How to grep/split a word in middle of %% or $$ - linux

I have a variable from which I have to grep the which in middle of %% adn the word which starts with $$. I used split it works... but for only some scenarios.
my $lastline ="%Filters_LN_RESS_DIR%\ARC\Options\Pega\CHF_Vega\$$(1212_GV_DATE_LDN)";
my #lastline_temp = split(/%/,$lastline);
print #lastline_temp;
my #var=split("\\$\\$",$lastline_temp[2]);
print #var;
I get the o/p as expected. But can i get the same using Grep command. I mean I dont want to use the array[2] or array[1]. So that I can replace the values easily.

I don't really see how you can get the output you expect. Because you put your data in "busy" quotes (interpolating, double, ...), it comes out being stored as:
See Quote and Quote-like Operators and perhaps read Interpolation in Perl
Notice that the backslashes are gone. A backslash in interpolating quotes simply means "treat the next character as literal", so you get literal 'A', literal 'O', literal 'P', ....
That '0' is the value of $( (aka $REAL_GROUP_ID) which you unwittingly asked it to interpolate. So there is no sequence '$$' to split on.
Can you get the same using a grep command? It depends on what "the same" is. You save the results in arrays, the purpose of grep is to exclude things from the arrays. You will neither have the arrays, nor the output of the arrays if you use a non-trivial grep: grep {; 1 } #data.
Actually you can get the exact same result with this regular expression, assuming that the single string in #vars is the "result".
Of course, that's no more than
substr( $lastline, rindex( $lastline, '%' ) + 1 );
which can run 8-10 times faster.

First, be very careful in your use of quotes, I'm not sure if you don't mean
instead of
which might be a different string. For example, if evaluated, "$$" means the variable $PROCESS_ID.
After trying to solve riddles (not sure about that), and quoting your string
my $lastline =
differently, I'd use:
my ($w1, $w2) = $lastline =~ m{ % # the % char at the start
([^%]+) # CAPTURE everything until next %
[^(]+ # scan to the first brace
\( # hit the brace
([^)]+) # CAPTURE everything up to closing brace
print "$w1\n$w2";
to extract your words. Result:
But what do you mean by replace the values easily. Which values?
Now lets extract the "words" delimited by '\'. Using a simple split:
my #words = split /\\/, # use substr to start split after the first '\\'
substr $lastline, index($lastline,'\\');
you'll get the words between the backslashes if you drop the last entry (which is the $$(..) string):
pop #words; # remove the last element '$$(..)'
print join "\n", #words; # print the other elements
Does this work better with grep? Seems to:
my #words = grep /^[^\$%]+$/, split /\\/, $lastline;
print join "\n", #words;
also results in:
Maybe that is what you are after? What do you want to do with these?


