How to implement session using nodeJS TCP server with MongoDB? - node.js

I am creating a TCP based game server for iOS, it involves registration and login.
Users will be stored as a collection in MongoDB.
when login is done, I generate a unique session id - How ?
I wanted to know what all data remains with node server and what can be stored in db.
data like session tokens, or collection of sockets if I am maintaining a persistent connection etc.

Node.JS does not have any sessions by default. In fact, there is a plug-in for managing sessions with MongoDB.
It's not clear that you really need sessions however. If you're opening a direct socket with, that is a defacto session.

Node.js itself does not manage sessions for you. It simply exposes an API to underlying unix facilities for Socket communication. HTTP in it self is a stateless protocol and does not have sessions either. SSH on the other hand is a stateful protocol, but I do not think either one would be good for you.
Creating a uniuqe ID is really simple, all you need to do is hash some data about the user. Their SHA(IP address + time + username). See:
One approach a lot of applications take is to create their own protocol and send messages using that. You will have to handle a lot of cases with that. And I myself have never dealt with mobile where you have serious connectivity challenges and caching requirements that are not a big problem on desktops.
To solve these problem, founder of Scribd started a company called Parse which should make it much easier for your to do things. Have a look at their website:
If you want to do some authentication however, have a look at Everyauth, it provides a lot of that for you. You can find it here:


Scaling nodejs app with pm2

I have an app that receives data from several sources in realtime using logins and passwords. After data is recieved it's stored in memory store and replaced after new data is available. Also I use sessions with mongo-db to auth user requests. Problem is I can't scale this app using pm2, since I can use only one connection to my datasource for one login/password pair.
Is there a way to use different login/password for each cluster or get cluster ID inside app?
Are memory values/sessions shared between clusters or is it separated? Thank you.
So if I understood this question, you have a node.js app, that connects to a 3rd party using HTTP or another protocol, and since you only have a single credential, you cannot connect to said 3rd party using more than one instance. To answer your question, yes it is possibly to set up your clusters to use a unique use/pw combination, the tricky part would be how to assign these credentials to each cluster (assuming you don't want to hard code it). You'd have to do this assignment when the servers start up, and perhaps use a a data store to hold these credentials and introduce some sort of locking mechanism for each credential (so that each credential is unique to a particular instance).
If I was in your shoes, however, what I would do is create a new server, whose sole job would be to get this "realtime data", and store it somewhere available to the cluster, such as redis or some persistent store. The server would then be a standalone server, just getting this data. You can also attach a RESTful API to it, so that if your other servers need to communicate with it, they can do so via HTTP, or a message queue (again, Redis would work fine there as well.
'Realtime' is vague; are you using WebSockets? If HTTP requests are being made often enough, also could be considered 'realtime'.
Possibly your problem is like something we encountered scaling SocketStream (websockets) apps, where the persistent connection requires same requests routed to the same process. (there are other network topologies / architectures which don't require this but that's another topic)
You'll need to use fork mode 1 process only and a solution to make sessions sticky e.g.:
I have some example code but need to find it (over a year since deployed it)
Basically you wind up just using pm2 for 'always-on' feature; sticky-session module handles the node clusterisation stuff.
I may post example later.

If I only want to use redis pubsub to create some real time client functionality, is it ok security-wise to connect to redis direct from client?

I'm trying to create a Flash app with some real time functionality, and would like to use Redis' pubsub functionality which is a perfect fit for what I need.
I know that connecting to a data store directly from client is almost always bad. What are the security implications of this (since I'm not an expert on Redis), and are there ways to work around them? From what I read, there is a possible exploit of doing config sets and changing the rdb file location and be able to arbitrary overwrite files. Is there anything else? (If I don't use that particular redis instance for anything at all, i.e. no data being stored)
I understand the alternative is to write some custom socket server program and have it act as the mediating layer for connecting to redis and issuing commands -- that's the work I'd like to avoid having to write, if possible.
** Edit **
Just learned about the rename-command configuration to disable commands. If I disable every single command on the redis instance and leave only SUBSCRIBE and PUBLISH open, would this be good enough to run on production?
I think it would be a bad idea to connect directly your client to Redis. Redis offers an authentication system for a unique user only. It expects this user to be your server app.
From my point of view, directly exposing Redis is always a bad idea. It would allow anybody to access all of your data. This is confirmed by the Redis doc.
So you won't avoid adding or developing the server side of your app. vs AJAX Use cases

