Xampp on linux mint - linux

im trying to install xampp on "new" linux mint machine.
However im quite a noob to linux since i havnt used it for that long.
When i try to run the file that ive download from the following page:
Xampp download
i get the following error two errors:
Could not display "/home/marc/Downloads/xampp-linux-x64-1.8.3-0-installer.run".
and if i click yes
Installing mime type handlers isn't supported
To search and install software which can open certain file types you have to install app-install-data.
can anyone tell me what the problem is and how i might fix it?

you need to execute the file (e.g. open a terminal, navigate to your Downloads folder and run bash xampp-linux-x64-1.8.3-0-installer.run (possibly it might need to be run otherwise, but thats my best guess)).
alternatively you might be presented to run/execute the file (instead of displaying it). if so, choose this option.
on the other hand, you might consider installing apache/php/mysql via your package manager.

what you can do is that you can use the chmod +x /your folder location/.run file that you want to install
after that you can run following command
./and your .run file name
in my case :- User#user~$su root
it will ask for password so give it
User#user~chmod +x /Downloads/xampp-linux-x64-1.8.3-0-installer.run


Pumba installation - Command not found on linux terminal

I am trying to install pumba from the OS release page. Once it is downloaded, I try running
pumba --help
It gives a command not found error.
Can anyone suggest what am I missing? The amd_64 file has all read, write and execute permissions.
If the name of the file is pumba_linux_amd64, you have to use that. Additionally, since the file is (assuming) not in your $PATH, you can't launch it directly.
If your file is in your current directory, run

Cytoscape and linux

Trying to install Cytoscape program on linux cytoscape. And I don't know how because first install button transfers me to HTML page and nothing is downloadable. (I have java installed). I tried to download tar.gz file but I am stuck, because there is no configure file and it says I have no permission for it. What should I do?
Once java 11 is installed on your computer try this:
ctrl+alt+T #open Ubuntu's console
cd /home/fulanita/Downloads #this is the directory where my computer has cytoscape.
chmod +x ./Cytoscape_3_8_1_unix.sh
./Cytoscape_3_8_1_unix.sh #3.8.1 is the last version for Ubuntu
the program will start to install
If anyone comes here in search for an answer I found a solution.
You go to you directory where you keep extracted tar.gz
with cd -Folderdestination/ you locate a folderwhere you keep a file named cytoscape.sh, and with command
sudo sh cytoscape.sh
install the program.

how to use exiftool with cygwin basic startup

ok here is the situation. I'm a complete newbie at all this and have no idea what is going on. Currently I have a race website with thousands of photos and each time I basically upload via FTP to a temporary folder and use Cygwin with exiftool (I think) to tag each image and then use Cygwin to move them to where I want on my website. During the process I make a filename.sh file and then do a chmod 755 and then tell it to run and I can tag several thousand photos individually with my filename.sh file data. All that is good. Most of the time. haaha.
My question is I want to keep the images on my desktop and tag them using the same steps and then FTP them to my site. So I think what I'm trying to figure out is how to get exiftool to work on my desktop computer the way it works on my website.
I tried to do all the right things, but when I run the filename.sh file it says:
exiftool command not found
What do I need to do? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
install perl
then cpan Image::ExifTool
The exiftool command is available through Cygwin Ports, an extra package repository for Cygwin.
To install:
Follow the Cygwin Ports installation guide (summarized here)
Download the regular Cygwin installer from https://www.cygwin.com/
In a cygwin terminal, run cygstart -- /path/to/setup-x86.exe -K http://cygwinports.org/ports.gpg. The Cygwin installer should open.
On the Choose Installation Type page, select "Install from Internet".
On the Choose Download Site(s) page, select a regular cygwin distro mirror, then enter ftp://ftp.cygwinports.org/pub/cygwinports in the User URL field and press Add. Select both, then click Next.
At the Select Packages screen
Set the View dropdown to "Full"
Search for perl-Image-exiftool
Click it to install it
Continue to click Next until the installation completes

How to execute a .run file using Mac Terminal?

Once I navigate to a certain directory that has a .run file in it, how do I execute that file using mac Terminal?
I have change the chmod 777 for fileName.run file and run it
$ chmod 777 file-name.run
$ ./file-name.run
but it does not work for me. any idea ?
it give me the following error.
$ ./ppasmeta- cannot execute binary file
Its postgres plus advanced server for linux I want to install on mac os-x .
As suggested by Muhammad Iqbal, you won't be able to run a Linux-specific binary/executable on Mac OS X without some modifications. It's like attempting to run an .exe on Linux - without wine. While Linux and OS X are similar, they are not that compatible. If you can get your desired program in the form of a .deb, that may work. If not, I would suggest either dual-booting your Mac with a small Linux distro (ie. DSL) or picking up a virtual machine. I've dual-booted before - it's a decent option for this situation if you have enough hard drive space. If another solution shows up, I'll be sure to let you know through this channel.
I am not sure what you are asking here but try this
As I said in the comments, I don't think that Postgres Advanced Server is available for OSX. If Postgres 9.5.3 is suitable for your purposes, you could install homebrew and use it to install Postgres 9.5.3 with:
brew install postgresql
You can download the one-liner to install homebrew from here.

Can't run .run file using cygstart

I am trying to run a .run file in cygwin, but I always seem to get this error:
Unable to start '~.run': There is no application associated with the given file name extension.
I needed to be a superuser, so I tried using the command: cygstart --action=runas "$#"
I read somewhere that cygstart is for invoking registered Windows handler, so this may be the problem, but I am unsure. Is there any way that I can run my .run file as a superuser using cygwin?
Well, as has been said, no application is associated with .run files on your
system. So you can do that one of two ways
Call the file with the program, example
cygstart notepad.exe ~.run
Tell the registry what to do with unknown extensions
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
#="notepad.exe \"%1\""
This question is not related to Cygwin but rather to Windows. cygstart works the same as Windows' start. That means, if you use [cyg]start file.extension it works very similarly as if you double-click on that file in Windows Explorer.
Therefore if you configure Windows to do what you need when you double-click on your *.run file, cygstart will work fine too.
I think that easier is to use appropriate extension which Windows already knows. It depends on what you have inside your *.run file. If it's executable, use exe extension, if it's batch script, use cmd or bat, if it's JavaScript, use js etc.
If you use Linux or some derivation, you need to execute the .run file with an absolute path, even if you have already navigated to the appropriate directory containing the file. See here:
