Hiding a mounted device in nautilus - linux

I am running Ubuntu Precise.
In my /etc/init.d I have a bash script that, does the following on startup:
loop mounts an image on an NTFS drive. That image contains an ext2 file system with a directory named home
It then does a mount with a --rbind option that mounts the home within the image file onto /home.
Works well so far, although having open files in /home doesn't prevent the loop mount from being unmounted.
Unfortunately, Nautilus displays the loop mount in the list of removable drives with an icon that allows a user to unmount the loop mount. Unmounting the drive on which /home is mounted is not conducive to a well running system.
How can I keep Nautilus from displaying this loop mounted device?
man udisk(7) says that one of the 'Influential device properties in the udev database' is:
If set to 1 this is a hint to presentation level software that the device should not be shown to the user.
I assume that setting this property on the /dev/loop would tell Nautilus not to show the device.
How would I set the UDISKS_PRESENTATION_HIDE in a bash script?

The answer should now be updated (at least for Ubuntu 12.10).
You don't have to write this anymore (as was originally written in the other answer):
Instead, you should write this:
The rest is the same :)

You have to write the following on /etc/udev/rules.d/99-hide-disks.rules:
Where sdxy is the partition inside /dev. You can easily find the partition by running mount (but I think you already know it).

Another approach is to mount the device somewhere other than under /media. I chose under /run, which allows /mnt to be used for temporary mounts.

According to the udisk page on archlinux wiki and to sum up the others answers:
Add a file named /etc/udev/rules.d/99-hide-disks.rules
For udisk:
# hide the device sda1
For udisk2:
# hide the device sda1
# hide the device sda2 using UUID
# use: blkid /dev/sda2 to get the UUID of /dev/sda2


Auto mounting USB on a yocto linux embedded project with udev

I have a linux embedded system based on yocto up and running and need to get it to automount USB devices. The system uses udev and the following is the /etc/udev/rules.d/99-auto-mount.rules.
KERNEL!="sd[a-z][0-9]", GOTO="media_by_label_auto_mount_end"
# Import FS infos
IMPORT{program}="/sbin/blkid -o udev -p %N"
ENV{ID_PATH}!="*-usb-*", GOTO="media_by_label_auto_mount_end"
# Get a label if present, otherwise specify one
# Global mount options
ACTION=="add", ENV{mount_options}="relatime"
# Filesystem-specific mount options
ACTION=="add", ENV{ID_FS_TYPE}=="vfat|ntfs", ENV{mount_options}="$env{mount_options},utf8,gid=100,umask=002", ENV{DISPLAY}=":0", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/announce /media/%E{dir_name} 1"
# Mount the device
ACTION=="add", RUN+="/bin/mkdir -p /media/%E{dir_name}", RUN+="/bin/mount -o $env{mount_options} /dev/%k /media/%E{dir_name}"
# Clean up after removal
ACTION=="remove", ENV{dir_name}!="", RUN+="/bin/umount -l /media/%E{dir_name}", RUN+="/bin/rmdir /media/%E{dir_name}", ENV{DISPLAY}=":0", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/announce /media/%E{dir_name} 0"
# Exit
It works, after a fashion, but is unable to do all I want it to do. When an USB memory stick is inserted (/dev/sda1 for the partition) it does create the folder /media/USBsda1 during add and delete the folder /media/USBsda1 during remove when the USB memory stick is yanked.
But it never mounts the USB memory stick.
I boiled the rules file down to the following bare bones file just to try and get it to mount the USB memory stick.
A USB memory stick is inserted and it's partition is then located at /dev/sda1 in the system.
KERNEL!="sd[a-z][0-9]", GOTO="media_by_label_auto_mount_end"
# Mount the device
ACTION=="add", RUN+="/bin/mkdir -p /media/USBsda1", RUN+="/bin/mount /dev/sda1 /media/USBsda1"
# Exit
The folder gets created, but the stick is not mounted.
However, right after inserting the stick and the folder is created I can mount it manually in the console with the exact command from the rules
$> /bin/mount /dev/sda1 /media/USBsda1
and it mounts just fine?
Does anyone have any idea as to what could possibly be the problem (or more likely what is missing) or any suggestion of lines of investigations to conduct?
Yocto version = 2.1.3
udevadm version = 229
After much tinkering and reading information on the web I found a solution that worked on my system.
I had to insert a systemd service after the udev rule and then a bash script called from the service that did the heavy lifting.
So a thanks goes out to Mike Blackwell for his excellent answer to a similar question over on stackexchange. https://serverfault.com/a/767079
I used his suggestion with a few tweeks for my own system and it worked perfectly.