Background: I am building a web app using NodeJS + Express. Most of the communication between client and server is REST (GET and POST) calls. I would typically use AJAX XMLHttpRequest like mentioned in And I don't seem to understand how to make my RESTful service being used for as well.
My questions are
What scenarios should I use over AJAX RPC?
Is there a straight forward way to make them work together. At least for Expressjs style REST.
Do I have real benefits of using websockets are used -- TCP layer) on non real time web applications. Like a tinyurl site (where users post queries and server responds and forgets).
Also I was thinking a tricky but nonsense idea. What if I use RESTful for requests from clients and close connection from server side and do socket.emit().
Thanks in advance.
Your primary problem is that WebSockets are not request/response oriented like HTTP is. You mention REST and HTTP interchangeably, keep in mind that REST is a methodology behind designing and modeling your HTTP routes.
Your questions,
1. would be a good scenario when you don't require a request/response format. For instance if you were building a multiplayer game in which whoever could click on more buttons won, you would send the server each click from each user, not needing a response back from the server that it registered each click. As long as the WebSocket connection is open, you can assume the message is making it to the server. Another use case is when you need a server to contact a client sporadically. An analytics page would be a good use case for WebSockets as there is no uniform pattern as to when data needs to be at the client, it could happen at anytime.
The WebSocket connection is an HTTP GET request with a special header requesting the server to upgrade it to a WebSocket connection. Distinguishing different events and message on the WebSocket connection is up to your application logic and likely won't match REST style URIs and methods (otherwise you are replication HTTP request/reply in a sense).
Not sure what you mean on the last bit.
I'll just explain more about when you want to use Socket.IO and leave the in-depth explanation to Tj there.
Generally you will choose Socket.IO when performance and/or latency is a major concern and you have a site that involves users polling for data often. AJAX or long-polling is by far easier to implement, however, it can have serious performance problems in high load situations. By high-load, I mean like Facebook. Imagine millions of people loading their feed, and every minute each user is asking the server for new data. That could require some serious hardware and software to make that work well. With Socket.IO, each user could instead connect and just indefinitely wait for new data from the server as it arrives, resulting in far less overall server traffic.
Also, if you have a real-time application, Socket.IO would allow for a much better user experience while maintaining a reasonable server load. A common example is a chat room. You really don't want to have to constantly poll the server for new messages. It would be much better for the server to broadcast new messages as they are received. Although you can do it with long-polling, it can be pretty expensive in terms of server resources.

How to handle sessions in node.js without frameworks

I'm working on a SPA (single page web app); the idea was to go lightweight and not use too much frameworks and abstraction and stuff, so I created the HTTP server for static+dynamic files and it works well. Now I have implemented in the web app, but I would like to know what in your opinion would be a good way of handling sessions (keeping in mind that socket io must be able to identify the user who calls functions and know to who it must push data).
Hope i've been clear enough :) has built in methods for saving server-side session data for a given socket via socket.get, socket.set and socket.del. Where it saves this data is by default a memorystore, but you can use redis, etc. Keep in mind that when the socket disconnects, that data doesn't persist on reconnect, so you'll want to send along client identifying data with your socket setup events or during auth.
So that leaves your client data, which can be persisted via localStorage, sessionStorage, or plain old vanilla cookies, among others.

How to model Push Notifications on server

Brief Description:
Well, since many days I've been looking for an answer to this question but there seems to be answers for 'How to create a Push Notification Server' and like questions. I am using node.js and it's quite easy to 'create' a push notification server using sock.js (I've heard isn't good as compared to sock.js). No problem till here. But what I want is how to model such a server.
OK, so, let's say I've an application where there's a chat service (just an example this is, actual thing is big as you might have guessed). A person sends a message in a room and all the people in the room get notified. But what I want is a 'stateful' chat - that is, I want to store the messages in a data store. Here's where the trouble comes. Storing the message in the database and later telling everyone that "Hey, there's a message for you". This seems easy when we need the real-time activity for just one part of the app. What to do when the whole app is based on real-time communication? Besides this, I also want to have a RESTful api.
My solution (with which I am not really happy)
What I thought of doing was this: (on the server side of course)
Data Store
Data Layer (which talks to data store)
| |
Real-Time Server Restful server
And here, the Real-time server listens to interesting events that the data-layer publishes. Whenever something interesting happens, the server notifies the client. But which client? - This is the problem with my method
Hope you can be of help. :)
I think I forgot to emphasize an important part of my question. How to implement a pub-sub system? (NOTE: I don't want the actual code, I'll manage that myself; just how to go about doing it is where I need some help). The problem is that I get quite boggled when writing the code - what to do how (my confusion is quite apparent from this question itself). Could please provide some references to read or some advice as to how to begin with this thing?
I am not sure if I understood you correctly; but I will summarize how I read it:
We have a real-time chat server that uses socket connections to publish new messages to all connected clients.
We have a database where we want to keep chat logs.
We have also a restful interface to access the realtime server to get current chats in a lazier manner.
And you want to architect your system this way:
In the above diagram, the components I circled with purple curve wants to be updated like all other clients. Am I right? I don't know what you meant with "Data Layer" but I thought it is a daemon that will be writing to database and also interfacing database for other components.
In this architecture, everything is okay in the direction you meant. I mean DataStore is connected by servers to access data, maybe to query client credentials for authentication, maybe to read user preferences etc.
For your other expectation from these components, I mean to allow these components to be updated like connected clients, why don't you allow them to be clients, too?
Your realtime server is a server for clients; but it is also a client for data layer, or database server, if we prefer a more common naming. So we already know that there is nothing that stops a server from being a client. Then, why can't our database system and restful system also be clients? Connect them to realtime server the same way you connect browsers and other clients. Let them enjoy being one of the people. :)
I hope I did not understand everything completely wrong and this makes sense for the question.
