perl: thread termination blocked by user input - multithreading

I have made a program which can terminate in 2 ways, either user enters a string say- "kill" or a specific thread signals SIGINT.
In this terminator thread I have a statement(to catch "kill"):
$a = <>;
followed by a 'return;'
I have appropriate signal handler (for INT) too on the top which does:
print "signal received\n";
but in the case of automatic termination(that is SIGINT is sent from other thread), the print stmt doesn't come until I press some key, no matter how long I wait. I suppose <> is blocking.
Could someone please tell how can I provide some sort of input to <> in the auto termination case so as to see the results immediately.

You can't do what you're trying to do, the way you're trying to do it. If a file is being read, and 'pending input' then process goes into an uninterruptible wait state. You basically can't interrupt it via signalling at this point. Uninterruptible waits are a kernel thing and the key point is preventing file corruption.
To do what you're trying to do, you would probably need to make use of something like IO::Select and the can_read function. You can test which filehandles are ready for IO, in a polling loop - this polling loop is interruptible by kill signals.
Alternatively, instead of using a filehandle read, you can use Term::ReadKey which will allow you to trap a keypress in a nonblocking fashion


Does join in perl threads block SIGALRM?

I have a small sample program that hangs on perl 5.16.3. I am attempting to use an alarm to trigger if two threads don't finish working in time in a much more complicated program, but this boils down the gist of it. I know there's plenty of other ways to do this, but for the sake of argument, let's say I'm stuck with the code the way it is. I'm not sure if this is a bug in perl, or something that legitimately shouldn't work.
I have researched this on the Internet, and it seems like mixing alarms and threads is generally discouraged, but I've seen plenty of examples where people claim that this is a perfectly reasonable thing to do, such as this other SO question, Perl threads with alarm. The code provided in the accepted answer on that question also hangs on my system, which is why I'm wondering if maybe this is something that's now broke, at least as of 5.16.3.
It appears that in the code below, if I call join before the alarm goes off, the alarm never triggers. If I replace the join with while(1){} and go into a busy-wait loop, then the alarm goes off just fine, so it appears that join is blocking the SIGALRM for some reason.
My expectation is that the join happens, and then a few seconds later I see "Alarm!" printed on the screen, but this never happens, so long as that join gets called before the alarm goes off.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use threads;
sub worker {
print "Worker thread started.\n";
my $thread = threads->create(\&worker);
print "Setting alarm.\n";
$SIG{ALRM} = sub { print "Alarm!\n" };
alarm 2;
print "Joining.\n";
The problem has nothing to do with threads. Signals are only processed between Perl ops, and join is written in C, so the signal will only be handled when join returns. The following demonstrates this:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use threads;
sub worker {
print "Worker thread started.\n";
for (1..5) {
my $thread = threads->create(\&worker);
print "Setting alarm.\n";
$SIG{ALRM} = sub { print "Alarm!\n" };
alarm 2;
print "Joining.\n";
Setting alarm.
Worker thread started.
join is essentially a call to pthread_join. Unlike other blocking system calls, pthread_join does not get interrupted by signals.
By the way, I renamed $tid to $thread since threads->create returns a thread object, not a thread id.
I'm going to post an answer to my own question to add some detail to ikegami's response above, and summarize our conversation, which should save future visitors from having to read through the huge comment trail it collected.
After discussing things with ikegami, I went and did some more reading on perl signals, consulted some other perl experts, and discovered the exact reason why join isn't being "interrupted" by the interpreter. As ikegami said, signals only get delivered in between perl operations. In perl, this is called Deferred Signals, or Safe Signals.
Deferred Signals were released in 5.8.0, back in 2002, which could be one of the reasons I was seeing older posts on the Net which don't appear to work. They probably worked with "unsafe signals", which act more like signal delivery that we're used to in C. In fact, as of 5.8.1, you can turn off deferred signal delivery by setting the environment variable PERL_SIGNALS=unsafe before executing your script. When I do this, the threads::join call is indeed interrupted as I was expecting, just as pthread_join is interrupted in C in this same scenario.
Unlike other I/O operations, like read, which returns EINTR when a signal interrupts it, threads::join doesn't do this. Under the hood it's a call to the C library call pthread_join, which the man page confirms does not return EINTR. Under deferred signals, when the interpreter gets the SIGALRM, it schedules delivery of the signal, deferring it, until the threads::join->pthread_join library call returns. Since pthread_join doesn't "interrupt" and return EINTR, my SIGALRM is effectively being swallowed by the threads::join. With other I/O operations, they would "interrupt" and return EINTR, giving the perl interpreter a chance to deliver the signal and then restart the system call via SA_RESTART.
Obviously, running in unsafe signals mode is probably a Bad Thing, so as an alternative, according to perlipc, you can use the POSIX module to install a signal handler directly via sigaction. This then makes the one particular signal "unsafe".

