How to get all count of mongoose model? - node.js

How can I know the count of a model that data has been saved? there is a method of Model.count(), but it doesn't seem to work.
var db = mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/myApp');
var userSchema = new Schema({name:String,password:String});
userModel =db.model('UserList',userSchema);
var userCount = userModel.count('name');
userCount is an Object, which method called can get a real count?

The reason your code doesn't work is because the count function is asynchronous, it doesn't synchronously return a value.
Here's an example of usage:
userModel.count({}, function( err, count){
console.log( "Number of users:", count );

The code below works. Note the use of countDocuments.
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var db = mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/myApp');
var userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({name:String,password:String});
var userModel =db.model('userlists',userSchema);
var anand = new userModel({ name: 'anand', password: 'abcd'}); (err, docs) {
if (err) {
} else {
userModel.countDocuments({name: 'anand'}, function(err, c) {
console.log('Count is ' + c);

You should give an object as argument
userModel.countDocuments({name: "sam"});
userModel.countDocuments({name: "sam"}).exec(); //if you are using promise
userModel.countDocuments({}); // if you want to get all counts irrespective of the fields
For the older versions of mongoose, use
userModel.count({name: "sam"});

The collection.count is deprecated, and will be removed in a future version. Use collection.countDocuments or collection.estimatedDocumentCount instead.
userModel.countDocuments(query).exec((err, count) => {
if (err) {
res.json({ count: count });

Background for the solution
As stated in the mongoose documentation and in the answer by Benjamin, the method Model.count() is deprecated. Instead of using count(), the alternatives are the following:
Model.countDocuments(filterObject, callback)
Counts how many documents match the filter in a collection. Passing an empty object {} as filter executes a full collection scan. If the collection is large, the following method might be used.
This model method estimates the number of documents in the MongoDB collection. This method is faster than the previous countDocuments(), because it uses collection metadata instead of going through the entire collection. However, as the method name suggests, and depending on db configuration, the result is an estimate as the metadata might not reflect the actual count of documents in a collection at the method execution moment.
Both methods return a mongoose query object, which can be executed in one of the following two ways. Use .exec() if you want to execute a query at a later time.
The solution
Option 1: Pass a callback function
For example, count all documents in a collection using .countDocuments():
someModel.countDocuments({}, function(err, docCount) {
if (err) { return handleError(err) } //handle possible errors
//and do some other fancy stuff
Or, count all documents in a collection having a certain name using .countDocuments():
someModel.countDocuments({ name: 'Snow' }, function(err, docCount) {
//see other example
Option 2: Use .then()
A mongoose query has .then() so it’s “thenable”. This is for a convenience and query itself is not a promise.
For example, count all documents in a collection using .estimatedDocumentCount():
.then(docCount => {
//and do one super neat trick
.catch(err => {
//handle possible errors
Option 3: Use async/await
When using async/await approach, the recommended way is to use it with .exec() as it provides better stack traces.
const docCount = await someModel.countDocuments({}).exec();
Learning by stackoverflowing,

Using mongoose.js you can count documents,
count all
const count = await Schema.countDocuments();
count specific
const count = await Schema.countDocuments({ key: value });

The highest voted answers here are perfectly fine I just want to add up the use of await so that the functionality asked for can be achieved:
const documentCount = await userModel.count({});
console.log( "Number of users:", documentCount );
It's recommended to use countDocuments() over 'count()' as it will be deprecated going on. So, for now, the perfect code would be:
const documentCount = await userModel.countDocuments({});
console.log( "Number of users:", documentCount );

Model.count() method is deprecated in mongoose version 6.2.0. If you want to count the number of documents in a collection, e.g. count({}), use the estimatedDocumentCount() function instead. Otherwise, use the countDocuments() function instead.
Model.estimatedDocumentCount() Estimates the number of documents in the MongoDB collection. It is Faster than using countDocuments() for large collections because estimatedDocumentCount() uses collection metadata rather than scanning the entire collection.
const numAdventures = await Adventure.estimatedDocumentCount();
reference :

As said before, your code will not work the way it is. A solution to that would be using a callback function, but if you think it would carry you to a 'Callback hell', you can search for "Promisses".
A possible solution using a callback function:
var numberofDocs;
userModel.count({}, setNumberofDocuments); //this search all DOcuments in a Collection
if you want to search the number of documents based on a query, you can do this:
userModel.count({yourQueryGoesHere}, setNumberofDocuments);
setNumberofDocuments is a separeted function :
var setNumberofDocuments = function(err, count){
if(err) return handleError(err);
numberofDocs = count;
Now you can get the number of Documents anywhere with a getFunction:
function getNumberofDocs(){
return numberofDocs;
var number = getNumberofDocs();
In addition , you use this asynchronous function inside a synchronous one by using a callback, example:
function calculateNumberOfDoc(someParameter, setNumberofDocuments){
userModel.count({}, setNumberofDocuments); //this search all DOcuments in a Collection


