Steps to upgrade in Symfony 2.1 using composer - symfony-2.1

I just testing new features on symfony 2.1-BETA3. Few hours ago BETA4 has been released but I don't know how to update BETA3 to BETA4 using composer. In 2.0.x release notes Fabien said:
If you already have a project based on the Symfony Standard Edition 2.0.x, you can easily upgrade to 2.0.15 by getting the new deps and deps.lock files.
Have I replace my composer.lock file? What about my own requires like:
"package": "stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle",
"version": "dev-master",
"source-reference": "36356b158b74cb68f96dc0b657e8732422b9d5dd",
"commit-date": "1341954345"

Don't touch composer.lock! Change composer.json. If you are using the standard edition, you probably already have something like
"symfony/symfony": "2.1.*"
"minimum-stability": "dev"
in there. The later one means, that you allow dev packages to get installed. The first one means, that you want any 2.1.* version. You can change it to
"symfony/symfony": "2.1.0-BETA4"
if you want, but the original 2.1.* should be suffice right now. Now call
php composer.phar update
This will update composer.lock too. Now you maybe must call (must say: I've forgotten it) call
php composer.phar install
to install the dependencies from composer.lock.
In short:
# To install (maybe even after update)
$ php composer.phar install
# To update
$ php composer.phar update
# To add, remove or change dependencies
# edit composer.json
$ php composer.phar update
YOu never need to touch composer.lock yourself and you shouldn't to avoid side effects of composer.

Download the composer in symfony2 root folder:
curl -s | php
and execute
php composer.phar self-update
php composer.phar update
use this if you can update to the last version.

There may be other things to do on top of what #KingCrunch told you, for instance the namespace of Doctrine has changed, some nodes in the configuration files (security.yml, config.yml) have changed from 2.0.* to 2.1.*
You should read this README on the symfony2 github repository as it explains in details what changed between sf 2.0 and sf 2.1


The Process class relies on proc_open, which is not available on your PHP installation

I am trying to finish converting a Drupal | 9.3 site and update The Webform Module for Drupal using Composer. A warning appears in Drupals admin-interface that using auto-update has a good chance of failing.... manual update MIGHT work.... and using composer is the recommended way plus, long term... no Composer, not much chance of updating compex modules.
***At bottom of this post, details with the commands and output I received using Composer are viewable.
I'm on shared hosting and the host investigated through cPanel and on to the upstream wholesale provider. "proc_open" is disabled server-wide as it can potentially traverse the entire server skel, a potentialy security risk to other hosts on the shared server. "proc_open" cannot be enabled for just one host on this system or any system that isn't in a dedicated environment.... all alternatives ^$up the cost of operation BIG.
Does anyone know if there is in fact a workaround? All options/feedback greatly appreciated. I know I'm not alone in this. Has anyone successfully done the manual update to Webform 6.2#beta? Long term, manual updates for Drupal Modules are going to become more and more difficult sans composer....
6.2.0-beta2 released 15 February 2022
Works with Drupal: ^9.2
Install: $ composer require 'drupal/webform:^6.2#beta'
Thank you!
############# #various command/output #################
Lock file op#drupal/webform 6.2.0-beta1
Writing lock file
Installing dependencies from lock file including require-dev
Nothing to install, update or remove
2 package suggestions were added by new dependencies, use composer suggest to see details.
Package doctrine/reflection is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use roave/better-reflection instead.
Generating autoload files
Hardening vendor directory with .htaccess and web.config files.
41 packages you are using are looking for funding.
Use the composer fund command to find out more!
Scaffolding files for drupal/core:
Copy [web-root]/sites/default/ from assets/scaffold/files/
Copy [web-root]/sites/default/default.settings.php from assets/scaffold/files/default.settings.php
Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json and ./composer.lock to their original content.
The Process class relies on proc_open, which is not available on your PHP installation.
[user#server web-services]$ composer update drupal/webform --with-dependencies
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies
Package "drupal/webform" listed for update is not locked.
Nothing to modify in lock file
Installing dependencies from lock file including require-dev
Package operations: 0 installs, 0 updates, 1 removal
Removing drupal/webform 6.2.0-beta1
Deleting modules/contrib/webform - deleted
Package doctrine/reflection is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use roave/better-reflection instead.
Generating autoload files
Hardening vendor directory with .htaccess and web.config files.
41 packages you are using are looking for funding.
Use the composer fund command to find out more!
The Process class relies on proc_open, which is not available on your PHP installation.

Should I include adminlte in packages.json / composer.json file?

Should I include adminlte in packages.json / composer.json file?
Is there necessary to include it in my packages.json / composer.json for my FE library?
Or I just download the zip file add to my public/ folder will be easier?
Since I am using version control, I will easily find out the file changes.
Is anyone added to their packages.json / composer.json? What is the advantage?
Anyone mind to share their workflow. I found that everytime have new update. That will be challenged to update.
I think it is same goes to other Front End Framework.
You have to include the needed functions, include the whole package if this isn't expressly needed could lead to additional security problems under certain circumstances.
I suggest you to give a look to AdminLTE structure.
Forget everything. AdminLTE can be installed using multiple methods.
Try this:
Via npm
npm install admin-lte --save
Via composer
composer require "almasaeed2010/adminlte=~2.4"
Via composer
bower install admin-lte