Perl Unable to truncate string

I am trying to extract AAA and BBB from the output of the command "dspmq".
$dspmq <- this command gives output as -->
But it doesn't work with the below code.
perl -e 'use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);my #qmgrlist = `dspmq`;$size = #qmgrlist;foreach my $i (#qmgrlist){my #temp1 = split /QMNAME\(/, $i;print #temp1;}'
AAA) STATUS(Running)
BBB) STATUS(Running)
I am able to truncate "QMNAME(" but unable to truncate those to the right of AAA and BBB. Basically I want to get the string between "QMNAME(" and the immediate ")". Please assist.
I think a regex approach is better than split() here, but you could use split() by splitting on parentheses and taking the second item in the returned list.
for (#qmgrlist) {
say +(split /[()]/)[0];
And a brief note on your use of command-line options to run this code. You can make it simpler if you a) pipe the output of qspmq into your code and b) use -n to process a record at a time.
$ perl -nE 'say +(split /[()]/)[1]' `dspmq`
There's also -M to load modules (e.g. -MData::Dumper), but you don't seem to be using Data::Dumper any more.
split isn't going to do what you need. I would just use a regular expression to match the sub-string you need
So change the loop from this
foreach my $i (#qmgrlist)
my #temp1 = split /QMNAME\(/, $i;
print #temp1;
to this
foreach my $i (#qmgrlist)
print "$1\n"
if /QMNAME\((.+?)\)/;
Try this perl one-liner:
dspmq | perl -lne 'print for m{ QMNAME [(] ( [^)]* ) [)] }x'
Here, dspmq STDOUT is fed using a pipe | into STDIN of the perl code, which has these flags:
-e tells Perl interpreter to look for the code inline rather than in a separate script file.
-n feeds the input line by line to the inline code (this way you do not need to store the output in an array - this matters for large outputs, not in your case).
-l strips the input record separator (newline on *NIX) before feeding it to the code, and appends it automatically after during print.
The print ... for ... m{... (...) ...} code prints every pattern captured in parentheses.
The captured pattern is [^)]*, which is maximum number (0 or more) chars that are not (^) listed in the character class, that is, that are not closing parens.
[(] ... [)] are literal parentheses escaped as character classes for readability. I prefer this to escaping like so: \( ... \).
QMNAME is used to make the programmer's intentions clear: you want the string that follows QMNAME in parens. I prefer this to using the field index, such as 1, which protects you against minor variation in output of your command used with different options, on different systems, etc.
Finally, the x regex modifier in m{...}x enables comments and whitespace to be ignored, and is preferred for readability.
Cutting the output of a dspmq command
Desired output can be achieved with following code
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
map{ say $1 if /QMNAME\((.+?)\)/ } <DATA>;
and one liner (not tested - I am on Windows computer)
dspmq | perl -lne 'print $1 if /QMNAME\((.+?)\)/'

PERL eplacing newline characters inside fish-brackets, while leaving other newline characters untouched?

I finally know how to use regular expressions to replace one substring with another every place where it occurs within a string. But what I need to do now is a bit more complicated than that.
A string I must transform will have many instances of the newline character ('\n'). If those newline character are enclosed within fish-tags (between '<' and '>') I need to replace it with a simple whitespace character (' ').
However, if a newline character occurs anywhere else in the string, I need to leave that newline character alone.
There will be several places in the string that are enclosed in fish-tags, and several places that aren't.
Is there a way to do this in PERL?
I honestly don't recommend doing this with regular expressions. Besides the fact that you should never parse html with a regular expression, it's also a pain to do negative matches with regular expressions and anyone reading the code will honestly have no idea what you just did. Doing it manually on the other hand is really easy to understand.
This code assumes well formed html that doesn't have tags starting inside the definition of other tags (otherwise you would have to track all the instances and increment/decrement a count appropriately) and it does not handle < or > inside quoted strings which isn't the most common thing. And if you're doing all that I really recommend you use a real html parser, there are many of them.
Obviously if you're not reading this from a filehandle, the loop would be going over an array of lines (or the output of splitting the whole text, though you would instead be appending ' ' or "\n" depending on the inside variable if you split since it would remove the newline)
use strict;
use warnings;
# Default to being outside a tag
my $inside = 0;
while(my $line = <DATA>) {
# Find the last < and > in the string
my ($open, $close) = map { rindex($line, $_) } qw(< >);
# Update our state accordingly.
if ($open > $close) {
$inside = 1;
} elsif ($open < $close) {
$inside = 0;
# If we're inside a tag change the newline (last character in the line) with a space. If you instead want to remove it you can use the built-in chomp.
if ($inside) {
# chomp($line);
substr($line, -1) = ' ';
print $line;
This is some text
and some more
> <d
<g h i
$ echo "$txt"
Line 1
Line 2
< fish tag line 1
and line 2 >
< line 3 >
< fish tag line 4
and line 5 >
You can do:
$ echo "$txt" | perl -0777 -lpe "s/(<[^\n>]*)\n+([^>]*>)/\1\2/g"
Line 1
Line 2
< fish tag line 1 and line 2 >
< line 3 >
< fish tag line 4 and line 5 >
I will echo that this only works in limited cases. Please do not get in the general habit of using a regex for HTML.
This solution uses zdim's data (thanks, zdim)
I prefer to use an executable replacement together with the non-destructive option of the tr/// operator
This solution finds all occurrences of strings enclosed in angle brackets <...> and alters all newlines within each one to single spaces
Note that it would be simple to allow for quoted substrings containing any characters by writing this instead
$data =~ s{ ( < (?: "[^"]+" | [^>] )+ > ) }{ $1 =~ tr/\n/ /r }gex;
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use v5.14; # For /r option
my $data = do {
local $/;
$data =~ s{ ( < [^<>]+ > ) }{ $1 =~ tr/\n/ /r }gex;
print $data;
start < inside tags> no new line
again <inside, with one nl
> out
more <inside, with two NLs
and more text
start < inside tags> no new line
again <inside, with one nl > out
more <inside, with two NLs and more text >
The (X)HTML/XML shouldn't be parsed with regex. But since no description of the problem is given here is a way to go at it. Hopefully it demonstrates how tricky and involved this can get.
You can match a newline itself. Together with details of how linefeeds may come in text
use warnings;
use strict;
my $text = do { # read all text into one string
local $/;
1 while $text =~ s/< ([^>]*) \n ([^>]*) >/<$1 $2>/gx;
print $text;
start < inside tags> no new line
again <inside, with one nl
> out
more <inside, with two NLs
and more text
This prints
start < inside tags> no new line
again <inside, with one nl > out
more <inside, with two NLs and more text >
The negated character class [^>] matches anything other than >, optionally and any number of times with *, up to an \n. Then another such pattern follows \n, up to the closing >. The /x modifier allows spaces inside, for readability. We also need to consider two particular cases.
There may be multiple \n inside <...>, for which the while loop is a clean solution.
There may be multiple <...> with \n, which is what /g is for.
The 1 while ... idiom is another way to write while (...) { }, where the body of the loop is empty so everything happens in the condition, which is repeatedly evaluated until false. In our case the substitution keeps being done in the condition until there is no match, when the loop exits.
Thanks to ysth for bringing up these points and for the 1 while ... solution.
All of this necessary care for various details and edge cases (of which there may be more) hopefully convinces you that it is better to reach for an HTML parsing module suitable for the particular task. For this we'd need to know more about the problem.

