
return _contextProvider.Metadata();
[Queryable(AllowedQueryOptions = AllowedQueryOptions.All)]
public IQueryable<Challenge> Challenges()
return _contextProvider.Context.Challenges;
public SaveResult SaveChanges(JObject saveBundle)
return _contextProvider.SaveChanges(saveBundle);
public IQueryable<ChallengeNote> ChallengeNotes()
return _contextProvider.Context.ChallengeNotes;
Here's my BreezeWebApiConfig.cs
public static void RegisterBreezePreStart()
name: "BreezeApi",
routeTemplate: "breeze/{controller}/{action}"
Is there a configuration setting that I am missing?
Did you try "expanding" on server side? Is it needed to do expand on client side? I tried to do expand before but failed for me as well, did some research and decided I'd rather place it on server:
public IQueryable<Challenge> ChallengesWithNotes()
return _contextProvider.Context.Challenges.Include("ChallengeNotes");
This should be parsed as expected. On client side you would query for "ChallengeNotes" instead of "Challenges" and you wouldn't need to write expand part.
I strongly suspect that the problem is due to your use of the [Queryable] attribute.
You must use the [BreezeQueryable] attribute instead!
See the documentation on limiting queries.
We are aware that Web API's QueryableAttribute has been deprecated in favor of EnableQueryAttribute in Web API v.1.5. Please stick with BreezeQueryable until we've had a chance to write a corresponding derived attribute for EnableQuery. Check with the documentation for the status of this development.
