Kohana - Validate ORM - kohana

I'm using Kohana for some time now. I'm using "has_many", "has_one", "belongs_to" without a problem, my question is:
If I have 2 tables like this:
id | tbl_foo2_id | field1
1 | 2 | bar
2 | 1 | foo
id | field1
1 | foo
2 | bar
I have to have a relation like: tbl_foo1 belongs to tbl_foo2 and tbl_foo2 has many tbl_foo1
So far so good.
The problem is when I try to save the relation in the controller..
So I have this code:
$t1 = ORM::factory('tbl_foo1')->values($values, $expected)->create();
$t2 = ORM::factory('tbl_foo2', $_POST['id']);
$t1->tbl_foo2_id = $t2;
Ok, this should work, but I think this is not the best solution neither the most beautiful. For 2 reasons, 1 because of performance - it does 3 queries (1 to save $t1, 2 to find $t2, 3 to save relations of $t2 with $t1) and 2 because it may save empty records, because it doesn't validate the existence of the records in $t2.
So my main questions is, how this should be done?
My own solution
I used the solution that biakaveron gave me, thank you.
But still, there was the validation problem.. so I spent some time and came up with a solution, using the same example:
$t2 = ORM::factory('tbl_foo2', $_POST['id']);
$t1 = ORM::factory('tbl_foo1')->values($values, $expected);
$t1->foo2 = $t2; // foo2 is a belongs_to relationship
in the tbl_foo1 model I added the rules function:
public function rules()
'foo2_id' => array('not_empty')
So this way, I don't have to do another query, which is good for performance and it's a simple way to do it. And it works, because, when the ORM tries to find the id of the model tbl_foo2, if it doesn't find it, it returns NULL, so it will always empty no matter what!
Note: I used the DB transactions too (because this is just a portion of the process), so if one of the queries breaks for some reason, well no query will run. Just remember, you have to use one database engine that supports transactions (mine is InnoDB).

1 You can save model with belongs_to object:
$t2 = ORM::factory('tbl_foo2', $this->request->post('id'));
if (!$t2->loaded())
// wrong ID for tbl_foo2
$t1 = ORM::factory('tbl_foo1')->values($values, $expected);
$t1->foo2 = $t2; // foo2 is a belongs_to relationship
2 Check tbl_foo2_id with special callback.


django filter with related name [duplicate]

