Browser doesn't remember file path when doing multiple uploads - browser

I allow multiple images to be uploaded to my site. They click "Choose Image" and then are presented with a dialog they can use to select an image from their disk. The image gets uploaded and then they can choose another. However, the next time that they click "Choose Image", they have to re-navigate to their images folder. This makes it not much fun to upload many images.
I am currently using Uploadify, but the user says that the same problem occurs when uploading sample images using the Plupload demo page.
The user is using Windows 7 and IE9. I am also using Windows 7 and IE9 and am not experiencing the issue. I have full admin rights with UAC turned off, so maybe that has something to do with it?
Any ideas? Thanks!

Interesting. I found a post on the Microsoft Answers site that seems to suggest adding the site to your trusted sites fixes the problem (for that site)
Internet Options > Security > Trusted Sites
Running Win7 and IE9, I got the same behavior from the Uploadify demo. Adding uploadify to my trusted sites, closing the window and re-opening solved it.


Having problems to load images in Opera Browser(login popup)

I think this should be releated to IIS settings but don't know exactly what it is.
As you can see below, this login message pops up for each images, 8 images 8 times in Opera.
And the major browsers react to this page different.
IE9 works good(this is the reason why I found this problem now. It's internal site and almost every users use IE...)
Chrome(17.0.963.56 m) works good.
Safari(5.1.2) is also good.
Opera 11.61 has a problem like I said...
And FF SHOWS NO IMAGES and don't even ask for login. And Firebug says it's "NetworkError: 404 Not Found!".
I don't know what's going on.
This site requires to login and it's internal, so I can't give you the link. Sorry for the inconvenient.
And this site is running on Windows Server 2003. And the image containing folder is shared for web(I don't know why it's shared. But don't want to change the setting). I don't know this may cause this situation.
If Opera opens a user name/password dialog, the site is probably sending a WWW-Authenticate header in response to those image requests. You can open Opera's developer tools ("Tools > Advanced > Opera Dragonfly" or right-click in page and select "Inspect element") and use the network feature to inspect the full headers.
I don't know how you can disable this header if it is sent, it depends on the server settings and what type of server you're running, and I'm not at all familiar with Windows Server 2003.

Browsing to PDF causes the PDF to be downloaded instead of displayed

I have two servers with virtually identical setups (the second that is working has been around longer than the other). For my newer server when I just put an address to a PDF in the browser it launches a download dialog. If I put the same address (just changing the server name) in the browser to my older server it displays in the browser just fine. There is no difference between the files themselves. The issue is I want to display these pdfs in an iframe on a page and the same thing is happening with the iframe (the new server launches a download instead of the pdf just showing in the frame).
Any ideas would be most appreciated!
Once I started looking into SP 2010 as being the cause I found that there is a default setting for all new 2010 sites that causes this issue. The following blog post had the most complete information on the subject:
Please indicate web server your are using
Initial suggestion may be this has to do with MIME-TYPE setup

Dreamweaver CS4 - How do you preview in Browser?

I'm new to Dreamweaver CS4 and making my first website. I've watched a lot of tutorials and they all just click the Preview in Browser button and they can see what their page looks like in Firefox/IE/etc.
But when I click Preview in Browser a new Firefox window opens up and it goes to my homepage and that's it.
What do I need to setup in order be able to preview in firefox?
I don't use Dreamweaver, although I have it as part of CS4. But I just now opened up the app, created a test HTML page, saved it, and hit F12 (Preview in Browser). And there was my test page. I honestly don't know what you could be doing wrong. I thought it might be that you didn't save your file, but you get a warning dialog if you try to preview without doing that.
After some playing around I fixed the problem myself.
First I had to go to manage site and edit the basic preferences on my website.
I had to make sure the 'URL to browse to the root of your site" is valid.
In my case it I had to add:

Sharepoint Services 3.0 CSS not working

Sometimes the style sheet disappears when naviguating on our WSS 3.0 sites (white background on the site, no colors, no formatting, etc.). This has mainly happened with IE6 (corporate browser for the majority of our computers). The fixes were :
clean up temporary internet files
if it still doesn't work, upgrade to IE 7
However, this time, the upgrade to IE 7 hasn't worked, the style sheet isn't applied. When we clean up temporary internet files, things go back to normal, but after a while the css disappears again.
Here are a few ideas on what you could try:
Fiddler should be able to tell you if there is a network problem.
Check the HTML for anything unusual. Is it malformed in any way? Can you save a copy and run it through an online validator (although this is limited in use as SharePoint's default markup isn't compliant).
If some users are having the issues but others aren't, check their permissions on the server.
You could also try using the SharePoint "Log in as another user" feature to see if the problem can be reproduced on your machine when logged in as them. You may also want to try running Internet Explorer as that user.
Check the Event Viewer on both client and server for anything unusual.
Check the IIS logs on the server for any errors.
Check the SharePoint ULS logs on the server in the "12 Hive" for errors that might be related to this problem.
Try running Process Monitor on the client and reproduce the problem. Search for keywords such as FAIL or ERROR to see if anything appears. Make a note of the time the problem occurs and see if the Process Monitor logs give any additional information.
Is there some javascript that's involved as well? Could it be a virus scanner that is set way to strict? As you pointed out in one of the comments, the CSS isn't even being requested (at IIS log level, which is as basic as you get, not even in SHarePoint yet), so it HAS to be something on the client PC.

File upload/download problems using Internet Explorer to a Sharepoint site

A cheeseburger to the first person who can help me make sense of this. I have a page in a Sharepoint app that uses Telerik's RadUpload to upload files. This has worked for months; last week it stopped working (in Internet Explorer, this detail is important). After talking with a co-worker about the problem, I tried the upload with Firefox; it worked. Not only that, all subsequent uploads from Internet Explorer started working. Flash forward an hour, and the aforementioned coworker, on another Sharepoint site, running on different servers, was having problems downloading (using Internet Explorer). Being half serious, half smart-aleck, I said 'try it in Firefox'. Not only did that work, ALL SUBSEQUENT DOWNLOADS IN INTERNET EXPLORER WORKED! And he re-produced this behavior on another machine. My fear is that this a browser issue. All advice will be greatly appreciated.
IE will try and present credentials to a server it knows to be in its Local Intranet zone when it tries to connect (depending on the setting of "Automatic logon only in Intranet zone").
Firefox will only present credentials when prompted, and will generally ask you by popping up a box (unless you've configured a list of sites for it to always present NTLM credentials to).
I've seen a similar case with Sharepoint where you can cause IE to work by logging in with Firefox. I theorized it was due to a permission on a remote resource being for "Authenticated Users", and you're causing your user to authenticate by logging in forcefully. We eventually set the "Automatic logon only in Intranet zone" to "Prompt" and it worked. My theory there was that it wasn't detecting the site as being in the Local Intranet zone for some reason. If you're not accessing a domain with no .'s in it, try also setting your Local Intranet site policy to match the full domain of the Sharepoint server, not just * - I've read that that can help.
Was it as simple as IE not re-downloading miss-cached .js file, maybe, that firefox did download, making IE work after that?
Pretty gnarly to debug.
