Change UIBarButton Identifier on runtime - xamarin.ios

i want to change the Identifier of my UIBarButton when the value from my slider has changed. I tried it that way:
var button = new UIBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonSystemItem.Save);
this.Pad_btnClose = null;
this.Pad_btnClose = button;
But it doesnt work. I also tried it that way:
this.Pad_btnClose = new UIBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonSystemItem.Save);
doesn´t work too.

Setting that variable (or outlet, you don't say which) isn't going to remove the UIBarButtonItem from the screen.
In order to do that, you must create an outlet for the UIToolbar, then call:
yourToolbar.Items = new UIBarButtonItem[] { yourNewButtonItem };
Or if you want it to animate:
yourToolbar.SetItems(new UIBarButtonItem[] { yourNewButtonItem }, true);
This will overwrite the list of button items in the toolbar on the screen.


Change the Layout in Jetpack Compose

I want to change the layout, more specifically hide or show the components in the layout based on the user click events.
I have attached a screen recording of the final result.
Create same layout with components and load that layout when user clicks on button. But I know it's the very inefficient way.
you can create a isVisible value and add the layout between an if braces.
val isVisible = remember { mutableState(false) }
if (isVisible) {
Button(onClick = { isVisible.value = true })

Open GI on button click

I have created a button placed on PO line items grid and a new GI. I need to open these GI and automatically pass PO Order number as a parameter to GI.
I have written below code in button event handler. However, it is opening GI inside the inner frame (see screenshot) instead of in the main window.
public PXAction<POOrder> viewFullSODemandGI;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "View Full SO Demand", MapEnableRights = PXCacheRights.Insert, MapViewRights = PXCacheRights.Insert)]
protected virtual IEnumerable ViewFullSODemandGI(PXAdapter adapter)
var poOrderNbr = string.Empty;
foreach (POOrder current in adapter.Get<POOrder>())
poOrderNbr = current.OrderNbr;
var sURL = PXUrl.ToAbsoluteUrl(HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(string.Format("~/?CompanyID=Company&ScreenId=GI000092&POOrderNumber={0}", poOrderNbr.Trim())));
throw new PXRedirectToUrlException(sURL, PXBaseRedirectException.WindowMode.New, false, null);
Please suggest.
I guess the biggest difference between the 2 approaches (one suggested by #Brendan and the other one originally used by #Krunal) is how URL is composed:
#Brendan suggests a relative URL
#Krunal composed an absolute URL
I had exact same result as #Krunal with absolute URLs. However with the relative URL composed by either of code snippets below, the task was successfully achieved:
using GI name (Inquiry Title):
string inqName = "InvoicedItems";
var url = new StringBuilder(PXGenericInqGrph.INQUIRY_URL).Append("?name=").Append(inqName).ToString();
throw new PXRedirectToUrlException(url, PXBaseRedirectException.WindowMode.New, true, null);
using Generic Inquiry ID (Guid of a GI from database):
string inqID = "6b267dbb-0ff2-49b2-b005-355c544daba3";
var url = new StringBuilder(PXGenericInqGrph.INQUIRY_URL).Append("?id=").Append(inqID).ToString();
throw new PXRedirectToUrlException(url, PXBaseRedirectException.WindowMode.New, true, null);
It's also worth checking the PXRedirectToGIRequiredException:
using GI name (Inquiry Title) with a parameter (SalespersonID):
string inqName = "SalespersonSales&SalespersonID=SP0003";
throw new PXRedirectToGIRequiredException(inqName, PXBaseRedirectException.WindowMode.New, true);
using Generic Inquiry ID (Guid of a GI from database):
Guid inqID = Guid.Parse("6b267dbb-0ff2-49b2-b005-355c544daba3");
throw new PXRedirectToGIRequiredException(inqID, PXBaseRedirectException.WindowMode.New, true);
Both samples for the PXRedirectToGIRequiredException can absolutely assign values to GI parameters.
Change your window mode. I think you want to use InlineWindow. Also you can use the url just like this...
throw new PXRedirectToUrlException(
string.Format(#"~/GenericInquiry/GenericInquiry.aspx?ID=47842ccc-aa5d-4840-9d4a-7642cbf34cbe&POOrderNumber={0}", poOrderNbr.Trim()),
Tested and loads in the current window without the menu extras.
I typically call Generic inquiries using the GI's guid "ID" vs screen ID as the screen ID might be different between Acumatica instances. You can get the ID from the export of the GI as the row "DesignID" value in the XML. Replace the ID value i have in the example with your GI DesignID value.