an undefined variable in node.js with the mongoose query

let customer_count;
let cust_string;
Customer.count({}, function(err, count){ customer_count = count+1; cust_string = 'cust' + customer_count });
// Create a customer object with escaped and trimmed data.
var customer = new Customer(
{ customerId: cust_string})
I would like to make a self-defined customer id for my model's index. I want that id looks like 'cust0001' something and the next one will be 'cust0002'. So, I used the count() from mongoose to join the string but unforunately, when I am creating the customer object, the 'cust_string' is said to be undefined. Could you please help me fix it?
Callback doesn't return anything. You have to create customer inside the same function you're calculating cust_string. Other option is to use promises/async/await etc.
Your code will work this way:
let customer_count;
let cust_string;
Customer.count({}, function (err, count) {
// calculate id
customer_count = count + 1;
cust_string = 'cust' + customer_count;
// Create a customer object
var customer = new Customer({ customerId: cust_string });
But this is not a good way to implement auto-increment in mongodb. It will be very expensive operation.
I recommend you to use mongoose-auto-increment. It saves sequences in database and prevents duplicate keys.

How to do a query with every result of a query?

I'm trying to build an application, using MongoDB and Node.JS. I have 3 models: User, Ride, Participating.
Participating contains a userID and a rideID. It is almost as with a SQL logic: Participating links the two others models.
I'd like to, using a userID, return every Ride thanks to Participating Model
I tried to use a forEach, as the first request returns an array.
let userID = req.params.userID
let return = []
Participating.find({_idUser: userID })
.then(participating => {
participating.forEach(element => {
Ride.find({_id: element._id})
.then(ride => {
At the end of this code, the array return is empty, while it is supposed to contain every Ride whose _id is in an entity Participating.
OK, there are a couple of issues here:
return is a keyword. You probably shouldn't be using it as a variable name.
Database calls are asynchronous. forEach loops are synchronous. This means that you're immediately going to be returning retour (which looks undefined).
Mongoose has tools to populate nested relationships -- it's best not to do it in application code. Even if you are doing this in application code, it's likely best not to iterate over your results & do new finds -- instead, it's better to construct a single find query that returns all of the new documents you need.
If you did want to do this in application code, you'd want to either use async/await or Promise.all:
const toReturn = [];
const findPromises = => {
return Ride.find({_id: element._id})
.then(result => toReturn.push(result)
return Promise.all(findPromises).then(() => res.status(200).json(toReturn));
(note: rather than using Promise.all, if you're using Bluebird you could instead use

Mongoose display comments and stars(likes) for each post [duplicate]

In Mongoose, I can use a query populate to populate additional fields after a query. I can also populate multiple paths, such as
.populate('books movie', 'title pages director')
However, this would generate a lookup on book gathering the fields for title, pages and director - and also a lookup on movie gathering the fields for title, pages and director as well. What I want is to get title and pages from books only, and director from movie. I could do something like this:
.populate('books', 'title pages')
.populate('movie', 'director')
which gives me the expected result and queries.
But is there any way to have the behavior of the second snippet using a similar "single line" syntax like the first snippet? The reason for that, is that I want to programmatically determine the arguments for the populate function and feed it in. I cannot do that for multiple populate calls.
After looking into the sourcecode of mongoose, I solved this with:
var populateQuery = [{path:'books', select:'title pages'}, {path:'movie', select:'director'}];
you can also do something like below:
You achieve that by simply passing object or array of objects to populate() method.
const query = [
select:'title pages'
const result = await Person.find().populate(query).lean();
Consider that lean() method is optional, it just returns raw json rather than mongoose object and makes code execution a little bit faster! Don't forget to make your function (callback) async!
This is how it's done based on the Mongoose JS documentation
Let's say you have a BookCollection schema which contains users and books
In order to perform a query and get all the BookCollections with its related users and books you would do this
.exec(function (err, bookcollection) {
if (err) return console.error(err);
try {
res.render('viewbookcollection', { content: bookcollection});
} catch (e) {
console.log("errror getting bookcollection"+e);
//Your Schema must include path
let createdData =Person.create(dataYouWant)
await createdData.populate([{path:'books', select:'title pages'},{path:'movie', select:'director'}])