What is the difference between filter with multiple arguments and chain filter in django?
As you can see in the generated SQL statements the difference is not the "OR" as some may suspect. It is how the WHERE and JOIN is placed.
Example1 (same joined table): from https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/queries/#spanning-multi-valued-relationships
This will give you all the Blogs that have one entry with both (entry__headline__contains='Lennon') AND (entry__pub_date__year=2008), which is what you would expect from this query.
Blog with {entry.headline: 'Life of Lennon', entry.pub_date: '2008'}
Example 2 (chained)
This will cover all the results from Example 1, but it will generate slightly more result. Because it first filters all the blogs with (entry__headline__contains='Lennon') and then from the result filters (entry__pub_date__year=2008).
The difference is that it will also give you results like:
A single Blog with multiple entries
{entry.headline: '**Lennon**', entry.pub_date: 2000},
{entry.headline: 'Bill', entry.pub_date: **2008**}
When the first filter was evaluated the book is included because of the first entry (even though it has other entries that don't match). When the second filter is evaluated the book is included because of the second entry.
One table: But if the query doesn't involve joined tables like the example from Yuji and DTing. The result is same.
The case in which results of "multiple arguments filter-query" is different than "chained-filter-query", following:
Selecting referenced objects on the basis of referencing objects and relationship is one-to-many (or many-to-many).
Multiple filters:
Referenced.filter(referencing1_a=x, referencing1_b=y)
# same referencing model ^^ ^^
Chained filters:
Both queries can output different result:
If more then one
rows in referencing-modelReferencing1can refer to same row in
referenced-modelReferenced. This can be the case in Referenced:
Referencing1 have either 1:N (one to many) or N:M (many to many)
Consider my application my_company has two models Employee and Dependent. An employee in my_company can have more than dependents(in other-words a dependent can be son/daughter of a single employee, while a employee can have more than one son/daughter).
Ehh, assuming like husband-wife both can't work in a my_company. I took 1:m example
So, Employee is referenced-model that can be referenced by more then Dependent that is referencing-model. Now consider relation-state as follows:
Employee: Dependent:
+------+ +------+--------+-------------+--------------+
| name | | name | E-name | school_mark | college_mark |
+------+ +------+--------+-------------+--------------+
| A | | a1 | A | 79 | 81 |
| B | | b1 | B | 80 | 60 |
+------+ | b2 | B | 68 | 86 |
Dependenta1refers to employeeA, and dependentb1, b2references to employeeB.
Now my query is:
Find all employees those having son/daughter has distinction marks (say >= 75%) in both college and school?
>>> Employee.objects.filter(dependent__school_mark__gte=75,
... dependent__college_mark__gte=75)
[<Employee: A>]
Output is 'A' dependent 'a1' has distinction marks in both college and school is dependent on employee 'A'. Note 'B' is not selected because nether of 'B''s child has distinction marks in both college and school. Relational algebra:
Employee ⋈(school_mark >=75 AND college_mark>=75)Dependent
In Second, case I need a query:
Find all employees whose some of dependents has distinction marks in college and school?
>>> Employee.objects.filter(
... dependent__school_mark__gte=75
... ).filter(
... dependent__college_mark__gte=75)
[<Employee: A>, <Employee: B>]
This time 'B' also selected because 'B' has two children (more than one!), one has distinction mark in school 'b1' and other is has distinction mark in college 'b2'.
Order of filter doesn't matter we can also write above query as:
>>> Employee.objects.filter(
... dependent__college_mark__gte=75
... ).filter(
... dependent__school_mark__gte=75)
[<Employee: A>, <Employee: B>]
result is same! Relational algebra can be:
(Employee ⋈(school_mark >=75)Dependent) ⋈(college_mark>=75)Dependent
Note following:
dq1 = Dependent.objects.filter(college_mark__gte=75, school_mark__gte=75)
dq2 = Dependent.objects.filter(college_mark__gte=75).filter(school_mark__gte=75)
Outputs same result: [<Dependent: a1>]
I check target SQL query generated by Django using print qd1.query and print qd2.query both are same(Django 1.6).
But semantically both are different to me. first looks like simple section σ[school_mark >= 75 AND college_mark >= 75](Dependent) and second like slow nested query: σ[school_mark >= 75](σ[college_mark >= 75](Dependent)).
If one need Code #codepad
btw, it is given in documentation #Spanning multi-valued relationships I have just added an example, I think it will be helpful for someone new.
Most of the time, there is only one possible set of results for a query.
The use for chaining filters comes when you are dealing with m2m:
Consider this:
# will return all Model with m2m field 1
# will return Model with both 1 AND 2
# this will NOT work
Model.objects.filter(Q(m2m_field=1) & Q(m2m_field=2))
Other examples are welcome.
This answer is based on Django 3.1.
class Blog(models.Model):
blog_id = models.CharField()
class Post(models.Model):
blog_id = models.ForeignKeyField(Blog)
title = models.CharField()
pub_year = models.CharField() # Don't use CharField for date in production =]
Database tables
Filters call
Blog.objects.filter(post__title="Title A", post__pub_year="2020")
# Result: <QuerySet [<Blog: 1>]>
Blog.objects.filter(post__title="Title A").filter(post_pub_date="2020")