Signal handling: printing something and then taking the default behaviour

My requirement is that whenever a program terminates in any way other than its normal completion [i.e. exit() system call at the end], I need to handle it (say, hook a print "Hello" statement) before it actually terminates.
For example, when I hit Ctrl+C while running a program, it should print Hello and continue the way a SIGINT must have been handled.
If I use my custom signal handler function (having a print statement logic) in my source code, it would alter the default behavior i.e. how SIGINT would have ideally terminated.
1) Can anyone help me achieve both of this? What other signals I need to handle explicitly (maybe SIGTERM ?) which can cause termination of a running process?
2) How can I generate/test them ?(say, SIGINT can be generated by hitting Ctrl + C in linux)
there are several signals supported in unix/linux.
Except SIGKILL, SIGSTOP, all others can be interpreted and handled.
process of registering the handler to a particular signumber should be same.
We can use kill command to send signals to other process.
For example: it sends TERM signal to processid 1234
kill -s TERM 1234
The sigaction(2) man page has some useful info. For one thing, every signal but SIGKILL and SIGSTOP can be caught.
In your signal handler, you have two options:
puts(3) and then manually do something (exit() or raise(SIGSTOP) or something).
puts(3) and then try to get the default signal behaviour by setting the handler back to SIG_DFL, and sending the signal to yourself with raise(3). I'm not sure whether you can just sigaction() to restore your signal handler right after raise() from inside that signal handler, and whether that would be portable even if it happens to work on Linux.
List all signals with kill -l
Send a signal with kill -INT 1234, or in the shell you started a background process from: kill -INT %1. Or to avoid copy/pasting a PID every time: pkill -INT process_name (pkill and pgrep are related.)

How to check SDL condition variables is waiting or not?

I am writing a SDL multithread application. My application has some threads that waits for signal by using SDL_CondWait.
When users exit, I want to wake up the threads to let the application exit. However, when I used SDL_CondSignal to signal the conditional variables, the application sometimes got errors.
I guessed that is because at that moment, the condition varialbe isn't waiting.
My question is how to check whether SDL condition variables is waiting ?
struct SDL_cond
SDL_mutex *lock;
int waiting;
int signals;
SDL_sem *wait_sem;
SDL_sem *wait_done;
The waiting struct field holds amount of threads that the are blocked.
Also, if you want to wake up all threads, you should call SDL_CondBroadcast. SDL_CondSignal wakes up only one of the threads.

why is POSIX::SigSet is needed here?

!/usr/bin/env perl
use POSIX;
my $sig_set = POSIX::SigSet->new(POSIX::SIGINT);
my $sig_act = POSIX::SigAction->new(sub { print "called\n"; exit 0 },$sig_set);
Why do I need to use POSIX::SigSet if I already tell POSIX::sigaction that I want SIGINT?
Basically I'm trying to respond with my coderef to each of the signal I add to SigSet, looking at POSIX::sigaction signature, it must accept a singal as the first parametner, which doesnt seems reasonable to be if I already tell POSIX::SigAction about my POSIX::SigSet.
I'm sure I am missing something here.
The answer to your question
The POSIX::SigSet specifies additional signals to mask off (to ignore) during the execution of your signal handler sub. It corresponds to the sa_mask member of the underlying struct passed to the C version of sigaction.
Now, SIGINT (well, the first argument to sigaction) will be masked off by default, unless you explicitly request otherwise via the SA_NODEFER.
A better approach?
However, if all you want to do it to register a signal handler whose execution won't be interrupted by the signal for which it was registered (e.g., don't allow SIGINT during your SIGINT handler), you can skip the POSIX module entirely:
$SIG{INT} = sub { print "called\n"; exit 0; }; # Won't be interrupted by SIGINT
Where it can, Perl's signal dispatching emulates the traditional UNIX semantics of blocking a signal during its handler execution. (And on Linux, it certainly can. sigprocmask() is called before executing the handler, and then a scope-guard function is registered to re-allow that signal at the end of the user-supplied sub.)

flock locking order?

im using a simple test script from
like this
$fp = fopen("foo.txt", "w");
if (flock($fp, LOCK_EX)) {
print "Got lock!\n";
flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
i opened 5 shell's and executed the script one after the other
the scripts block until the lock is free'ed and then continues after released
im not really interessted in php stuff, but my question is:
anyone knows the order in which flock() is acquired?
t0: process 1 lock's
t1: process 2 try_lock < blocking
t2: process 3 try_lock < blocking
t3: process 1 releases lock
t4: ?? which process get's the lock?
is there a simple deterministic order, like a queue or does the kernel 'just' pick one by "more advanced rules"?
If there are multiple processes waiting for an exclusive lock, it's not specified which one succeeds in acquiring it first. Don't rely on any particular ordering.
Having said that, the current kernel code wakes them in the order they blocked. This comment is in fs/locks.c:
/* Insert waiter into blocker's block list.
* We use a circular list so that processes can be easily woken up in
* the order they blocked. The documentation doesn't require this but
* it seems like the reasonable thing to do.
If you want to have a set of processes run in order, don't use flock(). Use SysV semaphores (semget() / semop()).
Create a semaphore set that contains one semaphore for each process after the first, and initialise them all to -1. For every process after the first, do a semop() on that process's semaphore with a sem_op value of zero - this will block it. After the first process is complete, it should do a semop() on the second process's semaphore with a sem_op value of 1 - this will wake the second process. After the second process is complete, it should do a semop() on the third process's semaphore with a sem_op value of 1, and so on.
