using custom CCK fields in node + Drupal 6 for some reason not accessible by $node ->field_name - drupal-6

I have created a custom CCK field and gave proper permission to users, but
for some reason I cannot access the field by using
does anybody have Idea about this ?
Thanks In advance

print_r($node->field_machine_readable_name) and see what it prints. You can use the devel module to see deep information about various fields and functions.

I found that for some reason, in drupal 6 if we are using same CCK field for different content types, Nodes that had already created may not have the newly created field. When you edit and save the node. you will get the value for the new field.


Is there a simple example on how to add an entity extension for customers with field in the admin of shopware 6?

I want to add an entity extension to a customer in shopware 6. I was able to do so with the examples in the documentation of shopware on the PHP side and now I wonder how to display and modify this new "field" in the shopware 6 backend.
I searched a lot and also tried to find a simple plugin where I could get some inspiration from, but unfortunately I'm not able to find.
So again the question 😊 Is there any simple example on how to add an entity extension for customers with field in the admin of shopware 6? Or an example plugin, where I can see how it could be done?
What you're (likely) trying to achieve would be the combination of multiple separate tasks.
If you want to store data in the database you'd need a new custom entity
If you want to associate the new entity with the customer you'll need the entity extension
You'll need to add a new field in the administration
I've linked to examples respectively, but you'll probably need to take the time and invest in studying the documentation regardless.
I also created an example plugin that combines all these steps and adds a new entity with a height field as association to the customer and displays the field in the administration. You can find the repository here.
Not sure if you considered this, but depending on what you are trying to accomplish, the simplest way is probably adding a custom field (this can be done progamatically or even via the admin panel).
The drawback is, that those fields' values are stored as JSON and it has drawbacks when you try to search through them.

Update Kentico document field regardless of versioning

I have a field on one of my base page types which I need to update programmatically from an external data feed, so that it can be included in my Smart Search index.
The documents are versioned, but I want to update the published value of this field regardless of checkout state, and obviously avoid any sort of overwrite when documents are checked in.
The field will not appear on the editor form -- or ideally, would conditionally display for Global Admins.
It appears that using the API to update the document without doing a CheckOut fails silently. However if I do a Checkout/Update/CheckIn on a checkout-out page, the author will lose their work I assume?
Any way to handle this "versionless" field via the Kentico data model and API?
I don't think there is a way around updating checked out pages. You can update the page type table directly, but as you mentioned, it will be overwritten when they check in. You could update the version history I believe to make changes to the current data that is checked out, but again, I think that will be lost if the user cancels.
The only way I can think of to solve your issue is to create another table that maps the values you want to the page. Then you don't have to worry about the pages being checked out, you just need to grab the documentID or something. Since the value isn't displayed to the editor, you just have a field that does a lookup on this table.
The preferred and right way is using the API but as you stated, it causes problems if a user has something already checked out and working on it or it's in workflow and not published yet.
If the field you're updating is page type specific, there is one thing specifically I can think of and that's going directly to the database to the page type's database field and perform an update to that field.
Note: this is not recommended unless you know specifically what you're doing and have done full testing on it
The down side of going direct to the database is this will not update the current version since you're using check in/out and workflow. You will also need to update the checked out and current version which means you need to:
Go to the Document itself in the cms_documents table and get the document you are working with.
Then using the fields DocumentCheckedOutVersionHistoryID and DocumentPublishedVersionHistoryID' you can get the version history IDs of the document from theCMS_VersionHistory` table.
Then you can perform an update to the CMS_VersionHistory and your custom page type fields.
You will then need to look in the CMS_WorkflowHistory table and find out if that document is in workflow and in what step.
After you have that workflow history step, use the VersionHistoryID field to go back to the CMS_VersionHistory table and update that record with your data.
Again, not an elegant solution since you are using check in/out and workflow but after some trial and error and testing you should be able to figure it out.
You may also be able to add a custom table or some other linked database table which will allow you to create a global handler. The linked table would be where you perform your updates via API and other calls without versioning or workflow. Then when a user updates a specific page type you could do a check to see when the last time that linked table was updated and update the field(s) you need on update of that particular page (of course by node and document IDs).
Unfortunately you'll have to check it in and out with API. See examples here.
Also you might need to publish it in order to reflect changes on the live site.

Sort articles by template variable

I have built a website (with MODX) where some products are managed and displayed via the articles addon. The products should have a custom ordering but I don't know how to use a template variable for that.
If I enter the name of the TV in the "Sort Field" field nothing is shown at all.
So is it somehow possible to use a TV there?
Or is there another way to achive a custom ordering (note that I need the summary and date fields, so I cant't abuse them for that)?
You can do this by using getResource package. Look at sorbyTV, sortdirTV, sortbyTVType parameters in manual:

Accessing custom user profile fields in CCK

I'm probably going about this the wrong way but...
I’ve added a field to the User Profile called profile_real_name which is required by the user. Is there a way to access the details in CCK?
For example in CCK when creating a new field I can access the user’s username with the ‘User reference’ Field type and setting the ‘Widget type’ to ‘Autocomplete text field’. Can I do the same with my real name field?
Many thanks
The problem is that Users are not a part of the node system and therefore fields cannot be mapped to Users using only Core code.
CCK doesn't have a way to manipulate and add fields to profile.
There is one solution to this: nodeprofile (Drupal 5). This module creates a node type for users, so each user effectively has one node that is associated with it. You can then add fields to this new content type and manipulate them how you wish.
There is also a module, content_profile, for Drupal 6 which does the same.

Creating a location wise search in Drupal 6 using Views and CCK

How Can i create a search for the CCK fields in Drupal? Currently using a Finder Module is giving some error. If there is some other way kindly help me with it . Also .. is it possible to have a drop down for the Location Module fields which are visible on the Nodes? Since if I use use them for search then in the search the "ABC" and "abc" are treated as 2 separate locations.
Also is there some way in which I can have the exposed filters as Drop Down?
Kindly help
I finally sorted the problem by simply using Views and and then exposing its filters. To ensure that i have a drop down in the search block i used the "Allowed Values" option while exposing the filter.
To see it in action check. :
the Find Local Coupons Block on this page.