# Result: <QuerySet [<Blog: 1>, [<Blog: 2>]>
Before I start anything further, I have to notice that this answer is based on the situation that uses "ManyToManyField" or a reverse "ForeignKey" to filter objects.
If you are using the same table or an "OneToOneField" to filter objects, then there will be no difference between using a "Multiple Arguments Filter" or "Filter-chain". They both will work like a "AND" condition filter.
The straightforward way to understand how to use "Multiple Arguments Filter" and "Filter-chain" is to remember in a "ManyToManyField" or a reverse "ForeignKey" filter, "Multiple Arguments Filter" is an "AND" condition and "Filter-chain" is an "OR" condition.
The reason that makes "Multiple Arguments Filter" and "Filter-chain" so different is that they fetch results from different join tables and use different conditions in the query statement.
"Multiple Arguments Filter" use "Post"."Public_Year" = '2020' to identify the public year
FROM "Book"
INNER JOIN ("Post" ON "Book"."id" = "Post"."book_id")
WHERE "Post"."Title" = 'Title A'
AND "Post"."Public_Year" = '2020'
"Filter-chain" database query use "T1"."Public_Year" = '2020' to identify the public year
FROM "Book"
INNER JOIN "Post" ON ("Book"."id" = "Post"."book_id")
INNER JOIN "Post" T1 ON ("Book"."id" = "T1"."book_id")
WHERE "Post"."Title" = 'Title A'
AND "T1"."Public_Year" = '2020'
But why do different conditions impact the result?
I believe most of us who come to this page, including me =], have the same assumption while using "Multiple Arguments Filter" and "Filter-chain" at first.
Which we believe the result should be fetched from a table like following one which is correct for "Multiple Arguments Filter". So if you are using the "Multiple Arguments Filter", you will get a result as your expectation.
But while dealing with the "Filter-chain", Django creates a different query statement which changes the above table to the following one. Also, the "Public Year" is identified under the "T1" section instead of the "Post" section because of the query statement change.
But where does this weird "Filter-chain" join table diagram come from?
I'm not a database expert. The explanation below is what I understand so far after I created the exact structure of the database and made a test with the same query statement.
The following diagram will show where this weird "Filter-chain" join table diagram comes from.
The database will first create a join table by matching the row of the "Blog" and "Post" tables one by one.
After that, the database now does the same matching process again but uses the step 1 result table to match the "T1" table which is just the same "Post" table.
And this is where this weird "Filter-chain" join table diagram comes from.
So two things make "Multiple Arguments Filter" and "Filter-chain" different.
Django create different query statements for "Multiple Arguments Filter" and "Filter-chain" which make "Multiple Arguments Filter" and "Filter-chain" result come from other tables.
"Filter-chain" query statement identifies a condition from a different place than "Multiple Arguments Filter".
The dirty way to remember how to use it is "Multiple Arguments Filter" is an "AND" condition and "Filter-chain" is an "OR" condition while in a "ManyToManyField" or a reverse "ForeignKey" filter.
The performance difference is huge. Try it and see.
is surprisingly slow compared to
Model.objects.filter(condition_a, condition_b, condition_c)
As mentioned in Effective Django ORM,
QuerySets maintain state in memory
Chaining triggers cloning, duplicating that state
Unfortunately, QuerySets maintain a lot of state
If possible, don’t chain more than one filter
You can use the connection module to see the raw sql queries to compare. As explained by Yuji's, for the most part they are equivalent as shown here:
>>> from django.db import connection
>>> samples1 = Unit.objects.filter(color="orange", volume=None)
>>> samples2 = Unit.objects.filter(color="orange").filter(volume=None)
>>> list(samples1)
>>> list(samples2)
>>> for q in connection.queries:
... print q['sql']
SELECT `samples_unit`.`id`, `samples_unit`.`color`, `samples_unit`.`volume` FROM `samples_unit` WHERE (`samples_unit`.`color` = orange AND `samples_unit`.`volume` IS NULL)
SELECT `samples_unit`.`id`, `samples_unit`.`color`, `samples_unit`.`volume` FROM `samples_unit` WHERE (`samples_unit`.`color` = orange AND `samples_unit`.`volume` IS NULL)
If you end up on this page looking for how to dynamically build up a django queryset with multiple chaining filters, but you need the filters to be of the AND type instead of OR, consider using Q objects.
An example:
# First filter by type.
filters = None
if param in CARS:
objects = app.models.Car.objects
filters = Q(tire=param)
elif param in PLANES:
objects = app.models.Plane.objects
filters = Q(wing=param)
# Now filter by location.
if location == 'France':
filters = filters & Q(quay=location)
elif location == 'England':
filters = filters & Q(harbor=location)
# Finally, generate the actual queryset
queryset = objects.filter(filters)
If requires a and b then
and_query_set = Model.objects.filter(a=a, b=b)
if requires a as well as b then
chaied_query_set = Model.objects.filter(a=a).filter(b=b)
Official Documents:
Related Post: Chaining multiple filter() in Django, is this a bug?
There is a difference when you have request to your related object,
for example
class Book(models.Model):
author = models.ForeignKey(Author)
name = models.ForeignKey(Region)
class Author(models.Model):
name = models.ForeignKey(Region)
returns empty set
and request
returns authors that have books with both 'name1' and 'name2'
for details look at

