If I keep another webiste's link to my website via comment or foroum based facility then Is it help my site any how? - web

Say If I keep more number of web links of other sites on my web site then is it going to help my website in any way?

No it will help the other sites as you will be basically providing backlinks to theirs. Unless they have links going back to your site then you won't see any benefit at your end.

Maybe you are not quite clear about in-bound link and out-bound link.
What you are talking about now is out-bound link, which, according Google's PR, is a vote to other site(The linked site), not yours.
What you need, though, is in-bound link. In plain English, links of your sites on other sites.
Be warned, only putting our links on other sites that share the same themes can be counted as valid links. On top of it, do not tempted into Black Hat SEO!


Why are random sites linking to my site? What is their purpose?

In the "links from an external site" portion of my website statistics I see many sites that shouldn't have a reason to link to my site. Is there a reason for them doing this? Are they related in some way to spam/bots?
For example, the sites supposedly linking to mine are sites like:
You might simply the victim of so called “Referral Spam” (fake referrer for various dirty online marketing reasons). For a first overview you could read this Wikipedia entry or learn how to fight against it here in Stackoverflow.

Display different websites with same URL

I want to display different website for my customers outside US, how this can be achieved without using sub-folder.
First of all you did not explain your scenario.I suggest you explain to get better answers.
Anyways, If internationalization is what you want then you can rely on any CMS like Wordpress, Joomla etc and all of your content will be saved in Database. This way you will not have any subfolders and still a site for different countries. There is more to it in detail but basically that's the idea.
Obviously the above scenario applies if you are using a CMS.
If your website is in Joomla. I think there is a plugin.module which separates page regionally. Anyway, whats the URL of the website.

Add search feature to simple website without mySQL database

I have a simple HTML site with 100+ pages or so. I want to add a search bar at the top so the user can search the site. I know about Google Custom Search, but it shows ads unless you pay at least $100. Obviously I'd like ad-less search on my site for free if at all possible!
I've also heard about Lucene/Solr, but they do not actually crawl the site. For that I would apparently need Nutch.
Anyway, the site I have runs on a Microsoft IIS6 server, but I have basically no knowledge as to how Solr, Nutch, etc. gets "installed" on the server.
Also: I'd like to point out that I do have a local copy of the site. Perhaps I can do one big initial nutch "crawl" locally that will create an .xml for Solr?? That would help me get "up and running", but probably wouldn't be a good long-term solution.
..so should I just use Google Custom Search? or is there a not-extremely-painful-to-implement alternative? The brain hurts folks.
You did not mention how many search requests you want to handle but if you use the json-rest-api of google's custom search you have 100 searchqueries a day for free and you can display them without any ads on your page.
An simple example request can be found here.
Here is an easy way that works pretty well, although you may be looking for something more than this.
You can create code to paste into your site in about 2 minutes. It doesn't get easier than that. Search is powered by Google, but results are isolated to your website.
EDIT: This no longer works.

How to redirect desktop users away from mobile site... to regular site?

How can I sniff out desktop users and send them to regular (non-mobile) site when they find the mobile site listed in google?
Thank you for any insight!
You can check the HTTP-headers for the type of browser the user is using and redirect to the correct site. There is also a nifty framework for it; http://detectmobilebrowsers.mobi/
There's a really interesting article about it on Google Central. You should check it out.
While I'm aware that it doesn't answer your question, it's totally worth reading. As I'm on this very same quest, I'd appreciate if you could share with us whatever way out of this predicament you get to find.
By the way, can you post your website URL here for the rest of us to see? :-)
You could use www.handsetdetection.com in reverse to redirect people from your mobile site back to your standard site.

does google negatively rank a page

I am creating a website which is not completed yet. Somebody suggested me to put up some dummy pages on the site so that google confides in it and the page rank could improve if the site is there for a while.
But if i do not change the contents and keep the website stagnant, will then google negatively rank the website?
Thanks in advance!
No, it's not advised to create empty dummy pages. If you have a little content that is actually related to what's going to be in the page that's ok, but pages with 'under construction' or 'coming soon' really don't help anything.
Matt Cutts from Google had something interesting to say about this, looking for it but I haven't found it yet.
Absolutely no! Better do have a little content which will be relevant actual subject of the website in future. But putting up 'under construction' pages will not be considered by Google.
