adf calendar :: validation on save - jsf

I'm developing adf calendar events form where the main page displays the calendar when user click on any date a small form appears to enter event details. I did most of the work but I'm facing a validation problem, I want when user save the form it checks if a field has a value and contains a number other than zero to save the form to the database if it has a zero it displays an error message, I hope you got the idea.
Note: I set ActionListener = #{bindings.Commit.execute} to the save button, I'm wondering if I can execute the validation when execute commit.

create an IMPL file and override DoDML. You can then decide whether or not to update the database with the change. For a similar sample, see
From the entity impl you have access to its attribute for your 0, 1 comparison

You can. The those validation should be added to the entity object. Generate it as Java with all accessors and so on. In that class you can add validators.
If you want you can add a backing bean and a value change listener to the ADF component and do some checks there as well.
But the common consent is that pre-commit validations should be added to the entity object.


why are field values being erased with an xPage full update (on another field)?

I have an xPage that is behaving very oddly. (if xPages get corrupt, I think this one might be) Tell me what you think:
I have editable fields with onChange events that take the value of the field (a company name) and looks into the database to see if the company already exists. If it does not, a field called "isNew" is set to "y". BUT the next time a Full Update is performed, from another field or button, my "isNew" field (or all of them) are erased! Why on earth would a full update erase a totally different field?
Do I need to just recreate this xPage?
Ok, here's the onChange event on the editable field that sets the flag:
var c = currentDocument.getItemValueString("company");
var id = #DbLookup("","AD",tc,11); // this view column gets the doc ID
if (id==null || id==""){
This field is being set properly - I use a computed field to display it. But the next full update (button, field, whatever) will erase the "isNew" field.
I think your problem is caused by the data sources you have on your page and how you save them.
Maybe you have data sources that gets binded from the url that should not be.
Are you using data sources within a repeat or view panel? If so, make sure you are only saving the correct data source
JSF (and thus XPages) works best when keeping MVC in mind. So you never manipulate a component, but keep that component bound to a model, like a data source or a scope. This way code doesn't get into each other's way.
A refresh of a page computes the whole tree, not just the updated field, so you need to design your calls carefully.
Work directly with your data source so do this instead of #SetField():
currentDocument.setValue("isNew", "y")

Plugin: How do I set default value into an attribute depending business unit?

I have 3 business units (1 parent and 2 children), 3 users (for each business unit), 2 forms (for each business unit) and 1 plugin for the incident entity.
The incident plugin (create, pre-operation) is setting a default value in the attribute 'Case Origin' (caseorigincode) depending on user's business unit.
My problem is what if the user of the parent business unit creates an incident? how the plugin knows from which form that incident is created to set the default value?
What is the best approach to do that?
Unfortunately I don't think there is a way for the plugin to know which form was submitted. However, you could add a hidden field that gets set via javascript to something different for each form. Then, in the plugin you could query that field to see which form was used.
Be sure to check for null/empty as well, because the update could have been submitted programmatically without the use of a form.
IIRC all CRM entities (both stock and custom) should have a OwningBusinessUnit attribute which is an EntityReference to the Business Unit the record's Owner belongs to.
That should tell you exactly from which BU the record is being created.
(NOTE: The question is inconsistent, since it is stated that caseorigincode is set depending on the BU at first, then it asks about forms. I assume the first is the actual logic: check the BU to set the field)
(NOTE #2: This could be accomplished through a workflow aswell: Check Condition on Owner's BU and Update Record accordingly. Run on create.)
Given a user can only be a member of one business unit then you shouldn't need to worry about which form it was created in. Simply get the SystemUser from the EntityReference of the created by user and use the BusinessUnit EntityReference that provides you with.

