How to create a Range Chart in Excel - excel

I have no idea how to create souch a range chart in Excel 2010:
My data looks like this:
1, 12, 22
2, 8, 48
3, 22, 42
The first column is the x-Value, the second column the lower y-value and the third the higher y-value. That's the yellow area in the graph.
And then the same for the blue one.
Thank you!
Source of the image:

My recommendation would be as follows:
Paste the following into an Excel sheet
20% 20% 20% 20% 20%
10% 10% 10% 10% 10.0%
40% 10% -5% 10% 45.0%
20% 20% 20% 20% 20.0%
10% 40% 55% 40% 5%
Notice that the sum of each column is 100%
Now add a "stacked area" chart (under the area category of charts) based on this data, and colour the first and third and fifth colours to be white (or transparent)
You can then play with the percentages to get your chart. The top row which is 20% corresponds with a rectangle etc.

I would arrange my data in a Table as follows:
axis y_1 h_1 y_2 h_2
1 12 10 30 10
2 8 40 2 4
3 10 12 43 4
4 17 12 18 5
5 30 6 31 5
6 4 7 5 6
7 5 8 6 7
8 2 9 34 8
9 1 4 2 9
Then, you can chart the columns y_1, h_1 in the first axis and y_2, h_2 in the second axis (y_i being the y value and h_i being the height of each strip). Make both chart as Stacked Area chart and change the series y_i transparent.
Finally make the second axis equal to the first one.

What worked best for me using MS office 2010 is to use area chart, but not stacked. For multiple data ranges graphs in a single chart, I needed to arrange data legends (column names) from higher to lower, by clicking on the chart and then under "Chart Tools"->"Design" tab click "Select Data". A new window titled "Select Data Source" will pop up. Select data legends in the left pane in the window and move up or down using arrow button on top of the left pane such that graphs will stack from high to low. Now, we need to select graphs corresponding to lower end of the range and fill solid "white" by formatting the graph. What will be left is range chart with shaded area between low and high ends of the data. It seems bit complex, but doing a hand-on tutorial, following the above instructions step-by-step on a chart in excel or power point (after selecting insert chart option), will make it easy.


Add horizontal axis per series in excel

How frustrating is Excel.. working on this for half an hour now.
I simply try to make a frequency plot of two groups, with different colours. On the x-axis I would like to display the subject.ids per bar.
However, if I select a different range for the horizontal x axis per series (series 1 = blue, series 2 = orange) with the subject id, it changes the x-axis in the other series to the same. What in hell am i doing wrong?
3007 1
23121 1
3009 1
3005 1
3011 2
23171 2
3207 2
3102 3
3207 6
13302 7
2411 11
23191 11
3008 11
3106 12
110031 1
110031 1
110030 1
110017 1
110014 1
110008 1
110004 1
110007 2
110035 4
110020 4
110003 4
110036 10
110019 11
110015 21
AFAIK, you cannot put 2 series onto the x axis.
You have 2 alternate ways to solve your problem:
Concatenate each positional pair into a new column and use this as the x-axis label series. It will look like this:
You could use data labels for each series. However, this will add the data to the columns themselves and not the axis (you could put it at the base of the column). To do so, you will need to right click on the graph, select 'Add Data Labels'. By default it adds the value as the label, but you can select the labels, right click to format the data labels and use the 'values from cells' option. Once you do this and play around with the orientation and location of the labels, it will look like this:
For simplicity, I'd go with the first method
Adding a 3rd option; simply put the columns for the axis labels beside each other and when selecting the Data for the Axis Labels, just select both columns instead of the usual 1. It will look like this:

How to build Stacked graphs in Excel not amounting to 100%

If I have a data :
year Total Balance subset 1 subset 2
1 100 50 20
2 300 200 175
3 200 65 35
4 50 25 5
Can i have a stacked column graph with "year" on X-Axis and the Y-Axis should be the balances- maximum being Total Balance and subset 1 and subset 2 be stacked within the Total Balance?
No direct way, however by transforming your values you can do it:
insert new columns with formula: =C2*$B2/SUM($C2:$D2)
insert your chart based on the new columns
Yes, assuming I got right what you need: insert the graph manually, and select your year values on the axis labels box (right side) and add each column (Total Balance, subset 1, subset 2) individually on the left side box.
Here's what I got
And here's my 'Select data' windows (sorry it's in portuguese)

