an undefined variable in node.js with the mongoose query - node.js

let customer_count;
let cust_string;
Customer.count({}, function(err, count){ customer_count = count+1; cust_string = 'cust' + customer_count });
// Create a customer object with escaped and trimmed data.
var customer = new Customer(
{ customerId: cust_string})
I would like to make a self-defined customer id for my model's index. I want that id looks like 'cust0001' something and the next one will be 'cust0002'. So, I used the count() from mongoose to join the string but unforunately, when I am creating the customer object, the 'cust_string' is said to be undefined. Could you please help me fix it?

Callback doesn't return anything. You have to create customer inside the same function you're calculating cust_string. Other option is to use promises/async/await etc.
Your code will work this way:
let customer_count;
let cust_string;
Customer.count({}, function (err, count) {
// calculate id
customer_count = count + 1;
cust_string = 'cust' + customer_count;
// Create a customer object
var customer = new Customer({ customerId: cust_string });
But this is not a good way to implement auto-increment in mongodb. It will be very expensive operation.
I recommend you to use mongoose-auto-increment. It saves sequences in database and prevents duplicate keys.


Meteor: copy document to another collection and delete from original collection after 'expirationDate'

I am looking for an efficient way to publish blog posts if the expirationDate (which is a field in the blog document) has not passed the the current date.
The following is a simple working solution but please read below what I am aiming to do.
Meteor.publish('nonExpiredBlogs', function() {
var blogIds = []
var currentDate = new Date()
Blogs.find().forEach(function(doc) {
var expirationDate = doc.expirationDate
var hasExpDatePassed = (expirationDate - currenDate) < 0
if (hasExpDatePassed === false) { // expiration date is Not passed, get the doc _id
return Blog.find({_id: {$in: {_id: blogIds}}});
I am wondering if there is an alternative where I dont need a 'forEach' function that may be quicker to compute.
For example, can I implement npm node-cron-jobs to check if the expirationDate has not passed servers current date, if so, simply copy the document to an 'Archive' collection and remove it from the Blogs collection.
I could use MongoDb's time to live for the delete operation, however, I dont know if or how the document can be copied to another collection first - This would be the ideal solution.
Just create query criteria which uses the $gt operator to compare documents that have the expirationDate field greater than the current date i.e. those documents that haven't yet expired:
Meteor.publish('nonExpiredBlogs', function() {
var currentDate = new Date();
return Blog.find({"expirationDate": {"$gt": currentDate}});

find id of latest subdocument inserted in mongoose

i have a model schema as :
var A = new Schema ({
a: String,
b : [ { ba: Integer, bb: String } ]
}, { collection: 'a' } );
var M = mongoose.model("a", A);
var saveid = null;
var m = new M({a:"Hello"});,model){
saveid =;
}); // say m get the id as "1"
console.log(; //this will print 1, that is the id of the main Document only.
//here i want to find the id of the subdocument i have just created by push
So my question is how to find the id of the subdocument just pushed in one field of the model.
I've been looking for this answer as well, and I'm not sure that I like accessing the last document of the array. I do have an alternative solution, however. The method m['b'].push will return an integer, 1 or 0 - I'm assuming that is based off the success of the push (in terms of validation). However, in order to get access to the subdocument, and particularly the _id of the subdocument - you should use the create method first, then push.
The code is as follows:
var subdoc = m['b'].create({ ba: 234, bb: "World" });
console.log(subdoc._id);, model) { console.log(arguments); });
What is happening is that when you pass in the object to either the push or the create method, the Schema cast occurs immediately (including things like validation and type casting) - this means that this is the time that the ObjectId is created; not when the model is saved back to Mongo. In fact, mongo does not automatically assign _id values to subdocuments this is a mongoose feature. Mongoose create is documented here: create docs
You should also note therefore, that even though you have a subdocument _id - it is not yet in Mongo until you save it, so be weary of any DOCRef action that you might take.
The question is "a bit" old, but what I do in this kind of situation is generate the subdocument's id before inserting it.
var subDocument = {
_id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),
// I already know the id!
This way, even if there are other database operations between the save and the callback, it won't affect the id already created.
Mongoose will automatically create an _id for each new sub document, but - as far as I know - doesn't return this when you save it.
So you need to get it manually. The save method will return the saved document, including the subdocs. As you're using push you know it will be the last item in the array, so you can access it from there.
Something like this should do the trick.
// model.b is the array of sub documents
If you have a separate schema for your subdocument, then you can create the new subdocument from a model before you push it on to your parent document and it will have an ID:
var bSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
ba: Integer,
bb: String
var a = new mongoose.Schema({
a: String,
b : [ bSchema ]
var bModel = mongoose.model('b', bSchema);
var subdoc = new bModel({
ba: 5,
bb: "hello"
console.log(subdoc._id); // Voila!
Later you can add it to your parent document:

Comparing mongoose _id and strings

I have a node.js application that pulls some data and sticks it into an object, like this:
var results = new Object();
User.findOne(query, function(err, u) {
results.userId = u._id;
When I do an if/then based on that stored ID, the comparison is never true:
if (results.userId == AnotherMongoDocument._id) {
console.log('This is never true');
When I do a console.log of the two id's, they match exactly:
User id: 4fc67871349bb7bf6a000002 AnotherMongoDocument id: 4fc67871349bb7bf6a000002
I am assuming this is some kind of datatype problem, but I'm not sure how to convert results.userId to a datatype that will result in the above comparison being true and my outsourced brain (aka Google) has been unable to help.
Mongoose uses the mongodb-native driver, which uses the custom ObjectID type. You can compare ObjectIDs with the .equals() method. With your example, results.userId.equals(AnotherMongoDocument._id). The ObjectID type also has a toString() method, if you wish to store a stringified version of the ObjectID in JSON format, or a cookie.
If you use ObjectID = require("mongodb").ObjectID (requires the mongodb-native library) you can check if results.userId is a valid identifier with results.userId instanceof ObjectID.
ObjectIDs are objects so if you just compare them with == you're comparing their references. If you want to compare their values you need to use the ObjectID.equals method:
if (results.userId.equals(AnotherMongoDocument._id)) {
converting object id to string(using toString() method) will do the job.
The three possible solutions suggested here have different use cases.
Use .equals when comparing ObjectId on two mongoDocuments like this
Use .toString() when comparing a string representation of ObjectId to an ObjectId of a mongoDocument. like this
results.userId === AnotherMongoDocument._id.toString()
According to the above,i found three ways to solve the problem.
The accepted answers really limit what you can do with your code. For example, you would not be able to search an array of Object Ids by using the equals method. Instead, it would make more sense to always cast to string and compare the keys.
Here's an example answer in case if you need to use indexOf() to check within an array of references for a specific id. assume query is a query you are executing, assume someModel is a mongo model for the id you are looking for, and finally assume results.idList is the field you are looking for your object id in.
var array ={ return v.toString(); });
var exists = array.indexOf(someModel._id.toString()) >= 0;
I faced exactly the same problem and i simply resolved the issue with the help of JSON.stringify() as follow:-
if (JSON.stringify(results.userId) === JSON.stringify(AnotherMongoDocument._id)) {
console.log('This is never true');
Mongoose from 5 to 6 migration guide:
"Mongoose now adds a valueOf() function to ObjectIds. This means you can now use == to compare an ObjectId against a string."
Here is an example that explains the issue and why it confusing for many. Only the first console log shows the object in its true form, and any other debuging/loging will be confusing because they look the same.
// Constructor for an object that has 'val' and some other stuffs
// related to to librery...
function ID(_val) {
this.val = _val;
this.otherStuff = "other stuffs goes here";
// function to help user get usefull infos from the Object
ID.prototype.toString = function toString() {
return `${this.val}`;
// Create new Object of type ID
const id = new ID('1234567');
console.log("my ID: ", id); // my ID: Object {
// val: "1234567",
// otherStuff: "other stuffs goes here"
// }
console.log("my ID: " + id); // my ID: 1234567
console.log(id === '1234567'); // false
console.log(id == '1234567'); // true
console.log(id.toString() === '1234567'); //true
console.log(`${id}` === '1234567'); // true
console.log(new ID('1234567') === id); // false

How to get all count of mongoose model?

