How to add action for h:graphicImage Primefaces - jsf

Hi I have a graphicalImage and I want a method in the backingBean to be fired up on clicking on the image.Below is the code snippet that i am using but it is not working. Please help.
<h:graphicImage value="../resources/images/delete_button.png"
style="float:center;height: 18px; width:20px;"
title="Delete the studyplan"/>

You need to wrap it in a <h:commandLink> or <p:commandLink> and specify the action there.
<h:commandLink action="#{editBean.deleteStudyPlan}">
<h:graphicImage ... />
Alternatively, you can just specify the image as a CSS background image of the command link or button.
The onclick surely isn't a method expression to a JSF backing bean action method. It's a JavaScript function handler. JavaScript is an entirely different language which runs in the webbrowser, working on the HTML code produced by JSF.


CommandButton execution while rendering

Question: How can I prevent the execution of a while the website is rendering?
Thats where my Button sits:
<p:dialog widgetVar="newComment" height="200" width="500">
<h:outputText value="#{commentDialog.username}" />
<h:inputTextarea id="in_text" value="#{commentDialog.text}" />
<p:message for="in_text" />
<p:commandButton validateClient="true" value="Abschicken" ajax="true"
actionListener="#{popupRequestView.update}" action="PF('newComment').hide();update_popup();" />
The action attribute is intented to execute a backing bean action method on click, not to print some JavaScript code (which of course get executed immediately
You perhaps meant to use onclick or oncomplete instead. Like as in basic HTML, those on* attributes are intented to execute some JavaScript code during the specified HTML event ("click", "complete", etc).
Another cause not visible in the information provided so far is that you forgot to register the p: XML namespace. Any <p:xxx> tags would then be printed as if it's plain text. Verify if a parent element somewhere in the markup has this:
Regardless, taking a JSF pause and learning some basic HTML/JavaScript wouldn't be a bad idea. After all, JSF is "just" a HTML/CSS/JS code generator.
you must use primefaces ajaxStatus to prevent click on button while rendering and execute ajax
ajaxStatus in primefaces showcase

ui:repeat with a list sending right object to a p:dialog

I currently have a giant ui:repeat. Within this ui:repeat, some of the repeated objects have a url to a popup image associated with them. When someone clicks display under that particular object, I need the url to popup in a p:dialog.
<ui:repeat var="thing" value="#{bean.thingList}">
<p:commandLink value="details" onclick=";"
and at the bottom of the page:
<p:dialog id="chart" widgetVar="miniImage" >
<h:graphicImage value="#{bean.currentImg}"/>
And in the backing bean I tried using a simple setter and getter for currentImg.
I am a bit confused on this now and would like to accomplish this without having to submit the entire form as well. Any help is greatly appreciated.
If you're using PrimeFaces 3.3 or newer, you could just add partialSubmit="true" to the command component. You can then control the to-be-processed components in process attribute. In this particular case, just the current component (the command component itself) is sufficient, thus so process="#this":
<p:commandLink ... process="#this" partialSubmit="true" />
This way only the request parameters which are really necessary for the process will be sent.
Unrelated to the concrete problem, I suggest to use oncomplete instead of onclick to open the dialog. Otherwise the dialog is opened before update takes place and may cause poor user experience as the enduser would see the image instantly changing.

How to call a bean method when mouse over on a graphicImage?

I have the requirement that on mouse over of a <p:graphicImage> a JSF backing bean method should be called which will display some data dynamically.
How can I achieve this? Please don't suggest me JavaScript code.
This link shows that <h:graphicImage> supports the mouseover event. Since you are using Primefaces, you should be able to do something like
<h:graphicImage ...>
<p:ajax event="mouseover" actionListener="myMethod"/>

JSF 2.0 navigating on commandLink and commandButton doesn't work

I'm using JSF 2.0 and I have a problem with navigation after both commandLink and commandButton. I use following code:
<h:commandLink action="login?faces-redirect=true"
value="#{showElementBean.showElement()}"> Login </h:commandLink>
<h:commandButton action="login?faces-redirect=true" value="Move to login.xhtml" />
These tags are inside a form, login is just an example. Result of clicking on rendered controls is always POST with refresh of a current page. What do I wrong?
According to comments of BalusC I' adding real code fragment:
<h:commandLink actionListener="#{showElementBean.showElement(element)}"
value="View" > </h:commandLink>
I have a page with a list of elements and I want to add links that leads to element view page. Thus I need to pass this element to a show page. I'm JSF primer, e.g. in Rails I'd use GET and URL params, but I don't know how to do it 'in JSF-way'.
There are a lot of possible causes for this behaviour. They are all cited in the following answer, along with solutions: commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not updated.
However, in your particular case, you seem rather to be interested in plain GET requests instead of POST requests, as all you want is simple page-to-page navigation. In that case, you need a <h:link> or <h:button> instead:
<h:link outcome="login" value="Login" />
<h:button outcome="login" value="Move to login.xhtml" />
(I have no idea what you're trying to do with both #{showElementBean.showElement()} and Login as command link value, so I omitted the former)
See also:
When should I use h:outputLink instead of h:commandLink?
Refer this info: JSF HTML Tags
The commandButton tag renders an HTML submit button that can be
associated with a backing bean or ActionListener class for event
handling purposes. The display value of the button can also be
obtained from a message bundle to support internationalization (I18N).
<h:commandButton id="button1" value="#{bundle.checkoutLabel}" action="#{shoppingCartBean.checkout}" />
HTML Output
<input id="form:button1" name="form:button1" type="submit" value="Check Out" onclick="someEvent();" />
The commandLink tag renders an HTML anchor tag that behaves like a
form submit button and that can be associated with a backing bean or
ActionListener class for event handling purposes. The display value of
the link can also be obtained from a message bundle to support
internationalization (I18N).
<h:commandLink id="link1" value="#{bundle.checkoutLabel}" action="#{shoppingCartBean.checkout}" />
HTML Output
Check Out
Noticed that backing bean method is not called if the form is for file upload:
<h:form name="searchForm" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="/search">
I also faced with that issue and adding the
<h:form><h:commandLink></h:commandLink> </h:form>
solved my problem.

How to call a Javascript function on render in JSF 1.2/Richfaces 3.3?

We have an a4j:outputPanel that is ajaxRendered. Is there a way to call a javascript function each time it is (re)rendered? I know that we could put a call in every element that could possibly submit with oncomplete, but that really isn't practicably maintainable.
JSF 1.2
Richfaces 3.3
Example (oncomplete isn't actually available on the outputPanel tag):
<a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true" oncomplete="myJSFunc()">
<h:outputText value="Test-aroo" />
<!-- other inputs, buttons and stuff -->
Update Might the jQuery library be able to help (it's built into RichFaces)? I'm looking at using .live() to maybe register with the oncomplete event. I'll keep experimenting and update with progress.
Update I didn't get a chance to implement the jQuery solution, but as my answer shows below myJSFunc() can just be put directly inside the rendered tags.
A solution is to put the javascript in a script tag inside the outputPanel:
<a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true">
<h:outputText value="Test-aroo" />
<script type="text/javascript">myJSFunc();</script>
You would need to call oncomplete on the component that fires the Ajax request. a4j:outputPanel doesn't have oncomplete attribute.