Counting and rank subprofessions by number of people

I'm currently trying to write a SPARQL query for Wikidata in which I rank subprofessions according to how many people have that respective occupation and group it according to their parent profession alphabetically.
My final result should look something like
Profession | Subprofession | Count
Artist | Painter | 34
Artist | Actor | 12
Politician | President | 67
Politician | Minister | 13
Right now, I could only go as far as displaying the parent profession, but I feel I have a long way to go ahead and introducing the subprofession in the query and just trying to display it along side the parent occupation leads all the time to Timeout. Is it here where I should use nested SELECTS? I'm not very familiar with them
SELECT ?occupation ?suboccupation (count(*) as ?count)
?people wdt:P106 ?occupation . #occupation
?suboccupation wdt:P279 ?occupation . #subclassof
GROUP BY ?occupation ?suboccupation
Thank you everybody in advance!
Well, there seem to be some professions and sub-professions that have no English language label so some of the listings are not very helpful. In addition, this list is LONG! You may want to aggregate more or limit the results somehow.
Here's a start to what you might want:
SELECT ?profLabel ?subprofLabel ?count
SELECT ?prof ?subprof (COUNT(?person) AS ?count) WHERE {
?prof wdt:P31 wd:Q28640.
?subprof wdt:P279+ ?prof.
?person wdt:P106 ?subprof.
GROUP BY ?prof ?subprof
} AS %main {
INCLUDE %main .
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
ORDER BY ?profLabel DESC(?count)

How to write a query for reordering elements

I'm working on a code that will have a list of items in a specific order and I'd like to reorder them at will. The setup isn't really that important, but to summarize it, it's a node server with MSSQL database.
For the sake of the demonstration lets say we're discussing forum categories that show in a specific order.
Id | OrderNumber | Name
1 | 1 | Rules
2 | 3 | Off-topic
5 | 2 | General
8 | 4 | Global
I've already handled the front end that will allow me to reorder them as I like and the problem is what should happen when I press the save button on the database.
Ideally I'd like to send a JavaScript object containing item IDs in the right order to the API endpoint on the server that will execute a stored procedure. Something like:
Data = {
Is there a way that I can program a that stored procedure that it's only parameter is the list of Ids but that it can go through that list and do something I can only describe as the following pseudo code:
var Order = 1;
foreach ID in Data.IDs
UPDATE Categories SET OrderNum = Order WHERE Id = ID
Order = Order + 1
My biggest problem is that I'm not very experienced with advanced SQL commands, but that's the only part I need help with, I handled everything else already. Thank you for your help.
Declare #IDs varchar(max) = '5,2,8,1'
Update A
set OrderNumber=B.RetSeq
From YourTable A
Join (
Select RetSeq = row_number() over (order by (select null))
,RetVal = B.n.value('(./text())[1]', 'int')
From ( values (cast('<x>' + replace(#IDs,',','</x><x>')+'</x>' as xml) )) A(xmldata)
Cross Apply xmldata.nodes('x') B(n)
) B on A.ID=B.RetVal
Updated Table
Id OrderNumber Name
1 4 Rules
2 2 Off-topic
5 1 General
8 3 Global

How can I get the Scenario Outline Examples' table?

In AfterScenario method, I want to get the rows from table "Examples" in Scenario Outline, to get the values in it, and search that specific values in the database
I know that this can be achieved by using Context.Scenario.Current...
...but for some reason I'd like to be able to get it in a simpler way
like this:
----------- SCENARIO --------------------------------
Scenario Outline: Create a Matter
Given I create matter "< matterName >"
| matterName |
----------AFTER SCENARIO -----------------------------------
public void After()
string table = ScenarioContext.Current.Examples();
So if you look at the code for ScenarioContext you can see it inherits from SpecflowContext which is itself a Dictionary<string, object>. This means that you can simply use Values to get the collection of values, but I have no idea if they are Examples or not.
The best solution I came up with was to infer the examples by keeping my own static singleton object, then counting how many times the same scenario ran.
Of course, this doesn't work very well if you don't run all the tests at the same time or run them in random order. Having a table with the examples themselves would be more ideal, but if you combine my technique along with using ScenarioStepContext you could extract the parameters of the Examples table out of the rendered step definition text itself.
Scenario Outline: The system shall do something!
Given some input <input>
When something happens
Then something should have happened
| input |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
SpecFlow Hook
public void BeforeStep()
var text = ScenarioStepContext.Current.StepInfo.Text;
var stepType = ScenarioStepContext.Current.StepInfo.StepDefinitionType;
if (text.StartsWith("some input ") && stepType == StepDefinitionType.Given)
var input = text.Split(' ').Last();

