Broken image in richtext field - lotus-notes

In my app I have a richtext field in which I display text and I want to display images too. The images are being displayed perfectly on my local PC, I also have a test server installed on my local PC and that works too.
But when I create a document on the production server, the image is not displayed. Firefox hides it completely and Chrome shows broken image link.
This is the created url on local machine:
This is the url on the server:
I appreciate the help :)

Is your image available for anonymous users? Can it be that the access to the file is the problem?

Ok I finally have sorted this out. It has something to do with the caching or whatnot. If you open the document in the browser right after saving it in Notes, it acts like the image is not actually uploaded. So I refreshed the page after 1-2 minutes and the image is there.


rehost an image to local server - chrome extension

It is possible to rehost an image to local server (for example I using mysql database and wamp server) when user clicking a menu that appear while they do right click ?
I solved my problem with creating my own upload.php that convert the image to BLOB.
I'm sorry i can't explain the detail, I'm not fluent in english. :D

Browser doesn't remember file path when doing multiple uploads

I allow multiple images to be uploaded to my site. They click "Choose Image" and then are presented with a dialog they can use to select an image from their disk. The image gets uploaded and then they can choose another. However, the next time that they click "Choose Image", they have to re-navigate to their images folder. This makes it not much fun to upload many images.
I am currently using Uploadify, but the user says that the same problem occurs when uploading sample images using the Plupload demo page.
The user is using Windows 7 and IE9. I am also using Windows 7 and IE9 and am not experiencing the issue. I have full admin rights with UAC turned off, so maybe that has something to do with it?
Any ideas? Thanks!
Interesting. I found a post on the Microsoft Answers site that seems to suggest adding the site to your trusted sites fixes the problem (for that site)
Internet Options > Security > Trusted Sites
Running Win7 and IE9, I got the same behavior from the Uploadify demo. Adding uploadify to my trusted sites, closing the window and re-opening solved it.

Website renders differently on server vs locally

I'm having a very bizarre issue. I have been building a website locally on my linux box and all was well until I uploaded the site files to a place where i have some hosted space. Everything renders exactly the same except one element in my footer which i think is affecting some jquery animation i am using. I thought maybe I was missing files or hadn't uploaded the latest versions of everything, so I deleted the server directory and re-uploaded everything exactly as is from my local copy. And yet, the problem remains. I'm not sure how this is happening. Has anyone seen this before, or does anyone have an idea what could cause this? I'm baffled! Thanks everyone!!! I am attaching screen shots.
Seems to be a cache problem. Try to force a refresh with F5 or CTRL+F5.
Try clear your cache in your browser settings.
If that don't work, use Firebug (an Firefox browser addon) to check actual css at your footer. This will show the problem.
BTW: don't use spaces in your URL if you can. Don't use spaces in your filenames/folders.

Browsing to PDF causes the PDF to be downloaded instead of displayed

I have two servers with virtually identical setups (the second that is working has been around longer than the other). For my newer server when I just put an address to a PDF in the browser it launches a download dialog. If I put the same address (just changing the server name) in the browser to my older server it displays in the browser just fine. There is no difference between the files themselves. The issue is I want to display these pdfs in an iframe on a page and the same thing is happening with the iframe (the new server launches a download instead of the pdf just showing in the frame).
Any ideas would be most appreciated!
Once I started looking into SP 2010 as being the cause I found that there is a default setting for all new 2010 sites that causes this issue. The following blog post had the most complete information on the subject:
Please indicate web server your are using
Initial suggestion may be this has to do with MIME-TYPE setup

Download images for google chrome extension

i'm trying to build a batch image downloader in chrome. Basically, i will overlay a small download square to each image on the page and user clicks on it to download. Or the user can click to download all images on a page. I'm currently stuck on figuring out how to download the images. The best i can come up with is to use XHR to send the image to another server, the user can then retrieve it there.
If anyone have a solution for me. It would be much appreciated!
I believe you can XHR the images and using the File API you can store them locally.
Take a look at the following site there are additional resources on the right column that has detailed examples and tutorials. Such as
Mohamed Mansour
This code will do the trick for you:
It's very simple usage of a 'feature' in chrome when you open an image in a new tab.
