what all happens in sysenter instruction is used in linux? - linux

I am studying about how CPU changes from user mode to kernel mode in linux. I came across two different methods: Interrupts and using sysenter.
I could not understand how sysenter works. Could someone please explain what exactly happens in the cpu when the sysenter instruction is run?

The problem that a program faces when it wants to get into the kernel (aka "making syscalls") is that user programs cannot access anything kernel-related, yet the program has to somehow switch the CPU into "kernel mode".
On an interrupt, this is done by the hardware.
It also happens automatically when a (CPU-, not C++) exception occurs, like accessing memory that doesn't exist, a divison by zero, or invoking a privileged instruction in user code. Or trying to execute an unimplemented instruction. This last thing is actually a decent way to implement a "call the kernel" interface: CPU runs on an instruction that the CPU doesn't know, so it raises an exception which drops the CPU into kernel mode and into the kernel. The kernel code could then check whether the "correct" unmiplemented instruction was used and perform the syscall stuff if it was, or just kill the process if it was any other unimplemented instruction.
Of course, doing something like this isn't, well, "clean". It's more like a dirty hack, abusing what should be an error to implement a perfectly valid control flow change. Hence, CPUs do tend to have actual instructions to do essentially the same thing, just in a more "defined" way. The main purpose of anything like a "sysenter" instruction is still the same: it changes the CPU into "kernel mode", saves the position where the "sysenter" was called, and continues execution somewhere in the kernel.
As for the difference between a "software interrupt" and "sysenter": "sysenter" is specifically optimized for this kind of use case. For example, it doesn't get the kernel address to call from memory like a (software-)interrupt does, but instead uses a special register to get the address from, which saves the memory address lookup. It might also have additional optimizations internally, based on the fact that software-interrupts might be handled more like interrupts, and the sysenter instruction doesn't actually need that. I don't know the precise details of the implementations of these instructions on the CPUs, you would probably have to read the Intel manuals to really get into such details.


Trap instruction: why must the program counter and processor status register be changed atomically?

I came across the following problem on a previous exam from my operating systems class.
Consider an architecture in which the TRAP instruction has two effects: to load a predefined value of the Processor Status Register (PCR), which contains the user/kernel mode bit, saving the value of the Program Counter (PC) to a special Save PC register and loading apredefined value into the PC. Explain why loading a new value for the PCR without also changing the PC in the same instruction cycle would be unsafe.
I know that the PCR would be set to kernel mode with memory management off. Is it unsafe because the PC is still in the user program? If so where could it go wrong? If not why is it unsafe? Why would changing the PC first also be unsafe?
Aside: there is no reason to assume that "memory management" is turned "off" by loading the new processor status; in fact, in the CPUs in my experience that would not happen. But that is not relevant to this answer.
We're executing in user mode and a TRAP instruction is fetched. The program counter is then (let's say) pointing to the instruction after TRAP.
Now the processor executes the TRAP. It loads the new processor status, which switches the CPU to kernel mode. Assume this does not in itself inhibit device interrupts.
NOW... a device interrupts. The hardware or software mechanism saves the processor status (=kernel mode) and program counter (=the user-mode address of the instruction after TRAP). The device interrupt service routine does its thing and executes a return from interrupt to restore program counter and processor status. We can't resume "half-way through the TRAP instruction" - the only thing that can happen is that we start to execute the instruction that PC points to, i.e., we're executing the instruction after the TRAP but in kernel mode.
The exact problem depends on the system architecture:
If the kernel address map is a superset of the user address map (typical on OSes where user space is half the total address space) then we're executing user-provided code in kernel mode, which is at least a serious privilege problem, and may cause us to fail by page faulting when we can't handle it.
If the kernel address map doesn't include user space (frequently the case on systems with limited virtual address size) then this is equivalent to taking wild jump into the kernel.
The summary is that you need both the processor status and program counter to define "where you are in execution", and they both need to be saved/updated together; or in other words, no change of control (such as an interrupt) can be permitted in the middle.

Which part of Linux kernel enforces privilege separation and how?

