Following symlink to run from current directory - linux

I have a script located somewhere on read only directory /install/app/release_1.0.0/ and a symbolic link to that script in the fully accessed directory /packages/app/. This script operates with files using relative paths. When I'm running this script using symbolic link it's not able to locate files because it's looking in the current directory of symbolic link. How can I force it to look into the current directory of link's target? Changing the script is not prefered.

Don't use a symlink, use a wrapper instead. Remove /packages/app/ and create a new file at that location, with these contents:
cd /install/app/release_1.0.0/
Mark it executable (chmod +x and that should do it.


How do I move files out of a broken directory in linux?

I know the premise of the question may be confusing, but I want to understand what happened.
Recently I have been experimenting with the rockchip OK3399 single-chip computer(see here) and have installed a linux system on it with TF card installation. Using Putty and connecting with serial protocol, I was able to establish a connection with the OK3399 computer and control it through my laptop.
I am trying to self-learn some linux with the OK3399 system. I created a bash code by the name of inside the directory /usr/bin, which is meant to take a variable number of pictures with a mipi camera and then save in a directory for work.
I finished writing the code, but for some reason I cannot run the .sh file when my working directory is not the /usr/bin directory, despite /usr/bin being in the %PATH% environment variable. So, I executed the following command:
mv /usr/bin/display* /usr/local/bin
... attempting to move the file to /usr/local/bin instead. The command ran successfully, but when I tried to run the command:
cd /usr/local/bin
It tells me that I cannot cd to bin
As seen from the above image, the /usr/local/bin is not even a directory. Why would mv succeed if the target was not a directory? How can I retrieve my bash file?
Why would mv succeed if the target was not a directory?
mv can also rename files:
mv foo.txt bar.txt
You renamed your script to bin and moved it under /usr/local.
You may want to remember to add a trailing slash next time, to have mv barf if the target isn't a directory:
mv /usr/bin/display* /usr/local/bin/
How can I retrieve my bash file?
Rename it back.
mv bin
For future reference, you can use the file command to (try to) identify the contents of a file, if it's installed:
file bin
would have probably said bin: Bash script or similar.

Move files between directories using shell script

I'm new to linux and shell script in general. I'm using a distribution of Debian on the WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). I'm trying to write a very simple bash script that will do the following:
create a file in a directory (child-directory-a)
move to the directory it is in
move the file to another directory (child-directory-b)
move to that directory
move the file to the parent directory
This is what I have so far (trying to keep things extremely simple for now)
touch child-directory-a/test.txt
cd child-directory-a
mv child-directory-a/test.txt home/username/child-directory-b
The first two lines work, but I keep getting a 'no such directory exists' error with the last one. The directory exists and that is the correct path (checked with pwd). I have also tried using different paths (i.e. child-directory-b, username/child-directory-b etc.) but to no avail. I can't understand why it's not working.
I've looked around forums/documentation and it seems that these commands should work as they do in the command line, but I can't seem to do the same in the script.
If anyone could explain what I'm missing/not understanding that would be brilliant.
Thank you.
You could create the script like this:
# Store both child directories on variables that can be loaded
# as environment variables.
# Create both child folders. If they already exist nothing will
# be done, and no error will be emitted.
mkdir -p $CHILD_A
mkdir -p $CHILD_B
# Create a file inside CHILD_A
touch $CHILD_A/test.txt
# Change directory into CHILD_A
# Move the file to CHILD_B
mv $CHILD_A/test.txt $CHILD_B/test.txt
# Move to CHILD_B
# Move the file to the parent folder
mv $CHILD_B/test.txt ../test.txt
Take into account the following:
We make sure that all the folders exists and are created.
Use variables to avoid typos, with the ability to load dynamic values from environment variables.
Use absolute paths to simplify the movement between folders.
Use relative paths to move files relatives to where we are.
Another command that might be of use is pwd. It will tell you the directory you are on.
with your second line, you change the current directory to child-directory-a
so, in your third line there is an error because there is no subdirectory child-directory-a into subdirectory child-directory-a
Your third line should be instead :
mv test.txt ../child-directory-b
The point #4 of your script should be:
cd ../child-directory-b
(before that command the current directory is home/username/child-directory-a and after this command it becomes home/username/child-directory-b)
Then the point #5 and final point of your script should be:
mv test.txt ..
NB: you can display the current directory at any line of your script by using the command pwd (print working directory) in your script, it that helps
# Variables
WORKING_DIR="/home/username/example scripts"
FILE_NAME="test file.txt"
# create a file in a directory (child-directory-a)
touch "${DIR_A}/${FILE_NAME}"
# move to the directory it is in
cd "${DIR_A}"
# move the file to another directory (child-directory-b)
mv "${FILE_NAME}" "${DIR_B}/"
# move to that directory
cd "${DIR_B}"
# move the file to the parent directory
mv "${FILE_NAME}" ../