Buildroot - built a file system, how to login? boot hangs

Can someone help me to understand how I need to configure buildroot, so that I will be able to successfully boot my own file system and login to it ?
I have a (seemingly) working kernel, and now I created my own file system (didn't change any settings in build root really, except set console to ttyAMA0), but the boot process just seems to hang without any problems to this:
[ 3.130000] VFS: Mounted root (ext3 filesystem) on device 179:2.
[ 3.140000] Freeing init memory: 144K
Starting logging: OK
Starting network...
ip: RTNETLINK answers: Operation not permitted
ip: SIOCSIFFLAGS: Permission denied
Whole boot log is visible here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1364407/
I understand that /etc/inittab controls the boot process, the contents looks like this:
# Startup the system
null::sysinit:/bin/mount -t proc proc /proc
null::sysinit:/bin/mount -o remount,rw / # REMOUNT_ROOTFS_RW
null::sysinit:/bin/mkdir -p /dev/pts
null::sysinit:/bin/mkdir -p /dev/shm
null::sysinit:/bin/mount -a
null::sysinit:/bin/hostname -F /etc/hostname
# now run any rc scripts
# Put a getty on the sttyAMA0::respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyAMA0 115200 vt100 # GENERIC_SERIAL
# Stuff to do for the 3-finger salute
# Stuff to do before rebooting
null::shutdown:/bin/umount -a -r
null::shutdown:/sbin/swapoff -a
Any advice on what is wrong in my configuration ?
Any tips on where I could get a good overview of "the usual necessary configurations" needed when creating my own linux system ?
This problem was raised by the submitter on the Buildroot mailing list. The solution was that the submitter was using Buildroot the contents of output/target directory directly as its root filesystem, even though the Buildroot documentation explicitly tells not to do so. This is because Buildroot does not run as root, and therefore cannot create device files or adjust permissions/ownerships properly in output/target. These steps are done when creating the root filesystem images, thanks to a magic tool called fakeroot.
Therefore, if someone wants the root filesystem to extract on a SD card partition or something like that, one should ask Buildroot to generate a tar image, and then extract it as root in the SD card partition.
Since this problem was quite common, we have now added a file in output/target called THIS_IS_NOT_YOUR_ROOT_FILESYTEM which contains details about this issue. See http://git.buildroot.net/buildroot/commit/?id=9226a9907c4eb0fffab777f50e88b74aa14d1737.

does task scheduler executes scripts before system boot in redhat

i'm trying to mount ntfs partition in redhat at startup i wrote shell script at put it in task scheduler to start at bootup, but unfortunately redhat is mounted on my one ntfs partion.....so it gives fs not found error at startup........
can anyone tell me how can i delete script using grub command line or any live linux.
Why don't you make these dirs right now and make /etc/fstab settings to mount these partitions there. /etc/fstab is a standard way to mount fs's at startup.
I suppose you don't need no scripts for so pretty common task.
Look at man fstab
Shell script to Mount all ntfs partitions was executing before root file System is mounted, So this caused problem that Bootloader couldn't find Root file system as the drive was mounted Somewhere else.

bash command to force file closure on usb drive

I thought doing a sync in my bash script would force the file to be completely written out. When I looked at the thumb drive, it showed all the files I had copied, but after a power supply failure, the usb drive showed 0 files. Do I have to eject the drive manually or is there something I can do programmatically in my script?
If you want to eject the usb device from your bash script a simple umount on the device should do the trick. For example
mount /dev/usb /mnt/usb
# Your copy operations here... then on success:
umount /mnt/usb
you can also try to use the linux sync instruction that syncronize writing over disk if you're usb key is using a journalized file system

udev: device connected at boot time

I'm using udev to detect USB drive connection and disconnection on my Ubuntu 10.04 LTS x64 server. Everything works fine when USB devices are connected while the machine is running, but if one is already present at boot time, my script does not complete, apparently because mkdir /tmp/blah doesn't work.
If I subsequently type sudo udevadm trigger at the terminal, everything is okay.
I'm assuming that at the point that udev first evaluates connected devices against its rules, the root filesystem has not been mounted.
My questions are therefore:
Have I correctly identified the problem?
Is there a standard way to solve it - i.e. is there an alterative to /tmp/ that I can use both
before and after / has been mounted?
The root filesystem is mounted, but is read-only at the time. /dev/shm (an in-memory filesystem) should be available; newer linux distributions may also have a /run ramdisk. You can also pick a permanent directory somewhere, mount a tmpfs over it in your script, and do your work there.
One solution to this problem is to write a script that's called by your udev rules that immediately detaches, and waits for some event to occur to ensure the system is "booted enough" to create mount points, etc. to mount your devices. The person who answered the following post (http://superuser.com/questions/53978/ubuntu-automatically-mount-external-drives-to-media-label-on-boot-without-a-u) wrote a script that checks if "httpd" is running before continuing on. I'm sure there are probably other "better" ways to do this too.
1- I don't know, even in the initramfs, before the root filesystem is mounted, there is a writable /tmp directory.
True, when the real root is mounted this /tmp will be discarded and the final /tmp will be empty. Are you sure that the mkdir /tmp/blah command is failing? Or do you assume that because it is not there when you look for it?
2- In Ubuntu (I don't know of other distros) you have a hidden directory in /dev/.initramfs for these kind of needs. Since /dev is a tmpfs (or devtmpfs) mountpoint preserved in final root filesystem you will still have it there.
