Data chunks in node-curl (node.js) - node.js

I am using node-curl as a HTTPS client to make requests to resources on the web and the code runs on a machine behind a proxy facing the internet.
The code I am using to co:
var curl = require('node-curl');
//Call the curl function. Make a curl call to the url in the first argument.
//Make a mental note that the callback to be invoked when the call is complete
//the 2nd argument. Then go ahead.
curl('', {}, function(err) {
//I have no idea about the difference between and console.log.;
//This will get printed immediately.
console.log('Got here');
node-curl detects the proxy settings from the environment and gives back the expected results.
The challenge is: the callback gets fired after the entire https-response gets downloaded, and as far as I can tell there are no parallels for the 'data' and 'end' events from the http(s) modules.
Further, after going through the source code, I found that indeed the node-curl library receives the data in chunks: reference line 58 in . It seems that no events are emitted presently in this case.
I need to forward the possibly-sizable-response back to the another computer on my LAN for processing, so this is a clear concern for me.
Is using node-curl recommended for this purpose in node?
If yes, how can I handle this?
If no, then what would be a suitable alternative?

I would go for the wonderful request module, at least if the proxy settings are no more advanced than what it supports. Just read the proxy settings from the environment yourself:
var request = require('request'),
proxy = request.defaults({proxy: process.env.HTTP_PROXY});
Or if you don't want to pipe it:
var req = proxy.get({uri: '', encoding: 'utf8'});
req.on('data', console.log);
req.on('end', function() { console.log('end') });
Above, I also pass the encoding I expect in the response. You could also specify that in the defaults (the call to request.defaults() above), or you could leave it in which case you will get Buffers in the data event handler.
If all you want to do is to send it to another URL, request is perfect for that:
Or if you'd rather POST it:
Or, if you want to proxy the request to the destination server as well:


Handle message before event ws nodejs

I'm using ws version 7.4.0 and I would want to display a console log or perfom operations between the moment where the client is sending a message to the server and before the server fire the on event message.
To represent it:
webserver.on('example', function callback(msg){console.log(msg);}); //act before the call of callback
The only way I see right now would be to use a "root" function before the callback of all my events like this:
function callback(msg){console.log(msg);}
webserver.on('example', function root(msg) {console.log('example msg'); callback(msg);});
I don't know if this is a real and/or good solution I really wish to write a clean and organized application.
If someone could give me some advise or a real solution? Thank you.
You could make a wrapper for all of your callbacks like so:
function makeCallback(fn) {
return function(msg) {
if (! console.log(msg);
var myCallback = makeCallback(function (msg) {
// something
webserver.on('example', myCallback);
Or I think the better solution is to stream the requets into your stdout although I don't know the implications of using this method.
And I want to address the naming of your websocket server. Even though a web socket server is technically a web server, it only responds to the websocket protocol and naming it webserver could be misleading, I would recommend using the naming like in their documents wss.

Send request progress to client side via nodejs and express

I am using this (contentful-export) library in my express app like so
const app = require('express');
app.get('/export', (req, rex, next) => {
const contentfulExport = require('contentful-export');
const options = {
contentfulExport(options).then((result) => {
now this does work, but the method takes a bit of time and sends status / progress messages to the node console, but I would like to keep the user updated also.. is there a way I can send the node console progress messages to the client??
This is my first time using node / express any help would be appreciated, I'm not sure if this already has an answer since im not entirely sure what to call it?
Looking of the documentation for contentful-export I don't think this is possible. The way this usually works in Node is that you have an object (contentfulExport in this case), you call a method on this object and the same object is also an EventEmitter. This way you'd get a hook to react to fired events.
// pseudo code
someLibrary.on('someEvent', (event) => { /* do something */ })
.then(/* ... */)
This is not documented for contentful-export so I assume that there is no way to hook into the log messages that are sent to the console.
Your question has another tricky angle though. In the code you shared you include a single endpoint (/export). If you would like to display updates or show some progress you'd probably need a second endpoint giving information about the progress of your long running task (which you can not access with contentful-export though).
The way this is usually handled is that you kick of a long running task via a certain HTTP endpoint and then use another endpoint that serves infos via polling or or a web socket connection.
Sorry that I can't give a proper solution but due to the limitation of contentful-export I don't think there is a clean/easy way to show progress of the exported data.
Hope that helps. :)

why subsequent HTTP requests

My JavaScript makes that ajax call which retrieves a JSON array.
I am trying simulate long running HTTP REST call request that takes longer to return the results.
The way I do it is delay writing anything to the response object on the server side until 5 minutes elapsed since the request landed. After that I set the status to 200 and write the response with the JSON ending the stream.
Putting a breakpoint on the serve side I realize that the request shows up second time but the browser's Network tab does not show another request being made.
It may not be relevant but I am using browsersync middlewars to serve this JSON and write the bytes and end the response in setTimeout().
setTimeout(()=> {
res.statusCode = 200;
Anyone has any explanation as to why this is happening ? And if there is a way to simulate this in another ways ?
In most cases the browser should retry if connection is closed before response. This is a link to the details => HTTP spec Client Behavior if Server Prematurely Closes Connection
BTW it might help you use the chrome throttling options on the network section of dev tools (F12)

Sending an http response outside of the route function?

