SVG - raphael: storing last path selected so element data can be changed - svg

The current state
As from my link you can pick different regions on the map and everything seems to be working until you re-select a county you have selected before. Data values stored with each path decide if it isSelected or notSelected. I have no problem in changing the element data just clicked with this but I can't find a way of storing the last element selected in a way that I can change it's element data. Which means I first have to click on the previous county to set it's element data to notSelected
First I define var currentcountyselected = "";. This allows me to store the paths[arr[]].name;. When I click on a new path I can make the last path fill change with $('#'+currentcountyselected).attr({fill: attributes.fill});
In Raphael's for loop I set'selected', 'notSelected'); so all path elements are set to notSeelected.
So what I need is some way to store the last path so I can change it's element data
This is the click function cleaned up from live example.{
if('selected') == 'notSelected')
{this.animate({fill: '#698B22' }, 300);'selected', 'isSelected');
$('#'+currentcountyselected).attr({fill: attributes.fill});
paths[arr[]].value = "isSelected";
currentcountyselected = paths[arr[]].name;
{this.animate({fill: '#32CD32'}, 300);
paths[arr[]].value = "notSelected"; /* set path value*/'selected', 'notSelected');
});/* end mark selections */
I've been working on this project for a while and the client now wants the interface to work differently. This has really ate up my hourse.
EDIT:Although I have found a solution by simply taking out the if/else I would still like to know how to get at element data in a previous path (or any path for that matter).

Here is my solution, posted as it might help someone. The link in my question has problems with click happy users.
var previouscountyselected = "Mayo"; /* default start, can be any county(path) */
var start = true;
var past = null;
Changed code{
if(paths[arr[]].value == 'notSelected')
this.animate({fill: '#698B22'}, 200);
paths[previouscountyselected].value = "notSelected";
paths[arr[]].value = "isSelected";
previouscountyselected = paths[arr[]].name;
if (!start && past != this)
past.animate({ fill: '#fff' }, 200);
past = this;
start = false;
else if(paths[arr[]].value == 'isSelected')
this.animate({fill: '#32CD32'}, 200);
paths[arr[]].value = "notSelected"; /* set path value */
if (!start && past != this) is a little unusual and is required or animated fades get messed up and choppy. The fade is not triggered if it is the first time a path is clicked and if you just hammer clicks on one path it doesn't fade to white. The main if/else handles the actual control value.
Until I get a jsfiddle up this link will demonstrate the desired behaviour.
Note! the drop menu in this link does not work.
Click happy friendly


MFC MDI dynamically changing tab style from a property dialog

It has been 10 months since I worked on my app due to a death in the family, just started looking at it again and still not sure how to solve the problem.
The project inquires/help started here:
MFC MDI Collecting control states for the "apply" button routine
Since this is a specific focused question, I didn't want to muck up my other thread, so what I'd like to do is change the documents tab styles after the view is loaded. I know that this can be done because the master repository from Microsoft with all the code examples has a project called VCSamples-master\VCSamples-master\VC2010Samples\MFC\Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack\TabControl which I have looked at. It dawns on me that even though I can follow its code, the calls are from within the MDI window itself where my issue is I'm trying to do this via a property page dialog using OnApply which changes things.
I was able to do part of this properly with the help of the thread above to the OutputPane successfully because I was able to get the Pane handle and execute. I was told that for the MDI tabs after creation that I need to parse the tabs, count them, and then execute. So my issue here is after I capture the to change their styles.
Here is the code as it stands:
BOOL CSettingsUserTabs::OnApply()
BOOL bResult = CMFCPropertyPage::OnApply();
if (bResult)
// Update Output Pane Tab Styles (Works 100%)
AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileInt(_T("Settings"), _T("UserTabStyle"), m_style_tabs); // Save value to registry
//Get the open file tabs in the MDI
for (POSITION pos = AfxGetApp()->GetFirstDocTemplatePosition(); pos != NULL; )
CDocTemplate* pTempl = AfxGetApp()->GetNextDocTemplate(pos);
for (POSITION pos1 = pTempl->GetFirstDocPosition(); pos1 != NULL; )
CDocument* pDoc = pTempl->GetNextDoc(pos1);
for (POSITION pos2 = pDoc->GetFirstViewPosition(); pos2 != NULL; )
CView* pView = pDoc->GetNextView(pos2);
if (pView->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CTrainView)))
return bResult;
If I can figure this last piece out, I'll be basically finished, I just can't seem to find a solution on how to do this via property sheet via OnApply.
Any suggestions or actual code examples I can see to solve my problem?
FYI: No, I haven't had any time to take additional OOP to solve this. I'm hoping someone can provide some guidance so I can move on after getting this sorted.
So I took a closer look at Constantine's suggestion and here is what I came up with:
BOOL CSettingsUserTabs::OnApply()
BOOL bResult = CMFCPropertyPage::OnApply();
if (bResult)
// Update Output Pane Tab Styles
AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileInt(_T("Settings"), _T("UserTabStyle"), m_style_tabs); // Save value to registry
CMFCTabCtrl& MDI_STYLES = ((CMainFrame*)AfxGetMainWnd())->GetMDITabs();
CMDIFrameWndEx* pMainFrame = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CMDIFrameWndEx, GetTopLevelFrame());
return bResult;
The m_styles_tabs is getting the index value of 0-8 when I select the radio button. The code compiles and runs and I see the index value change when I break on it, but the tabs for the MDI are still not updating. Does the edited code make sense based on the members shown here:
I think this the right direction, am I missing something?