How can I know the count of a model that data has been saved? there is a method of Model.count(), but it doesn't seem to work.
var db = mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/myApp');
var userSchema = new Schema({name:String,password:String});
userModel =db.model('UserList',userSchema);
var userCount = userModel.count('name');
userCount is an Object, which method called can get a real count?
The reason your code doesn't work is because the count function is asynchronous, it doesn't synchronously return a value.
Here's an example of usage:
userModel.count({}, function( err, count){
console.log( "Number of users:", count );
The code below works. Note the use of countDocuments.
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var db = mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/myApp');
var userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({name:String,password:String});
var userModel =db.model('userlists',userSchema);
var anand = new userModel({ name: 'anand', password: 'abcd'}); (err, docs) {
if (err) {
} else {
userModel.countDocuments({name: 'anand'}, function(err, c) {
console.log('Count is ' + c);
You should give an object as argument
userModel.countDocuments({name: "sam"});
userModel.countDocuments({name: "sam"}).exec(); //if you are using promise
userModel.countDocuments({}); // if you want to get all counts irrespective of the fields
For the older versions of mongoose, use
userModel.count({name: "sam"});
The collection.count is deprecated, and will be removed in a future version. Use collection.countDocuments or collection.estimatedDocumentCount instead.
userModel.countDocuments(query).exec((err, count) => {
if (err) {
res.json({ count: count });
Background for the solution
As stated in the mongoose documentation and in the answer by Benjamin, the method Model.count() is deprecated. Instead of using count(), the alternatives are the following:
Model.countDocuments(filterObject, callback)
Counts how many documents match the filter in a collection. Passing an empty object {} as filter executes a full collection scan. If the collection is large, the following method might be used.
This model method estimates the number of documents in the MongoDB collection. This method is faster than the previous countDocuments(), because it uses collection metadata instead of going through the entire collection. However, as the method name suggests, and depending on db configuration, the result is an estimate as the metadata might not reflect the actual count of documents in a collection at the method execution moment.
Both methods return a mongoose query object, which can be executed in one of the following two ways. Use .exec() if you want to execute a query at a later time.
The solution
Option 1: Pass a callback function
For example, count all documents in a collection using .countDocuments():
someModel.countDocuments({}, function(err, docCount) {
if (err) { return handleError(err) } //handle possible errors
//and do some other fancy stuff
Or, count all documents in a collection having a certain name using .countDocuments():
someModel.countDocuments({ name: 'Snow' }, function(err, docCount) {
//see other example
Option 2: Use .then()
A mongoose query has .then() so it’s “thenable”. This is for a convenience and query itself is not a promise.
For example, count all documents in a collection using .estimatedDocumentCount():
.then(docCount => {
//and do one super neat trick
.catch(err => {
//handle possible errors
Option 3: Use async/await
When using async/await approach, the recommended way is to use it with .exec() as it provides better stack traces.
const docCount = await someModel.countDocuments({}).exec();
Learning by stackoverflowing,
Using mongoose.js you can count documents,
count all
const count = await Schema.countDocuments();
count specific
const count = await Schema.countDocuments({ key: value });
The highest voted answers here are perfectly fine I just want to add up the use of await so that the functionality asked for can be achieved:
const documentCount = await userModel.count({});
console.log( "Number of users:", documentCount );
It's recommended to use countDocuments() over 'count()' as it will be deprecated going on. So, for now, the perfect code would be:
const documentCount = await userModel.countDocuments({});
console.log( "Number of users:", documentCount );
Model.count() method is deprecated in mongoose version 6.2.0. If you want to count the number of documents in a collection, e.g. count({}), use the estimatedDocumentCount() function instead. Otherwise, use the countDocuments() function instead.
Model.estimatedDocumentCount() Estimates the number of documents in the MongoDB collection. It is Faster than using countDocuments() for large collections because estimatedDocumentCount() uses collection metadata rather than scanning the entire collection.
const numAdventures = await Adventure.estimatedDocumentCount();
reference :
As said before, your code will not work the way it is. A solution to that would be using a callback function, but if you think it would carry you to a 'Callback hell', you can search for "Promisses".
A possible solution using a callback function:
var numberofDocs;
userModel.count({}, setNumberofDocuments); //this search all DOcuments in a Collection
if you want to search the number of documents based on a query, you can do this:
userModel.count({yourQueryGoesHere}, setNumberofDocuments);
setNumberofDocuments is a separeted function :
var setNumberofDocuments = function(err, count){
if(err) return handleError(err);
numberofDocs = count;
Now you can get the number of Documents anywhere with a getFunction:
function getNumberofDocs(){
return numberofDocs;
var number = getNumberofDocs();
In addition , you use this asynchronous function inside a synchronous one by using a callback, example:
function calculateNumberOfDoc(someParameter, setNumberofDocuments){
userModel.count({}, setNumberofDocuments); //this search all DOcuments in a Collection

nodejs: save function in for loop, async troubles

NodeJS + Express, MongoDB + Mongoose
I have a JSON feed where each record has a set of "venue" attributes (things like "venue name" "venue location" "venue phone" etc). I want to create a collection of all venues in the feed -- one instance of each venue, no dupes.
I loop through the JSON and test whether the venue exists in my venue collection. If it doesn't, save it., index, array){
Venue.findOne({'name': element.vname}, function(err,doc){
if(doc == null){
var instance = new Venue(); = element.vname;
instance.location = element.location; = element.vphone;;
Desired: A list of all venues (no dupes).
Result: Plenty of dupes in the venue collection.
Basically, the loop created a new Venue record for every record in the JSON feed.
I'm learning Node and its async qualities, so I believe the for loop finishes before even the first save() function finishes -- so the if statement is always checking against an empty collection. Console.logging backs this claim up.
I'm not sure how to rework this so that it performs the desired task. I've tried caolan's async module but I can't get it to help. There's a good chance I'm using incorrectly.
Thanks so much for pointing me in the right direction -- I've searched to no avail. If the async module is the right answer, I'd love your help with how to implement it in this specific case.
Thanks again!
Why not go the other way with it? You didn't say what your persistence layer is, but it looks like mongoose or possibly FastLegS. In either case, you can create a Unique Index on your Name field. Then, you can just try to save anything, and handle the error if it's a unique index violation.
Whatever you do, you must do as #Paul suggests and make a unique index in the database. That's the only way to ensure uniqueness.
But the main problem with your code is that in the call, you need a callback that triggers the next iteration, otherwise the database will not have had time to save the new record. It's a race condition. You can solve that problem with caolan's forEachSeries function.
Alternatively, you could get an array of records already in the Venue collection that match an item in your JSON object, then filter the matches out of the object, then iteratively add each item left in the filtered JSON object. This will minimize the number of database operations by not trying to create duplicates in the first place.
Venue.find({'name': { $in:{ return event.vname; }) }}, function (err, docs){
var existingVnames ={ return; });
var filteredEvents ={
return existingVnames.indexOf(event.vname) === -1;
var venue = new Venue(); = event.vname;
venue.location = event.location; = event.vphone; (err){
// Optionally, do some logging here, perhaps.
if (err) return console.error('Something went wrong!');
else return console.log('Successfully created new venue %s',;