So, I have a route function like the following:
var http = require('http').createServer(start);
function start(req, res){
//routing stuff
and below that,I have a event listener:
io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket){
socket.on('event', function(data){
//perform an http response
When the socket event 'event' is called, I would like to perform an http response like the following:
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-disposition': 'attachment;'})
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'application/zip' });
var filestream = fs.createReadStream('');
filestream.on('data', function(chunk) {
filestream.on('end', function() {
This last part, when performed within the routing function works just fine, but unfortunately when it is called from the socket event, it of course does not work, because it has no reference to the 'req' or 'res' objects. How would I go about doing this? Thanks.
Hmmm... interesting problem:
It's not impossible to do something like what you're trying to do, the flow would be something like this:
Receive http request, don't respond, keep res object saved somewhere.
Receive websocket request, do your auth/"link" it to the res object saved earlier.
Respond with file via res.
BUT it's not very pretty for a few reasons:
You need to keep res objects saved, if your server restarts a whole bunch of response objects are lost.
You need to figure out how to link websocket clients to http request clients. You could do something with cookies/localstorage to do this, I think.
Scaling to another server will become a lot harder / will you proxy clients to always be served by the same server somehow? Otherwise the linking will get harder.
I would propose a different solution for you: You want to do some client/server steps using websockets before you let someone download a file?
This question has a solution to do downloads via websocket: receive file via websocket and initiate download dialog
Sounds like it won't work on older browsers / IE, but a nice option.
Also mentions downloading via hidden iframe
Check here whether this solution is cross-browser enough for you:
Another option would be to generate a unique URL for the download, and only append it to the browser's window (either as a hidden iframe download, or as a simple download button) once you've done your logic via websocket. This option would be more available cross-browser and easier to code.

“Proxying” a lot of HTTP requests with Node.js + Express 2

I'm writing proxy in Node.js + Express 2. Proxy should:
decrypt POST payload and issue HTTP request to server based on result;
encrypt reply from server and send it back to client.
Encryption-related part works fine. The problem I'm facing is timeouts. Proxy should process requests in less than 15 secs. And most of them are under 500ms, actually.
Problem appears when I increase number of parallel requests. Most requests are completed ok, but some are failed after 15 secs + couple of millis. ab -n5000 -c300 works fine, but with concurrency of 500 it fails for some requests with timeout.
I could only speculate, but it seems thant problem is an order of callbacks exectuion. Is it possible that requests that comes first are hanging until ETIMEDOUT because of node's focus in latest ones which are still being processed in time under 500ms.
P.S.: There is no problem with remote server. I'm using request for interactions with it.
The way things works with some code:
function queryRemote(req, res) {
var options = {}; // built based on req object (URI, body, authorization, etc.)
request(options, function(err, httpResponse, body) {
return err ? send500(req, res)
: res.end(encrypt(body));
app.use(myBodyParser); // reads hex string in payload
// and calls next() on 'end' event'/', [checkHeaders, // check Content-Type and Authorization headers
authUser, // query DB and call next()
parseRequest], // decrypt payload, parse JSON, call next()
function(req, res) {
queryRemote(req, res);
My problem is following: when ab issuing, let's say, 20 POSTs to /, express route handler gets called like thousands of times. That's not always happening, sometimes 20 and only 20 requests are processed in timely fashion.
Of course, ab is not a problem. I'm 100% sure that only 20 requests sent by ab. But route handler gets called multiple times.
I can't find reasons for such behaviour, any advice?
Timeouts were caused by using http.globalAgent which by default can process up to 5 concurrent requests to one host:port (which isn't enough in my case).
Thouthands of requests (instead of tens) were sent by ab (Wireshark approved fact under OS X; I can not reproduce this under Ubuntu inside Parallels).
You can have a look at node-http-proxy module and how it handles the connections. Make sure you don't buffer any data and everything works by streaming. And you should try to see where is the time spent for those long requests. Try instrumenting parts of your code with conosle.time and console.timeEnd and see where is taking the most time. If the time is mostly spent in javascript you should try to profile it. Basically you can use v8 profiler, by adding --prof option to your node command. Which makes a v8.log and can be processed via a v8 tool found in node-source-dir/deps/v8/tools. It only works if you have installed d8 shell via scons(scons d8). You can have a look at this article to help you further to make this working.
You can also use node-webkit-agent which uses webkit developer tools to show the profiler result. You can also have a look at my fork with a bit of sugar.
If that didn't work, you can try profiling with dtrace(only works in illumos-based systems like SmartOS).