linux source a symbolic link

I have a bash script which i want to call from any directory, but i don't want to add the directory it is in to PATH as it is filled with lots of other scripts which will just clutter.
The script in question manipulates environment variables, so i have to source it.
I tried creating an alias
alias aliastoscript="/path/to/script"
source aliastoscript #This does not work says no such file
I also can't copy the script itself to a different location as it depends on the directory structure and other scripts in the directory.
So i tried a symlink to a location already in path:
ln -s /path/to/script /directory/already/in/path/myscript
But this does not work either:
source myscript #says no such file exists
Can anyone suggest how i achieve this? And why does the symlink approach not work?
If it makes any difference, i am using a zsh shell on ubuntu 14.04
The answer given below works, but i also wanted to know why the symlink approach was not working.
Here is the sequence of commands
ln -s /path/to/script /directory/already/in/path/myscript
#Now there is a symlink called myscript in a directory which is in PATH
source myscript arg1 #This throws an error saying no such file myscript,
#but it is not supposed to happen because myscript resides in a directory which is in PATH
I just figured what i was doing wrong, the symlink i created, i had used relative paths, totally stupid of me, using absolute paths it worked like a charm.
Try replacing:
alias aliastoscript="/path/to/script"
export aliastoscript="/path/to/script"
You have a $ missing in front of the variable name.
source $aliastoscript
You do not need soft link for the source. The complete file name should work. Better is
source /path/to/script

How do you run bash script as a command?

I have a bash script, which I use for configuration of different parameters in text files in my wireless access media server.
The script is located in one directory, and because I do all of configurations using putty, I have to either use the full path of the file or move to the directory that contains the file. I would like to avoid this.
Is it possible to save the bash script in or edit the bash script so that I can run it as command, for example as cp or ls commands?
The script needs to be executable, with:
chmod +x scriptname
(or similar).
Also, you want the script to be located in a directory that is in your PATH.
To see your PATH use:
echo $PATH
Your choices are: to move (or link) the file into one of those directories, or to add the directory it is in to your PATH.
You can add a directory to your PATH with:
and if you do this in the file $HOME/.bashrc it will happen for each of your shell's automatically.
You can place a softlink to the script under /usr/local/bin (Should be in $PATH like John said)
ln -s /path/to/script /usr/local/bin/scriptname
This should do the trick.
You can write a minimal wrapper in your home directory:
exec /yourpath/yourfile.extension
And run your child script with this command ./NameOfYourScript
update: Unix hawks will probably say the first solution is a no-brainer because of the additional admin work it will load on you. Agreed, but on your requirements, my solution works :)
Otherwise, you can use an alias; you will have to amend your .bashrc
alias menu='bash /yourpath/'
Another way is to run it with:
/bin/bash /path/to/script
Then the file doesn't need to be executable.

Create executable file for comand line Linux

When ever I log into Linux I usually go straight to the same folder i was wondering if in stead of typing in:
$cd Document/..../..../..../..../....
I could create an executable so I could just type ./csFolder and it would go straight there.
You can add a shell function in your .bashrc and restart your terminal:
csf() {
cd Document/..../..../..../..../....
Whenever you want to go to that directory, you just run csf.
Yo can do a symlink
ln -s /path/to/file /path/to/symlink
In addition to the other options (though if you use the function/alias option you want to use an absolute path to the target directory so it works from wherever you happen to be) you can use the environment variable CDPATH to help with this if you have a location you often go to from various other locations.
From the POSIX specification:
A -separated list of pathnames that refer to directories. The cd utility shall use this list in its attempt to change the directory, as described in the DESCRIPTION. An empty string in place of a directory pathname represents the current directory. If CDPATH is not set, it shall be treated as if it were an empty string.
Which means that if you set CDPATH to the parent of your target directory you can just use cd dirname from anywhere and go directly to the directory you wanted to be in.
