I just want to run a query with parameters in command prompt using c#.net code ?
and is it possible to copy the file from one path to another path through command prompt in c# code
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How to Execute a Command in C#
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In my Cocoa Application, I am running a script by using c functions like setenv() and popen(). It executes the script perfectly. But the issue is, At runtime, popen() opens the Terminal app and after the script is executed, It closes the Terminal app automatically. I want to execute the script without opening the Terminal app.
I found a solution to use NSAppleScript. But This class is available only in Foundation, but not available in Core Foundation. I want the same feature to be written in C. How to achieve this.
Please advice.
Use NSTask to execute the script. This allows you to have it run in background while still being able to specify environment variables, monitor output, etc.
i can't figure out how to start a mule esb from command terminal in linux without keep calling the wrapper, which obliges me to mantain active the terminal.
I can actually use this simple command (from bin directory):
Anyways, if i need to pass a parameter, like this:
./mule -Denv=prod
it keeps starting in foreground mode.
How can I achieve a background start with parameters?
Just tried it: ./mule start works in background with params (if needed). You can then stop it running ./mule stop. HTH.
Mule will be handled by the script which is placed at MULE_HOME/bin/mule. This script supports start|stop|restart|status|dump|console.
For production mode Mule should be configured as deamon as well - systemctl or service.
I am currently in the process of implementing a backup scheme to run a Cygwin Expect Script. What I would like to do is have task scheduler open Cygwin and run an expect script called Backups.
The issue that I run into is what I believe to be either variable or path based. I have the correct user from Active directory (we'll call it AD/svc_backup) set, and I am currently trying to just see if I can get the task scheduler to open Cygwin.
So far it will only open the program if I have the run only when user is logged on radio button pressed. This will open cygwin, but not let me run any further commands and gives me an error.
For example ls gives me "bash: ls: command not found" When it asks what program I want to start, I simply point it to the shortcut on my desktop and it then fills in the path C:\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe . Task scheduler does not seem like the most intuitive tool IMO but if I can get it to work I will use it. I also know that cygwin can use cron as well. Would cron be a better option?
I figured it out. So what the system means by the button "run only when user is logged on" radio button pressed" means is I want the script to run and I want to see it run with the local usr account. (interactive with the user)
The "run whether the user is logged in or not" button turns whatever script or program you run into a background service that has no user interactivity( you cant see it). By using the full path under the actions tab in cygwin I was able to tell it which script to run. Script path and options are like so:
C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -l -c C:/cygwin/home/svc_p_cisco_bkp/
I have been researching the -l and -c arguments and from what I can gather the -l means list the output and the -c means run these commands. This was not listed anywhere but from what I read it is as educated of an answer as I can give. Also I tested and the script will not run correctly without these variables.
I don't see the script start when I check the "run whether the user is logged in or not" button, but I can see the backups going to my destination folder. I do see it when "run only when user is logged on" however. What I did was get the script running the way I wanted while I could see it and then choose the "run whether the user is logged in or not" radio button when I know it was working correctly.
All is up and running and after exhausting reading of pages and pages about Windows task scheduler, and I am fully automated.
I'am currently writing an application that has to search on a web site if an update exists for this application. If it is the case the application download a setup file (created with inosetup) and then execute it.
My application is written in C++. And I do not arrive to do this process. I'am trying to call the setup using system(). If the command is system("mysetup") I cannot obtain what I want because the setup cannot replace the exe (currently running). So, I have tried to use system("cmd /C mysetup"), system("cmd/C start /min mysetup"), system ("cmd /C start /min /separate mysetup") without success. In these cases, the fact to stop the application also stop the setup. So I suppose that the setup is considered as a child process.
I have seen in some posts that it might be possible to use execcl(). But this function is in unistd.h. And this library is a little bit to specific for my needs (I need to be able to run on virtualized windows).
So do you have a way to do what I want?
Thanks for your help
A colleague to me gave me the solution. As we are using QT a QProcess::startDetached does exactly what I want.
I have a QT application. When I use my created application launcher to start it, it doesn't work.
However, if I go to terminal and run the application from there, it works.
I'm wondering what their differences are.
Maybe your application launcher doesn't contain the right command and environment?
How is your launcher trying to start the program? Are any errors being reported?
It could be that the current directory is not set as expected. Or the command line parameters being sent aren't formatted correctly. Hard to say without seeing some code or an error message.