Profiling the cost of polymorphism? - haskell

I have a codebase that is "needlessly" polymorphic in that almost every function is polymorphic in some way (why not, when you can?), but the end program uses functions with only a handful of concrete types. I've started spending some time throwing in SPECIALIZE and INLINABLE pragmas to try to bring down the performance cost of all this polymorphism, but with the size of my code it's pretty hit and miss. Is there a way to tell from profiling how much time is spent "doing the the things polymorphism needs" at runtime, for each function?
(Note: I've asked this question without knowing if such a thing is even technically possible or if "the things polymorphism needs" is well-defined enough).

The process of determining costs is:
Construct a benchmark - with criterion, or some other measurement tool
Profile - with ghc's profiling support
Read the core - with ghc-core, if the performance causes are not obvious
Typically you will identify some operation that is too slow; compile with profiling and determine precisely which components are costly, and then inspect the code to optimize it (e.g. by specializing data structures or functions, changing algorithms, or making other changes).
For performance critical work you will then go and inspect the Core to see if micro-tuning the compiler can help.


What does 'Zero Cost Abstraction' mean?

I came across this term when exploring Rust.
I saw different kinds of explanations regarding this and still don't quite get the ideas.
In The Embedded Rust Book, it said
Type states are also an excellent example of Zero Cost Abstractions
the ability to move certain behaviors to compile time execution or analysis.
These type states contain no actual data, and are instead used as
Since they contain no data, they have no actual representation in
memory at runtime:
Does it mean the runtime is faster because there is no memory in runtime?
Appreciate it if anyone can explain it in an easy to understand way.
Zero Cost Abstractions means adding higher-level programming concepts, like generics, collections and so on do not come with a run-time cost, only compile time cost (the code will be slower to compile). Any operation on zero-cost abstractions is as fast as you would write out matching functionality by hand using lower-level programming concepts like for loops, counters, ifs and using raw pointers.
Or another way to view this is that using zero-cost abstraction tools, functions, templates, classes and such come with "zero cost" for the performance of your code.
Zero cost abstractions are ones that bear no runtime costs in execution speed or memory usage.
By contrast, virtual methods are a good example of a costly abstraction: in many OO languages the type of the method's caller is determined at runtime which requires maintaining a lookup table (runtime memory usage) and then actually performing the lookup (runtime overhead per method call, likely at least an extra pointer dereference) with the runtime type to determine which version of the method to call. Another good example would be garbage collection: in return for being able to not worry about the details of memory allocation you pay with GC pauses.
Rust though mostly tries to have zero cost abstractions: ones that let you have your cake and eat it too. Ones that compiler can safely and correctly convert to forms that bear no extra indirection/memory usage. In fact, the only thing that I'm aware of (somebody more knowledgeable correct me if I'm wrong) that you really pay for at runtime in Rust is bounds checking.
The concept of zero cost abstractions originally came from the functional world. However, the terminology comes from C++. According to Bjarne Stroustrup,
In general, C++ implementations obey the
zero-overhead principle: What you don’t use, you don’t pay for. And further: What you do use, you couldn’t hand code any better.
This quote along with most answers fail to deliver the idea in its entirety because the context in which these were said isn't explicitly stated.
If there was only one programming language in the world: be it Rust or C++, zero-cost abstractions would be indistinguishable from most other compiler optimizations. The implication here is that there are countless other languages that let you do the same things as Rust or C++, but with a nonzero and often runtime-specific cost.

How to reliably influence generated code at near machine level using GHC?

