Liferay Scopes: Web Content Display & Page Display - scope

I am starting to use Scopes on a Site using Liferay CE 6.1 GA1. I have one Site, and two scopes within this site: S1 and S2.
I am facing two issues:
When trying to display the Web Content that I added in S1 through the Control Panel, the Web Content Display portlet doesn't display anything. I can select the correct Web Content when selecting scope in portlet configuration as S1, but when I save it, it is simply not displayed on the page. No error message is thrown whatsoever in the console.
When trying to save a Display Page for scoped Web Content (either in S1 or S2), this simply does not work. Once more, no error message is thrown, but the Page Display setting is simply not saved.
Is that normal, a bug, or am I doing something wrong?
Thank you all for your help!

I just tried this in the same Liferay version as yours and it seems to work for mee. Are you sure that you approved the web content? Also, do you have enough permissions to see the content?
This seems to be a bug:


How to make Powerapps work with Param function in Web Part

I am trying to create a powerapps web part that will open a specific screen from a canvas app using parameters. I have added the web part and added the power apps web link to it. When I enter &parametername=parameter nothing shows up. I can enter the web link and parameters directly into a browser window (tried in Chrome and Edge) and the app will display properly. I can also created a button in a web part and added the link to it and it will also display the app when the button is clicked. The app is working properly with no errors, it will just not show up in the web part when the parameters are added to the link (If no parameters are added to the link, everything will display fine).
I am trying to create a powerapps web part that will open a specific screen from a canvas app using parameters. I have added the web part and added the power apps web link to it. When I enter &parametername=parameter nothing shows up. I can enter the web link and parameters directly into a browser window (tried in Chrome and Edge) and the app will display properly. I can also created a button in a web part and added the link to it and it will also display the app when the button is clicked. The app is working properly with no errors, it will just not show up in the web part when the parameters are added to the link (If no parameters are added to the link, everything will display fine).
I was struggling with this myself; just figured it out.
You need to put the full URL with parameters in to the "App web link or ID" property for the PowerApp web part. Be careful because the first parameter needs to be prepended with ? not &. The ampersand is used for additional, following parameters after the first parameter.
Note that I have omitted my TLD from this screenshot, however you will want to substitute your own here.
The example URL syntax given by Microsoft is{App ID}?{Query}. For me that URL looks something like this:
I have one URL for checkIn and another for checkOut that I can use to display different forms.
My primary mistake was that I was only pasting my appID into the "App web link or ID" field rather than the entire URL. Remember, you can edit your Canvas Form, click on "Share" and get the Web Link from this page. This contains the full URL, minus your custom parameters. Play around with the full URL plus parameters until you get something that the web part will accept.

Liferay static url for dynamic data

I want to serve some data from an static url in Liferay. For example, say to serve a json containing the logged user from "" so all the portlets in the proyect can read it. Right now I can do it with a portlet, but then I have to set the url with the configuration panel and I don't like that.
I've seen that I can put jsp files with the static content, but don't know how to access the information of session, users, etc.
Friendly urls seem to accomplish something similar but seem overly complicated and focused in getting a short easy url, something I don't care.
So, how can I get some internal data in an static url (I don't mind if it's friendly, long or short, but always the same) so every element of a Liferay proyect can read it?
FOURTH EDIT: Another way to put it...
In my eclipse I have this tree:
How do I access that jsp in a browser without having to go the Liferay panel and putting the portlet in the menus of the web?
FIFTH EDIT: I haven't had the time to research any more, but I have this in my notes...
This goes straight to the portlet, sometimes. plid comes from
PortalUtil.getPlidFromPortletId(themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId(), name_of_portlet_and_war)
It's no solution for me because, it doesn't always work. Sometimes you get a numeric identifier, sometimes you get a zero. I'd bet on the name of portlet and war being incorrect so it doesn't find the portlet, but then, how do you find the new name of the portlet? Sadly, I discarded the code where the name came from, but is coming from Liferay.
SIXTH EDIT: What I want to do is to be able to call a fixed url, with some data internal to Liferay, and get information based on that data back.
There are several aspects here:
Every portlet already has access to the user through a request attribute called ThemeDisplay:
ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay) request.getAttribute(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY);
Check ThemeDisplay's interface for the various options that you have in order to get the current user's id or object.
You've asked about JSON delivery - this will need to go through Liferay and not (directly) through a JSP in your individual web application. The reason is that any request processed by Liferay will contain the user's information, but as any proper webapp, it's completely separate from any request directed at another webapp: Unless included by Liferay, your JSP will have a different session that has nothing to do with Liferay's session. (I hope this explanation makes sense)
If you write a servletFilter hook, you might not yet have the portal context initialized (Liferay 6.x has been a while for me, pardon for being vague here). If you're on the portlet side, you might have to do more than you expected.
One option that you have is to embed a portlet on every page, automatically (e.g. when it's deployed, it's available). You can configure a portlet to be automatically included on every page, it's done for the chat portlet, for example. That portlet does not need to have any UI, it just needs to expose its resourceURL, so that you can use it from everywhere.
However, I somehow doubt that you use it, given that every portlet has the information already at hand.
But I might also just not understand all of your requirements...

