Slide content with page up and down - slide

A few small questions on this web page I am putting together.
I am looking to get the content that appears when you click on an image to slide with the mouse as you scroll down. Not sure if this is possible, if so can anyone help.
I have tried looking but as I am such a n00b to jquery I'm not sure what I am looking for. I found some code that used the tag slide and it was not what i wanted at all so not sure what the command would be.

You need to wrap your prof_1, prof_2, etc, in a wrapper I'm going to call this wrapper prof_wrapper
<div id="prof_wrapper"></div>
jQuery(document).ready( function(){
var orig_t = jQuery("#prof_wrapper").offset().top;
var mt = jQuery("#main").offset().top;
var mh = jQuery("#main").outerHeight();
jQuery(document).bind("scroll", function(event){
var ph = jQuery("#prof_wrapper").outerHeight();
var mo = (mt+mh) - jQuery(document).scrollTop();
var t = jQuery(document).scrollTop();
if(mo <= ph){ //Find out if the #main element's offset top plus it's height minus the scroll position is less than the prof_wrapper's height; if it is, leave the prof_wrapper at the bottom of the #main element
jQuery("#prof_wrapper").css({'position':'absolute', 'bottom':'0px', 'top':'auto'});
}else if(t >= orig_t){ //Otherwise, if we have scrolled past the prof_wrapper, make the prof_wrapper follow us down
jQuery("#prof_wrapper").css({'position':'fixed', 'top':'0px', 'bottom':'auto'});
}else{ //We are probably at the top of the page, so reset the original positioning
jQuery("#prof_wrapper").css({'position':'relative', 'top':'0px', 'bottom':'auto'});
You need to add - position:relative to your #main element, then I think this should be pretty close. Take a look at my comment about the padding and margin on the prof_wrapper.
The positioning of absolute, assumes that #main is the first parent element to have a position assigned to it; if so, then it will use this as the positioning for the bottom.
Something like that?


What approach can I do to show a # of elements until cover viewport without having to refresh the page if the user resize the window?

I have to load several elements like a list with javascript.
I have to fill the viewport if necessary because I need load more elements when the user reach the bottom of my container. for that I need to know how many elements fit in the viewport.
With this code I fill the container
for(let i=0; i<lengthDB; i++){
const card = document.createElement("div")
const heading = document.createElement("h1")
const button = document.createElement("button")
button.textContent = "Click Aqui"
counterSpace += document.querySelectorAll(".card")[i].offsetHeight
if(counterSpace > window.cardsContainer.offsetHeight){
But that code break when the user resize the window, if the window is smaller and then bigger the functionality will break because the user will never arrive the bottom by scrolling
I've think in reload the page when user resize, but I guess this is a bad idea
You can use window.screen.availHeight for fill the container, this always return the total height of the screen where the user is using the browser. you always can use 100vh for set the height of your container vía CSS, doesn't matter if the user have the screen smaller than he can since in your loop you take as reference the total height of the screen.
this guarantee in the viewport there always are enought elements for fill the container no matter if the user resize the screen.
if(counterSpace > window.screen.availHeight){

Flash CC Canvas and GSAP: How to set registration point of movieclip on stage

How would I go about changing the registration point of a movieclip labeled "tablet" placed on the stage (root) dynamically?
For example: I have the following:
var tablet = this.tablet; //movieclip labeled "tablet" on stage
function resetTablet(){
tablet.regX = tablet.width/2; //move registration point to center
tablet.regY = tablet.height/2;
However when I call it using GSAP:
var tl = new TimelineLite();, 1, {alpha:1, onComplete:resetTablet})
.to(tablet, 3, {alpha:0, scaleX:1.5, scaleY:1.5})
the registration point is still set to the upper left corner rather than the center.
What am I doing wrong here? Thanks!
Registration points affect change both the transformation point, but also the position. If you set a displayobject that is 100x100 pixels to regX=50;regY=50, then it will draw from that point, moving the content 50px to the top and left. If you make that change you should also translate the clip to x=50;y=50.
An issue with you example is that there is no width or height on EaselJS content (explained here). You can get the bounds of anything generated by Flash CC using the nominalBounds property, which Flash exports as a property on every object. If you have multiple frames, you can turn on "multi-frame bounds" in the publish settings, and a frameBounds property is added to the objects as well.
Note that nominalBounds and frameBounds are not used by the getBounds method.
Here is how you might be able to approach it.
var bounds = tablet.nominalBounds;
tablet.regX = bounds.width/2;
tablet.regY = bounds.height/2;
// Optional if your actual registration point was [0,0] before:
tablet.x += tablet.regX;
tablet.y += tablet.regX;
Hope that helps.