Nodejs & Mongo pagination random order

I am running an iOS app where I display a list of users that are currently online.
I have an API endpoint where I return 10 (or N) users randomly, so that you can keep scrolling and always see new users. Therefore I want to make sure I dont return a user that I already returned before.
I cannot use a cursor or a normal pagination as the users have to be returned randomly.
I tried 2 things, but I am sure there is a better way:
At first what I did was sending in the parameters of the request the IDs of the user that were already seen.
But if the user keeps scrolling and has gone through 200 profiles then the list is long and it doesnt look clean.
Then, in the database, I tried adding a field to each users "online_profiles_already_sent" where i would store an array of the IDs that were already sent to the user (I am using MongoDB)
I can't figure out how to do it in a better/cleaner way
I found a way to do it with MySQL, using RAND(seed)
but I can't figure out if there is a way to do the same thing with Mongo
PHP MySQL pagination with random ordering
Thank you :)
I think the only way that you will be able to guarentee that users see unique users every time is to store the list of users that have already been seen. Even in the RAND example that you linked to, there is a possibility of intersection with a previous user list because RAND won't necessarily exclude previously returned users.
Random Sampling
If you do want to go with random sampling, consider Random record from MongoDB which suggests using an an Aggregation and the $sample operator. The implementation would look something like this:
const {
} = require("mongodb");
DB_NAME = "weather",
COLLECTION_NAME = "readings",
MONGO_DOMAIN = "localhost",
MONGO_PORT = "32768",
(async function () {
const client = await MongoClient.connect(MONGO_URL),
db = await client.db(DB_NAME),
collection = await db.collection(COLLECTION_NAME);
const randomDocs = await collection
$sample: {
size: 5
.map(doc => {
return {
id: doc._id,
temperature: doc.main.temp
randomDocs.forEach(doc => console.log(`ID: ${} | Temperature: ${doc.temperature}`));
Cache of Previous Users
If you go with maintaining a list of previously viewed users, you could write an implementation using the $nin filter and store the _id of previously viewed users.
Here is an example using a weather database that I have returning entries 5 at a time until all have been printed:
const {
} = require("mongodb");
DB_NAME = "weather",
COLLECTION_NAME = "readings",
MONGO_DOMAIN = "localhost",
MONGO_PORT = "32768",
(async function () {
const client = await MongoClient.connect(MONGO_URL),
db = await client.db(DB_NAME),
collection = await db.collection(COLLECTION_NAME);
let previousEntries = [], // Track ids of things we have seen
empty = false;
while (!empty) {
const findFilter = {};
if (previousEntries.length) {
findFilter._id = {
$nin: previousEntries
// Get items 5 at a time
const docs = await collection
.find(findFilter, {
limit: 5,
projection: {
main: 1
.map(doc => {
return {
id: doc._id,
temperature: doc.main.temp
// Keep track of already seen items
previousEntries = previousEntries.concat( =>;
// Are we still getting items?
empty = !docs.length;
// Print out the docs
docs.forEach(doc => console.log(`ID: ${} | Temperature: ${doc.temperature}`));
I have encountered the same issue and can suggest an alternate solution.
TL;DR: Grab all Object ID of the collections on first landing, randomized using NodeJS and used it later on.
Disadvantage: slow first landing if have million of records
Advantage: subsequent execution is probably quicker than the other solution
Let's get to the detail explain :)
For better explain, I will make the following assumption
Assume programming language used NodeJS
Solution works for other programming language as well
Assume you have 4 total objects in yor collections
Assume pagination limit is 2
On first execution:
Grab all Object Ids
Note: I do have considered performance, this execution takes spit seconds for 10,000 size collections. If you are solving a million record issue then maybe used some form of partition logic first / used the other solution listed
db.getCollection('my_collection').find({}, {_id:1}).map(function(item){ return item._id; });
db.getCollection('my_collection').find({}, {_id:1}).map(function(item){ return item._id.valueOf(); });
Randomized the array retrive using NodeJS
Stored this randomized array:
If this is a Server side script that randomized pagination for each user, consider storing in Cookie / Session
I suggest Cookie (with timeout expired linked to browser close) for scaling purpose
On each retrieval:
Retrieve the stored array
Grab the pagination item, (e.g. first 2 items)
Find the objects for those item using find $in
.find({"_id" : {"$in" : [ObjectId("ThirdObjectID"), ObjectId("SecondObjectID")]}});
Using NodeJS, sort the retrieved object based on the retrived pagination item
There you go! A randomized MongoDB query for pagination :)

Is collection.findOne({query}) not supposed to return the document itself?

I see a lot of tutorials/guides using collection.findOne({query}).field to get a value of a field in the document that is returned, but for me that doesn't seem to work and I wonder why. I did figure out another way to do it though. See below:
var rank = function(id) {
// My way of doing it
collection.findOne({ _id: id }, function(err, doc) {
console.log(doc.score); // Prints the actual score
// How some tutorials do it
var score = collection.findOne({ _id: id }).score;
console.log(score); // Gives a TypeError (Cannot read property 'score' of undefined)
// How some tutorials do it
Those tutorials are likely using mongodb's shell, not node.js api. The shell's api looks similar (all the same words, findOne, etc.), but it doesn't use callbacks. Shell's findOne does return the document inline.
