Custom field name mapping in expressionengine - expressionengine

I am making some changes to a site using ExpressionEngine, there is a concept I can't seem to quite understand and am probably coding workarounds that have pre-provided methods.
Specifically with channels and members, the original creator has added several custom fields. I am from a traditional database background where each column in a table has a specific meaningful name. I am also used to extending proprietary data by adding a related table joined with a unique key, again, field names in the related table are meaningful.
However, in EE, when you add custom fields, it creates them in the table as field_id_x and puts an entry into another table telling you what these are.
Now this is all nice from a UI point of view for giving power to an administrator but this is a total headache when writing any code.
Ok, there's template tags but I tend not to use them and they are no good in a database query anyway.
Is there a simple way to do a query on say the members table and then address m_field_1 as what its really called - in my case "addresslonglat".
There are dozens of these fields in the table I am working on and at the moment I am addressing them with fixed names like "m_field_id_73" which means nothing.
Anybody know of an easy way to bring the data and its field names together easily?
Ideally i'd like to do the following:
$result = $this->EE->db->query("select * from exp_member_data where member_id = 123")->row();
echo $result->addresslonglat;
Rather than
echo $result->m_field_id_73;

This should work for you:
$fields = $data = array();
$member_fields = $this->EE->db->query("SELECT m_field_id, m_field_name FROM exp_member_fields");
foreach($member_fields->result_array() as $row)
$fields['m_field_id_'.$row['m_field_id']] = $row['m_field_name'];
$member_data = $this->EE->db->query("SELECT * FROM exp_member_data WHERE member_id = 1")->row();
foreach($member_data as $k => $v)
if($k != 'member_id')
$data[$fields[$k]] = $v;
Then just use your new $data array.


Modx TV multi select list not saving values

I have a TV multi select list type that is evaluating a snippet:
#EVAL return $modx->runSnippet('getFeaturedResourceTree');
Evaluating this snippett:
$output = array();
$context = $modx->resource->get('context_key');
$sql = "select * from modx_site_content where context_key = '$context' order by `pagetitle`;";
$results = $modx->query($sql);
foreach($results as $result){
$output[] = $result['pagetitle'].'=='.$result['id'];
$output = implode('||', $output);
echo $output;
This does work in the manager, I can select and pick multiple resources in the list. However, when I save the TV, nothing is actuially saved. the TV values are not present in the database and when I reload the resource, the TV field is blank.
what could the problem be here?
I'm fairly certain you can accomplish what you're trying to do with an #SELECT binding rather than #EVAL. This has 2 potential benefits:
#EVAL is Evil, LOL. Not all the time, mind you—there are certainly legitimate uses of #EVAL but I've personally always tried very hard to find an alternative, whenever I've considered using #EVAL.
The method I'm about to show you has worked for me in the past, so I'm speculating it will work for you.
#SELECT pagetitle, id FROM modx_site_content WHERE context_key = 'web' ORDER BY `pagetitle`
If you're using #EVAL because you have multiple contexts and you want the context of the Resource currently being edited, then you could use your Snippet, but I would try:
Rather than echo-ing your output, return it.
Call the snippet in a Chunk, and render the Chunk on a test page to ensure it has the output you want, formatted for the TV Input Options exactly the way it should be.
If the Chunk output passes the test, call it into the TV Input Options field with the #CHUNK binding.
One more note: I can't remember if the current Resource is available in the TV as $modx->resource or $resource, but that might be something you want to double check.

Filter resources by template variable value with MODx Wayfinder

I have a site that uses Wayfinder to display the latest 3 entries from an Articles blog. Now, I want to only consider those blog entries that are tagged Highlights.
My original Wayfinder call looks like this, nothing spectacular:
[[!Wayfinder? &startId=`296` &level=`1`
as Articles tags are managed via the articlestags TV, I thought that a &where might do the trick, but with no luck yet:
does not yield anything. As a sanity check, I tried [{"pagetitle:LIKE":"%something%"}], which worked. Obviously, the problem is that articlestags is not a column of modx_site_content, but I'm not sure about how to put the subquery.
SELECT contentid
FROM modx_site_tmplvar_contentvalues
WHERE tmplvarid=17
AND value LIKE '%Highlights%'
Gave me the right IDs on the sql prompt, but adding it to the Wayfinder call like this gave an empty result again:
&where=`["id IN (SELECT contentid FROM modx_site_tmplvar_contentvalues WHERE tmplvarid=17 AND value LIKE '%Highlights%')"]`
Any ideas on how to achieve this? I'd like to stay with Wayfinder for consistency, but other solutions are welcome as well.
You can just use pdomenu (part of pdoTools) instead Wayfinder
Take a peek at some of the config files [core/components/wayfinder/configs ] - I have not tried it, but it looks as if you can run your select query right in the config & pass the tmplvarid array to the $where variable.
A little playing around led me to a solution: I needed to include the class name (not table name) when referring to the ID:
&where=`[" IN (SELECT contentid FROM modx_site_tmplvar_contentvalues WHERE tmplvarid=17 AND value LIKE '%Highlights%')"]`
a small test showed that even a simple
&where=`["id = 123"]`
does not work without modResource..
A look at wayfinder.class.php shows the following line, which seems to be the "culprit":
This method aliases the selected columns - relevant code is in xpdoobject.class.php. The first parameter is the class name, the second a table alias. The effect is that the query selects id AS, and so on.
EDIT: final version of my query:
&where=`[" IN (
SELECT val.contentid
FROM modx_site_tmplvars AS tv
JOIN modx_site_tmplvar_contentvalues AS val
ON = val.tmplvarid
WHERE = 'articlestags' AND (
val.value = 'Highlights'
OR val.value LIKE 'Highlights,%'
OR val.value LIKE '%,Highlights'
OR val.value LIKE '%,Highlights,%'
I don't claim this query is particularly efficient (I seem to recall that OR conditions are bad). Also, MODx won't work with this one if the newlines aren't stripped out. Still, I prefer to publish the query in its well-formatted form.
I used snippet as a parameter for the includeDocs of wayfinder, In my case it was useful because I was need different resources in menu depend on user browser (mobile or desktop)
and then menu_docs snippet
if (empty ($startId))
if (!isMobileDevice())
$query = $modx->newQuery('modResource');
'TemplateVarResources.tmplvarid' => 3,
'TemplateVarResources.value:LIKE' => 'yes',
'modResource.parent' => $startId,
'modResource.deleted' => 0,
'modResource.published' => 1,
'modResource.hidemenu' => 0
$resources = $modx->getCollection('modResource', $query);
$ouput = array();
foreach ($resources as $resource)
$output[] = $resource->get('id');
return implode (',', $output);