Excel rotate radar chart

I have been trying to create a windrose that displays the occurence of multiple wind speeds and their respective wind direction. Using other very helpful posts on here I've gotten pretty close to what I want. There is just one thing I can't seem to fix.
As you can see in the figure below the graph starts at 0 degrees while I want the "North" wind direction to start at -11,25 (or +348,75) degrees.
Currently the radial axis labels are added using a pie chart while the rest of the data is plotted in a filled radar chart. It is easy to rotate the pie chart but I can't seem to find a similar function for rotating the radar chart. Any help would be much appreciated. The excel file is attached beneath the figure.
EDIT: Locked excel file against editing
Excel file
I haven't fully digested the netiquette of this website and not sure if it is a good idea to try giving you an answer 6+ months after you posted. Also hope that by this time you found an answer.
If not, this link should be of help:
In the example the creator made one field for each degree and started the first series, which would be equivalent to your north at 0°. However nothing prevents you from starting at 348.
I have not tested but I also think that nothing prevents you from adding even more "resolution", e.g. half-degree steps.. or even more to your discretion.
EDIT: following L.Guthardt's feedback.
In order to provide you an answer I opted to simplify your table and chart. Mostly for convenience, but also because I struggle to get a full understanding of the original "architecture". Still, the solution should work at any level and is based on two key elements:
first you will have to double the number of rows from 16 to 32 (thus each quadrant being repeated two times, e.g. ... nne - nne - ne - ne...)
second, you have to start and finish with N as showcased here
Direction Cat6
N 6
NNE 4 4
NE 4 4
NE 6
ENE 4 4
E 4 4
E 6
ESE 4 4
SE 4 4
SE 6
SSE 4 4
S 4 4
S 6
SSW 4 4
SW 4 4
SW 6
WSW 4 4
W 4 4
W 6
WNW 4 4
NW 4 4
NW 6
NNW 4 4
N 4 4
which will generate
for the pie chart I used a separate range with alternate gaps in the labels
Direction Dummy
N 1
NE 1
E 1
SE 1
S 1
SW 1
W 1
NW 1
Rotating radar charts in Excel can be achieved by building a separate table for plotting the chart. It would have three columns:
Column A: New categories
Column B: Original categories (calculated from A)
Column C: Original data using VLOOKUP() on B
The chart will be plotted using columns B and C. Column B category numbers are offset by the desired number of categories.
If the chart needs to be rotated by other than multiples of a category degree (e.g., 30 degrees for 12 categories), you would need to add rows in between (corresponding to the amount of rotation in relation to the category degree). For example, to rotate a 12-category radar chart by multiples of 15 degrees, one extra row is needed in-between each original category row (to create 24 new categories). In this case, you would need to calculate the intermediate values by linearly interpolating between actual data points.
The trick is that blank category values are not displayed on the chart and the values for these categories blend in smoothly with the real data (because they are interpolated).
I will post an example if the above is not clear enough.
P.S. I cannot look at your new Excel file (in Answers) because it exceeds 5 MB (see screenshot 1).
So I did keep working on this problem and the best solution I've come up with (while using Microsoft Excel) looks as follows:
Currently, the number of sectors in the plot is fixed at 16. If I want to make this number variable, the table required for the plot data requires a very large amount of lookup functions which make the spreadsheet too slow to work with.
I've uploaded the new Excel file here to take a look at:
Excel file

need to create salary data with salary bands

looking to create a salary chart for all my employees. should be xy scatter plot with all salary data for my employees grouped by their title. I want floating bar graph representing salary range for that title.
salary data:
joe, eng 1, 15000
mike, eng 1, 16000
kelly, eng 3, 25000
steve, eng 2, 20000
jane, eng 3, 30000
michelle, eng 5, 60000
anan, eng 5, 70000
eng level salary band
title,min, max
eng 1, 10000, 20000
eng 2, 15000, 30000
eng 3, 25000, 40000
eng 4, 30000, 60000
eng 5, 50000, 80000
eng 6, 60000, 100000
note i wont have employees in every level, but want to show that level on the chart, the levels should be shown left to right on the graph from eng 1 to eng 6
i am having a hard time to figure out how to do this in excel...your help would be appreciated
We'll make a floating bar chart with the salary bands, then overlay XY scatter points with the individual data.
First, insert a column between min and max salary in the bands table, and use a formula to compute the span between max and min, as shown below. Select the shaded range and insert a stacked column chart. It looks like the top chart below.
Format the chart as follows: Remove the title (or enter something useful). Remove the legend. Change the number format of the vertical axis to 0,"k" (the comma knocks off a set of three zeros). Format the Min series with no border and no fill, so it is invisible. Format the Span series to use a lighter fill color. Change the gap width of the Span series to something like 75.
Insert a column that contains the number of the salary band (or just change "eng X" to "X") as shown below left. Copy the shaded range, select the chart, choose Paste Special from the Paste dropdown on the Home tab of the ribbon, and use the options shown in the dialog below right (add cells as new series, series in columns, series names in first row, category labels in first column). The chart looks like it got a new set of stacked bars; we'll fix it shortly.
Right click the added series, choose Change Series Chart Type, and choose the XY Scatter style with markers and no lines (below left). Select the new series with markers, press the Ctrl+1 shortcut to format it, choose Primary axis, so it aligns nicely with the existing floating bars, and choose a format that stands out. I used a dark blue marker border and white marker fill (bottom left). Add labels using the Excel 2013 option, Label contains value from cells, or in older versions of Excel, install Rob Bovey's Chart Labeler add-in (free from to add arbitrary labels. Also, you should stretch the chart vertically to add resolution (below right).

EXCEL Bar Graph - representing only part of the bar graph

Hi I'm trying to create a bar graph on Excel where I can highlight part of the bar graph. For instance, for the following table,
1 100 20 30
2 100 10 20
3 100 5 15
I would like to have the value 100 represented and then on top of that have only between 20 and 30 highlighted (or shaded/colored/etc in differnt color) - showing that the total is 100 and the range is 20 to 30.
For 2, same thing, have 100 represented first, and only have 10 to 20 highlighted, and so on.
Would any of you guys please help me on how to go about it? I tried stacked bar with no fill and such but it does not fulfill my satisfaction. Thank you for your reply in advance!!! :)
Do you want something like this?
If so, convert your data to this format:
1 20 10 70
2 10 10 80
3 5 10 85
Use a stacked column chart and set the first and the third series to the same color.