Marking a Form Element as Required Inside an EventSubscriber in symfony2

I have an entity with a member called 'mediaType', which tells me which of two other members to pull data from. When I'm building the form to create the entity, I have mediaType as a drop down and then two text fields for the other two members. What I want to do is force one or the other two fields to be required based on the mediaType selected (or neither, if the user select None. I'll handle hiding the fields with JS).
Since I'm manipulating the form after binding, I set up an EventSubscriber to listen on the PostBind event. My subscriber fires just fine, but I'm at a loss to figure out how to mark one of the fields as required. I can get the field, and I can check to see if it is required, but I just don't know how to make it required.
Is there a way to do this? Or is there a better way than using EventSubscriber?
You could use validations groups see "Groups based on Submitted Data"

Remove note's autosave functionality by adding other entity's notes on form in CRM 2011

In CRM 2011, notes get automatically created and attached to main record on lost focus event. Requirement is to remove this auto save functionality. Only till main form is open user should be able to edit notes. And newly added notes should only get saved once main form is saved. For example, if user add one note and closes the browser or do not save the main form, then that note should not get attached to main record, new note should get discarded.
I was thinking following solution:
create new custom entity TempNotesHolder
Create 1:N relationship with the entity where we want this functionality, for example Case entity
Make actual case's note section read only(it is requirement, user don't want to edit/delete functionality for notes once note get created)
Write plugin for create event of Case and create one Record for TempNotesHolder and associate it with case(RegardingId field in TempNotesHolder = incidentId) This will ensure one Case will always have only one associated TempNotesHolder record. There is no way in CRM 2011 to ensure One entity record will have only one record in associated entity i.e. 1:1 relationship. At least I don't know the way. Let me know if any one are aware about it.
On Case form, add one IFrame below Case's note section
on case form load event, get TempNotesHolderId associated with case using fetchXml.(There is no actual field in Case entity that refer to associated TempNotesHolder, hence need to use fetchXml. Some how we can add associated TempNotesHolderId to Case entity, and place that field on Case form, make it hidden, to avoid fetchXml)
Prepare url to display only notes of TempNotesHolder record.(/_controls/notes/notesdata.aspx?EnableInlineEdit=false&EnableInsert=true&id=&ParentEntity=
Set this url to newly added IFrame, so notes of associated TempNotesHolder get displayed in IFrame. It will also have link "Add New Note".
User can add note to TempNotesHolder which are not directly added to Case record.
Next develop plugin on pre save event of Case and check if there are any notes added to TempNoteHolder, if yes move those notes to Case record, and delete notes for TempNoteHolderId. This way notes will get saved to main record only on main form save.
To handle browser close event after adding few notes to TempNotesHolder, write plugin on Case pre Retrieve event, check if any notes present for associated TempNotesHolderId, if present then delete those notes. (As notes are present on TempNotesHolderId, that means due to some reason these notes are not moved to actual case record and we no longer need them, so delete them. This will ensure on case load, TempNotesHolder note section always be blank)
The above solution was fine till step 8. When I tried to add notes in TempNotesHolder, it gave me error, "Record with does not exists in TempNotesHolder". Then I checked that GUID, I disappointed to know CRM is taking IncidentId when I create note for TempNotesHolder. Then I tracked down the actual code for create notes to find why it is taking IncidentId instead of TempNotesHolderId. I found following code in "_static/_controls/notes/" function name "UpdateNote"
CRM is taking _parentCrmFormSubmit.crmFormSubmitId.value as objectid while creating note.
Now I stuck with this problem. Any thoughts to overcome this show stopper issue are appreciated. Also any other alternate solution to main requirement are also welcome.
Pravin Pujari (Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Developer)
I would suggest simplifying the solution as follows:
Add a field to Case called new_notetext.
Create a Plugin against the Pre-Create and Pre-Update messages on the Case entity.
In the plugin, take anything entered into new_notetext and add a note to the Case entity using that text. Then clear the field new_notetext so nothing is saved with the record.
Should work just fine and is much simpler to implement.

sharepoint validate custom field

I cave created a custom list in sharepoint (created and provisioned to the 12 hive)
how can i perform validation on certain fields of the list when a new list item is added?
i think i can do it through the "itemadding" event reciever, but is there a more elegant sharepoint way?
eg i just want to check an email field has a valid email format.
I think you have to options. As you have already mentioned using a event receiver would be one way. But I think a more elegant and above all a more SharePoint like way would be implementing your own custom field type and field control.
This will give you the option to validate the mail address before any event receiver is triggered and to react with an validation message to the user giving him the option to correct his input.
You could go with validation on the client using JQuery if you have the id or a css class on the rendered textbox for the email input.