sed: How to replace all content in a multi-line pattern?

I have to create a sql script from another altering their content. Eg.
SELECT value INTO val FROM table WHERE condition;
SELECT value2 INTO val2 FROM table WHERE condition1
OR condition2;
So I have tried
sed 's/FROM .*;/;/g'
But it's returns this
SELECT value INTO val ;
SELECT value2 INTO val2 FROM table WHERE condition1
OR condition2;
instead of this, which is what I need
SELECT value INTO val ;
SELECT value2 INTO val2 ;
Any ideas? Basically what I want to do is remove all that is included among 'FROM' and the next ';'
sed ':load
# load any multiline sequence before going further
/;[[:space:]]*$/ !{ N;b load
# from here you have a full (multi)line to treat
s/[[:space:]]\{1,\}FROM[[:space:]].*;/ ;/
' YourFile
You need to first load the multiline sequence before removing the end (sequence cycling in load section until a ended ; is found)
:load : address label for the 'goto' used later
/;[[:space:]]*$/: when there is no ending ; on the line (eventually some ending space later
N: load a new line in working buffer
b load : goto the label load (goto)
s/[[:space:]]\{1,\}FROM[[:space:]].*;/ ;/ change the whole current working buffer (so mono and multiline but all ending with ;) with your new format. Sed in this case treat the buffer and not a line, New line are character like other in this case.
Last line need to be ended by ; to be treated, if not, the last (uncomplete) sequence is lost
I think you can remove the '\n' in your script and then use sed to remove the from.
cat test.sql |tr -d '\n'|sed 's/FROM [^;]*;/;\n/g'
awk is record-based, not line-based like sed, so it has no problem handling multi-line strings:
$ awk 'BEGIN{RS=ORS=";"}{gsub(/FROM .*/,"")}1' file
SELECT value INTO val ;
SELECT value2 INTO val2 ;
The above just sets the Record Separator to a ; instead of the default newline and operates on the resulting strings which can contain newlines just like any other characters.
As far as I know, you either have to get rid of newline delimiters
tr -d '\n'
or use Pythons "re.M | re.DOTALL" arguments in re.compile
eg (roughly put):
pattern = re.compile('FROM[^;]*;', re.M | re.DOTALL)
result = re.findall(pattern, file)
Usually, when I needed to regex over newlines, I always ended up with Python. Bash is too newline based that it's hard to bend it to do this.
But replacing a '\n' with a placeholder might suffice, if you really need to use bash.