While this may sound as theoretical question, suppose I decide to invest and build a mission-critical application written in Haskell. A year later I find that I absolutely need to improve performance of some very thin bottleneck and this will require optimizing memory access close to raw machine capabilities.
Some assumptions:
It isn't realtime system - occasional latency spikes are tolerable (from interrupts, thread scheduling irregularities, occasional GC etc.)
It isn't a numeric problem - data layout and cache-friendly access patterns are most important (avoiding pointer chasing, reducing conditional jumps etc.)
Code may be tied to specific GHC release (but no forking)
Performance goal requires inplace modification of pre-allocated offheap arrays taking alignment into account (C strings, bit-packed fields etc.)
Data is statically bounded in arrays and allocations are rarely if ever needed
What mechanisms does GHC offer to perfom this kind of optimization? By saying reliably I mean that if source change causes code to no longer perform, it is correctible in source code without rewriting it in assembly.
Is it already possible using GHC-specific extensions and libraries?
Would custom FFI help avoid C calling convention overhead?
Could a special purpose compiler plugin do it through a restricted source DSL?
Could source code generator from a "high-level" assembly (LLVM?) be solution?
It sounds like you're looking for unboxed arrays. "unboxed" in haskell-land means "has no runtime heap representation". You can usually learn whether some part of your code is compiled to an unboxed loop (a loop that performs no allocation), say, by looking at the core representation (this is a very haskell-like language, that's the first stage in compilation). So e.g. you might see Int# in the core output which means an integer which has no heap representation (it's gonna be in a register).
When optimizing haskell code we regularly look at core and expect to be able to manipulate or correct for performance regressions by changing the source code (e.g. adding a strictness annotation, or fiddling with a function such that it can be inlined). This isn't always fun, but will be fairly stable especially if you are pinning your compiler version.
Back to unboxed arrays: GHC exposes a lot of low-level primops in GHC.Prim, in particular it sounds like you want mutable unboxed arrays (MutableByteArray). The primitive package exposes these primops behind a slightly safer, friendlier API and is what you should use (and depend on if writing your own library).
There are many other libraries that implement unboxed arrays, such as vector, and which are built on MutableByteArray, but the point is that operations on that structure generate no garbage and likely compile down to pretty predictable machine instructions.
You might also like to check out this technique if you're doing numeric work and want to use a particular instruction or implement some loop directly in assembly.
GHC also has a very powerful FFI, and you can research about how to write portions of your program in C and interop; haskell supports pinned arrays among other structures for this purpose.
If you need more control than those give you then haskell is likely the wrong language. It's impossible to tell from your description if this is the case for your problem (Your requirements seem contradictory: you need to be able to write a carefully cache-tuned algorithm, but arbitrary GC pauses are okay?).
One last note: you can't rely on GHC's native code generator to perform any of the low-level strength reduction optimizations that e.g. GCC performs (GHC's NCG will probably never ever know about bit-twiddling hacks, autovectorization, etc. etc.). Instead you can try the LLVM backend, but whether you see a speedup in your program is by no means guaranteed.

