Is there a tool to generate XML picklers in Haskell from an XSD? - haskell

I'd like to generate XML picklers for an XSD file. It seems like a useful tool that might already exist. Does it?

HaXml does have a tool for generating Haskell data types from DTDs and a tool for generating Haskell data types from XSDs:
The executables are named XsdToHaskell and DtdToHaskell.
If you're on Windows and you have PATH modified by Haskell Platform, you'll need to call it like this: xsdtohaskell < path_to.xsd > path_to.hs
The generated files are a decent starting point.


Searching for Python MSDOS parser library

Does anyone knows a good Python library to parse MSDOS files and obtain metadata and start()'s bytecodes? Like an alternative version of pefile library but for MSDOS? I can't seems to find any via Google.
If there isn't, is there a good source to refer to on MSDOS's file format? This way, I can create my own parser instead. I know there are tools like IDA Pro and Reko decompiler but I need a MSDOS file parser to automate some stuff. Thank you in advanced!
Reko decompiler maintainer here. For what it's worth, you can use Reko's MS-DOS source code and translate it to Python. It's not a lot of code and MS-DOS executables aren't that complex to parse -- it's quite a simple format. The relevant files are:
You could also try executing the Reko code directly from Python. The Reko binaries are available as a nuget package:
Use the class Reko.ImageLoaders.MzExe.ExeImageLoader in the Reko.ImageLoaders.MzExe class. Integration could be done with

How to create haskell cabal package as output of haskell code?

The Haskell project I am working on generates code(and tests for it) that is intended to be used as an independent Haskell library. I want to wrap it in a cabal project, so it can be included as a dependency.
I searched for a library interface for the cabal, so I can create a cabal project at a given directory by calling some functions, but found none.
I could, of course, just run bash commands from Haskell, but it looks ugly to me.
Is there any tool that will solve my problem in a nice way?
You want the Cabal package. You can parse an existing cabal file, change stuff in the data structures, and regenerate the text representation.
Edit in answer to comment:
I don't know of any tutorials. The links I gave are for the Haddock docs, and the mapping between data types and Cabal file text is pretty straightforward. So you should probably start by writing the code to produce a PackageDescription value and then call writePackageDescription on it.
Note the existence of emptyPackageDescription, which lets you just specify the fields you want.
(Removed link to pretty printer class because PackageDescription isn't a member.)

ANTLR4 target file names

For the TypeScript ANTLR target that Sam and I have been working on, I would like to have the code generation tool create a single typescript file to hold all the classes generated from a named grammar input. Is this output file structure going to be hard?
So for example, I'd like Expr.g4 -> Expr.g4.ts. That one file TypeScript file could contain named exports for {ExprLexer, ExprParser, and ExprListener} classes, visitor code if requested, maybe even some loose factory functions etc.
I've been looking into the source code under tool/src/org/antlr/v4/codegen to find out how the number and names of the output files are determined, in particular finding, This class works in conjunction with the language-specific target class, but the pipeline has a lot (perhaps too much) knowledge of possible output files built into it. None of what I see in seems well matched to my 1:1 input-to-output file model.
It seems like the knowledge of what files should be generated for a given language target should come from the language.stg file if possible, but I can't find any evidence that approach has been implemented. Can anyone fill me in on any reasons that approach can't hasn't been tried or worked?

Haxe compiling to C++ and JS source

I am trying to write source code in one language and have it converted to both native c++ and JS source. Ideally the converted source should be human readable and resemble the original source as best it can. I was hoping haxe could solve this problem for me. So I code in haxescript and have it convert it to its corresponding C++ and JS source. However the examples I'm finding of haxe seems to create the final application for you. So with C++ it will use msbuild (or whatever compiler it finds) and creates the final exe for you from generated C++ code. Does haxe also create the c++ and JS source code for you to view or is it all done internally to haxe and not accessible? If it is accessible then is it possible to remove the building side of haxe so it simply creates the source code and stops?
When you generate CPP all the intermediate files are generated and kept wherever you decide to generate your output (the path given using -cpp pathToOutput). The fact that you get an executable is probably because you are using the -main switch. That implies an entry point to your application but that is not really required and you can just pass to the command line a bunch of types that you want to have built in your output.
For JS it is very similar, a single JS file is generated and it only has an entry point if you used -main.
Regarding the other topic, does your Haxe code resembles the generated code the answer is yes, but ... some of the types (like Enum and Abstract) only exist in Haxe so they will generate code that functionally works but it might look quite different. Also Haxe has an always-on optimizer/analyzer that might mungle your code in unexpected ways (the analyzer can be disabled). I still find that it is not that difficult to figure out the Haxe source from the generated code. JS has support for source mapping which is really useful for debugging. So in the end, Haxe doesn't do anything to obfuscate your generated code but also doesn't do much to try to preserve it too strictly.

StringTemplate and Xtext

In my current work, I have written code generator using String Template without thinking about Parser ( I am instantiating Template files using direct Java Object). and code generator generator generates nice Java code.
Now, I have started to write Parser. B'coz of some nice editor features of xText, I am thinking to write parser in Xtext.
My question is "Is it possible to use code generator ( written using StringTemplate ) and Parse (written in Xtext) in same project?
Yes that's possible. Xtext offers a typed AST for the parsed files and you could easily pass them to your code generator (directly, iff they fulfil the same contract / interfaces, or indirectly by transforming them to the expected structure). Xtext does not impose any constraints on how you want to use the parsed information.