best practices with code or lookup tables

[UPDATE] Chosen approach is below, as a response to this question
I' ve been looking around in this subject but I can't really find what I'm looking for...
With Code tables I mean: stuff like 'maritial status', gender, specific legal or social states... More specifically, these types have only set properties and the items are not about to change soon (but could). Properties being an Id, a name and a description.
I'm wondering how to handle these best in the following technologies:
in the database (multiple tables, one table with different code-keys...?)
creating the classes (probably something like inheriting ICode with ICode.Name and ICode.Description)
creating the view/presenter for this: there should be a screen containing all of them, so a list of the types (gender, maritial status ...), and then a list of values for that type with a name & description for each item in the value-list.
These are things that appear in every single project, so there must be some best practice on how to handle these...
For the record, I'm not really fond of using enums for these situations... Any arguments on using them here are welcome too.
Ok, I've gotten a nice answer by CodeToGlory and Ahsteele. Let's refine this question.
Say we're not talking about gender or maritial status, wich values will definately not change, but about "stuff" that have a Name and a Description, but nothing more. For example: Social statuses, Legal statuses.
I want only one screen for this. Listbox with possibe NameAndDescription Types (I'll just call them that), listbox with possible values for the selected NameAndDescription Type, and then a Name and Description field for the selected NameAndDescription Type Item.
How could this be handled in View & Presenters? I find the difficulty here that the NameAndDescription Types would then need to be extracted from the Class Name?
What are pro/cons for multiple vs single lookup tables?
Using database driven code tables can very useful. You can do things like define the life of the data (using begin and end dates), add data to the table in real time so you don't have to deploy code, and you can allow users (with the right privileges of course) add data through admin screens.
I would recommend always using an autonumber primary key rather than the code or description. This allows for you to use multiple codes (of the same name but different descriptions) over different periods of time. Plus most DBAs (in my experience) rather use the autonumber over text based primary keys.
I would use a single table per coded list. You can put multiple codes all into one table that don't relate (using a matrix of sorts) but that gets messy and I have only found a couple situations where it was even useful.
Couple of things here:
Use Enumerations that are explicitly clear and will not change. For example, MaritalStatus, Gender etc.
Use lookup tables for items that are not fixed as above and may change, increase/decrease over time.
It is very typical to have lookup tables in the database. Define a key/value object in your business tier that can work with your view/presentation.
I have decided to go with this approach:
CodeKeyManager mgr = new CodeKeyManager();
CodeKey maritalStatuses = mgr.ReadByCodeName(Code.MaritalStatus);
CodeKeyManager can retrieve CodeKeys from DB (CodeKey=MaritalStatus)
Code is a class filled with constants, returning strings so Code.MaritalStatus = "maritalStatus". These constants map to to the CodeKey table > CodeKeyName
In the database, I have 2 tables:
CodeKey with Id, CodeKeyName
CodeValue with CodeKeyId, ValueName, ValueDescription
alt text http://lh3.ggpht.com/_cNmigBr3EkA/SeZnmHcgHZI/AAAAAAAAAFU/2OTzmtMNqFw/codetables_1.JPG
Class Code:
public class Code
public const string Gender = "gender";
public const string MaritalStatus = "maritalStatus";
Class CodeKey:
public class CodeKey
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public string CodeName { get; set; }
public IList<CodeValue> CodeValues { get; set; }
Class CodeValue:
public class CodeValue
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public CodeKey Code { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
I find by far the easiest and most efficent way:
All code-data can be displayed in a identical manner (in the same view/presenter)
I don't need to create tables and classes for every code table that's to come
But I can still get them out of the database easily and use them easily with the CodeKey constants...
NHibernate can handle this easily too
The only thing I'm still considering is throwing out the GUID Id's and using string (nchar) codes for usability in the business logic.
