IS warning about string ID "IDS_ERROR_27555" not being found in string table - installshield

I have an Installshield2010 project that has had this warning since before my employment
ISDEV : warning -3028: The string ID "IDS_ERROR_27555" was not found in the string table. It is referenced in the table:"Error" in column:"Message".
Looking in the svn history, this row was added to Error table a few years ago - alongside a seemingly unrelated change
However as the error indicates, there is no corresponding entry in the ISString table.
I'm curious how it got added. The IDS_ERROR strings look like canned strings, it seems really unlikely the person who added this to my ism did so manually.
Of course Flexera's forums are a ghost town. I did find an ism that has that string defined as
<row><td>IDS_ERROR_27555</td><td>1033</td><td>Error attempting to apply permissions to object '[2]'. System error: [3] ([4])</td><td>0</td><td/><td>1394414478</td></row>
Do any of your ism's have IDS_ERROR_27555 defined or referenced? Am very sure I can delete the string and be no worse for wear... but it bugs me to not know what happened.

I don't remember in which version we added these strings, but you can get them by importing the strings file for your language (1033.txt for English) under the Languages folder. Upgrading across versions of InstallShield should have added this string. You can add them yourself by importing the strings file in the String Editor view. Of course if you've modified other strings, you'll want to ensure that you keep your preferred version.


How can I add multiple GridBagLayout attributes in the 'Constraints' section of an element in Groovy (2.5.5)?

This is driving me mad at the moment, if anyone can help it would be much appreciated!! This is simple enough in Java, but when called from groovy I cannot get multiple gbc properties defined in a single constraint.
I have read on a couple of old posts on the net that GridBagConstraints properties such as gridx etc can be added as follows from here.
code snippet of interest:
label(text:'Username', constraints:gbc(gridx:0,gridy:0,gridwidth:2))
However this won't work for me and I didn't expect it to as the syntax appears to be from years ago so I assume an old API. (error message below when I try the above)
Caught: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: cannot add to layout: constraint must be a string (or null)
I can't see how this could work as as surely the format needs to be:
GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints()
label("Username: ", constraints:gbc.gridx=0)
The two lines of code above run, but then I have the problem that I can't add more than one entry in the 'constraints:' section, and obviously I need to add 'gridy=0' etc.
Has anybody got any solution on how this should work?

Handling an invalid XML attribute in an Excel document

I'm using openpyxl to read an Excel document. For reasons that I don't understand at all, two of the cell-style names have a ctrl-d in them in xl/styles.xml in the ZIP archive storing the spreadsheet:
<cellStyle name="^D" xfId="20" builtinId="53" customBuiltin="true"/>
<cellStyle name="^D 2" xfId="21" builtinId="53" customBuiltin="true"/>
(That's a ctrl-D in both names.) Openpyxl's load_workbook function quite reasonably chokes with the following error:
lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError: invalid character in attribute value, line 2, column 11879
Approaches that I've considered:
Preprocess and replace styles.xml
Ignore styles altogether somehow
Manually remove the cell styles in oocalc (or Excel)
Any ideas/advice?
Shoot whoever or whatever produced the file because this is invalid XML! ;-) Submit a bug upstream.
If you can clean it up in MS Excel then that's going to be eaiser otherwise you can write your own preprocessor using openpyxl's code: styles/ will let you read the source without having to worry about namespaces but otherwise you should be able to change the elements inplace. Stylesheets are almost never that big (some libraries do produce some massive ones with junk in them).

Format of a VBP File reference line

Can any one tell me the format of the reference=\ lines in a Visual Basic 6 (VB6) project vbp file? Particularly what look like version numbers but I don't think are in the middle?
I think the first part is the COM GUID, the last two parts are the location of the DLL and it's internal name but what are the numbers, i.e. #1.0#0#
The UUID is the typelib ID, the 1.0 is the typelib version number.
The third part, a "0" here, is the LCID. This is commonly 0 (unless a localized build of the library has been referenced).
After that comes the file that contains the type information, and last comes descriptive text (the typelib's HelpString value).

How to get (translatable) strings from specific domain with POEdit

I have been trying for hours finding a way to setup POEdit so that it can grab the text from specific domain only
My gettext function looks like this:
function ri($id, $parameters = array(), $domain = 'default', $locale = null)
A sample call:
echo ri('Text %xyz%', array('%xyz%'=>100), 'myDomain');
I will need to grab only the text with the domain myDomain to translate, or at least I want POEdit to put these texts into domain specific files. Is there a way to do it?
I found several questions that are similar but the answers don't really tell me what to do (I think I'm such a noob it must be explained in plain English for me to understand):
How to set gettext text domain in Poedit?
How to get list of translatable messages
So I finally figured it out after days of searching, I finally found the answer here:
xgettext recognizes context in strings, and gives a msgctxt field in the *.pot file, which is recognized by translation software as a
context and is shown as such (check image of Pootle showing context
This can be done in 3 ways:
String in code should be in the format _t('context','string'); and xgettext invocation should be in the form --keyword=_t:1c,2
(this basically explains to xgettext that there are 2 arguments in
the keyword function, 1st one is context, 2nd one is string)
String in code in the format _t('string','context'); and xgettext invocation should be in the form --keyword=_t:1,2c
String in the code should be as _t('context|string') and xgettext invocation should be in the form --keyword=_t:1g
So to answer my own question, I added this to the "sources keywords" tab of Poedit:
ri is the function name, 1 is the location of the stringid, 3 is the location of the context/domain
Hope this helps someone else, I hate all these cryptic documents
(This is a repost of my answer to the same thing here.)
Neither GNU gettext tools nor Poedit (which uses them) support this particular misuse of gettext.
In gettext, domain is roughly “a piece of software” — a program, a library, a plugin, a theme. As such, it typically resides in a single directory tree and is alone there — or at the very least, if you have multiple pieces=domains, you have them organized sanely into some subdirectories that you can limit the extraction to.
Mixing and matching domains within a single file as you do is not how gettext was intended to be used, and there’s no reasonable solution to handle it other than using your own helper function, e.g. by wrapping all myDomain texts into __mydomain (which you must define, obviously) and adding that to the list of keywords in Poedit when extracting for myDomain and not adding that to the list of keywords for other domains' files.

Invalid Parameter Name

I am having a problem with saving of data because of an incorrectly generated parameter name.
The table has a field "E-mail", and when the class wrapper is generated, the InsertCmd uses "#E-mail" as one of the parameters. In SQL Server, this is illegal and generated an exception.
I have hunted all over SubSonic for a way to modify the parameter name to simply "#Email" but the ParameterName property is read only.
I am using SubSonic 2.2 and don't have the source for it to make an internal modification.
Any ideas?
I got a mate of mine that uses SVN to pull the source code, and as expected, found a bug in the SS source.
When the column name is set in the class wrapper, the setter for the ColumnName property sets the ParamaterName property for you correctly using
"parameterName = Utility.PrefixParameter(Utility.StripNonAlphaNumeric(columnName), Table.Provider);". This removes any illegal characters like the hyphen in my E-mail column.
BUT... The property ParameterName is NOT used when the SQL commands are created. Here is the code in SQLDataProvider.GetInsertSQL, line 1462.
pars.Append(Utility.PrefixParameter( colName, this));
I changed this to
and the problem is now sorted.
Thanks to you that came up with possible solutions.
You can modify the templates if you can't change the column name. See this blog post for details of how:
