Copy webpart page from one site to another site through sharepoint designer - sharepoint

I am trying to move webpart page containg content editor webpart from the one site to another site through sharepoint designer but the page is moved without its content so how to move page with its content anyone can tell me how to solve this issue.

There are many ways to do that. If you are doing this in development farm you can try SPContentDeploymentWizard. You need to export the page with all it's reference and then import it in destination.


SharePoint 2013 Page Layout Error

I'm really finding it difficult to set up a new theme for my SharePoint 2013 site.
I have uploaded all other files to the design gallery. But when I uploaded the page layouts, and I try to change the Content Type to Page Layout, I get the error below:
Sorry, something went wrong List does not exist.
The page you selected contains a list that does not exist. It may have been deleted by another user.
Technical Details
Correlation ID: ce2b429d-0147-d0c2-bc23-32b039f7d8a6
Please what can I do to resolve this?
I got it working by disabling the publishing feature under > site settings > Site Collections Feature > SharePoint Server Standard Site Collection features
Rebooted the server (probably could have done an IISReset but
Now I can add layout pages under master pages gallery.
In the browser, go to your site, and on the Site Actions menu, click
View All Site Content, and then click the Pages document library.
Or you can browse directly to
http://your_site/pages/forms/allitems.aspx, where your_site is the URL
for your site, such as fabrikamweb/finance for the
http://fabrikamweb/finance subsite.
The Pages document library is created automatically by the publishing
feature and contains all of the pages in a site that are created from
page layouts. You can look in the Page Layout column to see which page
layout was used for a specific page and then click the link to view
that page in the browser.

Add a WebPart to a publishing page layout

I've been trying to figure out a way to add a web part onto a page layout. Whenever I try to add a web part zone or web part via the menus in SharePoint Designer, nothing happens. The web part I selected is highlighted blue, but nothing happens.
I have been trying to add the .webpart code on the .aspx page layout with zero luck.
.webpart code in here!
The above just shows the web part zone, and the ability to add a web part, but doesn't show my web part.
I've tried placing the code outside the Zone Template and the WebPartZone, but I typically just get everything between the property tags displaying as text.
You cannot add the codes to get your webpart embeded on a page , you have to open the page layout in a designer and drop the webpart on that specific area - there may not be anyother work around for this
SharePoint was not updated to support creating the snippet of code to add the WebPart to the Page Layout like it is possible with old fashioned WebParts.
Even when inserted in the Page Layout .html file, it is stripped out when the corresponding .aspx file is generated.
We found a workaround which is far from ideal but works:
Edit your Page Layout as you would normally in HTML
Add a WebPart zone where you would like to see the WebPart
Save the HTML and let SharePoint generate the aspx file
Manually edit the aspx file -- don't use SharePoint Designer, as it will strip out what you added -- with a plain text editor and insert the code from the webpart definition (the XML file)
Save the aspx and when you create a page using the page layout, your SPFx webpart should be there
Note that for the WebParts parameters, it is stored as a JSON structure encoded in HTML. To figure out how to setup default parameters in the inserted WebPart, insert it into a regular page manually and look at what has been generated in the aspx file. Then find the long line that has the encoded JSON structure and copy it back to your edited aspx file.
Finally, never edit/save your page layout HTML file since it ewill then simply override your changes. I would keep a copy of your edited aspx file just in case!
It sounds like you're trying to use a Visual Web Part with SharePoint Online, which you can't do. Web parts for SharePoint Online need to be packaged as a part of a solution.
To deploy a solution to SharePoint Online you need to:
Navigate to the solutions gallery: https://<yourfarmsite>/catalogs/solutions/forms/allitems.aspx
Providing that you are logged in with the correct account and have permissions, this will take you to the solution gallery, where you can upload and activate custom web parts for site.
Click the Solutions Menu
Click Upload Solution
Browse to your custom .wsp file and click OK
After the web part has been uploaded, you can activate it; select the web part and click Activate
Now that the custom web part is uploaded and activated in the Solution Gallery, you can edit the site page that you want to add it to and then add it as per a normal web part.

How to move Wiki pages between sites in SharePoint 2013?

we have created a new site and we want to move our team's wiki to the new site.
is there a nice and easy way to do it? we've tried the tree view with drag and drop but it won't work.
Thank you.
Ok so after a number of dead ends, I found a quick and easy solution:
Navigate to the physical folder location for your Sharepoint docs.
[Do this by selecting documents in the menu list, select the library tab and then open with explorer]
Once there navigate to the folder containing your wiki site/s.
They will have a .aspx extension usually
You can then move them to the folder you like.
Note: The site needs to be checked in or the move process will moan
One of the options could be to save a Wiki site as a site template. Then deploy it in a site collection and to create new sites from it. But unfortunately since Wiki site is Publishing based site, it is not supported to Save Site as Template.
But there is another option - moving sites via Site Content and Structure:
You can move individual list items or entire subsites to another
subsite within the site collection. A subsite can be moved to be
directly under the top level in the site collection hierarchy or under
another subsite in the site collection hierarchy. When you move a
subsite, all of the content in the subsite is moved
Go to Site Settings, then Content and structure (under Site
Select site you would like to move and Move action in the context menu
as shown below on picture
In the Move dialog select a destination (parent site) and
then click OK as shown below on picture
That's it.
you can try opening both sites/libraries in explorer view, side by side, and copy paste them from one to the other
you can also try to save a template out of the wiki including content and then import it

Sharepoint 2007 - How can i access default.aspx (portal homepage)?

Ive been having a problem with a webpart in a sharepoint (moss 2007) site.
Basically I cannot remove the webpart, every which way results in an error and we cant get rid of the darn thing.
Unfortunately SharePoint designer errors out as wel when I try to remove the webpart manually from Default.aspx (its only on the homepage).
Is there anyway without SharePoint designer I can gain access to the Default.aspx file so I can manually remove the webpart?
Someone mentioned default.aspx doesnt actually exist and is generated at runtime? Is this true and if so does anyone know where in the moss database I could gain acces to the table(s) that build up the default.aspx or where the webpart refs are stored for manual removal?
Thanks all!
you can try adding ?contents=1 at the end of your URL page. for example:
this will bring you to a "Web Part Page Maintenance" page where you can checkout the page itself and remove/disable web parts.

Navigating sharepoint with a treeview

I'm trying to replace the navigation on our sharepoint site with a treeview. It's a large site with up to 4 subsite leves in places. All I need it to do is
show a consistent structure from page to page
show only sites and pages
The default sharepoint treeview seems to do neither of these things (doesn't display items from the parent site, includes document libraries but not pages).
Does anyone have any idea how to achieve this? We're using the publishing site template throughout if that makes a difference.
I've tried binding the tree to the datasource the quick launch uses but I guess from the error message they expect differently named properties.
You cannot do it using the default property of sharepoint.
But I had also almost the same requirement. I did this task by the following way
Store all the links in an XML file.
Create a webpart for reading XML file and create menu
Open the masterpage using sharepoint designer and comment the lines which render the top navigation and place the new webpart there
Inherit this masterpage in its subsite.
For multi level quick launch the below link will help you
If you want more help, pls ask me, I can help you