how to get text bounding box in

I am attempting to draw an SVG bezier curve that starts at the end of a text string that is in a Surface. I can set the size of the Surface to [true, true], which is supposed to make the size equal the text bounding box. But if I later try "mySurface.size[0]" in order to get the width, it returns "true"! I need to get a number for the width and height of that bounding box, in order to calculate the end point of my bezier curve! The equivalent DOM approach would just be to use the .getBBox() function.. how do I do this in
this is maybe because the surface hasn't rendered yet. there are a few similar questions here, one of them from me:
how can we get the size of a surface within
you could also try deferring or using a setTimeout or Engine.nextTick() to check the size on the next loop through.
if you find an elegant solution let us know as this is a big problem in many places using famous - having to do multiple highjinks where you can't really position a scene on the initial setup - you have to let it render and then adjust...
You can use the 'getSize' function and specify 'true' to get the real size of the surface:
var realSize = surface.getSize(true);
#ljzerenHein, thanks for the hint.. unfortunately, surface.getSize(true) returns null!
#dcsan, thanks for the link. I believe you may be right, however the solution linked to ends up being much too involved for me.
After much searching, hacking, and experimenting, I've settled on the following approach:
-] use the DOM to get untransformed bounding boxes for text strings
-] format the text strings in SVG form
-] make it so the strings are invisible (set fill and stroke to none)
-] reuse the same "div" element for all the strings that I want to measure
-] once I have the untransformed bounding box, then set the famous surface size to that and then apply modifiers.
-] if I need the bounding box after all transforms have been applied, then get the total accumulated transforms for the surface and multiply that with the original untransformed bounding box
Here's the code to create the DOM element, insert SVG text, then get the bounding box:
//Do this part once, of creating a DOM element and adding it to the document
var el1 = document.createElement("div");
document.body.appendChild(el1); //only need to append once -- just set innerHTML after
//now set the SVG text string -- from this point down can be repeated for multiple
// strings without removing or re-adding the element, nor fiddling with the DOM
var text1_1_1_SVG = '<svg> <text x="0" y="0" style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 12;fill:none;stroke:none" id="svgText1">' + myFamousSurface.content + '</text> </svg>';
//note the id is inside the text element! Also the fill and stroke are null so nothing paints
el1.innerHTML = text1_1_1_SVG;
//now get the element -- this seems to be what triggers the bounding box calc
var test = document.getElementById("svgText1"); //this is ID in the text element
//get the box, take the values out of it, and display them
var rect = test.getBoundingClientRect();
var str = "";
for (i in rect) { //a trick for getting all the attributes of the object
str += i + " = " + rect[i] + " ";
console.log("svgText1: " + str);
FYI, all of the SVGTextElement methods seem to be callable upon gotElem.
SVGTextElement docs here:
I'm pretty sure .getSize(true) is returning null because the element has not yet been added to the DOM. Keep in mind that is synchronized with animation-frames, and updates to the DOM happen don't happen instantly. Accesssing the DOM directly (aka pinging) is strongly disadviced because you will loose the performance benefits that promises.
What I would do is create a custom view to wrap your surface inside and implement a render-method in it. In the render-method, use getSize(true) to get the size. If it returns null,
you know it has not yet been committed to the DOM.
view in action as jsfiddle
define('MyView', function (require, exports, module) {
var View = require('famous/core/View');
var Surface = require('famous/core/Surface');
function MyView() {
View.apply(this, arguments);
this.surface = new Surface();
MyView.prototype = Object.create(View.prototype);
MyView.prototype.constructor = MyView;
MyView.prototype.render = function() {
var size = this.getSize(true);
if (size) {
if (!this.hasSize) {
this.hasSize = true;
console.log('now we have a size: ' + size);
this.surface.setContent('Size: ' + JSON.stringify(size));
} else {
console.log('no size yet');
return this._node.render();
module.exports = MyView;

Any way to get a HaxeFlixel group to clear out?

