Emulating a perspective rectangle on 2D - graphics

So, I'm currently developing a puzzle game of sorts, and I came upon something I'm not sure how to approach.
As you can see from the screenshot below, the text on the sides next to the main square is distorted along the diagonal of the quadrilateral. This is because this is not a screenshot of a 3D environment, but rather a 2D environment where the squares have been stretched in such a way that it looks like it's 3D.
I have tried using 3D perspective and changing depths, and while it solves the issue of the distorted sides, I was wondering if it's possible to fix this issue without doing 3D perspectives. Mainly because the current mesh transformation scheme took a while to get to, and converting that to something that works on 3D space is extra effort that might be avoidable.
I have a feeling this is unavoidable, but I'm curious if anyone knows a solution. I'm currently using OpenGL ES 1.

Probably not the answer you wanted, but I'd go with the 3d transformation because it will save you not only this distortion, but will simplify many other things down the road and give you opportunities to do nice effects.

What you are lacking in this scene is "perspective-correct interpolation", which is slightly non-linear, and is done automatically when you provide coordinates with depth information.
It may be possible to emulate it another way (though your options are limited since you do not have shaders available) but they will all likely be less efficient than using the dedicated functionality of your GPU. I recommend that you switch to using 3D coordinates.

Actually, I just found the answer. Turns out there's a Q coordinate which you can use to play around with trapezoidal texture distortion:
texture mapping a trapezoid with a square texture in OpenGL
Looks like it won't be as correct as doing it 3D, but I suppose it will be easier for my use right now.


How do 3d engines decide where polygons go in a model?

I am trying to build my own 3d engine from a 2d one. so far everything works fine but its very inefficient due to the fact that the wire frame model has lines between every point on the shape. I've been doing some research but haven't been able to find anything regarding what dictates where polygons go for the most optimal rendering.
Here is what a cube looks like in my program:
Is there some mathematical way to remove all the extra geometry?
Any advice really helps, thanks.
Ok so after longer than I'd like to to admit I figured out that you don't need to order faces by their z coordinate, instead just take the surface normal of the shape and render only render it if it's above a value (most of the time 0) (also you'll want to use premade triangles from object files instead of assigning them to the faces yourself)

Are there existing tools that raytrace triangle meshes?

Disclaimer: I'm not 100% on whether this is a well-formed question, so please feel free to comment and suggest improvements. I'll be actively looking out for ways to improve this question.
I have a triangle mesh, let's say the Stanford Bunny. Now, I want to raycast a ray from a source point in 3D along a 3D direction vector, and identify just the first intersection of that ray with the triangle mesh.
I already have a naive implementation cooked up. However, I'm looking for a more advanced implementation. In particular, I'll be casting many millions of rays in many directions, so I'm looking for a multi-threaded or GPU-accelerated implementation.
I have to believe that there must be some pretty complete projects online, as raycasting triangle meshes is a fundamental part of 3D computer graphics. However, I can't find anything beyond personal projects, which leads me to believe that I am using the wrong search terms, or something pretty simple along those lines.
I am looking for suggestions on existing tools that can raytrace polygonal meshes.
If all you need to do is find the distance to the mesh for millions of rays. Then it might be a good idea to look up CUDA raytracing tutorial online. This will show you how to cast many millions of rays. In most tutorials, raytracing is used to render to the screen with the camera matrix. However, this is not necessary. Simply adjust the rays starting parameters to what you need them to be such as 3D vector and position. Then output the data back to the CPU. Be weary of the bandwidth between the GPU and CPU sending millions of intersection points between the CPU and GPU can make the program run exceptionally slow.

