Change the Layout in Jetpack Compose - android-layout

I want to change the layout, more specifically hide or show the components in the layout based on the user click events.
I have attached a screen recording of the final result.
Create same layout with components and load that layout when user clicks on button. But I know it's the very inefficient way.

you can create a isVisible value and add the layout between an if braces.
val isVisible = remember { mutableState(false) }
if (isVisible) {
Button(onClick = { isVisible.value = true })


Setting scroll position on Kendo Angular Grid

When a grid is in a component at one route and the user navigates away and then comes back, the current kendo grid loses its scroll position and starts at the top.
Anyone know a way to "remember" the scroll position so it can be set on the grid manually?
Not a great solution, but it works for the time being. Here it is.
Inside the component with the grid:
private _scrollPos: number;
#ViewChild("grid", { read: ElementRef }) gridEl: ElementRef;
constructor(private router: Router) { }
ngOnInit(): void { => {
if (e instanceof NavigationStart) {
let gridContent = this.getGridContentElement();
if (gridContent.scrollTop > 0) {
this._scrollPos = gridContent.scrollTop;
else if (e instanceof NavigationEnd) {
if (this._scrollPos > 0) {
let gridContent = this.getGridContentElement();
gridContent.scrollTo({ top: this._scrollPos });
private getGridContentElement(): Element {
let el = this.gridEl.nativeElement as HTMLElement;
let gridContent = el.getElementsByClassName("k-grid-content").item(0);
return gridContent;
This is can done by remembering which row was selected, saving the id of the row, and then setting the grid property [selectedKeys]="id" when the user navigates back.
For example if the data for the grid was based on product data then save last viewed row id (ProductID). When the user navigates back to grid, you can push the ProductID you saved to an array that is bound on the grid. This will make the row selected, to scroll to the row you can use the class k-state-selected and scrollIntoView to scroll the row into view.
This is a basic implementation, but should give you a enough to go on. I created a Stackblitz example so you can see how to implement this. Make sure to configure the grid with kendoGridSelectBy and selectedKeys. The kendoGridSelectBy should match the id that you push to the array. In the example I created it was ProductID.
You can set the Grid skip to the same value it last was. You can check out the persist state examples. The Grids use regular paging, but the same principles apply.

Make Two Views Share Click Feedback in Constraint Layout

I have this situation where I have a constraint layout. Within it lies two views. An ImageView and a TextView. When either of these Views is clicked, I want both to produce a feedback (text color change for textview and drawable tint in imageview) but I can't seem to think of a way to do these unless I put them inside another viewgroup.
Can someone show me how this could be done in constraint Layout? thank you.
Take a look at performClick().
boolean performClick ()
Call this view's OnClickListener, if it is defined. Performs all normal actions associated with clicking: reporting accessibility event, playing a sound, etc.
The idea is that when one view is clicked, your code will call performClick() on the other view. You will have to make sure that you inhibit any duplication of actions if the two views do the same function.
Other than doing this in code, I don't know of a way using just XML. There is the concept of a Group in ConstraintLayout but that just a way to control the visibility of the members of the group and does not extend to other properties.
I would use another enclosing view group unless you have a requirement not to. I just seems easier.
Use Group concept in ConstraintLayout refer: , ,
in java
Group group = findViewById(;
int refIds[] = group.getReferencedIds();
for (int id : refIds) {
findViewById(id).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {
// your code here.
fun Group.setAllOnClickListener(listener: View.OnClickListener?) {
referencedIds.forEach { id ->
Then call the function on the group:
group.setAllOnClickListener(View.OnClickListener {
// your code here.

EXT.Net - Dynamic UserControlLoader with Property

I need a solution to the below scenario. I'm developing an application in ASP.Net with the help of EXT.Net Controls.
In my scenario, I'm creating dynamic tabs (EXT.Net) and loading an User Control dynamically with UserControlLoader component.
How can I pass a parameter to the UserControl dynamically? Below is my sample code.
public void AddNewTab()
getTitle gt = new getTitle();
Ext.Net.Panel panel = new Ext.Net.Panel
Title = gt.Title(),
Closable = false,
Layout = "Fit",
Items = {
new UserControlLoader{
Your help is highly appreciated.
It is a bit unclear what "pass a parameter to a User Control" means, but I think you need to handle the UserControlLoader's OnUserControlAdded and OnComponentAdded events.
The first one fires when a user control is added to a UserControlLoader.
The second one fires for each top level Ext.NET component from a user control.
These events helps to configure a user control and its components as needed.
Here is an example with the OnComponentAdded example.

QML Strings in BlackBerry Cascades

I am trying to build a custom button in newest BlackBerry 10 platform.
The button should change background image when it is clicked and then change it back when it is clicked the second time.
The button logic is fairly simple: once clicked, I check for the type of image currently in the button and change the image source.
I started with a basic QML custom control which looks like this (stripped of labels and other unimportant things):
import bb.cascades 1.0
id: root
layout: DockLayout
function clickMe()
var source = myImage.defaultImageSource.toString();
if (source.endsWith("image.png"))
myImage.defaultImageSource = "asset:///images/image_pushed.png";
myImage.defaultImageSource = "asset:///images/image.png";
id: myImage
defaultImageSource: "asset:///images/image.png"
ImageButton click event is connected to JavaScript function clickMe. The function fires and the URL is logged to console correctly.
The problem is the IF clause, because the image_pushed.png is never set. Why is this the problem and how can I implement this button?
I am looking around for a only QML solution for this problem and I found this information:
the defaultImageSource property is of type QUrl, which does contain
toString() method.
toString() method returns QString, which indeed has function endsWith.
my QML reference:
Within QML QString instances appear to be a normal JavaScript strings. This mapping is done automatically. And Javascript strings don't have a endsWith method. You can use the search method with an regular expression to achieve the same.
if (\.png$/ !== -1) { /* ... */ }
I think you can create more simple way by using property
for example:
id : myControl
property bool state
defaultImageSource : state ? "firstImageAsset.png" : "secondImageAsset.png"
onClick :{
myControl.state = !myControl.state

Change UIBarButton Identifier on runtime

i want to change the Identifier of my UIBarButton when the value from my slider has changed. I tried it that way:
var button = new UIBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonSystemItem.Save);
this.Pad_btnClose = null;
this.Pad_btnClose = button;
But it doesnt work. I also tried it that way:
this.Pad_btnClose = new UIBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonSystemItem.Save);
doesn´t work too.
Setting that variable (or outlet, you don't say which) isn't going to remove the UIBarButtonItem from the screen.
In order to do that, you must create an outlet for the UIToolbar, then call:
yourToolbar.Items = new UIBarButtonItem[] { yourNewButtonItem };
Or if you want it to animate:
yourToolbar.SetItems(new UIBarButtonItem[] { yourNewButtonItem }, true);
This will overwrite the list of button items in the toolbar on the screen.