CKEditor 3 Dialog Positioning

I have checked and tried the method posted here to set where CKEditor dialogs pop up:
Programatically set the position of CKEditor's dialogs
This seems to either be deprecated or incomplete. When attempting this for the 'link' dialog, the dialog box does not format correctly, as if this onShow definition replaces the default action rather than adding to it. Any suggestions to alter this code or a new method to position the link dialog closer to the menu bar?
CKEDITOR.on('dialogDefinition', function(e) {
var dialogDefinition =;
dialogDefinition.onShow = function() {
this.move(200, 100);
You're right. Your code is overwriting the basic onShow definition.
What you have to do is simply to save a default (generic) onShow, then overwrite it so it calls the saved one and eventually executes your code:
CKEDITOR.on( 'dialogDefinition', function( event ) {
var dialogDefinition =,
genericOnShow = dialogDefinition.onShow;
dialogDefinition.onShow = function() {
genericOnShow.apply( this );
this.move( 10, 10 );
// ...or anything you want ;)
PS. Remember to always pass the context with apply or call.

Trying to Use LoadMoreElement in Monotouch.Dialog

I am using Monotouch to write an Ipad app. The app uses tables to browse down through a directory tree and then select a file. I have used Monotouch.Dialog to browse the directories and I set up the directory tables as the app starts.However there are too many files to set up in a table as the app starts and so I want to set up the 'file table' as the file is selected from the lowest level directory table. I am trying to use LoadMoreElement to do this but I cannot make it work or find any examples online. I have coded the 'Elements API Walkthrough' in the Xamarin tutorial at:-
I then add a new section to the code:-
_addButton.Clicked += (sender, e) => {
var task = new Task{Name = "task " + n, DueDate = DateTime.Now};
var taskElement = new RootElement (task.Name){
new Section () {
new EntryElement (task.Name,
"Enter task description", task.Description)
new Section () {
new DateElement ("Due Date", task.DueDate)
new Section()
new LoadMoreElement("Passive","Active",
delegate {MyAction();})
_rootElement [0].Add (taskElement);
Where MyAction is:-
public void MyAction()
Console.WriteLine ("we have been actioned");
The problem is that MyAction is triggered and Console.Writeline writes the message but the table stays in the active state and never returns to passive. the documentation says:-
Once your code in the NSAction is finished, the UIActivity indicator stops animating and the normal caption is displayed again.
What am I missing?
You need to set the "Animating" property in the element to false.
Like this:
LoadMoreElement loadMore = null;
loadMore = new LoadMoreElement (
"Passive", "Active",
delegate {loadMore.Animating = false;});
Where did you see any documentation that says that the animation stops when the delegate stops running? If that is documented anywhere, that is wrong.

qooxdoo virtual tree as menu

I have a function, which creates layout with widgets. The problem is what one of the widget is virtual tree (on left side of layout) and the second widget on the right side depends on clicked row on left side. Virtual tree works like menu, which should return value of row name to the right widget and recreate it on right side with provided data. However currently it is not recreating, but adding a new widget to the old one. How to recreate widget on the right side not adding it to the existing one (interface is similar to qooxdoo demobrowser view with tests)?
_createLayout : function()
// Create main layout
var dockLayout = new qx.ui.layout.Dock();
var dockLayoutComposite = new qx.ui.container.Composite(dockLayout);
this.getRoot().add(dockLayoutComposite, {edge:0});
// Create header
this.__header = new bank.view.Header();
dockLayoutComposite.add(this.__header, {edge: "north"});
// Create toolbar
this.__toolBarView = new bank.view.ToolBar(this);
dockLayoutComposite.add(this.__toolBarView, {edge: "north"});
// Create the tree view, which should create dockLayout below, when user clicks with Row value
dockLayoutComposite.add(this.getTreeView(), {edge: "west"});
// This layout should be created and recreated with clicked row value
dockLayoutComposite.add(bank.InvoiceListBuilder.createList("Tree_returned_value"), {edge: "center"});
getTreeView : function()
var hBox = new qx.ui.container.Composite(new qx.ui.layout.HBox(20));
var tree = new qx.ui.treevirtual.TreeVirtual("Tree");
tree.setColumnWidth(0, 170);
var dataModel = tree.getDataModel();
var te2 = dataModel.addBranch(null, "Folders", true);
dataModel.addBranch(te2, "Incoming", false);
dataModel.addBranch(te2, "Outgoing", false);
dataModel.addBranch(te2, "Drafts", false);
var foldercontent = bank.InvoiceListBuilder.createList("incoming");
// this function should return row value to function: bank.InvoiceListBuilder.createList("Tree_returned_value") and create/recreate dockLayout with newly created widget from bank.InvoiceListBuilder.createList function
return hBox;
you are using a old virtual tree implementation (qx.ui.treevirtual.TreeVirtual), I would suggest to use the qx.ui.tree.VirtualTree implementation.
The next step is to use something like a controller for your view, which listen to the selection and creates widgets when the selection changed. The controller should know the container for adding widgets.
When your left side is just a list. You can also use the virtual list (qx.ui.list.List) and use a set of the tree model.
