Allow p:selectOneListbox within h:form but without submitting value to a bean - jsf

I have a p:selectOneListbox within an h:form but without the value attribute becuase I need to use it only for presentation purposes (only for showing another inputbox, but value submit is not required for this component). But when I try to submit the form using h:commandButton's actionListener that is unsuccessful unless the component's value is binded to a bean using value attribute.
How do I submit the form without needing to specify the value attribute for this p:selectOneListbox?
<p:selectOneListbox >
<f:selectItems ... />
Is there any way I could tell what components to exclude from being processed instead of telling what all to process(as that would bloat up the code unnecessarily with a long list of ids
) ?!

You could put the p:selectOneListbox> into another form and then change its position via css:
<h:form id="otherForm>
<p:selectOneListbox style="position: relative; top: -50px"">
<f:selectItems ... />
This will move the selectBox 50px up from its normal position.
It is a kind of dirty solution and you have to fiddle to find the correct position but it should work.


Is there a way how to trigger an event / make a commandbutton hide when selectCheckboxMenu in primefaces unselected all items

i wanted to know if theres a way how to hide a commandbutton to the end users when he deselects all items in the selectCheckboxMenu.
thanks for every comments and suggestions.
Just let the rendered attribute of the command button check if the very same property behind the value attribute of select checkbox menu does not represent an empty collection. You can re-execute this check by updating a persistent parent component of the button using <p:ajax> on change of the select checkbox menu.
So, in a nutshell:
<p:selectCheckboxMenu value="#{bean.selectedItems}">
<f:selectItems value="#{bean.availableItems}" />
<p:ajax update="button" />
<h:panelGroup id="button">
<p:commandButton value="Submit" rendered="#{not empty bean.selectedItems}" />
No need for unnecessary code such as additional bean properties or listener methods specifically for value change and rendered attribute or ugly hacks such as valueChangeListener as mentioned by the other answer whose answerer is apparently having JSF 1.x in mind.
For command button set rendered attribute for ex
In managed bean create a boolean variable allCheckBoxNotSelected with getters and setters
For checkboxes in valueChangeListener attribute call a managed bean method which will check current values for all check box. If it is not selected then put false to allCheckBoxNotSelected variable and then upadate command button through its id.

Conditionally rendering an <ui:include>

I am trying to toggle a page that shows a <rich:dataTable>. Before I just included the <ui:include> template and it would just show the table the whole time.
<ui:include src="../log/viewDlg.xhtml"/>
Now I want to be able to toggle it on/off on the web-page. Showing on the page with maybe a button or link. How can I achieve it?
Update 1: I am unable to get it to show up for some odd reason, Here is what I wrote so far based on feed back
<a4j:commandLink value="View"
action="#{bean.showview}" render="viewPanel"/>
<h:panelGroup id="viewPanel">
<h:panelGroup id="tableRenderPanel" rendered="#{bean.showPolicyView}">
<ui:include src="../log/viewDlg.xhtml"/>
Backing bean:
private boolean showPolicyView = false;
public void showView() {
showPolicyView = !showPolicyView;
public boolean isShowPolicyView(){
return showPolicyView;
Wrap your <ui:include> inside two <h:panelGroup> elements. There's a catch here, you can't rerender a conditional component. Why's this? because when the element's rendered attribute resolves to false, it will not be considered while rendering the view so it can't be the target of an operation (in this case, related to renderization).
Jumping to the code, you'll have this:
<h:panelGroup id="wrapperPanel">
<h:panelGroup id="tableRenderPanel" rendered="#{yourBean.renderTable}">
<ui:include src="../log/viewDlg.xhtml"/>
yourBean#renderTable is a Boolean property that determines if the component will be rendered. When it evaluates to false, the component is not included in the component tree.
Toggling the view
To toggle the view, simply create a bean method that either refreshes the page
<h:commandLink action="#{yourBean.toggleTableView}"/>
or the particular panel through AJAX. To do this in JSF 1.2, rely on extensions like RichFaces to introduce AJAX, if you can. For example, should you choose RichFaces, you can use <a4j:commandLink/> and its handy render (or reRender in older versions) attribute to achieve what you could do normally with an <f:ajax/> in JSF 2
<a4j:commandLink action="#{yourBean.toggleTableView}" reRender="wrapperPannel"/>
Or, another alternative is
<a4j:commandLink action="#{yourBean.toggleTableView}">
<a4j:support event="oncomplete" reRender="wrapperPannel"/>
Please note that the reRender attribute may vary depending on the structure of your page, but it should always reference the id of the wrapping panel in the end. Also, reRender was renamed to simply render in late RichFaces versions.
So, assuming you have a renderTable property (getter + setter) in yourBean, the toggleTableView must change it, in order to dinamically define if the component is to be rendered or not (renderTable = false).
Introducing RichFaces
Check this link for help in setting up RichFaces in your project.
I like the use of ui:include better than inserting h:panelBoxes like here:
<ui:fragment rendered="#{myBean.yourCondition()}">
<ui:include src="viewA.xhtml"/>
<ui:fragment rendered="#{not myBean.yourCondition()}">
<ui:include src="viewB.xhtml"/>
Advantage: Tag handlers do not represent components and never become a part of the component tree once the view has been built. It won't interefere with your CSS - the h:panelBox, in contrary, inserts a div or span.
... Another approach would be c:choose, which works but can cause render phases issues.
<c:when test="#{myBean.yourCondition()}">
<ui:include src="viewA.xhtml"/>
<ui:include src="viewB.xhtml"/>
Caution: When fiddling with tag handlers (like any c:xxx), be sure to know the difference between UI Components and Tag Handlers. Namely that UI Components and Tag Handlers are renderend in different phases. That implies that you cannot create a variable in a composite component and use it in a nested tag handler. c:choose and ui:include are both tag handlers, so normally it's not a problem. Read the link, it's a very short example and very insightful.

