Looking for a Linux threadpool api with OS scheduler support - linux

I'm looking for a thread pool abstraction in Linux that provides the same level of kernel scheduler support that the Win32 thread pool provides. Specifically, I'm interested in finding a thread pool that maintains a certain number of running threads. When a running pool thread blocks on I/O, I want the thread pool to be smart enough to start another thread running.
Anyone know of anything like this for linux?

You really can't do this without OS support. There's no good way to tell that a thread is blocked on I/O. You wind up having to atomically increment a counter before each operation that might block and decrement it after. Then you need a thread to monitor that counter and create an additional thread if it's above zero. (Remove threads if they're idle more than a second or so.)
Generally speaking, it's not worth the effort. This only works so well on Windows because it's the "Windows way" and Windows is built from the ground up for it. For Linux, you should be using epoll or boost::asio. Use something that does things the "Linux way" rather than trying to make the Windows way work on non-Windows operating systems.
You can write your own wrappers that use IOCP on Windows, epoll on Linux, and so on. But these already exist, so you need not bother.


Solution to Blocking system call by worker thread in Node.js

I recently learnt about user level threads and kernel level threads in Operating System book by tanenbaum. Since user level threads are handled by library packages and since had worked with node.js a bit, i concluded that node.js uses libuv for handling worker threads and hence uses user level threading.
But I wanted to know how node.js deals with the case when some worker thread makes a system call that is blocking and then the kernel will block the entire process even if some threads are capable of running.
But I wanted to know how node.js deals with the case when some worker thread makes a system call that is blocking and then the kernel will block the entire process even if some threads are capable of running.
This isn't what happens in a modern OS. Just because one thread in a process is reading/writing from the disk, the OS does NOT block the entire process from doing anything with its other threads.
Modern hardware uses DMA (Direct Memory Access) for reading/writing to disks precisely so that the CPU does not have to be blocked while a block of data is read from or written to a disk.

How to benchmark Linux threaded programs?

I'm trying to compare the performance of threaded programs (on Linux). Since the programs use different thread synchronization methods and different lock granularity, running the programs on a shared server or desktop would not be good, since the other tasks may interfere with the scheduling of my programs. I don't have dedicated hosts, so I thought that using qemu would be a good option.
What I want to know is:
Are there any alternatives for this task?
I suppose that there is no way to reproduce scheduling done by guest Linux system on qemu, if
I - need to? (Suppose my program goes unusually skow or fast -- I'd like to know if I can run it again, but keeping exactly the same scheduling for its threads). Or is there a way?

Modify Timer Interrupt in Linux

At college I'm studying Operative Systems, and as a first part of the project we have to modify the Timer Interrupt to execute my own code, may be with threads, and I think that Linux present less restrictions to access the Interrupt Vector that Windows does, is not?
Can you give me more details if it's better use Windows or Linux (like Ubuntu) to do this.
I would use Linux, because I think you might fail your assignment if you use Windows. The reason being that the commonly accessible timers (i.e. non-driver stuff) under Windows are not really interrupts, they're messages posted to your thread's message queue.
Whereas under Linux signal/sigaction in combination with timer_create will send a signal, which really counts as "interrupt".

Threads and CPU Affinity

Lets say there are two processors on a machine. Thread A is running on P1 and Thread B is running on P2.
Thread A calls Sleep(10000);
Is it possible that when Thread A starts executing again, it runs on P2?
If yes, who decides this transition? If no, why not?
Does Processor store some data that which all threads it's running or OS binds each thread to Processor for its full lifetime ?
It is possible. This would be determined by the operating system process scheduler and may also be dependent on the application that is running. No information about previously running threads is kept by the processor, aside from whatever is in the cache.
This is dependent on many things, it behaves differently depending on the particular operating system. See also: Processor Affinity and Scheduling Algorithms. Under Windows you can pin a particular process to a processor core via the task manager.
Yes, it is possible. Though ultimately a thread inherits its CPU (or CPU core) from the process (executable.) In operating systems, which CPU or CPU core a process runs on for its current quanta (time slice) is decided by the Scheduler:
The OS decides which processor to run the thread on, and it may easily change during the lifetime of that thread, especially if there is a context switch (caused by the sleep). It's completely possible if the system is loaded that both threads will be running on the same processor (or core), just at different times. Or if there isn't any load on the system, both threads may continue to run on separate processors.

Designing multithread application (looking for design patterns)

I'm preparing to write a multithread network application. At the moment I'm wondering what's the best thread pattern for my program. Whole application will handle up to 1000 descriptors (local files, network connections on various protocols and additional descriptors for timers and signals handling). Application will be optimized for Linux. Program will run on regular personal computers, so I assume, that they will have at least Pentium 4.
Here's my current idea:
One thread will handle network I/O
using epoll.
Second thread will
handle local-like I/O (disk I/O,
timers, signal handling) using epoll
Third thread
will handle UI (CLI, GTK+ or Qt)
Handling each network connection in separate thread will kill CPU because of too many context switches.
Maybe there's better way to do this?
Do you know any documents/books about designing multirhread applications? I'm looking for answers on questions like: What's the rational number of threads? etc.
You're on the right track. You want to use a thread pool pattern to handle the networking rather than one thread per network connection.
This website may also be helpful to you and lists the most common design patterns and in what situations they can be used.
To handle the disk I/O you might like to consider using mmap under linux. It's very fast and efficient. That way, you will let the kernel do the work and you probably won't need a separate thread for that.
I'm currently playing with Boost::asio which seems to be quite good. It uses epoll on linux. As it appears you are using a cross platform gui toolkit like Qt, then boost asio will also provide cross platform support so you will be able to use it on windows or linux. I think there might be a cross platform mmap too.