I want to know how privilege separation is enforced by the kernel and the part of kernel that is responsible for this task.
For example, assume there are two processes running -- one at ring 0 and another at ring 3. How does the kernel keep track of the ring number of each process?
Edit: I know about ring numbers. My question is about the part of kernel (module or something) which performs checks on the processes to find out their privilege level. I believe there might be a component of kernel which would check the ring number of a process.
There is no concept of a ring number of a process.
The kernel is mapped in one area of memory, userspace is mapped in another. On boot the kernel specifies an address where the cpu has to jump to when the syscall instruction is executed. So someone does syscall, the cpu switches to ring0 and jumps to the address as instructed by the kernel. It is now executing kernel code. Then, on return, the cpu switches back to ring3 and resumes execution.
Similar story for other ways of entering the kernel like exceptions.
So, how does linux kernel enforce separation? It sets things up for usersapace to execute in ring3. Anything triggering the cpu to switch to ring0 also makes the jump to an address configured by the kernel on boot. no code other than kernel code executes in ring0

Escalating to Ring 0 in Linux application

I want to use monitor and mwait instructions in a userspace application. Unfortunately, they're privileged instructions only executable by ring 0.
My application has root access. How can I escalate privileges to ring 0?
I've considered a kernel module that adds them as a syscall, but that destroys the performance improvement I need them for.
Compiling a custom kernel is an option. I have no idea where in the source the switch to ring 0 might be located however, nor if it'll have any side-effects on e.g. virtual memory.
Any ideas?
It is not possible to get a ring0 from user-space with standard linux kernel. And it's preferable to write a kernel module to do thinks you want. But if you really want to have a ring0 at user-space, I'll give you a start point.
x86 processors stores Current Privilege Level in the two least significant bits of cs register.
When new thread is created, Linux kernel checks whether this thread is user thread or kernel one and stores appropriate cs value for this task. (Proof: copy_thread() in arch/x86/kernel/process_32.c).
So, you are able to get pointer to task registers with task_pt_regs() (arch/x86/include/asm/processor.h) macro and alter cs to set ring to 0 with regs->cs &= ~0x3; or something similar.
But again, I strongly recommend you, don't do it.

Linux kernel: what are instruction cache and mp-IRQ subsystem within a terms of function interception via replace?

I'm trying to implement a kernel function intercept (replacing a System.map's pointer to function, using this old method (c) Silvio); according to this forum post, some possible flaws may be related to instruction cache and mp-IRQ sources, which aren't flushed/updated after the interception.
What are these subsystems and how to deal with them in this case?
The instruction cache isn't a Linux kernel subsystem - it's part of the CPU.
Fetching code from main memory takes a lot of time, so CPUs use cache memory to cache code sections. This is the instruction cache that holds copies of instructions (code) that the CPU has a reason to believe will be needed soon.
If you change the instructions (code) in memory, as the example referred to does, but do not flush the instruction cache, your changed code might mysteriously fail to run until some random point in time where the instruction cache entry holding the instruction you replaced gets cleared.
mp-IRQ is short for Multiple Processor Interrupts. The problem related to in this context is that on a SMP (multiple CPU or multi core) system, the code that plants your trace point might be running on one CPU, while another is executing it. To handle that safely you need to do the very complex task of syncing al the CPU to make sure the code you are trying to patch is not being use on some other CPU by an interrupt.

How can I get the CPU core number from within a user-space app (Linux, C)?

Presumably there is a library or simple asm blob that can get me the number of the current CPU that I am executing on.
Use sched_getcpu to determine the CPU on which the calling thread is running. See man getcpu (the system call) and man sched_getcpu (a library wrapper). However, note what it says:
The information placed in cpu is only guaranteed to be current at the time of the call: unless the CPU affinity has been fixed using sched_setaffinity(2), the kernel might change the CPU at any time. (Normally this does not happen because the scheduler tries to minimize movements between CPUs to keep caches hot, but it is possible.) The caller must be prepared to handle the situation when cpu and node are no longer the current CPU and node.
You need to do something like:
Call sched_getaffinity and identify the CPU bits
Iterate over the CPUs, doing sched_setaffinity to each one
(I'm not sure if after sched_setaffinity you're guaranteed to be on the CPU, or
need to yield explicitly ?)
Execute CPUID (asm instruction)... there is a way of getting a unique per-core ID out of one of it's outputs (see Intel docs). I vaguely recall it's the "APIC ID".
Build a table (a std::map ?) from APIC IDs to a CPU number or affinity mask or something.
If you did this on your main thread, don't forget to set sched_setaffinity back to all CPUS!
Now you can CPUID again whenever you need to and lookup which core you're on.
But I'd query why you need to do this; normally you want to take control via sched_setaffinity rather than finding out which core you're on (and even that's a pretty rare thing to want/need). (That's why I don't know the crucial detail of what to pull out of CPUID exactly, sorry!)
Update: Just learned about sched_getcpu from litb's response here. Much better! (my Debian/etch libc is too old to have it though).
I don't know of anything to get your current core id. With kernel level task/process migration, you wouldn't be guaranteed that it would remain constant for any length of time, unless you were running in some form of real-time mode.
If you want to be on a specific core, you can put use that sched_setaffinity() function or the taskset command to launch your program. I believe that these need elevated permissions to work, though. In your program, you could then run sched_getaffinity() to see the mask that was set earlier and use that as a best guess at the core on which you are executing.
