Renaming destination file without using Rename in NSIS script - nsis

If I have file being copied using the following
SetOutPath "$FOO_DIR"
File "..\..\Bar.Dat"
File "..\..\Bar.Dat"
Note that the file Bar.Dat is supposed to be copied to other locations later on to during the installation. How do I rename it for this specific copy operation? If I do a Rename on it the later operations will not find it. I have been looking for an option to pass a destination file name to the File operation, but can't find one.

Actually tried the above but the nsis compiler complains.
a little bit of rearranging would make it work:
File /oname="DestinationNameOfFile.Dat" "..\..\Bar.Dat"
*the source filename is the 2nd argument for /oname

Of course I managed to find the answer straight after posting this question. *smack*
File does in fact take a flag of the destination name.
File "..\..\Bar.Dat" /oname="DestinationNameOfFile.Dat"


How do I get the filename of an open std::fs::File in Rust?

I have an open std::fs::File, and I want to get it's filename, e.g. as a PathBuf. How do I do that?
The simple solution would be to just save the path used in the call to File::open. Unfortunately, this does not work for me. I am trying to write a program that reads log files, and the program that writes the logs keep changing the filenames as part of it's log rotation. So the file may very well have been renamed since it was opened. This is on Linux, so renaming open files is possible.
How do I get around this issue, and get the current filename of an open file?
On a typical Unix filesystem, a file may have multiple filenames at once, or even none at all. The file metadata is stored in an inode, which has a unique inode number, and this inode number can be linked from any number of directory entries. However, there are no reverse links from the inode back to the directory entries.
Given an open File object in Rust, you can get the inode number using the ino() method. If you know the directory the log file is in, you can use std::fs::read_dir() to iterate over all entries in that directory, and each entry will also have an ino() method, so you can find the one(s) matching your open file object. Of course this approach is subject to race conditions – the directory entry may already be gone again once you try to do anything with it.
On linux, files handles held by the current process can be found under /proc/self/fd. These look and act like symlinks to the original files (though I think they may technically be something else - perhaps someone who knows more can chip in).
You can therefore recover the (possibly changed) file name by constructing the correct path in /proc/self/fd using your file descriptor, and then following the symlink back to the filesystem.
This snippet shows the steps:
use std::fs::read_link;
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
use std::path::PathBuf;
// if f is your std::fs::File
// first construct the path to the symlink under /proc
let path_in_proc = PathBuf::from(format!("/proc/self/fd/{}", f.as_raw_fd()));
// ...and follow it back to the original file
let new_file_name = read_link(path_in_proc).unwrap();

How to find a .zip file in the current directory using Groovy?

I have a .zip file in the current directory, I want to get its file name using Groovy. e.g. if the file is, I want to get the "myfile" part. Can anyone give me a code snip? Thanks.
Something like this should work:
filename=new File("directory").listFiles().find{".zip")}
If you don't want the .zip on the end, subtract it:
filename=new File("directory").listFiles().find{".zip")}.name - ".zip"
(By the way, the first one ends up with a file object--you can do whatever you want with it. The second ends up with the string that is the name without the .zip)

Read file contents to variable in grub.cfg file

Q1. Wanted to know how do you read the contents of a file to a variable at boot time in grub.cfg?
Q2. Could that be extended to read an .ini type file where you can read the values for various name entries?
thisone=this is what I want to get
In order to do exactly what you are asking for, you would probably need to write your own GRUB module.
However, you should be able to achieve what you're after either using the configfile command, or with some clever application of the environment block feature.
Use "source" command to include another config file but unlike "configfile" which will change context.
Source is like an online macro while configfile likes a function - environment changes in configfile will not be preserved but source is expanding whatever in the source file and put in the main block, environment variable can be changed in this way.

Understanding how libzip works

I have started working with the libzip library today. But I do not understand the principle how libzip works.
My focus is on zipping a directory with all the files and dirs within
into a zip-file.
Therefore, I started with zip_open(), then I read the directory
contents and add all the dirs with zip_dir_add() to the archive.
After that, I closed the zip-file with zip_close(). Everything was
fine. The next step should be to add all the files to the archive with
zip_file_add(). But it doesn't work. The last step closing the file
OK, I forgot to create a zip_source to get this done. I added a
statement a line before to get this source (zip_source_file()). But
still it doesn't work.
What is wrong in my thinking? Do I have to fopen() and fclose() the file on the filesystem also?
And what is the difference between zip_source_file() and zip_source_filep()?
Do I have to fopen() and fclose() the file on the filesystem also?
No, you can just use zip_source_file().
From your comments I think you have the right general idea, but there is probably some detail that is making it fail. Make sure you perform all the error checking the documentation suggests after each libzip call so you can get more information about what is causing it to fail.
You could also compare your code with

Get the path specified in the source of file section

Is there any way by which we can get the path of the source file in [file] section be made available in [code] section. I need to have the full path as been given in the source. I need to check it with the content of a file and if the path is present in the file, then only i need to copy that particular file. I am using Check: in the file section and need to have the whole path of file made available in code section for comparison.
To get the chosen install folder from pascal script, you can use either ExpandConstant('{app}') or WizardDirValue(). Note that I don't think the returned path contains a trailing backslash.
This would simply check a file existence:
function IsMyFilePresent: Boolean;
If it's an ini file, you can use this code to retrieve the data of certain keys inside it:
(example using WizardDirValue())
MyString:=GetIniString('SectionName', 'KeyName', 'DefaultValue', inifile);
Probably the CurrentFileName() function that:
Returns the destination name of the [Files] entry that is currently being processed.
You can probably work out the source from this. I'm not sure how it handles wildcards though (but I suspect it just returns "blah/*"