There is a too long, didn't read version down below.
So I've been making a little game in which the player has to click on a grid of bricks that matches the color of the needed brick in the upper right hand corner of the screen. After they click on the needed color, the bricks explode and the bricks of the same color next to them explode as well creating combos. That leaves holes in the grid so I have to somehow reset the grid itself without resetting the gamestate itself. I've got something working right now which is this:
private function ResetNow():Void
if (Restter == 1) Restter = 0;
//if this block is up here, same results
wantedBrik._changeColor = FlxMath.rand(0, 2);
bricks.autoReviveMembers = true;
Restter = 0;
//Removes stray detectors so the neverending combo bug won't occur
for (stray in dets.members) stray.kill();
if (Restter == 0)
wantedBrik._changeColor = FlxMath.rand(0, 2);
bricks.autoReviveMembers = true;
wantedBricks.autoReviveMembers = true;
for (zgem in bricks.members) zgem.EQUITYCHECK = FlxMath.rand(0, 2);
Restter = 1;
So, again, I have a grid of blocks set up at create, that is group bricks. And I have a sprite in the upper right corner which is wantedBrik. What happens during gameplay, is the player clicks on the bricks that matches the wanted bricks to clear them out of the grid. When there are no more wantedBricks(a group), it is supposed to reset the grid, and change the color of the wantedBrik. I also have it somewhere else in the code that if a member of the big grid's EQUITYCHECK(basic object hacked in value) is equal to the wantedBrik, add it to the wantedBricks(which, is why I'm checking for no more of them). So, what happens?
Well, if the color of the wantedBrik doesn't change, everything's fine and resets like normal. the wantedBricks group acurately counts the bricks that actually match the wantedBrik's color. And when it does change, for some reason, gameplay is normal. BUT, wantedBricks not only thinks that the old color is still needed, but it also thinks the new color is still needed too. So when the player clicks the new needed color bricks, they do explode, but because wantedBrik thinks the old color is still wanted, it doesn't hit null and the grid won't reset.
What can I do to make sure that wantedBricks behaves correctly after a color change?
TL;DR version: I need to get a Haxe array to forget or lose old numbers. How can I do this?
The "Pirate Pig" sample may be useful to you. Since it is a puzzle game, there may be some similar problems that were solved there. You can find it using openfl create or nme create depending on which you are currently using.
You can create a simple array like this:
var myArray = [];
You can also type arrays, like this:
var numbers = new Array<Float>();
Then you can use push(), concat() and other array methods.

SVG - raphael: storing last path selected so element data can be changed

The current state
As from my link you can pick different regions on the map and everything seems to be working until you re-select a county you have selected before. Data values stored with each path decide if it isSelected or notSelected. I have no problem in changing the element data just clicked with this but I can't find a way of storing the last element selected in a way that I can change it's element data. Which means I first have to click on the previous county to set it's element data to notSelected
First I define var currentcountyselected = "";. This allows me to store the paths[arr[]].name;. When I click on a new path I can make the last path fill change with $('#'+currentcountyselected).attr({fill: attributes.fill});
In Raphael's for loop I set'selected', 'notSelected'); so all path elements are set to notSeelected.
So what I need is some way to store the last path so I can change it's element data
This is the click function cleaned up from live example.{
if('selected') == 'notSelected')
{this.animate({fill: '#698B22' }, 300);'selected', 'isSelected');
$('#'+currentcountyselected).attr({fill: attributes.fill});
paths[arr[]].value = "isSelected";
currentcountyselected = paths[arr[]].name;
{this.animate({fill: '#32CD32'}, 300);
paths[arr[]].value = "notSelected"; /* set path value*/'selected', 'notSelected');
});/* end mark selections */
I've been working on this project for a while and the client now wants the interface to work differently. This has really ate up my hourse.
EDIT:Although I have found a solution by simply taking out the if/else I would still like to know how to get at element data in a previous path (or any path for that matter).
Here is my solution, posted as it might help someone. The link in my question has problems with click happy users.
var previouscountyselected = "Mayo"; /* default start, can be any county(path) */
var start = true;
var past = null;
Changed code{
if(paths[arr[]].value == 'notSelected')
this.animate({fill: '#698B22'}, 200);
paths[previouscountyselected].value = "notSelected";
paths[arr[]].value = "isSelected";
previouscountyselected = paths[arr[]].name;
if (!start && past != this)
past.animate({ fill: '#fff' }, 200);
past = this;
start = false;
else if(paths[arr[]].value == 'isSelected')
this.animate({fill: '#32CD32'}, 200);
paths[arr[]].value = "notSelected"; /* set path value */
if (!start && past != this) is a little unusual and is required or animated fades get messed up and choppy. The fade is not triggered if it is the first time a path is clicked and if you just hammer clicks on one path it doesn't fade to white. The main if/else handles the actual control value.
Until I get a jsfiddle up this link will demonstrate the desired behaviour.
Note! the drop menu in this link does not work.
Click happy friendly