How to guarantee that I get the `HTREEITEM` for the item that the user right-clicked on in a CTreeControl

I have a window which has a CTreeCtrl. A user can right-click any element and display a context menu. From there they can choose to delete the entry. Something like this:
Here is a snippet of the context menu item handler:
void CAssignHistoryDlg::OnDeleteFromAssignmentHistory()
CString strINI = theApp.GetAssignHistoryPath();
HTREEITEM hItem = m_treeHistory.GetSelectedItem();
CString strName, strDeletedName, strEntry;
if (m_treeHistory.GetParentItem(hItem) != nullptr)
// The user has picked one of the history dates.
// So the parent should be the actual name.
hItem = m_treeHistory.GetParentItem(hItem);
// Now OK to proceed
strName = ExtractName(hItem);
if (AfxMessageBox(strEntry, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION) == IDNO)
The image shows my problem. If I first click on Test, so that it is selected and bright blue and then right-click, it shows Test in the popup message. This is fine. But ...
If the first name is initially selected, and I go ahead and directly right-click Test, even though it seems to go blue (as if selected), m_treeHistory.GetSelectedItem() is returning the original, first name. I think I am describing it not very well.
In short, I want to guarantee that I get the HTREEITEM for the item that the user right-clicked on. What I have is not 100% fool-proof.
If it helps, this is how I display the context menu:
void CAssignHistoryDlg::OnNMRclickTreeHistory(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult)
CMenu mnuContext, *pMnuEdit = nullptr;
CPoint ptLocal;
LPNMTREEVIEW pNMTreeView = reinterpret_cast<LPNMTREEVIEW>(pNMHDR);
pMnuEdit = mnuContext.GetSubMenu( 0 );
if (pMnuEdit != nullptr)
ptLocal.x, ptLocal.y, this, nullptr );
*pResult = 0;
So to recap, at the moment the user must physically left click on a item in the tree to select it. Then they can right-click and it will offer to delete this person. But if they go ahead and just right-click on anyone, it will not offer to delete THAT person.
You can get the actual tree item at any given point using the HitTest() member of the CTreeCtrl class. Exactly how and where you do this will depend on your code design but, if you have a pointer to your CTreeCtrl (pwTree in the code below), then you can do something like this:
CPoint ptLocal;
pWTree->ScreenToClient(&ptLocal); // May not be required in certain handlers?
HTREEITEM hItem = pWTree->HitTest(ptLocal); // Remember to check for NULL return!
You can then either use the returned hItem directly, or use it to explicitly set the tree's selection (to that item), before doing any further processing.
The MS doc: doesn't have a "click" handler, it has CWnd::OnRButtonDblClk, CWnd::OnRButtonDown and CWnd::OnRButtonUp. Which one are you handling?
The reason for your defect might be that you don't let the tree control handle that right button event (to select that new item).
I would suggest to use CWnd::OnContextMenu instead.

Code not saving when trying to wrap promoted tiles in SharePoint Online

Apologies for another question re this, but I've tried so hard to get this working (I'm fairly new to SharePoint, don't have extensive coding knowledge, but know HTML and generally alright at trouble shooting).
We are using SharePoint online and we have SharePoint Tiles. We have recently added a few more tiles and it's obviously not wrapping these tiles, thus having to scroll right to access some.
I have found the code for wrapping the tiles here and when editing the page source, it appears to be working... until I save it. The code I put in is stripped out when I next go to the content editor.
I've read a few pages on it and have tried things such as the content editor web part, but for the life of me cannot get it to work.
If anyone would know if there's a step to step guide to ensure wrapped tiles are saved, I may be able to get it to work.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
If it changes anything, we use SharePoint online that is part of our Office 365 account.
Add the following code into script editor web part in the page.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
// Update this value to the number of links you want to show per row
var numberOfLinksPerRow = 6;
// local variables
var pre = "<tr><td><div class='ms-promlink-body' id='promlink_row_";
var post = "'></div></td></tr>";
var numberOfLinksInCurrentRow = numberOfLinksPerRow;
var currentRow = 1
// find the number of promoted links we're displaying
var numberOfPromotedLinks = $('.ms-promlink-body > .ms-tileview-tile-root').length;
// if we have more links then we want in a row, let's continue
if (numberOfPromotedLinks > numberOfLinksPerRow) {
// we don't need the header anymore, no cycling through links
$('.ms-promlink-root > .ms-promlink-header').empty();
// let's iterate through all the links after the maximum displayed link
for (i = numberOfLinksPerRow + 1; i <= numberOfPromotedLinks; i++) {
// if we're reached the maximum number of links to show per row, add a new row
// this happens the first time, with the values set initially
if (numberOfLinksInCurrentRow == numberOfLinksPerRow) {
// i just want the 2nd row to
// create a new row of links
$('.ms-promlink-root > table > tbody:last').append(pre + currentRow + post);
// reset the number of links for the current row
numberOfLinksInCurrentRow = 0;
// move the Nth (numberOfLinksPerRow + 1) div to the current table row
$('#promlink_row_' + currentRow).append($('.ms-promlink-body > .ms-tileview-tile-root:eq(' + (numberOfLinksPerRow) + ')'));
// increment the number of links in the current row
We can also use CSS style below in script editor web part in the page to achieve it.
.ms-promlink-body {
width: 960px;

Any way to get a HaxeFlixel group to clear out?