Can't set Orchard field values unless item already created

I seem to be having a problem with assigning values to fields of a content item with a custom content part and the values not persisting.
I have to create the content item (OrchardServices.ContentManager.Create) first before calling the following code which modifies a field value:
var fields = contentItem.As<MyPart>().Fields;
var imageField = fields.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Name.Equals("Image"));
if (imageField != null)
((MediaLibraryPickerField)imageField).Ids = new int[] { imageId };
The above code works perfectly when against an item that already exists, but the imageId value is lost if this is done before creating it.
Please note, this is not exclusive to MediaLibraryPickerFields.
I noticed that other people have reported this aswell:
Is it simply the case that an item must be created prior to amending it's value field?
This would be a shame, as I'm assigning this fields as part of a large import process and would inhibit performance to create it and then modify the item only to update it again.
As the comments on this issue explain, you do need to call Create. I'm not sure I understand why you think that is an issue however.

Yii Lazy Loading From Object Instance ($this) with Criteria (Is it possible?)

I'm new to Yii and used to Kohana. I have two models:
1. sampleRequests -> (this has many SampleShares)
2. sampleShares
In my case I have already instantiated an object (sampleRequest) and I am trying to get a particular sampleShares based on added criteria.
In Kohana I could do:
$myShare = $this->sampleShares->where('user_id','=',$my_user_id)->find();
It Yii I have tried something similar:
$myShare = $this->sampleShares->find(array(
The previous does not work for me however, the following will work:
$myShare = SampleShare::model()->find(array(
'condition'=>'sample_id=:id AND user_id=:user_id',
'params'=>array(':id'=>$this->id, ':user_id'=>Yii::app()->user->id)));
So my question is, can you grab related models with appended select criteria to the relationships established in Yii (particular with the instance or $this)? (Similar to my Koahana example?) If so how do you do that?
$myShare = SampleShare::model()->findAll(array('condition'=>'sample_id='.$id.' AND user_id='.$user_id));
and relation query example
$myShare = SampleShare::model()->with('sampleRequests')->findAll(array('condition'=>'sample_id='.$id.' AND user_id='.$user_id));
you can find the realtion name in your model file...
And then you can get the related table records using $myShare->sampleRequests
you can set relationship between the tables in your model file, like this:
public function relations()
return array(
'category' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'CategoryCategory', 'category_id'),
how to use:
$model=Blog::model()->with('category')->findAll(); //object
Nevermind I figured it out. I just had to replace:

Dynamic data structures in C#

I have data in a database, and my code is accessing it using LINQ to Entities.
I am writing some software where I need to be able to create a dynamic script. Clients may write the scripts, but it is more likely that they will just modify them. The script will specify stuff like this,
Dataset data = GetDataset("table_name", "field = '1'");
if (data.Read())
string field = data["field"];
while (cway.Read())
// do some other stuff
So that script above is going to read data from the database table called 'table_name' in the database into a list of some kind based on the filter I have specified 'field='1''. It is going to be reading particular fields and performing normal comparisons and calculations.
The most important thing is that this has to be dynamic. I can specify any table in our database, any filter and I then must be able to access any field.
I am using a script engine that means the script I am writing has to be written in C#. Datasets are outdated and I would rather keep away from them.
Just to re-iterate I am not really wanting to keep with the above format, and I can define any method I want to behind the scenes for my C# script to call. The above could end up like this for instance,
var data = GetData("table_name", "field = '1'");
while (data.ReadNext())
var value = data.DynamicField;
Can I use reflection for instance, but perhaps that would be too slow? Any ideas?
If you want to read dynamically a DataReader context, it's a pretty easy step:
ArrayList al = new ArrayList();
SqlDataReader dataReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader();
if (dataReader.HasRows)
while (dataReader.Read())
string[] fields = new string[datareader.FieldCount];
for (int i =0; i < datareader.FieldCount; ++i)
fields[i] = dataReader[i].ToString() ;
This will return an array list composed by a dynamic object based on the number of field the reader has.