Liferay Web content display, disable default permissions for Guest/Site member

I've previously added filters to JournalArticleLocalServiceImpl Class before calling addArticleResources() method and setting the addGuestPermissions boolean to false to disable default permissions for Guest/Site member roles on WEB CONTENT.
The change reflects on control pannel--> Web content, but not on WEB CONTENT DISPLAY PORTLET.
What needs to be done to disable default gues/site member permissions on Web content display
liferay version: 6.1.2
If I understand you correctly, you have an article which does not have guest view permission. When you add it to a Web Content Display Portlet, the portlet's permissions are unchanged?
In case this describes your situation: Note that this is completely expected: The portlet is configured to show any article. When the portlet is "protected", this has nothing to say for the article. A read-protected article on the other hand would leave an empty portlet, e.g. the article would not be shown, despite the portlet's permission.
If this does not describe your situation, please describe with more detail

Liferay changing the default redirect page when a does not have the specific role

This is basically two question? First i was wonder how to change the page liferay redirects when a user tries to access a page that has Power User view permissions. Liferay by default points to localhost:web/guest/home where they have their login page. On my application i have a different login in page and i want to redirect to the following page. I was browsing the web and found out that by setting should actualy redirect me there. However it does not. I'm using Liferay 6.0.6 Community Editions. Has anyone done this? Is this the right way or this need to be done with a hook?
My other question is the following. I want to have a custom role on some pages. And i want when a user does not have that specfic role to be redirect to a totaly different page not the default login. I'm fairly sure this can be done by using the hook on some service but for some reason i can not identify this service.
Ok for the first question i solved the issues. For the second question the answers i got here were not what i was looking for probably because i didn't post the question correctly. This is a full scenario of what i have done and what i need to do:
First of all i changed the /web/guest path that's on every liferay page to web/somthing/ this might not play a crucial role but the problems(some of the problems) started when that happend. THe over all idea is the following. I'm using spring mvc to create the application. I have created a backend to my application from where the admin can create pages for other users to see(This is not done by going to the control panel of liferay and adding a page but through the logic of the application). Once a page is created depending on some logic i create a role for that certain page(customer role also through code not the liferay admin). Some of the users are given this role if the satisfy some criteria and some are not. Here my problem arises, once a user that is loged in to my application tries to access a page (by inputting a direct URL in the browser to the page) that requres the view permision of the role i create for that page and the user does not have the appropriate role he gets redirect to lets say localhost/web/(username)/home a personal page and for some reason on that page by default from liferay he is able to view personal data(user name) of all other users of the application. My question is how through code to handle the redirection that happens of the above scenario.
I have tried on one attempt to actualy hook the action and before the user access that page to check if he has the appropriate permisions and actualy change his request. So far i have some issues but i can resolve them but this approach is not what i not rly what i am looking for because this action is executed before every single request on the application( and the page handling is just small part of that application) which means i will have a lot of code executing for no reason. I was wondering if there are any ways to add where the exception will redirect when i create the role? If not what action should i hook that will help me solve this scenario but with out the unneeded extrea trafic that i am creating with hooking action?
For the second stuff a bit hacky way could be as follows
1) Define set of roles against which you want to check in You can add some property like my.super.secret.roles=rolename1,rolename2
2) Add a property for a redirect page url in so that you can redirect user there.
3)Add a custom attribute for Layout named checkForSecretRoles which has to be boolean and visible on Page. This will show you a checkbox in Manage page for each page, so that an admin can easily check or uncheck the value
4)Add a condition in your theme (portal_normal.vm) to check if the page has a check for secret role and then check the users role falls in any of the roles defined in If yes then issue a redirect to the page specified by your custom redirect page url property
For your first question, it should work -
would be your page name
The answer for your second question is, you have to create a Hook extending Action and made the below entry in your,
There is a lot of information you can found on forum about how to use this property.
for 1. set in, see Liferay Login page redirect
for 2. create a hook, set and impliment this action, at this point you can redirect user to another page.

SharePoint page with usercontrol is giving You are not authorized to view this page error

I have an unusual scenario in which only one page of our SP 2007 site is throwing this error "You are not authorized to view this page".
Here are some details:
SP 2007 Enterprise
The page in question uses SmartPart to display custom usercontrol.
We have 50+ pages that also use custom user controls in SmartPart, and none of them generate this error.
The page in question has several functions, and it initially loads just fine. First time it loads, user selects a customer from a dropdown, then enters a search query and clicks the search button. That all works, and the page then returns some search results. That works as well. The the user can click on a Modify link for each item. It's clicking on this Modify link that generates the page error. All of these things are done one this one page, it just refreshes accordingly. The Modify link is just a standard asp:commandline field that causes the page to load the line item in editable mode.
Here's the other strange thing. If I login as the SP Administrator account, and go to this page, it all works properly, no errors...and, then all other users can go in and use the page properly, without errors as well. It's as if whatever the security issue is, is being resolved temporarily as a result of the Admin using the page first. But after a code publish, or IISRESET, etc, the page goes back to not working for any general users.
Any ideas on what I should look for in trying to resolve this issue? I can also provide code if anyone thinks that may be relevant.
use SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges for running your code with anonymous access user:
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(web.Site.ID))
// implementation details omitted
