Can't install "Web Developer Tools" on Visual Studio 2012 RC - visual-studio-2012

In the Visual Studio 2012 RC, I can't install Web Developer Tools properly. None of my ASP .NET MVC project will load in VS2012, and I can't create new ones. The option for ASP .NET MVC projects is simply not there, as shown below.
Furthermore, I can't pick any other framework than the .NET Framework 4 and earlier. I can't seem to pick .NET 4.5, but that may be because it's just an addition to .NET 4.0. That I don't know.
I'm running Windows 8 Release Preview, which should have .NET 4.5 RC installed already, so that shouldn't be the problem. Furthermore, if I click "I want to download more .NET redistributables", I'm taken to a site which says that Visual Studio 2012 RC has that included already.
I can't seem to download MVC 4.5 and install it separately. This is because they claim that it's included already in VS2012 as well.
When I try to click "Modify installation" in my Visual Studio 2012 RC installer, I see the following.
What's interesting here is that "Web developer tools" is never checked. If I check it and click "Update" and reboot, it's unchecked again, and it seems as if this whole feature is missing. I suppose that's really the cause of the problem.
I tried reinstalling Visual Studio 2012 RC entirely by first removing it, then rebooting, and then re-installing it. Running a setup repair doesn't work either.
I have managed to find no other examples of such a problem so far anywhere.
Can you help me?
Edit 1
I just found another weird symptom. Whenever I want to make a "Windows Metro Style" application, it doesn't work either, coming up with this message.
Like I said before, this may indeed be because it's not detecting that I have .NET 4.5 installed already, but I'm not sure. All I know is that I can't pick .NET 4.5 from the frameworks list at all.

On the ISO, I extracted the packages/WPT folder. Inside are all of the installers for the Web tooling components. I uninstalled and then reinstalled everything that had vs11 in the name and it worked!


How to enable Web Development feature in Visual Studio 2015?

I am trying to install Microsoft Azure SDK. I downloaded this version (2.9) of the SDK from here. And I am getting the following error in the picture.
I have Visual Studio 2013 and 2015 installed on my PC. Could it be some sort of compatibility issue. I read on some forum that it won't work if I have different versions of the Azure SDK installed on Visual Studio 2013 and 2015.
But I don't have the SDK installed on any of them. And I can't seem to find any Web Development Feature in the IDE either. Does anyone know how to resolve this?
Given the situation, the issue is most probably that the relevant modules for Web Development weren't installed when Visual Studio was installed. Those modules are not selected to be installed by default.
The solution is to simply re-run the setup and select "Modify".
On the list of modules, go to "Windows and Web Development".
You should get Microsoft Web Developer Tools in the list. Just select that and install. That should do the trick.
#alchemist is right but I had deleted the VS2015 installer long ago (right after installing). So I went to the Control Panel > Programs And Features > Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community with Updates > (right-click) > Change
This will bring up the visual studio installer. Click on Modify > Check Microsoft Web Developer Tools > Update.
*walks towards the camera in slow motion on an exploding background

visual studio 2012 mvc3,4 template missing after Windows update to Microsoft .net framework 4.5

I recently installed a fresh copy of Windows 7 ultimate, because of one reason: The windows recent update to .Net framework 4.5 made my MVC 3 and 4 disappear off the New -> Website template list and only exists in New -> Project option in Visual studio 2012 Pro. I never had this before, it's only the recent "Security" updates and few others all related to .Net framework 4.5 made this magical thing to happen. I don't understand why? Before the Windows "Security" update of 4.5 I was able to see all the MVC templates (3,4) off the New -> Website Template, leaving only two Web option related to Razor 1 and Razor 2, and others few others completely unrelated to MVC.
Please don't direct me to these links,
and Visual Studio 2012 - no MVC project template, no 4.5
Because I have already tried those.
FYI: Re-installation, completely removed and re-installed a fresh copy, uninstalled all Visual studios 2008, 2010, 2012, and then re-installed one by one, and rebooted after every installation, Did not work.
Everything has to do with the Latest windows Update! Anyone else have this problem?

Visual Studio 2012 updates

How can I find What Update version I have in Visual Studio 2012? (update 1 or 2 or 3). HOw can I go back to update 1 so that I can build .dll which can be supported in windows XP? I am sorry It's not a programming question but highly appreciated for your answer. I'm stuck!
I have a following Error: Unable to load DLL 'xxx.dll': The specified procedure could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007F)
My Target OS is windows XP: 32 bit .NET 4.0.
Also Same dll works for windows 7 and other so I think there shouldn't be dependency problem.
Help -> About will tell you what update you are running.
As far as I can tell, targeting windows XP is supported from VS 2012 with any update. You just need to make sure the project targets a version of the .NET framework that is supported on Windows XP. (.NET 4 or earlier)
How can I find What Update version I have in Visual Studio 2012?
Open Visual Studio, Click Help, Click About. See Second line.
Mine says "Version 11.0.60315.01 Update 2"
How can I go back to update 1?
(assuming Windows 7)
Control panel > Programs and Features > view installed updates > uninstall the update you want under the Visual Studio 2012 category.
That being said, I have no idea if this solution is actually something you need to do or will fix your problem. It is simply about how to remove the updates. It sounds like you may just need to download the latest .NET framework for XP.

IPP and Visual Studio 2012

I've been trying to get the .NET Dev Kit and Azure SDK to work with Visual Studio 2012 and am not having much luck. What am I missing?
The Azure SDK installation instructions don't work on VS 2012. When I search for anything Intuit-related from the VS Extension Manager, nothing comes up.
I tried installing from the VS Gallery but then there's no Intuit Anywhere menu in VS as shown in the VS 2010 screen shot. (These instructions are highly suspect, since Intuit has moved away from the "Intuit Anywhere" name. But given that the developer site was overhauled recently I would expect the instructions to be up to date.)
Is there an easy way to get this to work with VS 2012, or am I wasting my time? Am I better off just building everything from scratch? (We have done that in another project, just not with Azure.)
The Plugin for Visual Studio has not been updated for Visual Studio 2012, the last supported version is 2010.
The code that the plugin generates is available as templates and sample code as well.
It includes the Oauth grant and handler pages, as well as the OpenId handlers.

Is Visual Studio 11 beta missing the "Add Deployable Assemblies" menu option?

In Visual Studio 2010 SP1, there is an option on the right-click menu on a web project to Add Deployable Assemblies. Phil Haack blogged about it here.
In Visual Studio 11 beta and Visual Studio 2012, this option appears to be missing. Thankfully, you can easily round trip solutions between VS 2010 and VS 11 so I could just open the solution in VS 2010 to add the MVC assemblies to the _bin_deployableAssemblies folder.
Is it just my installation thats broken or do I need to install anything else to get this working?
The Add Deployable Assemblies dialog was a feature that enabled you to deploy MVC or Web Pages projects. It was necessary because in older versions all the assemblies were installed into the GAC on your dev machine but you wouldn't necessarily know if that was the case on the server. Thus this tooling gesture that made your project bin-deployable.
Starting with MVC 3 Tools Update we are now using Nuget package references, which means that your project is automatically bin-deployable. Since the tooling gesture is no longer necessary it was removed from VS 11.