Thanks for the answers! If there are any remarks on this approach, please do!
I lean towards using a table representation for this type of data. Ultimately if you have a need to capture the data you'll have a need to store it. For reporting purposes it is better to have a place you can draw that data from via a key. For normalization purposes I find single purpose lookup tables to be easier than a multi-purpose lookup tables.
That said enumerations work pretty well for things that will not change like gender etc.
Why does everyone want to complicate code tables? Yes there are lots of them, but they are simple, so keep them that way. Just treat them like ever other object. Thy are part of the domain, so model them as part of the domain, nothing special. If you don't when they inevitibly need more attributes or functionality, you will have to undo all your code that currently uses it and rework it.
One table per of course (for referential integrity and so that they are available for reporting).
For the classes, again one per of course because if I write a method to recieve a "Gender" object, I don't want to be able to accidentally pass it a "MarritalStatus"! Let the compile help you weed out runtime error, that's why its there. Each class can simply inherit or contain a CodeTable class or whatever but that's simply an implementation helper.
For the UI, if it does in fact use the inherited CodeTable, I suppose you could use that to help you out and just maintain it in one UI.
As a rule, don't mess up the database model, don't mess up the business model, but it you wnt to screw around a bit in the UI model, that's not so bad.
I'd like to consider simplifying this approach even more. Instead of 3 tables defining codes (Code, CodeKey and CodeValue) how about just one table which contains both the code types and the code values? After all the code types are just another list of codes.
Perhaps a table definition like this:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Code](
[CodeType] [int] NOT NULL,
[Code] [int] NOT NULL,
[CodeDescription] [nvarchar](40) NOT NULL,
[CodeAbreviation] [nvarchar](10) NULL,
[DateEffective] [datetime] NULL,
[DateExpired] [datetime] NULL,
[CodeType] ASC,
[Code] ASC
There could be a root record with CodeType=0, Code=0 which represents the type for CodeType. All of the CodeType records will have a CodeType=0 and a Code>=1. Here is some sample data that might help clarify things:
SELECT CodeType, Code, Description FROM Code
CodeType Code Description
-------- ---- -----------
0 0 Type
0 1 Gender
0 2 Hair Color
1 1 Male
1 2 Female
2 1 Blonde
2 2 Brunette
2 3 Redhead
A check constraint could be added to the Code table to ensure that a valid CodeType is entered into the table:
CHECK (([dbo].[IsValidCodeType]([CodeType])=(1)))
The function IsValidCodeType could be defined like this:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[IsValidCodeType]
#Code INT
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM dbo.Code WHERE CodeType = 0 AND Code = #Code)
SET #Result = 1
SET #Result = 0
RETURN #Result
One issue that has been raised is how to ensure that a table with a code column has a proper value for that code type. This too could be enforced by a check constraint using a function.
Here is a Person table which has a gender column. It could be a best practice to name all code columns with the description of the code type (Gender in this example) followed by the word Code:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Person](
[PersonID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[LastName] [nvarchar](40) NULL,
[FirstName] [nvarchar](40) NULL,
[GenderCode] [int] NULL,
CHECK (([dbo].[IsValidCode]('Gender',[Gendercode])=(1)))
IsValidCode could be defined this way:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[IsValidCode]
#CodeTypeDescription NVARCHAR(40),
#Code INT
SELECT #CodeType = Code
FROM dbo.Code
WHERE CodeType = 0 AND CodeDescription = #CodeTypeDescription
IF (#CodeType IS NULL)
SET #Result = 0
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM dbo.Code WHERE CodeType = #CodeType AND Code = #Code)
SET #Result = 1
SET #Result = 0
RETURN #Result
Another function could be created to provide the code description when querying a table that has a code column. Here is an
example of querying the Person table:
GetCodeDescription('Gender',GenderCode) AS Gender
FROM Person
This was all conceived from the perspective of preventing the proliferation of lookup tables in the database and providing one lookup table. I have no idea whether this design would perform well in practice.