How Haskell handles parallel computing on a multicore machine/cluster

I'm considering a new language to learn those days to be used in high performance computing on a cluster of computers we have, among those languages, I'm considering Haskell.
I have read some about Haskell, but still have questions about using Haskell in high performance and distributed computing, which the language is known for, but I read some debates about Haskell is not good for those type of systems due to laziness, I can summarize my questions in the following lines:
Haskell uses green threads, which is great for handling big number of concurrent connections, but what happens when one of tasks takes longer than average and blocks the rest, does the whole thread block (Node.js style), forward the next task to another processor/thread (Golang), use reductions technique (Erlang), which kicks the task out of processing context after a pre-determined number of ticks, or else?
In a distributed computing environment, what happens to lazily-evaluated functions, do they have to be forced strict?
If one function/module requires strict evaluation, but it depends on other lazy functions/modules, shall I modify the code of other functions/modules to make them strict as well, or the compiler will handle this to me and force everything in that chain to strict or lazy.
When processing a very large sequence of data, how does Haskell handle parallel processing, is it by following some kind of implicit map-reduce technique, or I have do it by myself.
Is there a clustering abstract in the language, that handles the computing power for me, that automatically forwards the next task to the free processor wherever it is, be it on the same computer or another computer in the same cluster.
How does Haskell ensure fair-share of work is evenly distributed to all the available cores on the same computer or on the available cluster.
GHC uses a pool of available work (called sparks) and a work-stealing system: when a thread runs out of work, it will look for work in the pool or on the work queues of other threads that it can steal.
There is no built-in support for distributed computing as there is in (say) Erlang. The semantics are whatever your implementation defines. There are existing implementations like Cloud Haskell that you can look at for examples.
Neither. Haskell will automatically do whatever work is necessary to provide a value that is demanded and no more.
Haskell (and GHC in particular) does not do anything to automatically parallelize evaluation because there is no known universal strategy for parallelizing that is strictly better than not parallelizing. See Why is there no implicit parallelism in Haskell? for more info.
No. See (2).
For the same machine, it uses the pool of sparks and the work-stealing system described above. There is no notion of "clustering".
For an overview of parallel and concurrent programming in Haskell, see the free book of the same name by Simon Marlow, a primary author of GHC's runtime system.
As far as SMP parallelism† is concerned, Haskell is very effective. It's not quite automatic, but the parallel library makes it really easy to parallelise just about anything. Because the sparks are so cheap, you can be pretty careless and just ask for lots of parallelism; the runtime will then know what to do.
Unlike in most other languages, it is not a big problem if you have highly branched data structures, tricky dynamic algorithms etc. – thanks to the purely functional paradigm, parallel Haskell never needs to worry about locks when accessed data is shared.
I think the biggest caveat is memory: GHC's garbage collector is not concurrent, and the functional style is rather allocation-happy.
Apart from that, it's possible to write programs that look like they're parallel, but really don't do any work at all but just start and immediately return because of laziness. Some testing and experience is still necessary. But laziness and parallelism are not incompatible; at least not if you make sure you have big enough “chunks” of strictness in it. And forcing something strict is largely trivial.
Simpler, common parallelism tasks (which could be expressed in a map-reduce manner, or the classic array-vector stuff – the ones which are also easy in many languages) can generally be handled even easier in Haskell with libraries that parallelise the data structures; the best-known of these is repa.
Distributed computing
There has been quite some work on Cloud Haskell, which is basically Erlang in library form. This kind of task is less straightforward: the idea of any explicit message sending is a bit against Haskell's grain, and many aspects of the workflow become more cumbersome if the language is so heavily focused on its strong static typing (which is in Haskell otherwise often a huge bonus that doesn't just improve safety and performance but also makes it easier to write).
I think it's not far off to use Haskell in a distributed concurrent manner, but we can't say it's mature in that role yet. For distributed concurrent tasks, Erlang itself is certainly the way to go.
Honestly, Haskell won't help you much at all here. A cluster is of course in principle a special case of a distributed setup, so you could employ Cloud Haskell; but in practice the needs are very different. The HPC world today (and probably quite some time into the future) hinges on MPI, and though there is a bit of existing work on MPI bindings, I haven't found them usable, at least not just like that.
MPI is definitely also quite against Haskell's grain, what with it's FORTRAN-oriented array centrism, weird ways of handling types and so on. But unless you go nuts with Haskell's cool features (though often it is so tempting!) there is no reason you couldn't write typical number-crunching code also in Haskell. The only problem is again support/maturity, but it's a considerable problem; so for cluster computing I'd recommend C++, Python or Julia instead.
An interesting alternative is to generate MPI-parallelised C or C++ code from Haskell. Paraiso is one nice project that does this.
Pipe dreams
I have often though about what could be done to make the distributed computing feasible in idiomatic Haskell. In principle I believe laziness could be a big help there. The model I'd envision is to let all machines compute independently the same program, but make use of the fact that Haskell evaluation has generally no predetermined order. The order would be randomised on each machine. Also the runtime would track how long some computation branch took to complete, and how big the result is. If a result is deemed both expensive and compact enough to warrant it, it would then be broadcast to the other nodes, together with some suitable hash that would allow them to shortcut that computation.
Such a system would never be quite as efficient as a hand-optimised MPI application, but it could at least offer the same asymptotics in many cases. And it could handle vastly more complex algorithms with ease.
But again, that's totally just my vague hopes for the not-so-near future.
†You said concurrency (which isn't so much about computation as about interaction), but it seems your question is in essence about pure computations?