ui:repeat with a list sending right object to a p:dialog

I currently have a giant ui:repeat. Within this ui:repeat, some of the repeated objects have a url to a popup image associated with them. When someone clicks display under that particular object, I need the url to popup in a p:dialog.
<ui:repeat var="thing" value="#{bean.thingList}">
<p:commandLink value="details" onclick=";"
and at the bottom of the page:
<p:dialog id="chart" widgetVar="miniImage" >
<h:graphicImage value="#{bean.currentImg}"/>
And in the backing bean I tried using a simple setter and getter for currentImg.
I am a bit confused on this now and would like to accomplish this without having to submit the entire form as well. Any help is greatly appreciated.
If you're using PrimeFaces 3.3 or newer, you could just add partialSubmit="true" to the command component. You can then control the to-be-processed components in process attribute. In this particular case, just the current component (the command component itself) is sufficient, thus so process="#this":
<p:commandLink ... process="#this" partialSubmit="true" />
This way only the request parameters which are really necessary for the process will be sent.
Unrelated to the concrete problem, I suggest to use oncomplete instead of onclick to open the dialog. Otherwise the dialog is opened before update takes place and may cause poor user experience as the enduser would see the image instantly changing.

How to render an h:panelGroup correctly when using f:ajax and a rendered attribute?

I'm developping an application in JSF2.0. I encountered a problem when mixing ajax and a panelGroup with a rendered attribute.
My page contains 3 panels. In the first panel the user selects an item from a <h:selectOneMenu>. This causes to render the second panel.
The second panel contains an h:dataTable that is connected to a DataModel in the backing bean. The values of the dataTable are determined by the item that was chosen in the <h:selectOneMenu> of the first panel. Each row in the table contains a commandLink to view detailed info about the item of that row:
<h:commandLink action="#{faseController.selectInvulling}">
<f:ajax render="#form" execute="#form" />
Clicking on the commandLink the third panel gets rendered:
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{faseController.invullingSelected}" layout="block" styleClass="panelElement" id="invulling">
<h:inputText value="#{faseController.selectedInvulling.datum}" required="true" requiredMessage="Gelieve een datum in te vullen." converterMessage="Gelieve een geldige datum in te vullen (dd/mm/jjjj)." >
<f:convertDateTime pattern="dd/MM/yyyy" />
<h:inputTextarea value="#{faseController.selectedInvulling.evaluatie}" cols="100" />
<h:inputTextarea value="#{faseController.selectedInvulling.methode}" cols="100" />
This is where I encounter a problem. The first time I click on a commandLink to view the detailed info about that row in the table, I get the correct data in the third panel. Afterwards I change the item in the <h:selectOneMenu> of the first panel: the correct corresponding dataTable gets rendered in the second panel. However this time when I click on a commandLink in the table to view the details of that item, I get to see the info from the item I clicked the first time.
If I ommit rendered="#{faseController.invullingSelected}" everything works fine, but this causes confusion in the view, since the third panel is now always rendered.
All three panels are located in the same form. My backing bean is ViewScoped. What am I doing wrong? Any help woud be greatly appreciated.
This can happen if you're doing business logic in an getter method instead of in an (action)listener method. I also wonder if you really need to execute and render the entire form. Try to be more specific in specifying the elements which are to be executed and/or re-rendered.
The question is way too broad and the code is not complete enough in order to pinpoint the real cause and propose the a ready-to-use solution.
Try using this.
<a4j:commandLink action="#{faseController.selectInvulling}" execute="#this"
render="thirdPanelId" limitRender="true"/>
Execute only the components which you want to process and render only the components which needs to be refreshed.

JSF ReRender support with selectBooleanCheckbox

I have a JSF page on which I want to have a checkbox that, when clicked, will add/remove certain other form fields from the page. Here is the (simplified) code I currently have for the checkbox:
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox title="showComponentToReRender" value="#{backingBean.showComponentToReRender}">
<a4j:support event="onsubmit" reRender="componentToReRender" />
Here is the code for the component I want to hide:
<h:selectOneMenu id="componentToReRender" value="#{backingBean.value}" rendered="#{valuesList.rowCount>1 && backingBean.showComponentToReRender}">
<s:selectItems value="#{valuesList}" var="value"/>
Currently, clicking the checkbox does nothing; that "selectOneMenu" will not go away. What am I doing wrong?
You need to wrap the componentToReRender in either:
<h:panelGroup id="componentToReRenderWrapper">
<a4j:outputPanel id="componentToReRenderWrapper">
So, effectively you will have:
<h:panelGroup id="componentToReRenderWrapper">
<h:selectOneMenu id="componentToReRender" value="#{backingBean.value}" rendered="#{valuesList.rowCount>1 && backingBean.showComponentToReRender}">
<s:selectItems value="#{valuesList}" var="value"/>
and change the reRender="componentToReRenderWrapper" in case you use panelGroup, or remove that attribute, in case you use outputPanel.
Found the exact explanation in the RichFaces docs:
Most common problem with using reRender is pointing it to the component that has a "rendered" attribute. Note, that JSF does not mark the place in the browser DOM where the outcome of the component should be placed in case the "rendered" condition returns false. Therefore, after the component becomes rendered during the Ajax request, RichFaces delivers the rendered code to the client, but does not update a page, because the place for update is unknown. You need to point to one of the parent components that has no "rendered" attribute. As an alternative, you can wrap the component with layout="none" .
Don't forget to set ajaxRendered="true" on the a4j:outputPanel
