I have a blog on Tumblr (faithfullforever.tumblr.com) which uses the custom domain www.mariannefaithfull.fm. Yesterday I shortly deactivated the custom domain on Tumblr to export content.
When I tried reactivating the custom domain on Tumblr it did not work anymore and it looks like they changed the way you have to set up things on your domain provider, so I had to fiddle with things over there. I managed to change the IP so that it points to Tumblr.
When you open www.mariannefaithfull.fm you get to Tumblr, but not my blog. The Tumblr settings page is giving me the following message when I test the domain.
I just want to make sure that this isn't a problem with the way I have set up things on my provider, but simply the waiting period of up to 72 hours. Tumblr's FAQ is not a very great help to me nor did my research on Google bring me any further on understanding how to set up a CNAME.
This is what the panel for changing records looks like on my provider. What exactly do I have to change/fill in to so that Tumblr can read the CNAME?
Name, TTL, Type, Priority, Value
Check on http://www.whatsmydns.net/. Is IP still pointing to tumblr or your own.
I had exactly the same problem just a couple of days ago. Though it's back to normal now so I suggest waiting until tomorrow; it should resolve itself :)
Judging from the screenshot you provided of your DNS interface, I think you want the following:
Name TTL Type Priorität Wert
www 10800 CNAME domains.tumblr.com.
Your subdomain is www and you want it to point to domains.tumblr.com.
The trailing dot here is important, otherwise www would become a CNAME for domains.tumblr.com.mariannefaithfull.fm, which would not be helpful :o)
I've read other questions before posting this one, none of them is having the solution to what im facing. Im not new to Azure websites and already have a few websites running already but this one in particular is being a pain. I have a domain something like www.abc2wxyz.com (sorry can't reveal the name). I have made the required CNAME with awverify and awverify.www but still even after 24hrs Azure keeps giving me abc2wxyz.com or www.abc2wxyz.com. On the other hand if i add another domain called abc-wzyx.com it gets added. Could this be due to the first domain containing numerics? or is this something else?
Also whenever i visit my domain abc2wxyz.com i get that blue Azure 404 image which shows that the domain's CNAME have infact propogated and all that is left is adding it to the respected Azure Website.
I guess problem was due to the fact that I had a number in my domain name e.g. www.abc2wxyz.com but as soon as i got a domain that was www.abctowxyz.com it started working. Im not sure what the problem might be but if you know, i would be happy to know about it.
I've got an organization page set up and running in GitHub and things seem to be working...but I'm a little confused. I'd like to actually understand the process since the GitHub Help article refers to taking advantage of their CDN and DoS services, so bear with me.
Step 1: Created CNAME file in repo with domain 'example.com'
Step 2: Grabbed IP from dig example.github.io +nostats +nocomments +nocmd
Step 3: Entered IP from Step 2 into the 'A' record (see image below)
I decided to stop here and see where it got me, and to my surprise it seems to have done the trick. The example.github.io domain correctly redirects to the example.com domain and displays the content from the repo.
However I was informed that after the DNS props, you can dig example.com and see the CNAME record pointing to example.github.io. I do not see this, and I dislike thinking that I didn't set things up correctly. Any thoughts/comments/tips welcome, thanks!
In order to take advantage of the CDN and DoS services provided by GitHub Pages, you'll need to set up a Subdomain (eg www.example.com or blog.example.com) instead of an Apex domain (example.com).
From the GitHub Help page you referenced:
If you are using an apex domain (example.com) instead of a subdomain
(www.example.com) and your DNS provider does not support ALIAS
records, then your only option is to use A records for your DNS. This
will not give you the benefit of our Content Delivery Network.
Here's a setup (looks like you're using GoDaddy for DNS) that would work to get your Organization Pages working as desired:
This is actually for a Project Page within an Organization, but for either one, you'll set the CNAME record for www to organization.github.io, not something like organization.github.io/project. Don't change the A record for # (mine is the default from GoDaddy).
If you want to get your Apex domain (example.com) to redirect to the new subdomain (www.example.com), then you can point your Apex to your subdomain with Domain Forwarding like this:
With that setup, you'll get to take advantage of GitHub's CDN, which you may notice is provided through fastly. Here's how my domain looks to dig:
It is also possible to use a CNAME record for an APEX domain using the free DNS service provided by CloudFlare in which case you can also use your domain without the www (or any other subdomain) and still benefit from CDN & DoS.
I've written a step-by-step guide here: Speed up your GitHub Pages website with CloudFlare
PS: Apparently using ALIAS records is a bad idea... click here to see why.
DNS records are publicly available. There's no way of masking them in this instance. From the way you describe it, you have done everything right. There is nothing that makes me thing you set this up incorrectly.
Is it possible to use a CNAME pointer, that points to an A pointer that points to the webapplication?
I've tried this multiple times now, without any success, and i start to think that it is not possible?!
i got this
"Bad request, invalid hostname" think its an 400 error.
If it is not possible to do it this way, can someone please give me some ideas how to start?
My web application:
I got a couple of users registered at my web application.
Each users is supposed to get an sub domain, for example, user1.mydomain.com (A-pointer to web.mydomain.com, where all the aspx filer are)
by reading the domainname I get the userID.
If this is not possible i have to put a lot of files in each domain, which i dont want to do. what would you do?
wildcards is not possible.
Why a cname to a A? i have to take into account that each user maybe want to point their domain to his or her account at my place. so their pointer should be a CNAME...
The problem is that your virtual hosts are not configured to accept requests for the domain the the CNAME record is for.
You need to set the ServerAlias directive (assuming you are using Apache) so it contains all possible variants that you want to use to access your app.
A CNAME record is simply an alias of an A record, so it will always resolve to the IP that the A record points to. What you need to do is tell your web server how to handle those domains (it's based on the Host: header of the HTTP request).
You will find that you have same problem if you create A records for your other subdomains, instead of CNAMEs.
If you need to dynamically add/remove users, you would probably want to use mod_vhost_alias so you don't have to restart Apache every time you do it.
EDIT Sorry, just noticed the reference to aspx, which presumably means you using IIS, which means I can't tell you exactly how to configure it since I know next to nothing about IIS. Re-tag this question with IIS and someone will probably be able to help :-)
ANOTHER EDIT This page from M$ may help you with IIS virtual hosting, although I still don't know how to do it dynamically/programmatically.
So I'm trying to use a domain I registered at Nearlyfreespeech(NFS) to use it with heroku. How do I do that? I am new to this, but the NFS help seems to be full of jargon and confusion, and heroku is posting email setting up video on the domain help page. Your human language input will be deeply appreciated!
Two parts to this, you'll need to add the custom domain addon to your Heroku application with the domain you intend the application to be available on, eg. www.myapp.com
Then (I've not used NFS) but you probably need to head towards something like Advanced DNS in your NFS control panel - you're looking for the ability to edit DNS records for your domain. You'll probably find a www. entry already exists - it would usually show the 'type' of record it is, if it's a series of numbers separated by dots then it's called an A record. If it is numbers with dots then you need to delete that entry and then add a new entry of type CNAME and set the host to www and the value to proxy.heroku.com. If it's already a CNAME type then you can just edit the value to be proxy.heroku.com
Hopefully that will get you going in the right direction.
Having a bit of an issue with a store that has just been set up with shopify. The problem is with cnaming the domain into the shopify subdomain. I have www working just fine so www.no1gadgetstore.co.uk cnames to no1gadgetstore.shopify.com. However, http://no1gadgetstore.co.uk does not resolve and I can't set up a cname for a non www record.
Does anybody have a simple solution to this, as everything I've come across so far is too complicated to even try.
Many thanks
From one of our support guys:
sounds like he just needs http://no1gadgetstore.co.uk to be a URL redirect to http://www.no1gadgetstore.co.uk - the CNAME should only be on the www. address.
For more on this, check out http://wiki.shopify.com/DNS