How to split the string and retrieve last two columns in perl

i want to retrive the last two columns of a string
$path = C:\Documents and Settings\ac62599\AC62599_SBI_Release_2012.12.1_int\vob\SBI_src
$path = C:\views\ac62599\AC62599_view\vob\aims
output should be
output should come like this . Thanks in advance
Use split to split the paths into directories. You can use a slice to get the last two, then use join to concatenate them back:
for my $path ('C:\Documents and Settings\ac62599\AC62599_SBI_Release_2012.12.1_int\vob\SBI_src',
'C:\views\ac62599\AC62599_view\vob\aims') {
print '\\', join('\\', (split/\\/, $path)[-2, -1]), "\n";
A regex seems to be the simplest solution
my ($dir) = $path =~ /((?:\\[^\\]+){2})$/;
Which is to say, look for backslash, followed by one or more non-backslash characters, and look for this sequence twice at the end of the string and capture it.
Note the use of parentheses around the variable is required to give the regex list context.
Output for the sample paths:
$string=~m/.*(\\[^\\]*\\[^\\]*)/g;print $1

Printing string in Perl

Is there an easy way, using a subroutine maybe, to print a string in Perl without escaping every special character?
This is what I want to do:
print DELIMITER <I don't care what is here> DELIMITER
So obviously it will great if I can put a string as a delimiter instead of special characters.
perldoc perlop, under "Quote and Quote-like Operators", contains everything you need.
While we usually think of quotes as literal values, in Perl they function as operators, providing various kinds of interpolating and pattern matching
capabilities. Perl provides customary quote characters for these behaviors, but also provides a way for you to choose your quote character for any of
them. In the following table, a "{}" represents any pair of delimiters you choose.
Customary Generic Meaning Interpolates
'' q{} Literal no
"" qq{} Literal yes
`` qx{} Command yes*
qw{} Word list no
// m{} Pattern match yes*
qr{} Pattern yes*
s{}{} Substitution yes*
tr{}{} Transliteration no (but see below)
<<EOF here-doc yes*
* unless the delimiter is ''.
$str = q(this is a "string");
print $str;
if you mean quotes and apostrophes with 'special characters'
You can use the __DATA__ directive which will treat all of the following lines as a file that can be accessed from the DATA handle:
while (<DATA>) {
print # or do something else with the lines
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Some::Module;
or you can use a heredoc:
my $string = <<'END'; #single quotes prevent any interpolation
#!/usr/bin/perl -b
use Some::Module;
The printing is not doing special things to the escapes, double quoted strings are doing it. You may want to try single quoted strings:
print 'this is \n', "\n";
In a single quoted string the only characters that must be escaped are single quotes and a backslash that occurs immediately before the end of the string (i.e. 'foo\\').
It is important to note that interpolation does not work with single quoted strings, so
print 'foo is $foo', "\n";
Will not print the contents of $foo.
You can pretty much use any character you want with q or qq. For example:
use utf8;
use strict; use warnings;
print q∞This is a test∞;
print qq☼\nThis is another test\n☼;
print q»But, what is the point?»;
print qq\nYou are just making life hard on yourself!\n;
print qq¿That last one is tricky\n¿;
You cannot use qq DELIMITER foo DELIMITER. However, you could use heredocs for a similar effect:
print <<'DELIMETER'
but your source code would be really ugly.
If you want to print a string literally and you have Perl 5.10 or later then
say 'This is a string with "quotes"' ;
will print the string with a newline.. The importaning thing is to use single quotes ' ' rather than double ones " "