Create a polygon from a texture

Let's say I've got a rgba texture, and a polygon class , which constructor takes vector array of verticies coordinates.
Is there some way to create a polygon of this texture, for example, using alpha channel of the texture ...?
in 2d
Absolutely, yes it can be done. Is it easy? No. I haven't seen any game/geometry engines that would help you out too much either. Doing it yourself, the biggest problem you're going to have is generating a simplified mesh. One quad per pixel is going to generate a lot of geometry very quickly. Holes in the geometry may be an issue if you're tracing the edges and triangulating afterwards. Then there's the issue of determining what's in and what's out. Alpha is the obvious candidate, but unless you're looking at either full-on or full-off, you may be thinking about nice smooth edges. That's going to be hard to get right and would probably involve some kind of marching squares over the interpolated alpha. So while it's not impossible, its a lot of work.
Edit: As pointed out below, Unity does provide a method of generating a polygon from the alpha of a sprite - a PolygonCollider2D. In the script reference for it, it mentions the pathCount variable which describes the number of polygons it contains, which in describes which indexes are valid for the GetPath method. So this method could be used to generate polygons from alpha. It does rely on using Unity however. But with the combination of the sprite alpha for controlling what is drawn, and the collider controlling intersections with other objects, it covers a lot of use cases. This doesn't mean it's appropriate for your application.

How to calculate a pixels world space position on an image plane formed by a virtual camera?

First, this Calculating camera ray direction to 3d world pixel helped me a bit in understanding what the virtual camera setup is like. I don't understand how the vectors work in this setup, and I thought normalized device coordinates had to be used which led me to this page http://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-lessons/lesson-6-rays-cameras-and-images/building-primary-rays-and-rendering-an-image/. What I am trying to do is build a ray tracer, and as the question states, find out the pixels position in order to shoot out a ray. What I really, really really would like, is an actually example showing a virtual camera setup, screen resolution and how to calculate a pixels position, then transform to world space coordinates. Experts!, Thank you for your help! :D
Multiply a matrix by the coordinates. What matrix? There are lots of choices. For example XNA uses a projection matrix, view matrix and world matrix. Applying all of them transforms pixel coordinates into world coordinates or vice versa. Breaking it down this way helps to understand the different transformations going on so you can more easily construct the matrices.
Isn't this webpage providing you already with 4 pages of explanation on how these rays are built? It seems like you haven't made the effort to read the content of the link you are referring to. I would suggest you read it first, try to understand it, maybe look at the source code they provide and come back with a real question regarding what you potentially don't understand.
It's all there, and I am not going to re-write what these people seem to have put a lot of energy already to explain! (nor should anybody else really ...).

Non-Affine image transformations in .NET

Are there any classes, methods in the .NET library, or any algorithms in general, to perform non-affine transformations? (i.e. transformations that involve more than just rotation, scale, translation and shear)
(source: last100.com)
Is there another term for non-affine transformations?
I am not aware of anything integrated in .Net letting you do non affine transforms.
I guess you are trying to have some sort of 3D texture mapping? If that's the case you need an homogenous affine transform, which is not available in .Net. I'm also not aware of any integrated way to make pixel displacement transforms in .Net.
However, the currently voted solution might be good for what you are trying to do, just be aware that it won't do perspective correction out of the box.
For instance:
The picture on the left was generated using the single quad distort library provided by Neil N. The picture on the right was generated using a single quad (two triangles actually) in DirectX.
This may not have any impact on what you are trying to do, but this is something to keep in mind if you want to do 3D stuff, it will look very weird without perspective correct mapping.
All of the example images you posted can be done with a Quadrilateral Distortion. Though I cant say for certain that a quad distort will cover ALL non affine transforms.
Heres a link to a not so good implementation of it in C#... it works, but is slow. Poke around Wikipedia for the many different optimizations available for these kinds of calculations
You can do this in wpf using a the Viewport3d control and a non-affine transform matrix. Rendering this to a bitmap again may be interesting.... Which I "fixed" by including an invisible <image> control with the same image as on my textured plane... (Also, I've had to work around the max texture size issues by splitting up the plane and cropping images...)
In my case I wanted the reverse of this (transform so arbitrary points on the warped become the corners of my rectangular window), which is the Inverse of the matrix to do the opposite.