There is a too long, didn't read version down below.
So I've been making a little game in which the player has to click on a grid of bricks that matches the color of the needed brick in the upper right hand corner of the screen. After they click on the needed color, the bricks explode and the bricks of the same color next to them explode as well creating combos. That leaves holes in the grid so I have to somehow reset the grid itself without resetting the gamestate itself. I've got something working right now which is this:
private function ResetNow():Void
if (Restter == 1) Restter = 0;
//if this block is up here, same results
wantedBrik._changeColor = FlxMath.rand(0, 2);
bricks.autoReviveMembers = true;
Restter = 0;
//Removes stray detectors so the neverending combo bug won't occur
for (stray in dets.members) stray.kill();
if (Restter == 0)
wantedBrik._changeColor = FlxMath.rand(0, 2);
bricks.autoReviveMembers = true;
wantedBricks.autoReviveMembers = true;
for (zgem in bricks.members) zgem.EQUITYCHECK = FlxMath.rand(0, 2);
Restter = 1;
So, again, I have a grid of blocks set up at create, that is group bricks. And I have a sprite in the upper right corner which is wantedBrik. What happens during gameplay, is the player clicks on the bricks that matches the wanted bricks to clear them out of the grid. When there are no more wantedBricks(a group), it is supposed to reset the grid, and change the color of the wantedBrik. I also have it somewhere else in the code that if a member of the big grid's EQUITYCHECK(basic object hacked in value) is equal to the wantedBrik, add it to the wantedBricks(which, is why I'm checking for no more of them). So, what happens?
Well, if the color of the wantedBrik doesn't change, everything's fine and resets like normal. the wantedBricks group acurately counts the bricks that actually match the wantedBrik's color. And when it does change, for some reason, gameplay is normal. BUT, wantedBricks not only thinks that the old color is still needed, but it also thinks the new color is still needed too. So when the player clicks the new needed color bricks, they do explode, but because wantedBrik thinks the old color is still wanted, it doesn't hit null and the grid won't reset.
What can I do to make sure that wantedBricks behaves correctly after a color change?
TL;DR version: I need to get a Haxe array to forget or lose old numbers. How can I do this?
The "Pirate Pig" sample may be useful to you. Since it is a puzzle game, there may be some similar problems that were solved there. You can find it using openfl create or nme create depending on which you are currently using.
You can create a simple array like this:
var myArray = [];
You can also type arrays, like this:
var numbers = new Array<Float>();
Then you can use push(), concat() and other array methods.

Slide content with page up and down

A few small questions on this web page I am putting together.
I am looking to get the content that appears when you click on an image to slide with the mouse as you scroll down. Not sure if this is possible, if so can anyone help.
I have tried looking but as I am such a n00b to jquery I'm not sure what I am looking for. I found some code that used the tag slide and it was not what i wanted at all so not sure what the command would be.
You need to wrap your prof_1, prof_2, etc, in a wrapper I'm going to call this wrapper prof_wrapper
<div id="prof_wrapper"></div>
jQuery(document).ready( function(){
var orig_t = jQuery("#prof_wrapper").offset().top;
var mt = jQuery("#main").offset().top;
var mh = jQuery("#main").outerHeight();
jQuery(document).bind("scroll", function(event){
var ph = jQuery("#prof_wrapper").outerHeight();
var mo = (mt+mh) - jQuery(document).scrollTop();
var t = jQuery(document).scrollTop();
if(mo <= ph){ //Find out if the #main element's offset top plus it's height minus the scroll position is less than the prof_wrapper's height; if it is, leave the prof_wrapper at the bottom of the #main element
jQuery("#prof_wrapper").css({'position':'absolute', 'bottom':'0px', 'top':'auto'});
}else if(t >= orig_t){ //Otherwise, if we have scrolled past the prof_wrapper, make the prof_wrapper follow us down
jQuery("#prof_wrapper").css({'position':'fixed', 'top':'0px', 'bottom':'auto'});
}else{ //We are probably at the top of the page, so reset the original positioning
jQuery("#prof_wrapper").css({'position':'relative', 'top':'0px', 'bottom':'auto'});
You need to add - position:relative to your #main element, then I think this should be pretty close. Take a look at my comment about the padding and margin on the prof_wrapper.
The positioning of absolute, assumes that #main is the first parent element to have a position assigned to it; if so, then it will use this as the positioning for the bottom.
Something like that?