GHC Partial Evaluation and Separate Compilation

Whole-program compilers like MLton create optimized binaries in part to their ability to use the total source of the binary to perform partial evaluation: aggressively inlining constants and evaluating them until stuck—all during compilation!
This has been explored public ally a bit in the Haskell space by Gabriel Gonzalez's Morte.
Now my understanding is that Haskell does not do very much of this—if any at all. The cited reason I understand is that it is antithetical to separate compilation. This makes sense to prohibit partial evaluation across source-file boundaries, but it seems like in-file partial evaluation would still be an option.
As far as I know, in-file partial evaluation is still not performed, though.
My question is: is this true? If so, what are the tradeoffs for performing in-file partial evaluation? If not, what is an example file where one can improve compiled performance by putting more functionality into the same file?
(Edit: To clarify the above, I know there are a lot of questions as to what the best set of reductions to perform are—many are undecidable! I'd like to know the tradeoffs made in an "industrial strength" compiler with separate compilation that live at a level above choosing the right equational theory if there are any interesting things to talk about there. Things like compilation speed or file bloat are more toward the scope I'm interested in. Another question in the same space might be: "Why can't MLton get separate compilation just by compiling each module separately, leaving the API exposed, and then linking them all together?")
This is definitely an optimization that a small set of people are interested in and are pursuing. The Google search term to find information on it is "supercompilation". I believe there are at least two approaches floating about at the moment.
It seems one of the big tradeoffs is compilation-time resources (time and memory both), and at the moment the performance wins of paying these costs appear to be somewhat unpredictable. There's quite some work left. A few links:
A page on the GHC wiki
Neil Mitchell's Supero
Max Bolingbroke's Supercompilation by evaluation

Trivial mathematical problems as language benchmarks

Why do people insist on using trivial mathematical problems like finding numbers in the Fibonacci sequence for language benchmarks? Don't these usually get optimized to relativistic speeds? Isn't the brunt of the bottlenecks usually in I/O, system API calls, operations on strings and structures, processing large quantities of data, abstract object-oriented stuff, etc?
It is a throwback to the old days, when compiler technology for what we would now call basic math was still evolving rapidly.
Now, compiler evolution is more focused on exploiting new instructions for niche operations, 64-bit math, and so on.
Micro-benchmarks such as the ones you mention were useful, though, when evaluating the efficiency of the hotspot compiler when Java was first launched, and in evaluating the efficiency of .NET versus C/C++.
Your suggestion that I/O and system calls are the likely bottlenecks is correct, at least for some space of problems. But I notice you suggested string operations. One person's irrelevant micro-benchmark is another person's critical performance metric.
EDIT: ps, I also remember using linpack and other micro-benchmarks to compare versions of the JVM, and to compare vendors of the JVM. From v4 to v5 there was a big jump in perf, I guess the JIT compiler got more effective. Also, IBM's JVM was ahead of Sun's at that time, on Windows-x86.
Because if you want to benchmark the language/compiler, these "math problems" are good indicators of the "bare speed" of the generated code. Either they use the iterative solution, which is a tight loop and indicates how well can the compiler push the instructions to the processor, or they use the recursive solution, which indicates how does it handle recursive calls of short functions (inlining, tail-recursion etc.) (although the Ackermann function is usually used for that too).
Usually, the benchmark suite for the language contain tests benchmarking other parts as well - eg. gzip compression, text searching, object creation, virtual function call, exception throw/catch benchmarks.
The other things you've noticed, syscalls and IO are usually not included because
syscalls are in fact not that slow - applications don't spend significant porion of the time in the kernel, except for test specifically targeted at them or when something is seriously wrong with the program
syscall and IO performance does not depend on the language, but rather on the OS & hardware
I'd think a simple, well-established algorithm would remove the possibility that the benchmark is biased (whether through ignorance or malice) to favor one language. It is very difficult to write a complex program in two different languages exactly the same. Testing something like the efficiency of a multithreaded application in c# vs java, for example, would require developers skilled in multithreaded development both languages, and there would still be questions as to whether the benchmark app properly represents the general case, or if it is misrepresenting a special case that only one language handles well.
Back when the sieve of eratosthanes was a popular benchmark for C compilers, I thought it would be funny if one of the compiler authors would recognize the sieve code and replace it with a pre-computed lookup.