Adding dependencies from a single file, without composer.json

I am struggling around a wrong usage of composer, for sure.
I set up this repository:
I forked the project and was just trying to make it a kohana-module, including all the dependencies.
As for it would need the YUI comporess JAR, I was trying to make just that JARfile as a dependency, and I ended to declare it in the composer.json file (please, look at this).
Once I need to add my new package to a project I add it in the require section as follows:
"alle/assets-merger": "dev-master",
But the (latest) composer update command says:
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- Installation request for alle/assets-merger dev-develop -> satisfiable by alle/assets-merger[dev-develop].
- alle/assets-merger dev-develop requires yui/yuicompressor 2.4.8 -> no matching package found.
Potential causes:
- A typo in the package name
- The package is not available in a stable-enough version according to your minimum-stability setting see <> for more details.
And my story ends here.
How should I configure my composer.json in the repository, in order to include it as a fully satisfied kohana-module in other projects?
Some things I notice in your composer.json.
There is a version of that CSS minify available on Packagist which says it is just a copy of the original Goole-Code hosted files, but with Composer: natxet/cssmin. It is version 3.0.2, but I think that shouldn't make a difference.
mrclay/minify is included twice in the packages with the same version. It also is available on Packagist. You will probably already use that (version 2.2.0 is registered, and because you didn't turn of Packagist access, it will be generally available for install unless a version requirement or conflict prevents it).
You are trying to download a JAR file (which is a java executable without and PHP), but try to get PHP classmaps out of it. That will fail for sure.
You did miss the big note in the Composer documentation saying that Composer cannot resolve repositories mentioned in sub packages, only in the root package. That means that whatever you mention in your alle/asset-merger package will not be used if you use that package anywhere else. You'd have to duplicate these repositories in every package in addition to adding the package name itself as "required".
What this means is that you probably avoided missing mrclay/minify because it is available on Packagist, you might as well have added the cssmin by accident, but you definitly did not add YUICompressor.
But you shouldn't add this in the first place, because it is no PHP software. You can however add post-install commands to your projects. All your Composer integration does is download the JAR file. You can do that with a post-install or post-update command. See the documentation here.

laravel 4 suggestions about new installations

I have just installed laravel 4 using composer in my linux os. While it was downloading and installing all the packages it also gave me a lot of suggestions. It asked me to install
Should I install these things. And if I have to then how would I install them? Thanks in advance. :D
You don't have to install them for Laravel to function any differently. You should only install them if you explicitly plan on using them. The install directions are usually found on the project's github page.
All of those packages can be found on where you will easily be able to find them, see install directions, usage, etc...
To install them, usually you'd just add the appropriate line, usually found in the documentation, to your composer.json file, run composer update and they should automatically be made available to your project.
You got suggestions for both PHP library packages (PHP code) and PHP extensions (C code).
You should only install the PHP libraries if you know you want to use them. The suggestion feature of Composer allows any developer of a package to let Composer announce on update that there might be more software that enhances the library, but is entirely optional. The description next to the package name might have details on why the package could be installed. For example, a library for FTP and HTTP access might want to use existing FTP or HTTP clients, and will announce both as suggestions. If you decide you don't need FTP access, you only require the HTTP client to be used.
You cannot install PHP extensions via Composer. Installing them usually requires some kind of administrator access to the server, and depends on which OS is installed and whether or not it allows to install these extensions as a regular software package, or needs to have the PECL install toolchain available. If a PHP library suggests a PHP extension, then this extension also is completely optional, and you probably will know that if you need that feature (like access to MongoDB), you need the PHP extension as a prerequisite, but are likely to already have it installed (which would skip this suggestion from the list because it is fulfilled).

Cordova CLI, using Git, and saving plugins/platforms

I'm trying to figure out how to reconcile some Cordova + git "best practices" with what I think is reality, and I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this for me.
If I understand correctly, the current "best practice" is to add these directories to my .gitignore (from the book "Developing with Cordova CLI", the current version):
This removes the easily downloadable plugins and mostly boilerplate platform code from version control because it can be easily generated with a simple Cordova CLI command.
But, this seems counter-intuitive because - and I'm thinking like NPM or Bower - with the Cordova CLI I can't save which platforms and plugins I'm using in a config file. With NPM, I can add a --save switch to save the package in the package.json file. This allows me to not version control my node_modules folder and instead use 'npm install'. With the Cordova CLI I can't seem to use the --save switch (is there an equivalent) to 'remember' the plugins or platforms I intend to use.
It seems that the config.xml file in the www/ directory doesn't save which platforms or plugins have been added.
Is there some other file in the project that keeps a memory of which platforms and plugins I want to use? How does it work?
Cordova 4.3.0 + allows you to save and restore platforms and plugins. Saved information is stored in config.xml file. See v5.0.0 release notes and the official Cordova docs.
You can save platforms and plugins using the --save option when you add them:
cordova platforms add PLATFORM --save
cordova plugins add PLUGIN --save
Or you can save platforms and plugins that are currently added:
cordova platforms save
cordova plugins save
By doing this there is no need to check in platforms or plugins into your code repository. They will be automatically restored based on your config.xml file when cordova prepare command is run.
I typically write a hook to capture the plugins I want to use in my project. You can see this in an article I wrote here:
With the new modular architecture of Cordova 3.x, every app needs plugins, even to use basic functionality such as logging or geolocation. Rather than document which plugins/features your project needs and ask each new developer to install them, download and install them automatically with a hook in the after_platform_add step. Using this plugin, every time a developer checks out the project and adds a platform, they automatically have the required plugins.
You also may be interested in following along with this bug, which suggests npm style --save functionality:
Platforms are a little more difficult because they don't fit into the hook architecture, but you could write a shell script which you could execute to add your platforms.
for plat in ios android; do
cordova platform add $plat
You could do something similar with the version of cordova you have installed in node_modules (at least that is what I think you are installing in node_modules)--have shell script to get the correct version of cordova:
npm install cordova#$VERSION
PS Glad you liked the book!
