Deploy to Azure using Storage Account created in new portal - azure

I want to deploy cloud service to Azure, but when deploying must select Storage Account(tried both in new portal and in Visual Studio 2015). My storage account was created using new portal "Storage accounts" and was assigned to some Resource group, as a result I can't choose it when deploying. Any suggestions how to deploy?

One possible reason is that the storage account created by the new portal was likely created under the resource manager deployment model, while the cloud service is still under the classic deployment model. These don't play well together. You can read a little more at I don't think that a cloud service can use a resource manager storage account for deployment.
In the new portal look at the All Resources blade. If the storage account has a green icon it is a resource manager account. If the storage account has a blue icon it's a classic account.
Create a new storage account as a classic account, either by creating it in the older portal or by using the drop down in the new portal before you click create on the blade that talks about the storage accounts (the before you provide the account name, etc.). Once you do this then I think the account show show up as an option for your cloud service to deploy with.
Also note that if the storage account was created just prior to trying to select it, it might take a minute or two to become visible as an option.


Need help creating a Azure Bot service

Click Create new resource link found on the upper left-hand corner of the Azure portal, then select AI + Machine Learning > Web App bot. After filling all the details, I get an error message stating 'the service id is not available' and the create button disappears.
Sign out and re-login to the Azure portal and then re-try the operation has mentioned in the below article
Make sure you have enough amount in your Azure subscription (or) your subscription is Active.Like(changing "consumption plan" to "app service plan.)
However Azure Portal is a simple GUI to create any resources easily. But it doesn't mean to stop you from using other ways like Azure CLI, Powershell, ARM templates, Other SDK's
Azure CLI to create a WebApp Bot
Dot Net SDK to create a WebApp Bot
Node.js SDK to create a webApp Bot
Additional information: After you've registered your client with Azure, you need to create the Web App. Be sure to use the following in the body:kind "webapp"
location Geographic location used to create the bot service resources. For example, eastus, westus, westus2, and so on.
You won't be able to test this due to Azure subscription limitations.
This error is because the service name has already been assigned within Azure. That name must be unique across all Azure services, not only the ones in your group or resource groups. This is a common error new comers may experience.

Azure ML Studio workspace from 3rd party does not show up in workspace list on

I have had a few azure ml workspaces though my own Azure account for a while. Recently I was added as "Contributor" to a new Azure workspace as Contributor. In Azure Portal I can see it clearly and have access to it. When going to It does not show up in the list of workspaces of the correct region, nor in any other region.
In Azure Portal I have to change "Directory" (top right account menu) to the 3rd party directory to see it.
Is there a way to do that in ? Or is there something else that might be wrong?
access to the workspace is controlled by the workspace owner from the settings page inside of the Azure ML workspace. the owners/contributors etc. listed in Azure portal does NOT grant you access to the workspace.

Migrating blobs from Classic subscription to v6 subscription

I wantd to know whether there is a way to migrate the storage blobs from Classic subscription to V6 subscription on Azure as we can do for the VMs.
Thank you.
Do you mean you want to move classic azure storage to a new subscription as an ARM resource? At currently, Azure storage services is supported to move to a new resources or a new subscription. We could find this information at this article. In that article, we could find that there will be some limitations for moving classic deployment to a new subscription. Here is a snippet of that article:
All classic resources in the subscription must be moved in the same
The target subscription must not contain any other classic
The move can only be requested through a separate REST API for
classic moves. The standard Resource Manager move commands do not work when moving classic resources to a new subscription.
It also provide detailed steps about how to move Classic Compute to a new subscription. If you want to move classic storage. Please try to use "ClassicStorage" instead of "ClassicCompute"
We could find the provider in Azure resource portal. for example. I want to move "jaml" to a new subscription. I search "jaml" in Azure resource portal. then I will find below information:

Azure cloud service deployment issue with pay as you go subscription - cloud services are not available in this subscription

I am having an issue while deploying an Azure web role to a cloud service. It shows me the error
Cloud services are not available in this subscription.
I am using a pay as you go subscription on Azure. I don't know if there is any limitation with this subscription for cloud service deployment or not.
Updated version of JerryGoyal's solution.
Cloud Service Management will have to be done using the new Azure Portal, because Cloud Service Management in the old portal will be disabled as of 11/15/2017.
Log into the new Azure Portal.
Go to the Subscriptions View.
Set your account as a Co-Admin. Microsoft Documentation.
I think the issue you're running into is that the Cloud Service Publish Wizard in VS only supports subscriptions in which you are an admin or co-admin granted via via the old portal ( If you've been given access via RBAC or the new portal, then VS will not see the resources under those subscriptions.
To work around it, you can build the package using msbuild.exe and then upload it via the portal.
That help?
Cloud services are not available in this subscription
The error is caused because the Cloud Services still use the old deployment model that is based on Azure Service Management (ASM).
To deploy an ASM based component to Azure you need to be ‘co-admin’ for the subscription.
Right now you are ‘Owner’ on the new portal but this role only has impact on the new ARM based resources.
So, just ask your subscription admin to login to the old portal ( and make you co-administrator:
Login to the old portal
Click on Settings –> Administrators
Click on the Add button at the bottom
Enter the co-admin email address and click on the OK button.
After this reload your Visual Studio and the problem will be solved.

Azure performance between storage accounts

My Web Role is on StorageAccount1 and my Azure Storage Table on StorageAccountB.
My Web Role performs operations (inserts, updates, queries) on the Storage Table.
Both of these Storage Accounts are in the SAME Affinity Group.
Will performance be better if my Web Role and Storage Table are in the same Storage Account?
You are probably confused by the "Publish" window in Visual Studio. The "Publish" window allows you to choose some info on how your application is deployed, like the Cloud Service but also the Storage Account. When you choose a storage account it doesn't mean your application will be stored in that storage account, it only means that the service package (the package which contains your application) will be uploaded there. Once the package is uploaded the Fabric Controller will take it and deploy it to your Cloud Service.
Besides that it's still a good idea to deploy your Cloud Service (Web Role) in the same affinity group as your Storage Account. By choosing the same affinity group Windows Azure will try to physically group your Cloud Services and Storage Accounts to minimize the network overhead.
